Chapter 21

Finally the day the team got their scrolls that stated that they were qualified to participate in the chunin exams came.
Team 7 - consisting of Naruto, Sasuke and Sai - was accepted
Unfortunately, so was Team 11. Ebisu had no choice in the matter, seeing as the Hokage and the civilian council were literally breathing down his neck. However, 2 good things did happen:
1)The team of 4 + 2 senseis was split up. Mito and Sakura were the new team 11 with their sensei being the Hokage, while Menma and Haku were the new team 12 with their senseis being Zabuza and Ebisu.
2) As a result of the split, Ebisu was finally free!

During this time, Menma moved in to the sage's house and left behind the name Namikaze. Kushina and Naruto felt proud of Menma and, as a result, he was chosen to be the next head of the Uzumaki clan. It was Naruto's brilliant idea.

Team 7 and 12 decided to meet with each other before going in without their senseis. They entered and were instructed to go to the third floor building. However, upon reaching the second floor, they noticed a crowd gathered around 2 ninjas.
Sasuke spoke first, "They do realize that we are on the second floor, right?"
Sai smiled before saying "What idiots."
Menma scoffed, even he could see through the jutsus. He noticed 2 rather familiar people arguing with the ninjas, "Look whose there, " Menma said before point at Mito and Sakura.
"Should we tell them?" Haku asked.
"No, it'll ruin our fun." Naruto said before they continued to walk upstairs.

They entered the room and scanned the area. They felt people releasing their kii at them but couldn't be bothered. They've felt worse before. Much worse.

Naruto and the rest headed towards their group of friends and began to chat until Ibiki came in and led the group of chosen genins enter the examination room. They began the test and, within a few seconds, Naruto realised the aim of the whole thing.

Ibiki was getting smarter.

Naruto looked around lazily at the people here and noticed 2 genins absent : Mito and Sakura
"Pathetic, " he thought "trained by the Hokage himself but couldn't even see through a low level genjutsu."
This would greatly wound the Hokage's reputation - not that it wasn't already after the clan heads realized what type of person their Hokage really is.

After the whole ordeal, only a few teams remained. Anko took them to their second exam destination, the Forbidden Forest. Unfortunately for almost all teams present, Naruto and his friends knew that forest inside out, so this was a cinch to them. They got the scrolls in lesser that 2 hours before entering the building. They hung out there, waiting for the 3 boring days to end so that the third exam could be explained.

During the third day, Naruto could see the Hokage climbing up the stairs of the building, pointedly ignoring him and his friends (including Menma) before stating his announcements.

"As you have all completed this harsh stage, I would like to wish you a good job. Now, since there are only few teams here, draw your slot. There is a pair for each number in there. Whoever has the same number as you will fight against you in the final exam in three months time. Now, 2 other exceptionally talented ninjas who were sick for the first two exams will be joining for the final exams, my daughter Mito and her friend Sakura."

Whispers began to erupt as Mito and Sakura entered the platform and stood in front of the genin ninjas. This time, the whispers weren't so nice.
"Now, -" the Hokage began "- on the day of the first exam, my daughter and her friend were drugged and knocked out. It seems 2 ninjas pretended to be them and look like failures. We don't know who they are, but I have a gut feeling about 2 people. So, they will be joining."

The civilians began to clap while the ninjas glared. It was clearly an excuse: there were sensors around the whole of the building to make sure nothing like this would happen. Clearly the Hokage was lying. Every ninja there began to doubt, if not already doubt, their precious Hokage.
Naruto looked around, trying to make sense of it all, until he saw Danzo. Danzo, instead of looking furious, smirked.

The people started to pick up their numbers. No 2 ninjas from the same village were pitted against each other, with 2 exceptions. Menma was going against Sakura, and Naruto against Mito. This was going to be EASY.

After they were dispersed, Naruto went to where he felt Danzo's chakra.
"What's this about Danzo-jiji?" Naruto asked.
"Your father made up that excuse along with the civilian council and the 2 heads. The ninja council protested but, then I thought, why not give them a taste of their own medicine? I voted in their favor and told the clan heads in braise code - without Minato seeing - my idea. They too accepted their false story. However, when they said that you and Sai were guilty, we drew a line. I was hoping you would be paired against Mito, so now you can show who's better in the exam. My black ops will make sure that team doesn't cheat. Until then, train hard."
"Thanks jiji!" Naruto said in happiness.

Later that night Naruto told the plans. They all smirked, oh how they couldn't wait.

Sorry I haven't updated sooner!
I've been in a boarding school with no phone and wattpad is not working in my school-given laptop. I'll try to update more. Until then, Ja nee ~
