Chapter 12

When Dimitri opened the grand hall doors, no one spoke a word, and my heart began to pound in my ears. Why are they all staring at me? I asked Dimitri. 

Because you slayed three master vampires easier than you beat all of them just yesterday. He spoke back to me and squeezed my hand tighter. We walked, hand in hand, to the king's table where the queen, and the beta and his mate sat as well. There were two places left at the table, mine and Dimitri's. My father, mother, and sister sat at the adjacent table. As I sat, the King stood. 

"Wolves and shewolves here today we have learned that our future queen, this wee little princess, is just as she promised and so much more. This morning, she slayed three master vampires, two while in human form, in under the seven minutes that it took for back up to arrive." as he spoke people cheered. "It is obvious that the moon goddess has massively blessed her and the union between  Alaisia and Dimitri, and may those blessings continue. And I believe with Dimtiri as king, and Alaisia ruling at his side, we will end vampire kind!" and that really cause an uproar. Then there was a banging on the door. I smelt it, right before the first knock. 

Vampires. I spoke directly to the kind, my father, and Dimitri. Women and children, please exit quietly to the silver rooms. I spoke to the warriors lined on the walls and all the men at the tables and they lead the women and children quickly to doors behind the curtains to the rooms lined with silver. Girls, behind me. Now. I spoke to the girls and all were behind me instantly. Yes, Alaisia. 

"Open the door Alexander! Now." the vampire yelled from behind the door. The king simply looked to me. 

I can only smell about seven of them behind the door. But I feel many more around the castle. We must proceed with the most caution possible. I spoke back. 

"Open the door, Collin." the Kind called and the wolf stood and opened the door. And I was right, one vampire led the small pack, with three on each side. Following behind in a V shape. I knew that vampire. The King. I barely stopped myself from gasping. He was gorgeous. Tall and slender, but not unhealthy looking. Short, very fashionable, black hair with a hard part adorned his head. Pale skin, with black stubble across his strong jaw line. Piercing blue eyes stared directly into mine. I stared back. my stare harder. A challenge. I held my head high and looked at him down my nose. 

"Good to see you, Vlad. What brings you to my castle?" King Alexander spoke with full manners.      "I'm here to see your new warrior. The one who killed my men earlier, bring him forward. I want to look into his eyes. The man who thinks he can get away with killing my people without reprimand." he demanded. 

Alaisia dont. Dimitri growled to me. But it landed on deaf ears. 

"That would be me." I spoke, shoulders squared. All eyes flew onto me. Including the vampire king's. 

"Excuse me?" he spoke. 

"It. Was. Me." I spoke again. Suddenly I was pulled from the kings table, and floated over to the vampire king. "Neat trick. I bet you never have to get up to turn lights off." I smiled and he did something I didn't expect, he laughed. 

"Normally I would've argued that you were lying, that no shewolf could've killed three of my master vampires that I made myself. But I can feel the power rolling off of you, my dear, and it's delicious smelling." I stood still as he began to circle around me. Although I was still, I was ready to fight if it became necessary.  He lifted a lock of my hair, smelled it, and tucked it behind my ear before bending towards my neck. My whole body went rigid.

Dimitri , calm down. We don't want to start an unnecessary fight because he is showboating.  I spoke calmly to him. I could feel his rage from here, rolling off of him in waves. Come on baby, breathe with me. And he nodded to me, I never took my eyes away from his.

    "Strong little shewolf." he whispered in my ear. " I wonder what you taste like.."  he breathe deeply from the base of my neck up to my ear. A shiver went through my body, I don't know if it was fear or adrenaline. But either way, I was humming.

"Well little shewolf, as a penalty for killing my men; I have decided to claim you for myself."

     "Oh, like hell!" Dimitri screamed and growled. He jumped from the table, shifting mid air and landed in front of the vampire king and myself. Stupid boy. My wolf and I said in unison.

"Oh, so this is our future queen, is she?" the vampire king laughed. "I could just kill your mate and that would be a lesson wouldn't it, little shewolf. Though..." he leaned and took another deep breathe at my neck. "You haven't mated yet, so taking you atnd mating you before he could will kill two pups with one stone." and he licked my neck. I stepped away and in front of Dimitri.

     "You wont touch either of us. I guess you haven't heard why I am here. I am the best warrior of our kind, I was sent here to protect the Prince and if you try to hurt him, you will have to go through me first." I snarled

"You think you can kill me?" he stopped laughing and looked down on me. He towered over me.

"I killed three of your best in seven minutes, two as a human. I'd bet I could finish you off in fifteen." I smiled and took a step closer to him.

"Feisty little shewolf  you have here, little prince. Sure you can keep her on a leash? I will gladly take this beauty off of your hands." The king reached forward and stroked my cheek with one long, ice cold finger. I snapped my teeth at it. "Alexander, you should be proud of this little one. I imagine she will be a great queen one day. But not here, she will be at my side. "

"Afraid not Vlad. Alaisia is our princess, and we will do all within our power to ensure her safety. Now, its time you are leaving. You have overstayed your welcome." The great werewolf king stepped down from his table and walked forward, a clear threat hung in the air.

"So be it. I will leave." Suddenly he lunged forward and sunk his fangs into my neck. I reacted immediately and slammed my knee up and into his groin with everything I had. He released me with a sinister laugh, blood dripping down his chin. "So delicious, even more so than I imagined."

 I lunged forward and tackled him and began to swing punches. I landed many to his face before he caught my wrist and sank his fangs back into my body, twisting my wrist at an angle, breaking it. I screamed and grabbed the knife from inside my boot  and rammed it into the only thing I could, his shoulder. It wasn't his heart. but it had to hurt like a bitch. I twisted it until he let me go with a loud shriek and I was pulled off of the king by other vampires. I snarled and pulled out of their grip, but not quick enough to get back to the king. Only to fight the men he had on me. The first was gone in seconds, I spun around and slammed my knife into his chest. He dropped instantly. I stood again and there was four other vampires around me. My wrist was throbbing, but I didn't hesitate, I flung myself backwards into one and knocked him to the ground. I twisted my body around to where I could flip over his body, only my hands around his head touched the ground. I snapped his neck as I yanked him up and used his body like a baseball bath to knock the other three into the wall. They hit the nearby wall and I ran up and stabbed the first in the heart. Three down, two to go. One grabbed me from behind, trying to restrain me, the other had a knife trying to stab me. He got me in the leg as I walked up his body and flipped over the guy's behind me's head. I kicked his knee and he fell to the ground, I reached down and tore his head off. for the last...I was mad. I slowly walked towards him and I could see the fear in his eyes and I punched him hard in the jaw. It knocked him to the ground and I kicked him over and over. Most was out of pure anger, non was actually necessary. Then I stomped down hard on his head. I stomped and stomped and stomped. I reached down and grabbed his head and sunk my human teeth into his neck. Then I shifted to wolf form and bit harder, I shook his body until his head disconnected from the rest of him. When I was done I turned around, looking for the king, still in wolf form. ready to fight. But he was gone, and everyone stared at me. not a vampire in sight. I shifted back to human form, not even caring about being naked. I heard people gasp, no doubt I was covered in blood.

     "That fucker bit me." was all I said before my knees buckled beneath me and everything went black.
