Chapter 22


i changed last chapter up because i really didn't like the ending, so go and re read that again so this one will make sense, thanks c:


"At least we have something to shop for." Danielle started the car, and pulled out of the driveway.

"Where do you want to go first?" I asked, stepping out of the Range Rover.

"Chanel, or Gucci. Or Dior. I don't know!" She pondered her choices like a lost puppy, she was perfect for Liam.

"God, you're so perfect for Liam. It's unreal." I smirked at Danielle, who was now blushing. "What's been up with you two lately?"

"Same old same old. Except he proposed." Danielle let out a little whisper.

"You're kidding!?" I screamed and started jumping up and down like a little kid. Me, not being the smartest person in the world, fell on my butt, in front of everyone. Danielle was helping me up, laughing hysterically.

"Actually yes, I was kidding. I wanted to see your reaction, and it was much better than I thought." Danielle was getting bending over in laughter. I stopped dead in my tracks not looking amused.

"It's really hard to like you sometimes." I crossed my arms and caught up with her, getting a few states from people passing by. She simply smiled in response.

"So when did you and Niall happen? I want all the deets!" She sounded like a 14 year old, craving to hear gossip. It all happened so fast, it feels like its been a lifetime since we happened. So many things changed, I'm not going to University anymore, I'm a freaking Victoria's Secret Angel, it's all so overwhelming how my life has changed so much this summer.

"Hm. Well it was a month ago, that's why I was on holiday with him. And well you can't really explain how it happened without telling the whole story. So well one morning I walked into the kitchen and he said 'Tell Harry we're just friends' blah blah blah. I really liked him at that time and I was like crushed by that. Then we went to the carnival and we got paired up because of the buddy system and we rode everything that day. We got on the ferris wheel, and he asked me if I meant what I said about us being friends and I replied back honestly, no." Danielle smiled. "He smiled and then confessed his love for me. At that time the ferris wheel was stuck at the top and we kissed, then the ferris wheel started moving again. Then we went to the beach and he asked me out I said yes. Then, I started overthinking myself then I broke up with him. 2 weeks later we were back together. And here we are now." Saying that out loud made me realize how much of a long story we'd have for being together for a mere month. I looked down at my ring shining in the light and smiled at the thought of Niall giving it to me.

"Awwwwwww." Danielle could make a person blush so easy, and I was still trying to figure out a way to use that.

"Well, this shopping isn't going to get done by itself!" I raised my hands up in the air with a big smile glued to my face.

In a mere four hours we had our whole outfits picked out. It took some frustration but we looked hot. Well that's what the guys that whistled at us in the store said. My phone started buzzing and it was a text from Niall.

From: Niall my fav and the sexiest man to walk the earth

When you comin home? I wanna kisssss you and love youuu

To: Niall my fav and the sexiest man to walk the earth

Soon soon soon soonnnn

From: Niall my fav and the sexiest man to walk the earth

You look beautiful in everything so just pick something out and you'll still look perfect :)

To: Niall my fav and the sexiest man to walk the earth

Shush your face you little cheeky boy

I smiled at our conversation and how cute and sappy he was. He literally was so perfect, I loved everything about him. The way he texts me like this, the way I feel when he kisses or touches me, his laugh and smile. Everything.

"Danielle are we done?" I asked, exhausted.

"Done." She sighed getting in the car, being careful not to mess up her hair, nails, and makeup. { }

We walked in the door holding our dresses in our bags, hurrying to bring them upstairs. "Oh Alyssaaaaaaa." Niall sang at my doorway startling me.

"Oh Nialllllll." I sang back turning around jumping on him. He started kissing me very passionately, so much that I almost forgot to kiss back. My hands immediately found their way to Niall's hair and I entangled them in his golden locks. He started kissing my neck softly and I stopped him.

"Give me a love bite before this and I will hurt you." I warned giving him a stern look in the eye.

"Fine fine. It's weird not being around you all of the time." He pouted sticking his bottom lip out.

"AWH. I missed my Lord Horan too." I gave him one last smug kiss on the lips before turning around. "I need to finish getting ready, and do you have a matching tux?" I pulled out my dress and held it up to him. He smiled.

"I have the perfect thing to match that. " He replied, dashing out of the room and coming back with a matching gold and black tux. { }

"Perfect." I smiled giving him yet another kiss. "Now go get sexified. Just kidding, I don't want all the ladies all over you, so just look handsome."

"Hm. I'll think about it, but you're my only lady, and I wouldn't give you up for the world." Niall gazed into my eyes lovingly.

"I wouldn't trade you for anything either." Our lips met again, this time only for a short period of time.

"I love you so much."

"I love you so much MORE."

"Not possible."

"Actually, I think it is."

"Um, no."

