
Keith POV

After a while, I go to the gym for P.E. I go into the bathroom to change in a stall because everyone would stare or beat me up. I always bring a dagger that my mom gave me as self-defense, but it is useful to cut holes for my tail. I put my clothes in my locker and go into the gym.

The coach blew a whistle, which hurt my ears a lot! We all lined up and wait for further instructions. The coach introduced himself to me. Coach Lotor.

"Today is a free day, do whatever you want. I don't care." The coach said.

Everyone walked to their friends. I jumped when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Lance smiling at me.

"Would you like to play tag? Pidge, Hunk, Rachel A/N: (Lance's sister), and Allura would be playing too.

I shutter when he mentions Allura's name, but maybe she's changed. A/N: (she was the girl that told Keith to leave Lance alone in kindergarten)

"Sure," I grinned, showing off my fangs.

"Great! Follow me!" Lance exclaimed.

Lance leads me to where they were talking.

"Guys! Remember, Keith?!" Lance could barely contain his excitement.

Pidge's eyes widen, and a big smile appeared on her face. Hunk gave me a shy wave and a nervous smile. Rachel gave me a sinister smirk. Allura had a flash of disgust on her face before faking a welcoming smile.

"Oh my god, your so fluffy I could die!" Pidge cheered.

"Long time, no see." Hunk said.

"Hey, Kitty~." Rachel cooed.

"It's nice to see you again, Keith." Allura smiled.

"H-hi, it's nice to see you all again." I stammered.

Everyone grouped up in a circle.

"Okay, who should be it?" Hunk asked.

"I think Keith should be it," Allura said.

"Okay. Disperse!" Pidge shouted.

Everyone ran off in different directions in the gym. When I finished counting, I turned around and spotted everyone. Lance and Hunk were strolling around, trying to blend in. Pidge was hiding behind the bleachers but kept peaking to see me. Rachel talked with a group of other girls, and Allura was the closest, so I ran after her.

Since I'm half Galra, I quickly made it to her with almost no effort. I tagged her, but she made herself fall over and screamed.

"That freak tried to kill me!" Allura cried.

I stood there, stunned that she would say that. I looked around and saw fear and hatred on everyone's face. The coach blew a dog whistle, and I covered my ears and fall to my knees.

"I knew this would come in handy." Coach Lotor chuckled.

My ears fall flat against my head, and my tail lay limp on the floor.

This is how everyone sees me. A threat. The coach got a fucking dog whistle because of me. I barely touched her, and everyone believes that I did that.

I suddenly felt Lance pick me up bridal style. I nuzzled my face into his chest and clutch onto his shirt.

Lance took me to a bathroom and placed me on the floor.

"Don't listen to them," Lance said in a calm voice.

"They're right. I am a freak. I am ugly and-"

Lance held onto my chin so I could face him.

"To me, you are perfect," Lance said.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better." I sighed.

"Keith, that is what I see. Perfection."

My face flushed red, and I looked away so he couldn't see.

"Thank you, Lance," I gave him a sad smile.

There was a moment of silence. It wasn't awkward. It was comforting, but Lance interrupted.

"We should head back to class now." Lance used his thumb to point at the door.


"Don't worry, I'll protect you." Lance winked, which made me blush again, and my ears went back up.

"Okay, whatever you say, loverboy." I joked.

We both got up and walked back to the gym. When we entered, everyone glared at me. Some of them hid behind Coach Lotor. I noticed that Lotor added the dog whistle to his necklace where his original whistle was.

My ears flattened against my head again. Lance took me to the bleachers, and we both sat down. Most of the students went back to what they were doing but keeping their distance. Rachel walked over to us and glaring at me.

"Lance, can we please talk alone." Rachel said with an unreadable face.

"Sure," Lance replied.

They both walked across the gym from where I was. I don't think Rachel realized that I could hear them.

"Why are you even talking to that monster?" Rachel asked.

"Keith is not a monster! He is my friend." Lance responded.

"It is so ugly and dangerous-"

"HE is anything but that!" Lance interjected. "Keith is so cute and fluffy. He wouldn't hurt a fly!"

I turned red when he said that. He thinks I'm cute?!

"Are you blind?! It attacked Allura!" Rachel interrupted.

"Bullshit! He barely touched her!" Lance was pissed

"You don't know that! That freak could hurt you next!" Rachel insisted.

"I think I'll be fine, Rachel." Lance hissed.

Lance stormed over to me and sat down with his arms crossed.

"Lance?" I asked as I reach my hand out.

"WHAT?!" Lance yelled as he looked at me with pure rage.

I flinched my hand back, and I recoiled. My ears go down against my head, and my tail goes in between my legs.

"Sorry..." I whimpered.

"No, no, I'm sorry I didn't mean too! I'm just pissed at my sister." Lance reassured.

Lance gave me a bear hug. I blushed, but I hugged him back. I heard the dog whistle again, and I shut my eyes and covered my ears. Lance got up and walked away. The ear-piercing sound stopped, and Lance showed me the whistle.

"Got it!" Lance exclaimed.

I sigh in relief that he wasn't going to use it against me.

The school bell rang, it was loud, but it was bearable. Lance walked with me to the locker rooms, and I went to change in the bathroom again. I put my gym clothes in my gym locker and walk out to the exit of the school; P.E. is my last class of the day. I took my stuff out of my locker and left. I put my hood over my head and prayed that I wouldn't run into anyone. Luckily I didn't, and I safely exited the school.

I saw my dad's car, and I ran over and jumped in so I could leave as soon as possible.

"How was-"

"Don't," I grunted.

The car ride was silent the whole way home. Once we entered the house, I ran straight to my room. I threw my backpack on the floor and flopped on my bed.

"This is going to be a long year," I mumbled to myself.

Lance POV

I hadn't realized how much Keith has to go through. Like the whole world is against him, but he is just cute- no, he's not cute. I mean, yeah, Keith is cute, but it's not that I like him or anything.

He is just my friend that I want to cuddle, and I feel butterflies in my stomach when I see him, and I feel warm when I'm around him, but that doesn't mean I like him. Right?
