The Poisoned Chalice


A beautiful servant named Cara charms Merlin into a fatal mistake.


Chapter Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 3994
Content Warning: None

This chapter went from 4634 words to 3994. I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF! (Yeah, I love to ramble.)

And all the characters are owned by Julian Jones and Shine Limited.

Credits at the end.

Ten days passed without incident. The date of Arthur and Morgana's wedding was coming closer and closer, but Merlin almost didn't care. Just as he'd predicted, his engagement to Gwen increased his happiness ten-fold. Tom readily accepted him as a son, inviting him over for dinner every night and laughing through it all the way. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you had moved out already," Gaius teased him.

But, he should've realized his luck wouldn't last for long. In fact, the Great Dragon was probably laughing at him down in his cavern for even attempting a normal life in Camelot.

Merlin and Gaius bustled around the castle as Uther, Arthur, and the royal kingsguard met with King Bayard of Mercia. Merlin carried a bag that weighed as much as a horse.

"Why do I always get landed with the donkey work?" he complained.

"You're a servant, Merlin. It's what you do," Gaius brushed him off.

"My arms will be a foot longer by the time I get this lot inside."

"It's character building. As the old proverb says, hard work breeds..." Gaius paused for longer than was natural. "...a harder soul.

Merlin couldn't help but smile. "There is no way that's a proverb. You just made that up."

"No. I didn't," Gaius protested.

That's when a female servant fell right in front of him. She apologized, and Merlin helped her pick up the linens that had fallen on the floor. When he stood and caught her eye... he'd never seen such a beautiful woman... with eyes so blue... he could barely manage to remember his name...

"Hi. I'm, uh... Merlin."

"Cara. You're Arthur's servant? That must be such an honor."

Merlin straightened up. "Oh, yeah. It is. Well, you know, someone's got to keep the place running."

"Thank you, Merlin."

"Hmm?" Why was she thanking him? She motioned to a bundle in his hands... a pillowcase... right, he was helping her to pick up the linens.

"Oh, right. Yeah. Uh, no problem." He thrust it into her hands.

"It was nice meeting you," Cara said. Merlin couldn't take his eyes off of her as she walked down the hall.

"Merlin, you're engaged," Gaius reminded him.

"What?" Merlin asked, blinking a few times. Suddenly, he felt horribly embarrassed. He didn't mean to... she was just so beautiful...

"Shouldn't you be busy running the place?" Gaius pressed, teasing. Merlin sighed and continued on with his too-heavy-to-carry bag.

Later, at the feast, he stood by the door in the "official robes of the servants of Camelot" that custom (read: Arthur) required him to wear. While the male servants were dressed in the same red garb, none of them wore that awful hat with the oversized feather.

Gwen made her way to him. She was in the dress of a female Cameltonian servant, but, of course, they looked fine on her. "You look beautiful," he greeted.

Gwen couldn't even manage a 'thank you' before smirking. "Nice hat."

Merlin tipped his cap. "Thanks, m'lady," causing her to snicker.

She curtsied. "Thank you, m'lord."

Merlin felt eyes on him from across the hall. There stood Cara. His arms suddenly felt awkward at his side. And, oh god, his hat! Why was that funny to him before? He must look ridiculous! He tore it off before Cara could notice it.

Gwen followed his eyes. She stiffened. "She's pretty, isn't she?" she said coldly. "...for a handmaiden."

"She's pretty for a princess, let alone a handmaiden." Why would Gwen insult her like that? Couldn't anyone see she was beautiful?

At that moment, the treaty was signed, and the hall burst into applause. Gwen stormed away, but Merlin didn't notice.

To his delight, as soon as King Bayard started his speech, Cara asked to speak with him. "What is it?" he asked her.

"Not here, please. I don't know who else to tell," Cara said. Merlin glanced at the hall to make sure no one was looking at them, then let Cara lead him away.

"It wasn't until I saw him give the goblet to Arthur that I realized..." Cara began.

"Whoa, slow down. Start from the beginning," Merlin said.

"Two days ago, I was bringing Bayard his evening meal. We're supposed to knock. He didn't expect me to walk in..." She let her voice trail off. She was so terrified; Merlin wanted nothing more than to ease her pain.

"So what are you trying to say?" he pressed, doing his best to sound comforting.

