Chapter 1

Sabrina to the top

Also, I'm well aware of what the Cold War actually is and that it's a thing. However, considering that this is a work of FICTION, I interpreted it a different way. This is fictional and I'm allowed to bend canon events that happened for the sake of the plot, so let's let this work of completely unrealistic events happen :)

Chapter 1

I hold my breath as I watch my target scan the area. I watch as it sniffs the air and raises its front leg in the air, as if preparing to run away. After a tense two minutes, it slowly returns to grazing the grass again. I let out the breath I was holding and position my arrow.

"You got this," I breath out, steadying my grip on the bow and arrow. My back is pressed against the trunk of a tree and my feet are balanced on one of the branches. I'm fairly far from the ground, but not too much where I couldn't see my target.

The only sound I could hear were the leaves being ripped from its spot in the branches by the wind and the chirping of birds. To the deer I'm currently stalking, it might seem like a peaceful day. Too bad they rarely look up.

I silently groan when I realize that, from my spot, I can't hit my target in the heart. One of the branches from the tree in front of me is blocking me from hitting the arrow where I want it to. But if I want my target to not run away, I can't move from my current spot.

There's no way I'm going to take the risk of my target getting away from me, not after all I went through just to find it. Having no other choice, I let the arrow go and watch it hit my target directly in the leg. Before the arrow even landed, I jump down from the tree and start to sprint towards the deer.

Just like I knew it would, once the arrow pierced its leg, the deer quickly starts to run in the other direction. Luckily, I had aimed it right so the deer would limp, making it easier for me to catch up to it. As soon as I get close enough, I grab a dagger from my boot while still sprinting after it before jumping in front of the deer and stabbing it directly in the deer's heart.

It staggers for a few more steps before finally falling to the ground. When I check that it's really dead, I take the dagger away and wipe the blood off on my pants. I grab it by the neck and start to drag it back to my home, if you could even call it that.

It's hardly a home. It's more of a house I have to share with people who despise my very existence. Whenever something goes wrong, the blame automatically goes to me, even when I'm not around when it happens.

I can't blame them though. I understand where they're coming from. I know they're angry about what I am, even though it's not completely my fault. If anything, they should be mad at my real parents.

Once the house comes into view, I walk up the steps and open the door. When I walk inside, I see my brother Alex eating soup while listening to the town crier outside talk about recent vampire activity. It's nice that our house is close to the town center because we don't have to leave it to hear important announcements.

He sees me walk in and immediately I see the look of disgust in his eyes. Before it used to hurt, but I've somewhat gotten used to seeing that look. "At least you got us decent meat this time," he mutters, before directing his attention back to the crier. I don't bother replying and instead just drag the deer back to the dining area before setting it down near the table.

When I walk back outside, I wait a while to hear any form of gratitude, dusting my shirt to not make it seem obvious that I'm waiting. He pretends not to even notice me standing there so I just shake my head at him before taking my dagger from my boot.

I wash it in the washstand before placing it back inside my boot. Since I'm not planning to go hunting again, I hide my bow and arrow under one of the lower tables. Seeing as nobody in the house was going to talk to me, I walk out through the back door and into the cool air.

It's late November, meaning the air was cool despite the sun still being out. I start making my way through the town and smile at those who I pass by. They smile back and some even mutter 'hi' before continuing on their way. That's one thing I love about the townspeople here. To them I'm not some freak of nature.

It's not something I'm used to feeling around my house, but everyone here in the town has a common enemy. That enemy, of course, being vampires.

Years ago, when the supernaturals exposed themselves, a war broke out to determine who would be the dominant species. As expected, the humans lost, but they did put up a fight. The war lasted fifteen years and killed many from both sides. The war was mainly fought in the poles, making it known as the Cold War.

After the supernaturals won, a treaty was signed that stated that they were now in power. Then a smaller war broke out among the supernaturals to determine which one would have ultimate power over everyone. It's sad how every argument had to result in a war that killed thousands of lives.

The vampires had won the civil war among the supernaturals. The war lasted only five years, so it didn't cause as much damage as the Cold War did. The vampires separated each continent into territories, with one royal family ruling over each one.

We live in the Bathum territory, which is the second largest territory in the world. You'd think life would be easy if one royal family had to watch over this huge territory but unfortunately we live extremely close to the castle.

No one within ninety miles of the royal family was allowed to move out unless it was for education or family emergencies. Before that rule confused me, but then I learned that the royal family needed slaves to help around the castle. Their slave hunting ground was ninety miles around the castle, and we were the closest to it.

If I look up, I can see the top of the castle where the royal family lives. Seeing it reminds me that the crier announced earlier that the vampires are looking for a new slave. They didn't tell us who the slave would be working for, but they did the usual of warning us to stay indoors when the sun goes down so we have a better chance of not getting picked.

Since the sun is still out for a couple more hours, I don't panic as I continue on my way. It's easy to tell the vampire peasants from the humans around this time. The humans are the ones looking panicked as they rush to their homes while the vampires stick to the shadows in the alleys.

I avert my eyes away from the hungry eyes of the vampires. I'm not scared of them attacking me since I know that they'll be affected from the bite more than I will.

I keep walking until I reach the the last shop on the street. It's barely noticeable from far away and it's a tiny store that sells all sorts of things. I'm not that interested in the items there but I still visit everyday.

