17: It's a first

Your vision slowly went dark, blinded by wrath.

The Slitherbeast tried to attack you but a dome of yellow aura shielded you.

'Kill it.' You hear a whisper.

'n-no I-'

'Don't you want revenge?' The voice hissed.

You look at Hunter once more. 'I do.'

Your eyes glow and purple flames engulfed your hands but they didn't burn. You flung fireballs at the beast. One after the other.

You can't stop. It felt bad and good at the same time. The monster was slowly starting to withdraw yet you still kept pursuing the creature.

But then you hear a soft voice. "Y/N?!"

"H-huh?" You snap back into reality.

It was Hunter.

"Hunter?" You whimpered. Your eyes stopped glowing and the flames in your hands vanished. Once you stopped attacking the Slitherbeast, it ran away.

You run to Hunter as fast as you can. The wind carried the droplets of tears from your eyes. You hugged him tight as he lay in the snow.

"Did you do magic just n- Ow! That's tight." He flinched.

"Oh sorry." You let go, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Just a while ago I thought you couldn't stand me." He gave you a smug look.

So you smack that smug look off his face.

"Ow! what was that for?!" Hunter complained.

"Idiot! You could've been killed!" You yell.

"Pfft...whaaat nooo... Ok, maybe I acted rash. But I didn't expect that thing to actually hit me." He claimed.

You look at him for a moment and saw that he was injured. He had quite a number of wounds on his arms and torso.

"You're hurt. I-I don't have my potions with me." You started to tear up again.

"It's fine." He said, trying to hide his injuries. "I'll get myself patched up at the coven." He stated in a tight voice. He was quite in pain. "Just stop crying please."

"Y-You're so stupid. i- I hate you for saving me. *hic* You hit him weakly on the arm.

"Am I not injured enough?" He joked, trying to lighten up your mood.

"i- I... *hic* I'm sorry. This is all my fault. The Slitherbeast wouldn't' have attacked if I just-" You tried choking back your tears.

Hunter frowned. He felt terrible seeing you cry.

"Hey I'm the one who's supposed to protect us. But I failed."

"If I wasn't so weak without my staff none of this... would've happened." He covered his face with both hands, feeling disappointed in himself.

"What are you talking about?" You asked.

"I... I'm a powerless witch. I can't do any magic without my staff. Despite this, Belos took me in and gave me a staff with artificial magic. Without it well... I'm nothing." His voice toned down as his face shifted away from you. He felt so shameful that he can't look at you directly.

"You've seen it yourself." His ears turned slightly red.

You gave him another hug. A more gentle one this time. Hunter was surprised and didn't know what to do. But eventually he slowly wrapped his arms around you and hugged you back.

"Please don't say that. You're more than just your abilities. Y-you're valuable." You stuttered.

"Oh yeah? How? It's not like I can be the golden guard without any magic." He sadly admitted.

"Well for starters..." You hesitate a bit. "Y-you're important to me." You blurted out.

Your words pierced Hunter like an arrow. It made him feel warm despite the cold snow that surrounded him. Of course, this made him blush so much that his whole face is practically red.

Just then, Hunter felt a cool sensation in his wounds. The wound in his arm started glowing a bit. his eyes widened in shock.

"Y/N w- What's happening?" His voiced was a bit panicked.

You immediately let go of the hug and you're shocked as well to see his glowing wounds.

After a moment, the glowing stopped and the wounds closed up.

"Wha-" Hunter inspected his wounds. "Wh- How- Did you do that?!" He exclaimed in total confusion.

"I- I don't know? I have no potions on me." You stuttered, completely puzzled.

"Ok I have so may questions. How are you doing magic?! Aren't you human? What the heck is going on?!" Hunter rambled on and on.

"Honestly I have no idea." You rested your hands on your head, finding it difficult to process all that just happened.

"You just blasted that Slitherbeast with fireballs just now! Not to mention your eyes were glowing. It was quite scary not gonna lie." He stated.

You plop yourself down on the snow. "I think my brain is fried. There's just so much going on!"

"Yeah you're right. I sure am exhausted." He sighed in an exasperated manner before plopping down on the snow right beside you.

"Me too. I'm feeling quite dizzy." You added.

Both of you lied down on the snow side by side. You glanced at his hand. You were so tempted to hold it but you tried your best not to give in because it might make things quite the more awkward.

You shift your gaze to the sky instead but to your surprise, Hunter started holding your hand.

I think he noticed.