Cara hesitated. "If he knows I said anything, he will kill me."

"I would not let that happen to you, I promise," Merlin said immediately. "Please, tell me what you saw."

Cara's eyes went dark. "Bayard is no friend of Camelot. He craves the kingdom for himself!"

It dawned on Merlin precisely what she was implying. "Cara... tell me. What has Bayard done with the goblet?"

"He believes that if he kills Arthur, Uther's spirit will be broken, and Camelot will fall."

"What has he done with the goblet?"

"I saw him putting something in it."


Cara hesitated again. "I shouldn't! He'll kill me!"

"Please, tell me!" Merlin demanded. "Was it poison?"

To his horror, Cara nodded.

Merlin raced back into the hall in time to hear the end of Bayard's speech. "...To your health, Uther, Arthur, the soon-to-be Princess Morgana, the people of Camelot!"

"It's poisoned! Don't drink it!" Merlin shouted. He seized the goblet from Arthur's hands.

"Merlin, what are you doing?!" Arthur demanded.

"Bayard laced Arthur's goblet with poison," Merlin explained. Bayard drew his sword, then the knights of Camelot, but Merlin couldn't care less. All that mattered was keeping Arthur alive.

"On what grounds do you base this accusation?" Uther questioned. Arthur tried to play it off, but neither Uther nor Merlin would have any of it. "Unless you want to be strung up, you will tell me why you think it's poisoned. Now."

"He was seen lacing it," Merlin insisted.

"By whom?" Uther asked.

Merlin opened his mouth to speak, but the thought of Cara's bright blue eyes... so terrified... he knew he couldn't name her. Uther would make her drink the poisoned wine to prove her inclination. It occurred to him that, by not naming her, he'd be trading her life for his own, but a much stronger voice urged him to forget that.

"I can't say," Merlin answered Uther.

"Pass me the goblet," Uther said. Arthur handed it to him. He turned to King Bayard. "If you're telling the truth..."

"I am," Bayard insisted, his voice dangerously low.

"Then you have nothing to fear, do you?" Bayard reached for the goblet, presumably to drink it, but Uther pulled it away. "No. If this does prove to be poisoned, I want the pleasure of killing you myself." Just as that small voice had predicted, Uther held the goblet out to Merlin. "He'll drink it."

"But if it's poisoned, he'll die!" Morgana cried, a mixture of shock and horror on her face.

"Then we'll know he was telling the truth."

"And what if he lives?" Bayard demanded.

"Then you have my apologies, and you can do with him as you will," Uther replied, too casual for the life-and-death stakes that were currently at hand.

"Uther, please! He's just a boy! He doesn't know what he's saying!" Gaius pleaded.

"Then you should've schooled him better."

"Merlin, apologize," Arthur demanded. Even he sounded panicked. "This is a mistake. I'll drink it." Arthur lunged for the goblet, but Merlin held it firm.

"No. It's all right," Merlin said. He had to protect Cara. He locked eyes with Gwen and said, "I love you, Gwen." He gave her a reassuring smile, then downed the wine in the goblet. For a moment, everything was all right.

Then, the world turned red, and the wine to fire in his throat.


Morgana's world shattered when Merlin hit the floor.

"It's poisoned. Guards seize him!" Uther shouted. His voice was a million miles away. It was only when Gaius, Gwen, and Arthur carried Merlin away that Morgana regained her senses. It was as though they were taking part of her with them. She had to be with Merlin. She had to.

She ran towards the door, but Knight Leon, leader of the kingsguard, held her back. "No! NO!" Morgana shouted, hysterical.

"He'll be fine," Leon assured her as she struggled and pounded her fists into his chest. If only she could believe that.

That was the first night since her father's death that Morgana and Arthur slept in the same bed. She cried, he was stoic, but they held each other all the same. They needed the comfort of the other's touch. She loved Arthur like a brother, but even he couldn't bring her a break from her pain. She didn't care how terrible a display she'd made. She couldn't help it.

When he first arrived in Camelot, she barely noticed Merlin. As Gaius's new helper, he was so low on her radar that he barely registered. Even when he saved Arthur's life, he was a hero, but nothing more than a distraction from her pain. She was so selfish, then, thinking of nothing but herself, how she couldn't bear to be engaged to Arthur, disgusted by the thought of bearing his children.

