Da....Da....DREAMLAND- 3

"What if I want to break up with you? " I asked Leo while slurping  noodles.

"Why would you want to do so? " Leo questioned

"Just because." I said giving him no space for a correct reason.

"If that will be the case then I will gladly be happy to follow you around till you tell me a you are going to take me in, either way you are stuck with me for our whole life."  Leo answered smiling shamelessly.

"And what if you call it off? " I questioned being a bit scared.

"Why will I do so? " Leo questioned again.

"Just because." I answered

"Then you have full right to emotionally black mail me firstly and if I still don't correct my mistake then take me in the middle of the sea and push me off the yacht." Leo said going through his phone.

"Leo.." I try to say something again but he sounded grumpy this time while looking at me.

"What is it now? " He asked

"Leo.." That's all the word that escape from my mouth this time. His tone was not only annoyed but also rude and Leo could be anything while talking to me but rude.

My eyes filled up with tears, I looked at him and he doesn't look a bit of concerned at all. He is the sweetest person I have ever met, he was not even rude when we split-up.

Wait a minute why are we talking, we had part our ways, then why we are talking like a normal couple. I looked at my surroundings and all of a sudden the restaurant started to collapse and fall in the black hole and same goes for everything including Leo. I tried to hold him but I also fell at last.

I jolted awake from my bed and the sense of relief finding myself alive was enough for me to climb out of the bed at the very time.
It was a vivid dream. I fastly unlocked my phone and searched typing the keywords " Things falling in dream" .

Many things came up and none of them was a good sign, I am taking off for South Korea today and the dream was unwelcome enough to jinx my whole trip.

I walked in front of mirror and looked at the reflection in front of me. Alaida, You need to move on and Leo needs to be forgotten. Delete everything from your mind, room, phone and heart that reminds you of him.

Of course he is not the cause of every problem but he have an upper hand in each one of them. Let's focus, you need to focus on yourself. Okay.

I ranted in front of the mirror to give myself a heads up and then go through my phone to message 1Woah<rider

                                                                                    I need a place to stay

I know.
                                                                                              I'm glad for that.

Me too.

                                                                                           I need to wash up.

I need to eat breakfast.

                                                                               Let's just discuss it fastly.

So, I found a good place,

                                                                          Cut the suspense. Will you?

Your budget was $750.


I found a place a good one
at $830, it's a one-storey house
with all the furniture, you have
to pay $1000 as safety deposit.

                                                                            $1000? It's too much dude.

I know, but it's a great offer.
Garage and lawn are included.

To be honest its my friend's house,
he want to rent the place but don't
want his identity to be revealed.
So, I negotiated him
into this deal.

                                                                                                   You con man.

Anyways, once you'll
A driver will come to receive you
he'll have your account name, you
can hide your face.
He'll get the papers done in few days
and till then you can stay at that house for free.

                                                                I don't even know where to start.

                                                                                           Thanks a lot, if not
                                                                                           for you I would be
                                                                                              in deep trouble.

Just collaborate with me
once in a while.

                                                                                                           For sure.

My breakfast is served.

                                                                                      Devour the monster.

I place my phone in the night stand with a smile on my face. Who would have thought there are people like 1rider in the world, people who gladly help other people without any greed. I am eager to meet him in person, is he really what I think or just a cover protecting something nasty inside.

"I brought all the things in the list except few." Elara said pushing the door open of my room with her back while her hand is busy with lots of bags.

When we went to shopping last day there were still few things I needed, but we didn't have much time for all those shopping so I asked Elara for the favour and as the sweetest person she is, she never said no.

''Ohh, girl. Thanks a lot. You saved me a whole trip back to India." I thanked her genuinely. If not for her, I would have to come back for these stuffs after moving there. I sprinted towards her to take the loads of bag from her hand.

"How could you let her go alone to fetch all these things." Brother yelled at me while coming towards my room with other bags.

My first surviving extinct was to close the door right at his face but I don't want him to trip over the stairs and make a fool out of me, as Elara thinks I am a great younger sibling and brother is some older sibling who have no literal idea as how to behave.

"You both were together all this time? I questioned looking at Elara specifically.

I was in utter disbelief rather than being shock. Did brother already made a move on her, I hope not. I wish not.

"You, thanks a lot, now get out of my room." I ordered brother while pushing him out and close the door locked. Then I walked to Elara and made her sit on my bed while holding her hand.

"Look, I'm going right. So there are few things I wanna say and few promises you need to make." I said looking at her.

"I was sure this is gonna come soon, but yeah tell me." El answered quietly.

"You need to study and come to Korea as fast as you can, you can make friends but make sure you'll never replace me, you need o call me every weekend last and please promise me you'll never, I repeat never ever date my brother. promise me all these things."
I said ranting things.

