
"So...what's going on?" My mom broke the silence in the car.

"I don't know. I just feel weird about Maizy spending the entire time with Mackenzie." I responded.

"Do you think you're overreacting?"

"No! They were skinny dipping! And kissed way too long during spin the bottle! And Maizy slept in Mackenzie's tent last night! And she's hanging out with her today. How did they get so close all of a sudden?"

"It sounds like you're just being a jealous girlfriend."

"Mom it's more than that."

"Well, if so, let's go KICK THAT MACKENZIE GIRL'S ASS. Well maybe first you should talk to Maizy about it." She laughed. "Maizy is such an odd name."

"I already tried to talk to her about it and she just dismissed it! And I think Maizy is a cute name thank you very much." I sighed and leaned my head up against the cold car window.

"Just wait it out a few days. Ooh have you ever heard of the three day challenge?"

"No." I looked back at her suspiciously.

"So basically you don't talk to your 'significant other' for three days. See if they text you first or ask if you're okay."

"I'm listening."

"If they try and communicate with you and make sure there's nothing wrong, that means they care."

"So basically I ignore her and see if she catches on. Seems like I'm being one of those manipulative girlfriends. I'm in."

Day 1:

I woke up hoping to see Maizy in her room from my window. I was still upset that Maizy didn't even ask where I went yesterday. Was she having so much fun she couldn't even check on her girlfriend? I am definitely going to confront her about this. Again.

I looked in her room and saw a human like blob in her blankets. Okay, she's not awake yet. I felt a small wave of relief. I almost laid back down when I saw a second blob in her blankets move. A second one. Mackenzie. Are you serious? I can't even have sleepovers with Maizy anymore unless it's with other people or we're in the living room by my mom's room.

The relief was taken over by frustration and I grabbed my phone and told Siri to call Maizy. If she wanted beauty sleep, too bad I am angry. I watched her room waiting for her to pick up the phone. The second blob in the blankets that I identified as Mackenzie, rose up and grabbed Maizy's phone.

"Please leave your message for..." I heard coming from my phone meaning the call was declined.

"YOU LITTLE BURNT PIECE OF CELERY!" I screamed hoping Mackenzie would hear from Maizy's room. I guess it was good she didn't pick up because I just remembered about the three day challenge... whoops.

Not much happened the rest of the day. My mom made me go out to lunch with her and I didn't know if Mackenzie was still there or what they were doing.

Day 2:

I saw on Mackenzie's snapchat story that they had been at the mall all day. Ugh the mall. My mom tried to make me feel better by buying me ice cream. It helped a little. Thanks Mom.

Day 3:

At this point I was starting to get scared. I was sure Maizy would've talked to me by now. It was like an anvil was weighing me down and I couldn't get out of bed. My eyes started to feel sore which I figured was from crying to much.

Around 11pm I wondered if it was possible to run out of tears. And then I slapped myself because that's not even a thing and Maizy is clouding my IQ level.

At 11:50pm I checked my messages. She hadn't texted me. I played a game and went back to my messages. Nothing. At 11:59 I checked one last time. And I saw it. A text bubble. She was typing! She was going to talk to me in the 3 days! She cares! I smiled. I waited.

The moment it turned 12am I a text received from Maizy:

"Emory?" It had said. But it was 12am when she sent that. The three day challenge was over at 12am. Does this count as too late?