But something happened when Merlin followed her to Valiant's chambers. She was so desperate for an ear that she laid her life on the table before him, and he listened. No one had ever done that before.

When Gwen was arrested, it was Merlin who swore to help, who put his life on the line for Gwen's. She'd never seen a man love like that. And they'd made a good team; he was witty, smart, and brave. The mere fact that an unarmed, untrained servant was willing to lead her into danger at all was impressive.

When Gwen had first told her they were engaged, she'd felt nothing but delight for her friend. But when she got to know Merlin... her own feelings came on like a tidal wave, and she could barely manage to breathe, much less swim the current. Her heart turned to glass that day, and when she saw Gwen and Merlin kiss in that cell, it shattered.

She'd never felt such feelings for a man, never longed so. She could only ask for Merlin to be happy and well. And she couldn't even get that.

It was the dead of night before Arthur spoke. "How could Father do such a thing?" He sounded so defeated, so hopeless.

"He's a servant," Morgana said bitterly. "Uther's never given their lives much weight."

"But he was innocent," Arthur insisted. "And he's a good man... don't tell this to anyone, but I've grown quite fond of him."

"Really? I didn't notice," she said dryly. He raised an eyebrow. "You're so obvious, Arthur. You make fun, but I see the fondness in your eyes."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Morgana."

"You have to find a way to save him," she urged. "He saved your life, remember. Twice, now."

"How could I forget? That's all I've thought about all night."

The silence returned. They laid there, their thoughts with Merlin in the physician's chambers. Arthur's leg started to shake.

"Stop that, with your leg," Morgana told him. "You're making me even more anxious."

"Fine," he said, got up, and started to pace. Morgana sat up on the bed.

"That only makes it worse!"

"Merlin has four or five days before he dies, I'm the only one who can get the remedy from the Forest of Balor, and Gaius refuses to let me go!" He stopped pacing long enough to look at her. There was a fierce determination in his eyes. "I'm talking to Father. I don't care what Gaius says, I'm going." With that, he rushed out the door.

Morgana waited for Arthur in her own chambers. She didn't want any of the servants to catch her in the prince's chambers and start spreading rumors about any... illegal conduct before the wedding. She did anything to distract herself: pace, brush her hair, read by candlelight. Nothing worked.

It was close to sunrise when Arthur stormed into her chambers. "What are you doing back here?" he demanded. "I was looking all over for you!"

"And you didn't think to look in my chambers? You really are an idiot. What did Uther say?"

"He won't let me go," Arthur spat.

Morgana understood Arthur's rage. A mixture of worry and anger boiled over in her as well. "Well, sometimes you've got to do what you think is right, and damn the consequences."

"You think I should disobey him? Commit treason?" Arthur demanded.

"It doesn't matter what I think," Morgana said.

"If I don't make it back, who will be the next king of Camelot?" Arthur argued. "And if we don't get married, Cornwall will riot and leave the kingdom. There's more than just my life at stake!"

"Did Uther put that in your head?" Morgana questioned. "Besides, what kind of king would Camelot want? One that would risk his life to save that of a lowly servant? Or one who does what his father tells him to?"

Morgana drew Arthur's sword and presented it to him. His anger morphed into disbelief... then determination.

Not an hour later, Morgana watched him storm through the guards on the back of his horse. Arthur might be annoying, but he was brave. She was proud he had the courage to go against Uther's demand, even if he had needed a bit of convincing.

Uther didn't see Arthur's actions in such a positive light. Moments after Arthur left, he stormed into her chambers for what she knew would be yet another lecture.

"I expressly ordered Arthur not to go!" Uther shouted.

"I'd say it worked like a charm, too."

"Not another word!"

Morgana rolled her eyes. "My lips are sealed."

"I should've put him under lock and key!"

"You can't chain him up every time he disagrees with you," she snapped.

"Just you watch me!" Uther exclaimed, so angry that he forgot to chastise her for speaking out of turn. "I will not be disobeyed! Especially by my own son!"

"No, of course you won't," Morgana said, once against sarcastic. "Now, forgive me, but the wedding is next week, and I have vows to write." She sat at her desk and dipped her quill in ink with the forlong hope that Uther would take this as a goodbye. But, of course, she'd barely written a word when he approached her.