"Slow down lightning McQueen, I almost didn't get all that." Elara said pacing my speed down.

"Okay......." She started again
"Let's get this straight, I could never be in ease knowing you are two flights away from me so coming to Korea is not an option it's the only way. Replacing you, how could you think of that and just to make sure you are the only human being around my age who is able to handle me best so don't worry about that."
She said as I cut her off in the middle.

"So you promise to never replace me and came to korea as fast as you can? " I questioned

"Do I need to write it with blood? " El questioned being a bit annoyed

"Just words, say I promise." I told her.

"I promise miss Alaida that I'll never replace you as my best friend or my soul mate and I'll literally run to Korea if I have to on the first chance I'll be given. Is that okay? " El asked

"Yes." I answered
"Go on." I added.

"Calling you every weekend would be so little for me, lets make it two times a week,I mean how can I tell you a whole passing week just with few hours and your brother is flirting with me and he's also my type but still I promise you I'll never date him or whatsoever without you being with me, either it's Goa or South Korea." Elara said completing her oath

I was just looking at her, I missed all the words after she said that calling me once a week would not be enough for her, it makes me think weather I'm making a good choice with going away from all this love or not. No one can compete with things she have done for me and given me, how could I possibly live without her for god knows how many days,months or worse even years.

"Al, say something." El said waking me up from my thoughts.

"I think I am gonna miss you a lot." I said  while I quickly hold her tight in my embrace.

She broke the hug and looked directly at my eyes and said

"Don't do this."

"Do what? "

"Being all sentimental, and emotional. Save it for the air port."

"Oh yeah? "

"Yeah, for now let's pack all these stuff and your so- called favourite snacks into your bag, let's get you ready for South Korea and Hybe."

I just nodded and started stuffing things in my suitcase. The day went slowly with few more emotional and fun moments while everyone was in the urge of breaking me into their hugs. Papa still thinks I needed much safer place to stay, even though I gave him info about the place 1rider find for me, Mama still thinks she can hold me back and stop me with things like you won't get this their, you won't get that their but in real she also knows it's time to set me off in the wind. El is checking stuffs I need and brother, he is being like a puppy following Elara around and it gross me out, but El is smart enough to know what's good and what's bad for her. Right....

Right, she knows that right. I am not sure now.

Brother and Papa started placing my luggage in the car and as they do so; I went on a little trip of my sweet home. I pass through our drawings, the doodles of two unknown artists. Alaric and I use to precisely run with crayons in both of our hands and colour the wall, with whatever things we are please with like a teenager going around the town with spray paints. I walked across our family photo, the prizes, the medals everything, every memory is intact in this place. A tear of nostalgia came to me and I let it flow while I merged all the memory of my twenty years in my soul so I can remember it forever.

''Alaida, someone is looking for you." Mama called from outside.

"Coming" I answered as I locked the door and walked towards my family.

"Hey baby monster, you are going so early." Brother Ahad said while walking towards me.

Brother Ahad is mostly with me when Alaric was in Japan, even though we both fight I missed him too much, so he came to rescue as he was brother's childhood friend, something have happened between these years with him and Alaric and so they are no more friends but he still treat me like his sister. I forget in all this fuss that Ahad also need to be known about the fact that I am going.

"Hello brother." I said

"Care to have a walk with me? " He request and I just nodded and start walking beside him.

"I'm sorry, I never got the time to tell you." I said feeling a rush of guilty driving over me.

"It's okay, I never thought you will but I think I still have the right to say good bye right? " He questioned making me feel more and more ashamed of me.

"Yes you have, I'm just sorry. I am so sorry. I am so dumb."

"Don't be sorry. Anyways, how's things going with Leo? " He asked, I could have answered that but my face says it all.

"I guess it didn't worked out, right? " He questioned again

"I don't know he just called it off all of a sudden." I was too broken to understand and react at that time when I read his messages.

"Have he ever loved me brother? " I asked him.

"I don't know? "

"What do you mean by that?  You three stick together. How could you miss someone being in love, if he has ever of course? "

"I don't know you tell me, how would you know if a guy like him who stick to his bed like some kind of force is always acting upon him starts walking around the seashore every morning just to see a girl opening her window while she looked upon her new day. Do you think that will be the meaning of him falling for her? If a guy who is not much fan of speed buys a sports bike and almost die while learning tricks with it to impress that same girl, did it makes you think that will be the meaning of him falling for her? If a guy who is not fond of social media downloads an app and made numerous accounts on that, just to like her every post so she could get more likes, will it mean he's in love with her? Tell me if a guy drink alcohol and smoke like it's his last day will quit all the drinking and intoxicating things while self-restraining oneself just because he loves someone who hates people being high on anything, will it mean he's totally in love with her? Tell me baby monster."
