He has no humanity


I put the necklace in a box and into my pocket. I walked out the house and went to school. I walked across the field and I saw her. She was just so beautofil. I went towards her, 

"ooo, look at you, you look hot in your jersy" she said to me, it made me smile a lot. 

"What happened? No more cheerleader?" I asked her, her face dropped slightly. 

"I quit. I'm a quiter" she rolled her eyes and I grabbed her hands. 

"nooo, hey your not a quitter. you suffered from a great loss, your not the same person. You should be looking ahead, should be starting over" she smiled at me thatheart warming smile. 

"I hope you dont think this is to soon or to weird but i er wanted you to have this" I took the box from my pocket and opened it to reveal the necklace. She took it out gently admiring it.

"oh my god, its beautiful" she said looking up at me. 

"Its something that i've had foever and i've never wanted to give it to anyone until now" I said to her, a smile formed on her mouth. 

"I'd very much like it if you wear it for me for good look" she picked it up and smelt it. 

"Is that Rose that I smell?" she asked.

"no its a herb, it's nice huh?" 

"I love it" she grabbed her hair and I put it on her gently. 

"And er, I wanted to thank you for pushing me into trying out for the team, feels really good" I said to her.

"I quit, you start" We both laughed.

"We're a working progress" we both leaned in and kissed.

"Danielle is coming out tonight to watch, do you mind keeping an eye out  for her? Just so you know she wont be alone" she smiled. 

"Of course, in fact, why dont I pick her up?" she said.

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah! She's a really nice girl so I think we should hang out more" I smiled and pecked her lips then walked off. School ended and I drove home. I walked through the door and saw Danielle still in her dressing gown reading a magazine with a cup of coffee.

"Get ready" I said taking her coffee and having a sip.

"Whyy?" she said in a whining tone.

"Elena is picking you up soon to the game, I have to have a shower and leave so be ready" I said and walked up the stairs. I had a shower then put my uniform on. I drove to the school and saw the rest of the boys.


I did my routine in the shower then got out and brushed my teeth. I went to my wardorbe and picekd an outfit and got ready. http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=95430304 

I was slipping on my shoes when the doorbell rang. I grabbed my phone and shut my door. I went downstaits and opened the door to see Elena. 

"Hiya!" I said to her, she smiled. 

"Hey! You ready to go?" She asked. I nodded and walked out the door shutting it behind me. We drove to the school having a nice chat. Elena is such a nice girl and after everything she's been through with her parents she just keeps smiling. We got to the school and saw a huge crowd. Me and Elena moved out way to the front and saw the football time in a line. We both smiled at Stefan and then I saw Matt, he noticed me and waved and I waved back smiling. 

"Alright everybody, quiet down please. Okay okay! Wait wait wait wait! Lets be honest here,in the past we used to let other teams come into OUR town and roll right over us! But that is about to change. We've got some great new talents starting and I'm gonna tell you right now, it has been a long time I have seen a kid like this with hands like these" The coach was making a speech. Everyone was cheering and whistling. I looked at Stefan and winked knowing he was talking about him. 

"Lets give it up for Stefan Salvatoree!!" 

"Whooo!!" Everyone cheered, Stefan smiling huge. Suddenly everyone turned around and we saw a fight. Everyone started to crowed around them, so me and Elena decided to watch aswell. Stefan ended up getting involed. 

"Hey! He's down enough!" He shouted. Elena started to worry. 

"Thats Jeremy! and Tyler!" she said to me,

"Whos Jeremy?" I ased. 

"My brother" Tyler then punched Stefan in the stomach but Stefan didnt flinch or wince which shocked Tyler. I watched Jeremy pick a bit of broken glass up and hit it at Tyler, but Tyler moved and it cut Stefans hand. Blood was pouring out and everyone saw, which will be a disaster cause that cut is gonna heel in about 2 seconds. Elena ran towards Jeremy and pushed him back. Stefan stood there frozen staring at his hand, watching it heel. Elena then ran over to him fussing over his hand, but Stefan kept it shut but she had none of it. I went over and got Stefans clenched hand.