Your eyes widened in surprise as you looked at him. Slightly blushing even. But he stayed there looking unfazed.

'Oh titan he looks so cool and composed.' You silently thought.

While in reality, 'OH MY TITAN THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!' hunter was internally panicking.

Silence filled the air and it felt a bit awkward by the minute so Hunter decided to break it a bit.

"Tough day huh?" Hunter softly asked.

"Tell me about it." You responded.

"Did you watch the Grudgby game last night?" He asked again.

"Nah." You shook your head.

"So... did you eat anything today?" Hunter asked yet again.

"Eda cooked some Griffin eggs for breakfast." You answered.



"Was it good?"

"Ok wait! What's with all this random small talk." You sat up and looked down at Hunter with a raised eyebrow."

"What? Can't a friend have a friendly conversion with his friend?" He protested.

You looked at Hunter with a judging face. "What is it?" You interrogated.

"Ok fine!" He fiddled his hands, feeling a bit nervous.


"I was gonna ask if you wanted to join the Emperor's coven." He chuckled awkwardly.

"For the last time, the answer is no. And it'll never change." You respond.

"Eh, I figured you'd say that. But that doesn't mean I'll stop asking you." He shrugged.

"Heh good luck with that." You smirk. "Hunter, I also wanna ask you something."

"What is it?" He stood up and looked at you.

"If I don't join the Emperor's coven, will we stop being... you know... friends?"

"Of course not! We can still hang out secretly. And it's not like Belos is rushing you to join. We can totally stay friends." He stated enthusiastically.

"If that's what you want." His voice tone down.

'No' a tiny voice whispered in your brain.

"No?" You accidentally blurted out.

"No?" Hunter had a sad look on his face.

"I mean yes." You immediately corrected your answer.

"Why'd you say no then?" He asked.

'You, me, date. Please.' The voice intruded.

"Nothing. It's nothing." You laugh nervously.

"Y/N are you ok?" He asked, looking really concerned.

"I'm fine. I'm great!" You were sweating even though it was literally freezing.

'I think I got brain damage.' You quietly panicked.

"You don't look too good. Maybe we better get outta here. The cold probably messed with your brain." He teased.

Both of you stood up and looked for Hunter's once again misplaced staff.

After a while, you two dorks find it and he flies you back to the owl house.

You landed just beside the Owl house so that no one can see you.

"Here's your stop m'lady.~" Hunter hummed.

"Why thank you good sir.~" You played along.

"So this is where we part. See you whenever I guess." You forced a smile. You know you'll miss him.

You wave goodbye and walked away.

"Wait!" Hunter called.

"Hm?" You turned to him.

'Ok Hunter be cool." He took a deep breath.

"I have one last question that I definitely don't know the answer to. Do you somehow watch Amphibia?" The nervous boy struggled to get the words out of his mouth.

"Heck yeah! You too?" You beamed, as you slowly approached him again.

"Well yeah." He chuckled. "I was just wondering if you want to watch it with me sometime."

"OMG of course!" You bubbled excitedly.

"Does Saturday at 6 pm sound good?" He faltered a bit.

"It's a date~" You smiled at him. And out of pure excitement, you give him a soft peck on the lips.

This took him by surprise and made him completely flustered.

You wave at him, happily make your way to the Owl house, failing to realize what you've done because of pure thrill taking over your senses.

Hunter stood there frozen, absolutely shook. We waved back at you with a smile on his face regardless.

It took you a while to realize but you eventually do. "Oh my gosh did I just kiss him?" You panic.

"Oh my gosh I kissed him!" You squealed this time.

Meanwhile outside the Owl House:

"Ok, you just kissed. Breathe. It's not a big deal." He juggled with his thoughts as he boarded his staff.

"Does she want something serious with me? Or was it just a spur of the moment thing? Maybe she's just too excited to watch Amphibia."

"Why would she love me anyways? She's a great person, not to mention an ally of a wild witch. And I'm the Emperor's right hand man. W- What happens now?" Hunter rambled on and on till he reached the Emperor's coven.

Back to the Owl House:

"Let's freaking goooooo!!" You burst with sheer delight.


And that's it for this chapter.

Hope you enjoyed this one.

The last part was inspired by my favorite Uradeku fanart:

All art in here are not mine :>


When Y/N said "it's a date" it's just an expression. Just wanted to clarify that. We ain't there yet folks. Sorry but we're going for slowburn here. But do be honest you wish it was an official date. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