"Well I give up. I have to fix my makeup because of your wretched lips." I tapped them with my finger, making him smirk.

"Another win for Lord Horan I see. Well I have to shower there, wish you were gonna be there with me." He let his face pout and I frowned at him.

"Dirty perv leave." I shooed him out of the room.

"We're leaving in an hour." He smiled at me one last time before I pushed him out. I had already gotten my nails, hair, and makeup done at the mall so really, all I had to do was get dressed, and touch up my makeup- thanks Niall. I finished within a half hour, touching up loose pieces of hair.

"We have to go Lyss! Come on!" Niall knocked on my door.

"Coming!" I slipped on my shoe, grabbed my clutch, and ran down the stairs.

"You look beautiful." Niall grinned wider than the Chesire cat.

"And I said not to sexify yourself, look what you've done." A playful smirk found its way to my mouth as I ran a hand through his hair, examining his quiff. "You're turning into Zayn, yeah?"

"I'm sorry I'm so sexy." He shrugged his shoulders. I looked around at Eleanor and Perrie standing around us, they looked good in their dresses, they both suited their personalities. I really liked Eleanor and I hadn't really ever met Perrie, her and Zayn started dating not that long ago. I walked up to Perrie and said 'Hello' and introduced myself and she replied with a warm response.

"Limo's here!" Liam shouted appearing out of the front room. We all piled out of the front door and into the limo. It was a tight squeeze, it was a good thing we liked each other.


The second we stepped out of that limo, it was complete chaos. The flashing blubs blinded all of us, there was photographers spitting questions at us left and right, it was almost overwhelming. They were becoming pushy, trying to get our attention and Niall simply grabbed my waist, pulled me out of the car, and in the line to walk the red carpet.

"Niall I don't think I want to do this." I let him pull me into a large bear hug. He kissed my head softly before speaking.

"Lyss, look at me." He tilted my head up so were were making eye contact. "There is no reason to be worried. We walk out there together, take a few pictures, then I take a few pictures with the lads, then you take some with the other girls. They can't hurt you. They'll have to go through me first." This time he kissed my lips, giving me the shivers.

"Thank you. I love you." I whispered in his ear, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

"I love you more. Let's knock 'em dead." Niall snaked his arm around my waist and we simeltaneously stepped onto the famous red carpet. Flashes went off immediately, and questions were coming from areas everywhere. From the corner of my eye I saw everyone else stride behind us, giving the same gleaming smiles. I locked eyes with Niall once more and kissed him softly, the bulbs now blinding. We pulled away, breaking apart and I met with Danielle, Eleanor, and Perrie and we posed for a few pictures. Eventually I got pictures with everyone, and I smelt a comforing cloud of Armani Mania behind me.

"See? You had a good time out there. Nothing to be worried about." Niall smiled at me, causing another one to appear on my face. A petite brunette with a headset on tapped Niall on the shoulder and whispered something in his ear. He nodded and she abruptly walked away.

"Do you mind doing an interview for TV?" Niall asked me straight after.

"Um, sure. I guess." I let Niall drag me away from the havoc on the red carpet, and to a secluded area behind all of the media. They quickly put our mics on and started.

"You guys are probably the hottest new couple in London right now! How long has this been going on?" The interviewer shot straight to it.

"A month last week." Niall responded kissing my temple. I smiled widely trying to cover up the blush that had appeared on my cheeks.

"And Alyssa, you look absolutely stunning tonight!"

"Doesn't she?" Niall wrapped his hand around my waist.

"Thanks!" I made a mental note to slap that cheeky smile off of Niall's face.

"And one last thing, when's the wedding?" She added with a wink, causing laughs to escape Niall and I's lips.

"I promised I will marry her someday, we will. Hopefully sooner than later." Niall held up my hand with all seriousness, and I gave his hand a gentle squeeze and a quick peck on the cheek before walking away.

"Thanks!" She added before we slipped away into the theatre. We found our seats and the movie began playing. It was a horror of course, and to add on it was in 3D. The girl was alone with a boy, at a log cabin in a desolate area, which was scarily similar to the past week we had just spend on holiday. The girl went back to the house alone to get something, until a masked man came and slit her throat behind the door. I could feel Niall cringe underneath me and I know it was creeping him out. "Want to ditch?" He whispered in my ear so only I could hear.

"Please." I whispered back, getting up quickly. He pulled me out of the theatre and it was nearing 22:00 and we dashed out unseen. We did what we do best, we went to eat. Niall took me to a nearby Mexican restraint and we feasted on tacos and churros. We hastily walked back outside, our bellies full of food. We looked to find our car, which was gone. 

"Fuck." We said simeltaneously.


Oh my god this sucks I'm sorry for not uploading and ugh I need more drama cuz this is getting a little dry okie Wub u