"Elena you go find Jeremy, I'll clean Stefans hand" I said. 

"Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded. 

"Can I just see how deep it is, please I'll be worried knowing it was my brother who did it" I looked at Stefan, he took his hand and opened it showing Elena.

"But, I saw it, the blood" she said. 

"He missed, its not my blood" He wiped his hand on hos trouser. I put my head in my hand thinking how stupid he was to do that.

"no no no I saw it, the glass cut your hand" she said confused.

"Its fine, I'm okay. Its almost kick off time so erm I'll see you after the game" He walked and I stayed with Elena. She then went to go find Bonnie and I went to go get a drink. I was stood waiting for Elena for almost half an hour now and I started to worry. I went to go look for her, I went towards the car park and I heard Damon and her. " I bet you even dreamed about me" I heard him say. I went closer so I could see. 

"And right now I bet you even wanna kiss me" He said, I felt Jelousy clench up inside me. Elena looked deeply into his eyes Then slapped him which shocked me. I ran over. 

"Stefan is your brother! dont do that again!" she shouted she saw me and so did Damon.

"Elena go back, i'll meet you in a sec" I said she nodded and walked away. I walked closer to Damon. 

"I dont know what game your trying to pay with Stefan, I dont know what happened in the past when I wasnt there but lets get one thing straight, Elena is not Katherine!" I then walked off meeting Elena leaving him stood there with out speaking. 

"Somebody Help! Somebody help!" I was stood with Elena when I heard someone shouting. I turned around and saw Matt painicking and screaming. me and Elena  ran up to him. 

"Matt whats wrong??" I asked him. 

"Its its Tanner, he's been attacked" he said. My eyes grew wide and he showed me. I looked at him, the blood but I contained myself. Elena was in the behind me in tears. Suddenly police and ambulances came and sorted things out. Matt was sat in the open boot of a police car with a blanket wrapped around him. I went towards him and sat next to him. 

"Are you okay?" I asked him. he looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah just shocked" he said to me. 

"I know its terrible" I said to him.

"Do you want a ride home?" he asked me. I nodded and smiled. We walked towards his car and he started to drive, he knew where I lived so I didnt have to guide him. He pulled up outside and I thanked him.

"Thank you" I said to him.

"No problem" I smiled and leaned towards him and we hugged for a bit. I smiled and walked out I opened my front door and watched him drive away. I went to my room and stripped to my underwear and crawled into bed. Who could of done this to Tanner, It was obviously a vampire bite. Then it hit me, Damon. I stormed out of bed and walked straight into Damons room and saw him lied in bed reading a book, he looked up and put his book down. 

"Did you kill that coach?!" I shouted. 

"What a good guess" he said smirking. I went up to him and slapped his cheek.

"Ouch, thats the cheek Elena slapped me on" he said actually wincing. 

"Good you deserve it. How stupid are you killing an innocent man like that in public! God sake Damon you dont think do you! Anyone could of saw!" I said, he didnt say anything. i groaned and walked off back into my room and back to bed. 


I was just sat in my room reading a book when the door flew open and I saw Danielle stood there in her white lacy underwear, I will admit she looked very sexy and gorgeous but I didnt show it, I could tell she was mad at me. I stood up putting my book down. She had a huge go at me for killing that man but who cares, he wasnt exactly the king. I felt bad though, she was angry and upset and I didnt like seeing her this way. And what I did to Elena earlier, my compullsion didnt work, Where did Stefan get the vervain from? It hasnt grew in this town for many many years. I was bored so decided to go to Elenas. I was in her room watching her sleep, I couldnt take my mind off Katherine when she was there. Part of me was over Katherine but part of me still loves her then Danielle is on my mind also, I love her. 
