chapter 6

Ryn's pov

Sam insisted we stay with him since our house is trashy. And basically looks like Hurricane Katrina came to California and only damaged only the inside of our house, but mom paid men to come and fix it. I like the fact Sam was being kind to us. Especially me. I've treated Sam like a bitch, and no matter how many times I act like a bitch, Sam always forgives me. Why?

"Sam?" I say. He looks up from his phone to me. "Can I talk to you?" I ask. He nods and pats a seat next to him.

"Why are you helping me?" He gives me a confused look.

"What do you mean?" He says slowly. I crossed my arms and raise my eyebrow.

"Don't act dumb. you know what I mean." I state. Sam still has the look of a lost puppy on his face. And he's still confused as hell.

"Come on Sam. It's not even a hard question. All I'm asking is why are you helping me? You have every right to help Ava and mom, but why me?" Sam gets that ah ha look on his face.

"I'm helping you cause that is what my mom would have done. You see, my mom was a every wise person. She was also very caring for the people who needed to needed help." He explains. I feel a sudden guilt for him. I've been a douche, he don't have a mother, and he's having to deal with my family's lame sob story.

"I mean thanks for the offer, but our family doesn't need help." I comment. Sam flashes me a look. Then the look fades into a smile.

"It's what my mom would have done. Now, I'm taking her place. So, basically even if you don't want me to help you, I'm gonna help you." I smile at how he's like no matter what you do I'm gonna help you.

"Sam, I really want to say sorry, again for-"

"Being a bitch. Yeah, I know Ryn you've told me a thousand times, and I've said it's okay a thousand times."

"I know, I know. But, I feel like just apologizing a few times doesn't make it any better." Sam smiles and takes my hands, and I start to get butterflies.

"Trust me, Ryn, it does." He says looking into my eyes. He looks down and traces my infinity tattoo on my wrist, then looks back up into my eyes.

"You don't have to apologize every time you say something offense." He explains. I smile, then he soon begins to smile.

"But, sometimes I don't mean it. Every hurt thing I've said to you I haven't meant." I say. I put my hand on his cheek and rub my thumb against his cheekbone.

"If you don't mean it, I should be able to figure that out." He said in a low voice. Ours met and we stared into each others eyes for what seemed like forever. And in the moment it felt like everything was safe. Like nothing in the world was wrong. It was just Sam and I and that was it. Sam began to lean in, but being the baby that I am, I backed out.

"I should really go check on my mom." I say in a low voice. Sam nods and clears hid throat.

"Yeah, I suppose so." Sam stated. He sounded disappointed. I honestly felt bad myself. The guy has been helping us ever since dad went to jail. And I can't even get the guts to kiss him. But, we've only known each other for a few days. He can't learn to like me that quickly. Can he?

I walk in to the room where Ava was lying on the bed and mom was asleep. I leaned on the door frame and looked at them for a second 'til Ava noticed me.

"Oh, hey." She spoke. She sat up on the bed that revealed her other bruises from dad.

"Hey, I'm sorry he did that to you." Ava smiles and shakes her head.

"You're not the one that has to sorry. It should be dad. And like Sam said, you don't have to apologize so much." I kind of freeze from her word. Please tell me she didn't hear the conversation between Sam and I. Not that it was bad. It's just that, we almost kissed and I wimped out. She needed to thing I'm like a ninja bad ass or something.

"You heard the conversation between Sam and me?" I say as I point to myself. Ava makes an iffy face and nods her head.

"I heard most of it. By the way you dress, I'd think you'd be some sort of hardcore chic. But, you backed out of a kiss....from him." I began to smile regret what I had done. "I'm just saying, if you don't take him, I volunteer as tribute." Ava says with a smile. I laugh.

"Okay okay, I will. Nextime." Ava got the biggest smile on her. I felt like even though we both thought he was cute, I felt like Ava shipped us....Ram or Syn.....I'm terrible and ship names. God dammit.

I walk back in the room with Sam and he's in the kitchen makes him some food. I lean on the wall and smile at him. He turns around and sees me smiling.

"What?" He says while smiling back at me.

"Nothing." I shurg. Sam starts to walk toward me with his hands in his pockets.

"Well, you have to be smiling for some reason." He says as he bite his lip. Oh God bless America. Save me.

"Some people smile just to smile." I state as I give him a little push. He falls back a little and catches hmself.

"So, were you smiling just to smile?" He asked while smiling. I nod.

"Well, you should smiling a whole lot more." He pokes my nose and we both laugh.

"And why is that?" I ask. He stays quiet for a second and bites his lip again. What is up with this boy and his lip?

"Because you're beautiful when you smile." I laugh.

"Is that so?" Sam laughs and comes toward me.

"Yeah it really is." I smile. I give Sam a hug and I could feel him getting nervous. I laugh a little at him not knowing what to do. Sam soon hugs back.

"I've said sorry so many times, that I haven't thank you enough." Sam his hands on cheeks and smiles.

"All I need is one, and that's enough for me." Sam states. At this time my heart feels warm. No amount of thank yous can thank him enough for what he did.

"Well, one thank you doesn't suite me. If you didn't want to hear my thank yous, then you should have never helped me." I place my hands in my pockets and shurg. Sam rolls his eyes. Then, suprisingly put his hands on my waist and I raise an eyebrow. Sam laughs.

"Trust me, I'd rather hear your elndless thank yous, than not hear anything from you at all." At this point I can't help but blush, so I look down.

"Awe, your blushing." Sam laughs. Then, he takes my chin and lefts it. Our eyes connect and I feel just like I felt the first time. This time there was no backing out. Sam leaned in, and kissed me.