"You knew about this, didn't you?" There was a shift in his tone that made Morgana nervous. "Morgana. Don't lie to me."

She hesitated to respond. He would know if she was lying, but how could she admit the truth without hinting at her feelings for Merlin? "Arthur's old enough to make decisions for himself."

Uther took the bait and changed the subject. "He's just a boy."

Morgana laughed with disbelief. "Have you seen your son recently? You have to let him make his own mind up."

"Even if it means letting him go to his death?"

Morgana could feel the accusation in the question. He knew she'd pushed Arthur. "I trust in his abilities," she said, hopefully drawing him on a tangent yet again. "You should too."

Uther studied her, but his expression was unreadable. "Write your vows. You'd better hope they don't turn into a eulogy."

Merlin was curled on the dungeon floor, beaten and bloody. A whip cracked, and he flinched. He whimpered through the gag tied on his mouth. He looked desperate, terrified.

The whip cracked again. He wailed in pain.

"Merlin!" Morgana screamed as she woke from the nightmare. Luckily, no one heard her. The light of dawn had come, but Gwen was nowhere to be seen. She had to be with Merlin.

Morgana dressed in a feeble attempt to distract herself from her vision.

Not vision. Dream.

And, just to prove it to herself, she pulled harder on the knot she was trying to untangle with her hairbrush. She'd barely had time to breathe before Gwen ran into the room.

"Morgana, I am so sorry I haven't been here to attend to you."

Morgana put down the brush and smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, I'm all right. How's Merlin?"

"If Arthur comes back with the antidote in time, he'll be fine," Gwen said.

"Then he'll be fine," Morgana insisted. "You should be with him. I'll manage."

Gwen breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you!" she cried, then ran out the door. Morgana picked up the hairbrush again. If only she could go to Merlin's side so easily.

Morgana gave up on writing her vows after three hours, unable to focus while Arthur was questing and Merlin lay dying. She couldn't bring herself to leave her chambers. With Gwen by Merlin's side and Uther giving her the silent treatment, there was no one to pull her from her solitude.

What little sleep she got came with images of Arthur in danger: fighting a wild beast in a forest; hanging from a cliff as a woman with striking blue eyes watched; climbing down a rock face, guided by a ball of light as giant spiders scurried after him.

She woke to the sound of hooves late into the night. Morgana shot up from her bed and ran to the window. Sure enough, Arthur was at the gate. Her happiness turned to horror when she saw the knights arrest him. Merlin would never get his remedy now.

Not if I can help it.

Morgana threw a black cloak over her dress and slipped out of her heels. She snuck down to the dungeon, determined to do something useful.

She slipped past the drunk guards with ease, following Uther's voice to the cells, careful to hug the stone wall so as not to be seen. She saw the outlines of Uther and Arthur, separated by the cell's metal gate. Arthur was holding something out to his father--the morteus flower.

"Gaius knows what to do with it," Arthur said. "Put me in the stocks for a week, a month even, I don't care. Just make sure it gets to him. I'm begging you."

Then, to her horror, Uther crushed the flower in his fist and threw it to the ground. She gasped without thinking, then covered her mouth, terrified Uther had heard her.

Luckily, Arthur's shout of "NO!" was loud enough to cover it up.

"You have to learn there's a right and a wrong way of doing things," Uther said. "I'll see you're let out in a week. Then, you can find yourself another servant."

He walked away, passing right by the hidden Morgana. Arthur reached out for the flower, muttering, "No, no, no."

"Let me help you with that," Morgana said, emerging from her hiding spot.

"Morgana!" Arthur whispered happily.

"Shhh, not so loud." She reached down and scooped up the flower. "I'll get this to Gaius. Merlin's going to be fine."

With the flower in her hand, Morgana finally had an excuse to see Merlin. She snuck to the physician's chambers and knocked softly on the door. Gaius opened it. "Morgana," he said, "I wasn't expecting you."

"Uther locked Arthur up," Morgana explained. "I have the morteus flower." She gave it to Gaius. "How is he doing?" she asked as innocently as she could.

"He'll be fine, now," Gaius said, and rushed to prepare the potion. Morgana allowed herself to look at Merlin. His breathing was labored and he was dripping with sweat, but he was alive. Gwen wiped his brow with a wet towel.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Gaius freeze. "Why have you stopped?" she demanded. She hadn't meant to sound so authoritative, but, seeing the state Merlin was in, she couldn't help her actions anymore.

