
"Fuck off husk.." Angel muttered through the door. Husk left, He didn't want to annoy Angel anymore, besides hes drunk. So instead Husk went down to tend the bar.

A few hours had passed, the others still hadnt returned back but Angel finnaly sobered up a little and came down. His eye bloodshot from crying. He sat across from Husk. They both sat their in silence for a moment until husk spoke up "Angel im sorry for interf-" Angel cut him off and began to speak "Husk..dont apologise really, i get care. Im just..well not used to anyone actully care for me, and not want anything in return. So um..what im trying to say is Thank you"

Angel climbed over the bar and gave Husk a hug, Husk smiled a little and hugged back. They stayed like that for a few more moments before husk finnaly pulled away and put his hand out. "Come on, time to go back to bed." Angel took his hand and Husk guided him back to his room. Husk let go once they arrived at Angels door. "Right goodnight." Husk said before walking away.

"Hey!!" Angel said. "Hm?" Husk asked turning around "Cant I sleep with you make me" Angel asked. Husk waited then nodded "No funny buisness!" He said as they both went to Husks room. They laid beside each other "Dont make this a habbit Angel, You gotta sleep in your own room at some point you dont need me." Husk groaned rolling over and Angel nodded.Falling asleep beside each other once again.

The next morning Husk woke up while angel was still asleep, He woke up hugging each other again but instead Husk stayed like that but as soon as Angel awoke he pretended to be asleep, just so he Angel wouldnt know he found it quite nice to be hugging him.

Angel sat up and began shaking husk "Huskyyy!!! Im hungry!" He whined as Husk sat up "God, for what?" Husk asked rubbing his eyes. "Your dick~" Angel whispered in his ear. "You just never stop trying do you." Husk said smiling and getting up to go greet the others downstairs.
