Chapter-3-Movie Night

Harry's POV: 

Only one day had passed by and so much had happened already. Harry was overwhelmed. The most surprising thing was that he never thought he would make friends so quickly. Niall was a complete sweetheart. Talking to him was very easy. He never asked Harry personal questions. With other people his quiet nature usually created awkward situations. But Niall spoke so much that all Harry had to do was laugh and nod occasionally and that's it. Zayn was a hard one to crack. With Harry's little crush on him growing, he was extra shy near him. Coming to Liam, they had met unexpectedly in the cafeteria. He was humble and offered the lads to sit with him. The one hour at lunch was spent with Liam telling him childhood stories of when Nick visited. Harry had never laughed so much with a person he had just met. It was heartwarming. 

He was sitting in his bed thinking about the events of the day. It was not a bad one. But not great either. First of all his mom had not called yet. Secondly he missed Gems and even Nick. And lastly- Louis. 

Harry always had things sorted. But Louis just left him confused. It was as if he ignited something inside him. His intense gaze left Harry naked, peeling away the layers and baring his soul for anyone to read. Louis was intimidating and Harry felt weirdly attracted towards him. No not in a romantic way; not at all. He just wanted to unravel him. He wanted to solve the jigsaw that was Louis Tomlinson. 

He knew in his head that he should just stay away. But he couldn't, and for what he had no idea. He felt there was something to Louis that just didn't add up. He had been there in the match for Zayn. But he couldn't take his eyes off Louis though he would never admit that to anyone. The boy who was so rude and arrogant towards him, who seemed to have absolutely no fucking care about anything in the world, seemed so passionate and happy playing a game. If someone can be so joyous kicking a ball for an hour then why not always? What could have happened to make Louis Tomlinson so reserved and unpleasant?

He didn't know the answer yet but was determined to find it out. One thing that Harry had learned through the years of being quiet and observant was reading people and maybe deep inside his heart he knew Louis was not a bad person. 

After an hour of constant questions buzzing through his head he could come to only one conclusion-he would fix whatever is broken. And so he fell asleep forgetting Stan Lucas, forgetting the fact that his mom probably didn't care about him, forgetting all his insecurities, and dreaming only about a pair of blue eyes which were the most breathtaking he had ever seen. 


"Harry why are you so distracted today?", Niall asked. 

Harry shook out his trance. They were in middle of English class and Harry had completely zoned out. The professor was talking about Shakespeare and Harry found it utterly boring. 

"English is boring as hell", Harry cried out sighing. 

"Wanna hear a joke?"

"Niall you can't steal my job mate", Harry chuckled. 

"What is Shakespeare's favorite thing to order from Mac Donald's?", Niall asked. 

"You literally include food in everything right?", Harry laughed. 

"Macbeth", Niall answered. 

"Seriously!- My jokes are way better", Harry exclaimed. 

"You wish", Niall threw back. 

"Game on. Knock knock"

"No Harold not again", Niall sighed. Harry give him a serious glare. 

"Fine. Who's there?"


"Tank who?"

"Welcome", Harry answered. 

"Harry I give up. Now shut the fuck up before I puke on you in front of the entire class." , Niall said at the same time the Professor gave the boys a warning look. 

The rest of the classes went by quickly. The lads decided to meet up later at Liam's dorm for a movie night. They couldn't come up with any better plan as sneaking out of the campus was something none of them were ready to try out this early. Or maybe, just maybe Harry did not have the guts to- not that anyone had to know that. 

To be very honest, Harry was not really excited about the night. He was a bit restless. He was expecting to see Louis today to talk to him and be friends if luck was on his side. But he did not show up for lunch. They did not even have math class today. 

Niall carried a mountain of food items with him as the three lads made their way to Liam's room. The hallways were empty.  People had already retired to the night as everyone had classes early in the morning tomorrow. Five minutes later Harry found himself knocking at Liam's door while Zayn helped Niall with the snacks. Footsteps were heard as a boy made his way to open the door. 

It was none other than Louis in nothing but a pair of boxers. A series of emotions passed through Louis' eyes- shock,  bewilderment, realization and finally irritation. The same were the expressions reflected on Harry's face as if a lightning had passed from Louis to him. There was a pin drop silence like someone had just died. The atmosphere was heavy with awkwardness on Harry's behalf and frustration on Louis'. Harry felt conscious under Louis's intense gaze. Thankfully, Liam appeared at the door at that very moment cutting the tension. 

