Act 2

(2 days later..)

S: I finally got the gems.

S: (thinking to himself) I hope Amy's okay, she can get a lot of anxiety when she's alone. Hopefully she's unharmed.

S: I don't even want to think of that.

She has to be okay.

She has to be.


During this..

A: Is Sonic gonna be back anytime soon? I miss him.

E: Well I don't.

A: Of course you're not. You're just jealous that he's loved by many and you're not.

E: And you're lucky to be still alive right now, by the way.

*walks away due to her annoyance*

A: *sighs* Great. I just pissed him off.. He's probably gonna electrocute me again.. Like the last time..

A: (thinking to herself) Why should I try at this point? You know, I'm not going to stick around here, waiting to be saved like usual. Sonic can get..

No.. I know he's going to save me I know it..

A: (thinking..) But let me just find a way out of here. Oh Ya! My communicator.. but it all the way over there-.

Amy sees a table a couple inches away from her.

A: How am I going to get it..?

Amy attempts reaching for her communicator, but fails to.

A: (thinking) ..Dammit.. Is there any other way?

A: I can try to do find something to reach for it..

A: Wait! I know!

She waits for about 5 minutes to get a robot to pass by.

Amy ends up smashing it, and using the robotic arm from the robot to reach for her communicator. Though being careful that no one notices her, she finally has it.

A: Finally I can let Sonic know that I have my communicator now!

A: But he's probably on his way at this moment..

A: What should I do? He can't just be the only one that saves me ; What do I do when he need help?

A: I'll do it when the time's right. But for now, I let him know that I have my communicator back... Once I somehow figure out a way to get rid of this robot-.


(don't worry she found a way of getting rid of the robot...she hid away from her cell lol)

Later on..

Amy is being worried about Sonic taking a bit of his time, so she immediately tries to call him by using her communicator.

A: Sonic? Are you okay??

S: A-Amy?!?! How did you-?!?

A: I have my ways~.

She cheerfully blushed after that response.

S: I'm fine but I'm more concerned
about you.

A: Oh.. Why-y is that?

S: I- I just care about your safety.

A: Sonic you don't need to worry about me. I- I know you're gonna save me, just like you saved our other friends.

Amy tries cover up her anxiety by trying to be optimistic about her being captured.

A: And even if you couldn't, your effort is so noticable.

A: I really adore your effort and ambition..

S: *is speechless and lowkey crying a bit*

Sonic tries not to make it obvious that he is speechless.

A: Sonic, you okay?

He goes quiet for a bit.

S: Y-Ya I'm fine.

A: Look I know you got this. You do have the gems right?

S: I have all of them, actually.

A: See, you do got this. I believe in you. Don't forget that.

S: Thanks Ames, I needed that.

A: You're welcome, Sonikku~.


(Anyways back to Sonic's POV)

I didn't really expected that..

She believes in me ; I can't let her down.

I can't get distracted from worrying about her. I have to focus.

"I'm coming, Amy.."