The reason I visit is because of the people that run the store. Sarah and Jack Miles are the old owners who used to be doctors until they retired about five years ago. They're one of the nicer vampires who raised me better than my family ever did.

When I open the door, a small bell chimes signalling that I walked in. "Be there in a minute!" I hear Jack's voice call out.

"You have ten seconds or I'm leaving!" I reply, smiling as I sit down in one of the chairs. Jack's head pops out from behind the counter and smiles, showing off his fangs.

"Sabrina! Nice to see you again, how are you?" he asks, walking over and giving me a hug.

"Fine, but put those fangs away! You're scaring me," I joke, leaning against the counter.

"You shouldn't be scared of fangs, I mean after all, you do have a pair," Sarah says, coming down from the stairs that leads to where they live. She hands a blood bag to Jack and they start drinking it before Jack gets up and throws the empty bags away.

I grimace at the sight and they both see my look. "Don't worry dear, it's animal blood," Sarah reassures.

"Yeah, we're going vegan for you. You're welcome," Jack says, walking over and giving Sarah a kiss on the cheek. I smile at the small gesture while leaning my head against my hands. Sarah and Jack are soulmates and it's obvious how madly in love they are with each other.

That's something I've always dreamed about. To have someone look at me like that. But I know deep down that the reality would be that I wouldn't get it. "Hey, what's wrong dear?" Sarah asks, noticing my mood.

I've never lied to either of them before and I'm not going to start now. "Just feeling sad that I'll never get the kind of love that you two have," I reply, trying not to sound too sad. It's been nineteen years, I shouldn't be this sad since I've known that to be true for a while now.

But it doesn't mean it doesn't sting in my heart. "What are you talking about dear? Everyone has a soulmate, that means you will too," Sarah says, walking over to sit in one of the chairs near me.

"Even if that's true, what kind of person would want to be with me with what I am?" I ask, and they both fall silent.

Years ago, when my step-father went away for business, my mom decided to go out and have fun. The problem was that she got reckless, drunk, and had sex with a random guy that she didn't know. You may think that it should be no big deal, but the result of her actions proved otherwise.

A few days later my mom found out that she was pregnant with me. That caused a few problems because when my step-dad returned, my mom had no excuse as to why she was pregnant. My step-dad immediately divorced her, leaving my mom alone to deal with three kids.

Honestly my mother wouldn't have had a problem with that if I came out normal. However, the nurse and doctor noticed something odd about me when I was born. One, I was really pale, almost ghost pale. Two, my eyes were a crimson red color.

My mother freaked out and while the doctor was calming her down, the nurse asked her who the father was. Of course, my mom had no idea. She didn't even know his name! The doctor and nurse both wanted to keep me for a while, to test out what was going on with me and my mother instantly complied, not even caring that she was giving her child to two people that she barely knew.

Lucky for her and me both, the doctor and nurse were Sarah and Jack Miles. During the three years that I lived with them, they noticed something different about me. I had my motor skills sooner than most kids, and I was faster and stronger than all humans my age.

At first they brushed it off. But one night, while they were eating steak with a glass of blood, I apparently took a glass, chugged it down, and asked for more. That sealed the deal for them and they took me back to my family where they laid down the news.

"Ms. Jade...your daughter is a dhampir."

Just like that, everything changed.

Dhampirs are half human and half vampire hybrids. My mother had sex with a vampire and survived.

Not only that, but she had given birth to a dhampir. Dhampirs are extremely illegal. It's the only law that's enforced every single day. There's posters all over the city saying how illegal they are.

I wasn't allowed, and still not allowed, to go to school so I didn't know why I was illegal. Everything I know came from Sarah and Jack. My mom thought that I might expose myself if I spend too much time with humans so I was never allowed to go.

As the years went by, my mom grew to hate me. Eventually my older siblings followed in her footsteps and treated me the way my mother does.

The only reason why no one in my family turned me in to die was because if the officials find out that my mother gave birth to a dhampir, her and everyone in her family would die to end the bloodline.

It's strict how they run the law, especially when it comes to dhampirs. It's not just a law in Bathum, it's a law in the world. There's even a holiday where they celebrate the war that killed all dhampirs.

Another fun fact, that holiday is also my birthday.

Being a dhampir meant that I have traits from each side. I have the scent of a human, which is why I'm not worried too much about getting caught. My skin is also not that sensitive to the sun. Even though I'm not as strong as full blooded vampires, I am a lot faster. I also didn't need to drink blood as often.

Recently, I found out that my blood is poisonous to vampires. When I was around fifteen I was walking during night because my family sent me off to get them paper when I got attacked by a hungry vampire.

He came out of nowhere so I didn't have time to run away and I wasn't strong enough to fight him off. He bit into my upper arm and drank my blood. When he pulled away, I was too beat up to run away and instead waited for him to end me.

Instead, what happened shocked me. His eyes grew wide and he started having spasms before falling to the ground and twisting around in pain. He kept holding on to his stomach and hissing in pain before he finally laid there motionless. Once I confirmed he was dead, I ran to Sarah and Jack and told them what happened. They tested my blood and told me that my blood was venom for vampires to drink.

That's the one good thing that came out of the entire situation.


I was so excited for this story that I already have twelve chapters of this written. Also, having those many chapters written means I don't have to worry since school is starting in three days and I might be busy.

Anyways, hope you enjoy!
