
I'm laying in my comfy bed on my phone looking for room ideas because I want to decorate my room when I get a notif from Dream/Clay.I click the message as I was curious to what he wanted seeing as he never texted me unless he was streaming he usually called me.When I click the message I'm quite shocked.

                                                         ~Dream :)~

d-Hey y/n me and some people decided to add you to the smp if you'd like of course and seeing as your my bestfriend i want you to join please consider!!! <3


                                                                                    Give me some time to think I have to stream                                                                                                      right now but ill  let you know soon thanks dream                                                                                                                                              truly have a nice day <3      -Y

(a/n italics are thoughts)

omg did he really just invite me to THE dream smp I cant believe it omg omg omg.....I HAVE TO TELL NIKI!!

you snap outta your thoughts and text niki the news she doesn't text back so you assume shes busy.You get up to get ready for stream which wont be much just some minecraft hardcore.You shower and get dressed 

(which ever you want :) )       You sit at your desk and turn on your pc load up your tabs and start stream. Hiya chat today we're playing on our hardcore world i know its been awhile we'll wait a few to get everyone in then we'll start. When i read chat i see a new name  Technoblade.

A few minutes go by and I start up my world  I go by showing everyone my house which was pretty nice it took awhile to build but my chat and I were happy with it

While I was thanking donos and subs I see I get a new sub and chat goes wild 

chatter178-omg is that real loloolol
chatter9989-bro wthhhhhh

I'm a bit confused and ask chat ''Hey chat is that like another streamer why are you all freaking out hm?'' surprisingly chat doesn't answer so i just move on.I stream for an hour or so before telling chat I have to go and shop for furniture.I end stream.why was chat freaking out about this Technoblade person and why didnt they say why hm weird. I go to a website and look for bedroom stuff and decide on this.

(but with more vines and flower things yk)

I was happy about it so I pay and then decide to go get some food.I get into my car and drive around looking for some food I pull over to check whats open when i get a chime from discord saying someone added me.I make a mental note to check later and start driving to the closest mcdonald's because you simply cannot go wrong with that.I pull up and order 10 mcnuggets a coffee and some fries.I drive home get setup in the living room and decide to open up youtube.I watch one of dreams manhunts while eating my food.When I finish I throw my trash away and clean up a bit.I remember the discord message and go to discord I see its from the same Technoblade guy.I open the message and all it says is ..

T-Hey y/n remember me?

I'm not sure what they mean I just brush it off and reply ''no? from stream?'' put my phone down and go get ready for bed because its nearly 12 and i have more moving to do tomorrow.I brush my teeth and go to sleep.

(a/n hey uhm this isnt great but i tried lol dont know if anyone will read this ever so yeah word count-669)
