Chapter 27: Mary's POV

I was running fast as I could, and eventually came to the other side of the island.

"ANNE!" I called hoping she or someone who'd seen her would respond.

I ran up to a Palm tree overlooking the island to see better. I was shocked when I realized how many had died, and how many were still to come. This was not even half of it. Many citizens were running, and finding what shelter they could. They planned to wipe out any remaining pirates, but I wasn't going to allow that.

I was trying to calm myself to use the sense, but I was shot down. Someone saw me, and I couldn't move. I hit my back, too hard, and I'm sure that a few new scars came. "Fuck." I stood up, because it didn't hurt, but just then a huge shocking pain went through my left side. I took off my coat and tried to walk. Every step weakened me more and more, it was almost like I was back in Kingston nearly 5 years back. "Dammit." I looked at my hand as I saw that it was stained red.

"MARY! I was so worried." It was Anne, and I felt so relieved. "Mary, your side! What happened!" She said running. "I'm fine, Anne, don't worry." "Mary, you can be hurt. Come on." "Really. I'm fine. Let's go." I was trying to run, but nearly collapsed if not for Anne grabbing me. I felt weak. Everything was slowly turning dark. "Come on dammit. You can make it. Let's go." I picked myself up, or rather tried to.

I was nearly falling, and Anne was having trouble. She turned over, almost like she was about to hug me, but was trying to bring me up. The man that shot me saw Anne from afar trying to help me. I told Anne, and she knew it. Just before the man's gun went off, he himself was shot and fell down to the ground. He stood up, and shot Anne.

We both fell to the ground. The man walked closer, stumbling. I looked at Anne, shot in the torso as well. With what strength I could manage to pull, I stood up. I grabbed the man's collar, all of us were weakened, I wish I could say that I took his life in a more heroic way, but all I did was pull him in, ejected my blade, and killed him. I watched his eyes look at me as the life left them. I looked at him the same, and fell to the ground once more, I then pulled myself to Annie. "So this is how we go. How our lives end. Who would've thought." Anne whispered. I gave a small laugh. "Mary Read and Anne Bonny. The women who defeated the kings navy single handedly, The "Pirate Queens", she devils. Huh. Biggest load of shit spoken on these oceans. If they only knew this one shot took us, they'd laugh." I said. "Damn. So much, and this is what did it. We lived longer than many. You, 25. Me, 29. We asked for it." I said. "You think we can make it a few more minutes?" Anne asked. "Why not. Let's kill a few bastards with our last dying breaths. Maybe We'll survive." I told her. "Maybe."

We walked off. Our last stands. "Together" we both said. We went back to back, and shot, sliced, and killed a good amount of lives. There was no more. It was over. Me and Anne got the last. We went down together, hugged one last time, and fell on our backs, all energy drained from us.

I pictured something. Another flashback.
