jennie + matt

the glass cup hit the ground, shattering into a million pieces, its contents sloshing all over the floor. as the glass broke, so did jennie's heart.

matt and the girl jumped apart at the loud crash. shock, horror, and most importantly guilt spread across the young boy's face. bright pink lipstick smeared across his lips. he opened his mouth, gaping at the air as he tried to form words and explain.

"it - it's n-not what it loo-" he stuttered. the girl he had been attached to moments before quietly inched out of the kitchen, not wanting to face whatever came next.

jennie covered her mouth, attempting to keep her sobs in as she shook her head. she wanted an explanation, but it was too much to process. she turned and ran out of the room, down the steps, past the large group of people.

she heard him calling after her, "jennie, please stop! let me explain!"

she made it outside, the cool breeze hitting her like a bag of bricks. she started down the street, but matt caught up to her. he grabbed her wrist, stopping jennie in her tracks. she yanked her arm back

"don't touch me," she sneered. matt backed off, but his eyes looked at her pleadingly

"please, it was an accident. she kissed me, it didn't mean to happen. I love you, and I didn't kiss back. "

tears threaten to spill as jennie stared at her sneakers. "I don't believe you."

she made herself look up and make eye contact with the person that told her he would always be there for her. that he would always protect her. that he would always be hers.

"I- I just need some space, okay? don't follow me, don't call me, I just need to figure this all out." jennie's hair whipped in her face as she pulled her jacket tighter around her.

matt stood back, understanding her. "o-oh okay," he looked hurt, but she was more so than him.

she walked down the street, not looking back. matt watched her lonely figure get smaller and smaller with distance, not missing the way jennie's shoulders heaved up and down from her sobs.

[ ************ ]

all my friends are talking abt the countless amount of hookups they've had and I haven't had my first kiss and I'm depressed so here's a sad one