"The poison was created using magic. We may need magic to make an antidote," Gaius said.

"But we can't," Gwen said miserably. "It's forbidden. Even if we could."

There was a moment of silence. Then, Gaius said, "I'll try and make it work without it... Oh, I need some fresh water." Gwen shot up, eager to help her fiancé. Gaius put the potion down and handed her a bowl. She rushed out.

"And, Morgana, I need--"

"Don't you send me on a fool's errand, too," she said, kind, but firm. "You don't need water. You need Gwen gone so you can cast a spell on the potion. Don't deny it." Gaius said nothing. Morgana picked up the half-prepared potion and wrapped Gaius's fingers around it, settling her hands on top of his. "I won't tell Uther."

Gaius swallowed. Morgana nodded encouragingly. In a low voice, he chanted an incantation. The green liquid bubbled, then settled. Gaius placed the potion back on the table. It was done.

"Go, before Uther catches you here," Gaius said.

"Promise me you'll save him?" Morgana asked, despite herself. She was disturbed at how vulnerable it sounded.

"You care for him," Gaius realized. Morgana nodded. The act made her burst into tears. All her worry and terror came flooding forth. Gaius wrapped her up in his arms and held her close, stroking her back in a comforting manner. "I'll save him, Morgana. But you must be careful."

"I know," she managed through her sobs. "I don't know how I'll get through this wedding without him. I need him, Gaius, I need him to be all right."

Gaius kissed her cheek as he pulled away. "He'll be fine, thanks to you. Now go before Uther catches you here."

He opened the door for her. With one longing glance back at Merlin, she forced herself to exit.

Morgana, Arthur, and Uther met on the battlements the next morning to watch Bayard ride away. War had been averted, thanks to Arthur's quest. Camelot would not face ruin. And Merlin was saved.

"Okay. Let the bragging begin," Morgana said to Arthur. "How'd you manage it?"

Arthur hesitated. "I'm not sure. All I do know is I had help. Someone knew I was in trouble and sent a light to guide the way."

Just like my dream...

Morgana banished the thought. She looked at Arthur curiously. "Who?"

"I don't know. But whoever it was, I'm only here because of them."

"I'm glad you're back," she said.

She let Arthur return to his father, and pretended not to listen to their conversation. She smiled when Uther said Arthur had done the right thing. Maybe he wasn't as unreasonable as she thought.

She meant to leave when Arthur did, but Uther called her name. She froze, her back to the king. "Yes?" she said as casually as she could.

"You should learn not to gasp when you're spying," Uther said, deadly calm.

Morgana's heart stopped.

"Let me make things clear for you," Uther continued in that same authoritative voice. "You will get married at the next full moon, telling Cornwall how grateful you are to be queen. You will pay lip service to the kingdom for the rest of your life. You will provide Camelot with an heir, and remain faithful to Arthur, no matter how you feel."

"I know my duty," Morgana said coldly.

"As for Merlin--"

"You can't send him away!" Morgana cried, turning to face Uther. "Please, this is my fault, not his! I'll never speak to him again, I swear on my father's grave!"

"You're right on both counts," Uther replied. "Merlin's a hero to the kingdom; I can't send him away without the people rioting. But the people have a short memory. You will be true to your word and stay away from him, because, if you disobey me again, I will announce to the kingdom that you caught Merlin practicing sorcery. He will burn, disgraced, with you to blame for his fate. Are. We. Clear?"

Morgana gulped. She met his eye, shaking with terror. "Crystal."


This week's beta commentary:
STORY: He will burn, disgraced, with you to blame for his fate.
MELODY: Gotta love Uther, right? Right????
ISABELLA: Isn't it great that he can just accuse whomever he wants of sorcery and they're dead? I swear, why do people even still live in Camelot.
MELODY: Hey, it's the middle ages. I'm sure, at the time, the threat of being burned alive was par for the course.

Author: Melody Rose (Tumblr: bianca-the-huntress)
Beta Readers:
Octavia (Tumblr: octaviablimp)
Isabella (Tumblr: eeebee02)

Please comment so I know what you think! See you next week!
