It's cold in there right?

*After all exams *

Finally school is over... Today wasn't the worst as i thought. Today i made a new friend. Amane Yugi. We both agreed to come to the park after the school to know better each other. But... there's still somenthing odd. Why he's soooo familiar to me? Wait- coudn't it be... Amane Yugi from my old neighbor's house?? No no no. That Amane before wasn't that much short and he have a different hair... But.. what if.... is he.... the real Amane as i know?? I hope it's him...

*At the park *

There's someting soooo familiar at this place... wait. but- that's the park where i was on the holidays and met amane for the first time!! I remember it here.... wait. isn't that- ooooo that's the tree when he spoke at me for the first time. i remember clearly what he said...  ''It's cold in there right?,, 

Wait. Isn't that- Amane? He finally came -.- Okay. Let's go!


*I waved at him *

''Um.. Hi.,,


''Where have you been?,,

''I'm sorry, but I started reading a great book and I couldn't take my eyes off it.,,

''That's okay.,,

''Okay... wanna sit here?,,


*They sat at the random chair in the park *

*After 1 hour of talking*

He is absolutely same as Amane i knoooow. That's deffinetly him! But... What if he don't know who i am? beacuse my mom got devoursed with dad and i have a different last name... I hope he will found out soon. Because what if it's not him? And i will ask him if he knows me. That will be sooo  embarrassing..

A- ''God...,,

Y- ''What? Something happened?,,

A- ''My mom is calling me to go home,,

Y- ''Ou...,,

Y- ''Okay. see you...,,

A- ''See you.,,

*He was walking straight to the big tree in the park *

*He sat on the left side under the tree *

What is he doing??

*I came to that tree and sat on the right side *

*I was kinda nervous what he was up to *

A- ''It's cold in there right?,,

(Another chapter done! I hope this time the chapter 3 will be soon :D )
