Chapter 1: Jack-Of-All-Trades

Hi. I'm Ja Hei-Ran. I work in a job similar to the jack-of-all-trades at my company, MM Studios. We do all kinds of things in the Show Biz industry. Currently, I work directly under the CEO and director, Mr. Lee. I've been at this job for about three years, and now I'm apparently the reliable person to go to for all odd jobs. Today I have another busy schedule full of fixing, signing, and managing things here. 

A typical day....I think. What was my position exactly? Even I didn't know myself. Apparently when I was hired, there was no real "work" for me in the company, so the silly director decided me to be a person to do "odd jobs" as I qualified for many things. 

Ah. Right. You may be wondering why exactly I call my own CEO, the head of the company who was to be respected "silly"? Well he is a weird CEO and had a weird personality. I guess you can also say that he was family to me.

I looked down at my desk as I sat back down with a sigh. Five more piles of paperwork to go. Honestly, I wondered why all the excess work always gets passed to me. And at the thought of work, I heard a ringing sound...which usually signified even more work. The phone. Urgh. I looked to the corner of my desk, but there was only paper. Where was it?

I followed the ringing sound and in a few seconds tracked down the phone, under all the papers. Quickly, I grabbed it and held it to my ear. "Hello? Ja Hei-Ran speaking...." I spoke into the phone.

"Ms. Ja?" came a familiar voice in slightly accented Korean.

"Yes Shishio, this is me," I replied to the long time Japanese model and newly made manager at the company.

"Uh, something's happened with the printer in my office. And the technician's busy. I don't really wanna spend money on this thing too..."

"It broke again?" I asked in exasperation. "That's the third time this month! Hang on, I'll be down in five minutes," I replied as he sighed with relief.

I quickly dropped my phone and picked up my clipboard, adding a small portion of the stack of paper to it that I could sign on the way. I also picked up my handyman bag from beside my desk, in case I was needed for something else. Honestly, whenever I left my office, someone would need me for something. 

Quickly exiting, I locked my room and put a notice on my door that would tell anyone where I was. I made my way to the elevator to go down and exited at the sixth floor, Shishio's office, knocking on his door, grateful that no one stopped me to ask for help. He quickly let me in.

I looked at the printer and frowned. It didn't seem like anything was broken....and I opened the flap with the cartridges of ink and cringed. "How long have you been using this type of ink, Shishio?" I asked him with a sigh.

"Um, just this month. I got some new ones," He replied a little stiffly and I turned, holding a cartridge.

"Alright. First of all, the cartridges are spilling weirdly, causing it not to print things properly. Secondly, the cartridges you've been using are not for this printer, but for the main printer. They need different kinds of ink. How did you not know this Shishio?" I asked, slightly annoyed but also amused.

He shrugged. "Oh, that's what it was...haha. Sorry. I haven't worked in an office before this year. I usually was just a model...remember?"

I sighed. "Anyways, I'll order new ink cartridges for you. For now, you'll need to borrow one from someone else or use the general printer for this floor. Next time, make sure you're putting the right ink in."

"Yes! Sorry about that Ja-san!" he said stiffly and I sighed.

"I told you to just call me Hei-Ran." I shook my head.

"Yes, Hei-Ran-san!" he replied and I chuckled as I made my way to the door.

"Just Hei-Ran, or I'll start calling you Mr. Tanemiya Shishio-kun."

He reddened and I laughed. "Just make sure you put the right cartridges in."

Just as I was about to step back into the elevator, I heard my name through the intercom.

"Ja Hei-Ran please report to the director immediately. I repeat. Ja Hei-Ran please report to the director immediately."

As I heard the voice on the intercom, I sighed, pressing the button for the highest floor. What did he need me for now? The next fifty floors up passed in such a short while. For once, no one got on this elevator. Maybe I was just lucky? I made it to the director's office in a few seconds, and the secretary nodded at me, as in signal that I could just walk in.

"Hello?" I asked, poking my head into the room. The director stood, facing the windows and turned at the sound of my voice.

"Ah, Hei-Ran," he said with a smile and open arms.

I shrugged, openly ignoring his open arms and continued, "So what do you need me for?"

He smiled, amused, when he saw that I wasn't going to give him a hug. "I need a manager, and I thought you just might like this job."

I cocked my head to the side in curiosity. "But I already like my job." I rolled my eyes at his amusement.

He chuckled as he dropped his arms. "Well we need someone like you for this job."

I thought for a second and shrugged. "Sure. As long as I get something out of it, I don't mind."

He chuckled. "The same as ever, I see. I want you to be the manager for a new singing group MM is releasing through our entertainment label."

My eyes widened and I quickly took a step back. "Uncle!" I argued, "You know I hate singing!"

He shook his head, grinning. "You only need to be their manager, remember? And also, these kids could sure use a manager like you."

"What, do they not know how to do housework or something?" I replied jokingly, but he looked at me as if I was right on the mark. "Seriously? So you mean I have to live with these people?" I asked. "What has the world come to?" I muttered. Housework. What were these kids, idiots?

He laughed. "You'll enjoy it. Helping out with these type of things is good for you. Plus, they get to taste your amazing cooking!"

I raised a brow. My cooking? Well I really didn't have much to do anyways. I shrugged and sighed. "All right then. Who's gonna take care of my work then?"

"I'll just give it to Tanemiya."

My eyes widened and I fought laughter. Well I'd be interested to see Shishio doing my work. I wondered how long he'd last. "O-kay then. Tell him he can have my office." I added, knowing full well that would mean he had to finish my paperwork. Oh well. I have a printer in my office with the right ink cartridges anyways. Hopefully that will make him feel better.

Uncle nodded. "Alright then. I'll send a car to pick you up in an hour."

My eyes widened. "Wait...what? An hour?!?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes. We need them to be ready as soon as possible. They're already behind as it is."

I sighed. I knew how bad things could get if people were behind in this business. Might as well help these dimwits who needed a babysitter. "All right then. Give me the details. I'll just bring a couple of stuff so no need for anything fancy to pick me up." 

I would decline the ride, but then I knew uncle would just push it on me, so I just waved at him as I exited the building. A singing group, huh? Might be nice after a long time.


I sat down in the car with a sigh. I managed to finish packing in an hour. The chauffeur passed me the documents and I thanked him with a smile. He wasn't uncle's usual chauffeur, so I guess uncle abided to my wishes. 

So I was finally going to move in with others. I had never been in a dorm before. It might be a nice change. And so I opened the folder and scanned the names of the members.

Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hosoek.....wait. Why were their names so masculine?!?

I turned the page to see the first profile and my eyes widened. Wait. So it was a boy band? Or whatever they called a group of boys singing....but they were boys. I would be living with a few seconds, the information sunk in and my eyes widened. I whipped out my phone. I needed to make a phone call.



Hi guys! I hope you liked my first chapter! Please give some feedback in commenting, voting and reading even more! I hope the main character isn't too annoying.....anyways, how do you think this will all play out?

Also, all my chapters are currently unedited, and when I finish writing this, I'll re-read everything and edit it, so please bear with the mistakes! I'm also looking for some people to help me with visuals, so if you have any suggestions, please tell me!

Until Next Time!