"Hey lads come in", Liam welcomed the three looking overly cheerful. He glared at Louis as if  warning him to behave. Louis just rolled his eyes and flipped him off.  Classic Tomlinson, Harry thought. Harry walked inside, Zayn and Niall just behind him. The dorm was surprisingly big for two people. There were two bunk beds on opposite sides of the rooms. One could easily tell which side is Louis' and which is Liam's. There was a huge poster of Doncaster Rovers on Louis's side of wall. His bed was messy as hell. Clothes randomly laid here and there. Liam's side on the other hand was tidier. Harry couldn't help but notice a small notebook kept at the common desk. As far as he could make out, it seemed like a musical journal to him. He wondered who among the two was interested in music, hoping it to be Louis for a desperate need to find a common thing to talk about between the two. Harry made a mental note to ask Liam about it later. 

Louis went to his bed without acknowledging the presence of the boys. 

"Ignore him", Liam whispered to the three as they sat on his bed. They made themselves comfortable. Liam was in the middle with the laptop perched on his lap. Zayn sat on his right side and Harry and Niall squeezed to the left. After a fifteen minute debate on what to watch they finally settled with The Notebook. It was Harry's choice, afterall, he was a hopeless, sappy guy. 

Harry absolutely loved Ryan Gosling. The movie was his all time favorite. However, it was the first time he couldn't concentrate. Now and then he would steal glances at Louis- out of pure curiosity and nothing else. He was currently wearing headphones probably to cut out the sounds from the movie. He seemed to be texting someone. His fingers typed at a furious rate. His brows were knitted and his lips were turned down in a deep frown. There were bags under his eyes hinting at the lack of sleep. All Harry wanted to do right now was give the boy a long hug. 

What the fuck is wrong with you Harry Edward Styles? You hate him. 

He went back to the Noah and Allie. Niall was on his third packet of popcorn already. Zayn was cuddled up with Liam. Their legs were intertwined and he lay his head on top of Liam's chest. Harry felt jealous but it didn't last long. He felt someone staring at him and looked up to the pair of blue eyes. Louis narrowed his eyes as soon as Harry's green ones met his blue and turned away. 

The movie ended soon and as the credits rolled, he noticed Zayn had fallen asleep on top of Liam. Keeping apart the tiny bit of envy that he felt, Harry actually thought the two looked cute together. Harry turned around to find Louis working on his laptop. 

"Is he always like this?", Harry couldn't help but ask. 

"Who?", Liam questioned clearly too busy in Zayn to follow Harry's gaze. 

"Him who else", Harry remarked nodding towards Louis who had his back turned towards him. 

"You should see him on Fridays. On his good days he returns late at night pissed drunk and in the bad ones, he doesn't return. I don't get what's fucking wrong with him." 

Harry was appalled at this new piece of information. The more that he got to know about Louis, the more perplexed he was left. His gut told him to not get into this mess but it's not as if he was the one to listen. 

"There's no hope. Don't try", Liam warned him as if reading his mind. He just shrugged and nodded in reply. 

"Hazza I am hungry", Niall suddenly whined putting an end to the serious conversation. 

"You just had four packets of popcorn and chips you buffoon.", Harry snorted in disbelief. 


"No Niall I am not going to make noodles for you again. Fuck off"

"But Hazza I love you", Niall tried. He gave Harry his iconic puppy eyes knowing his mates weakness well. 

"I hate you so much Horan", Harry cried. He heard a quiet snicker almost inaudible coming from the other side of the room. From the corner of his eyes he noticed Louis' lips twitch up. The action was so sudden and small that Harry thought he had imagined it. As soon as their eyes met though for a second time that night, the smile was gone and replaced by a huge scowl. Harry winked at him and bought his attention back to the famished boy who was completely unaware of the exchange that took place a second ago. 

"Common lets go back its almost midnight. Will make your noodles in our room", Harry said as he started getting up from the bed. He rubbed his tired eyes as a loud yawn escaped his mouth. 

"What about him?", Liam asked pointing towards Zayn. 

"Keep him", Harry winked suggestively. Liam blushed brightly and Harry and Niall burst out laughing. 

"You look so cute all flustered up", Harry joked as Liam snorted. 

"Get out of my room now you guys have overextended your invitation", Liam said. 

"Where are manners Payne", Harry asked raising his brows and smirking again. The two left Zayn and started walking towards the door. 

"Goodnight Liam", Harry shouted. 

"Night Hazza. Night Nialler", Liam replied back. 

As Harry neared Louis' bed, he whispered, "Night Louis", softly, loud enough for Louis to hear. Without waiting for his reaction, Harry left the room with Niall closing the door behind. He smiled like a fool as he walked back knowing he had challenged Louis silently. 

