I love that I love you

"How much further?" You asked impatiently. A strip of soft cloth was wrapped around your eyes, taking away your ability to see. His hands held on to yours, guiding you forward carefully. "Just a bit more, we're almost there, " his soft, deep voice assured you. He kissed your nose lightly as a reward for being so corporative. A deep blush crept up your cheeks and your whole body tingled from his simple yet enchanting kiss.

"Careful! There's a seven steps here, lift up your feet," his hold on your hands became firmer as he led you up the stairs. When the both of you got to the top, he turned you around, with your back to him. Gently, he undid the blindfold around your eyes. Your eyelids opened, slowly trying to adjust to the light. A small gasp escaped your lips as you took in the sight. You were standing on top of a tall slide, in the middle of a kid's playground. Chanyeol's wrapped gently around your waist as he rested his head on your shoulder. "This was the place I spent half my childhood at, "he explained, "so I wanted to bring my favourite person to my favourite place." You smiled, the vibrations of his voice on your skin making you shiver in pleasure. Then, out of nowhere, he spun you around, leaned down, and captured your lips by surprise. The kiss was tender and passionate, leaving you no time to breathe. Finally, your desperate lungs screamed for air and you broke the kiss, making Chanyeol lean in further, wanting more. Your eyes focused on his studding, flawless features as his eyes slowly eased down, his long eyelashes framing his dark eyes as you got one last glimpse of them before he closed them. Leaning his head down towards yours, his soft lips slowly started to pucker, and it took all your strength and self control to place your hands on his chest, shove him back and run.

Chanyeol staggered backwards, an astonished, "what that-" escaping past your lips as he witnessed you fleeing from him. He beamed as he watched you slip down the slid and start to bolt across the grassy filed, apologising when you accidentally ran across a picnic a young couple were sharing.

Shaking his head with a little laugh, he too fell down the slide and chased after you, his long lean legs working to his advantage when the gap between you both minimised which each of his long strides.

Daring to take a look over your shoulder, your eyes bulged when you noticed your boyfriend gaining on you rapidly. You knew you could never win against him, so instead if continuing your race you skidded to a halt, spinning around on the balls of your feet with your hands held out in front of you.

Before you could open your mouth, and before your eyes could focus before you, the inevitable happen. Chanyeol's hard, muscular frame crashed against you as a strained, "umph," escaped past his lips and knocked you both to the ground.

You gasped out in desperation for oxygen when your air was knocked out of your lungs, Chanyeol's weight crushing down on you. "Babe..."

"Yes sweetie?" Chanyeol questioned as he looked deep into your eyes.

"I c...can't breath..."

Chanyeol's eyes shot open, his weight vanished from on top of you, his arms wrapped around your waist to pull you along with him as he rolled, you now on top of him.

Your breath caught in your throat as your nose was only millimeters away from his. His brown, warm orbs bore into yours, making your heart beat abnormally fast. Time stopped for that instant, the indescribable feeling settling deep within you. If someone told you you had to put it into words, you would probably say something like: being with him is like waking to a perfectly sunny day, like a cup of sweet hot chocolate on a freezing snowy day, like getting a hug when you needed one the most, like how love is supposed to feel. Right.  Yeah, being with Chanyeol feels free, comfortable, and right.

He planted a small kiss on your lips to turn your attention back to him. "what are you thinking about, baby?" You smiled and placed your face into the crook of his neck, making him shiver slightly. Letting your minty, sweet breath tickle his skin, you whispered,   "how much I love you and how much I don't want to lose you." Chanyeol's lips formed into a smile. He decided to be a bit of a tease, "what? I couldn't quite hear that." You whispered again, this time a little louder, "I said I love you and I don't want to ever lose you." He asked again, "what? Could you repeat yourself?" Chanyeol chuckled when he felt your pout against his neck, "well, if  you don't want to say it, I'm going to." Without waiting for your response, he said, "you are the only person that makes me laugh without having to tell a joke, you are the only person that can comfort me in my hardest times, you are the only person that makes me feel whole. You, are my everything. I'd be crazy if I wanted to leave. I'm staying right here. You couldn't get rid of me if you tried." Your heart felt fuzzy and tears welled up in your eyes as he pulled you close into a warm, tight, perfect hug.
