Natlan needs help.

(Oh, figured I should mention now, I am EXTREMELY uncreative when it comes to chapter names so theyre gonna be basic af :D)

(also, ive added i think 2 OC's to this chapter, so idk, figured id lyk that this isnt like canon at all, i needed extra people, so i made them ;-;)

(ONE LAST THING SORRY, for all drawings of the traveller, im using aether. Obviously imagine this as lumine if you would prefer, I just used him as from hoyoverse he is somewhat the 'canon' traveller in the main game. Switch them round if you please, i figured id just say.)

We walked up to a building surrounded in Milleliths.

Traveller:"This is the Golden House. We fought a Harbinger here once."

Y/N:"So you reckon there's gonna be one in there right now?"

Paimon:"I mean we come here once a week to fight him for fun."

The traveller opened the door, revealing a long, crimson corridor. At the end of the corridor was a large golden door. We opened it to reveal a large room with Mora all over the floor. In the middle of the room was two men, one was fairly tall, ginger hair, grey suit and a Bow in hand. Next to him was another man, a lot shorter, had a giant hat with two pieces of fabric flowing off the back. I looked at the Traveller, about to ask which one we're looking for, but the Traveller was starting at them, confused.

Paimon:"H-Huh?! Why is.. he here?"

Hu Tao and I looked at each other and shrugged. The two men turned around to look at us.

???:"This is an unexpected surprise.. Say, Traveller, we haven't fought this week haven't we? Could it wait until later?"

The ginger haired man started walking towards us, putting his Bow away.

Traveller:"What's going on?"

???:"Just discussing some plans, the normal."

Aren't these guys supposed to be evil? If they are, why are they telling us that they're planning something. The shorter man didn't move at all.

Paimon:"You guys are never up to any good, what is your plan?"

???:"Don't worry about it, mascot."

Paimon:"Paimon is not a mascot!"

???:"Hah.. All of you leave. This is a private conversation. Plus, unless you're planning to visit some extreme heat soon, you shouldn't be concerned."

Y/N:"Extreme heat..? You mean Natlan?"

???:"No I mean Zhongli. What do you think I mean?!"

Hu Tao:"What do you have with Mr Zhongli?"

Y/N:"What are you doing to Natlan?"

???:"None of your concern."

I thought about telling him that we're going there soon, but I didn't want to start a fight.

Traveller:"Come on, let's go. We've got all the information we need."


Hu Tao grabbed my wrist, looked at me, then nodded.

We all left together. Before leaving, I turned around to look at them one last time. The ginger man was stood there, unimpressed, with his arms crossed. I took a glimpse at the other man and felt a sharp pain in my head. I reached to the right side of my head and pushed into my head tightly to try and ease the pain. I bent down as I lost control of my legs. Hu Tao ran to me and grabbed onto me to make sure I was okay. I looked back at the man, but couldn't see him. Instead I saw the same black shadowy figure that I keep seeing, but instead of the red eyes, they were blue. Hu Tao helped me to walk out. We slammed the door shut and left the Golden House; the pain slowly faded.

Paimon:"W-What was that?"

I let go of my head once the pain was gone and stood up, taking a deep breath in.

Y/N:"I've been having these flashbacks since I woke up in Liyue without memories. I don't know what they mean, my guess is that they're my past. Sometimes they make no sense, other times I wake up with giant purple wounds on my stomach. I've been meaning to go to Natlan for the past month now to figure out what in Teyvat is going on with me."

Paimon:"We'd love to help, wouldn't we Traveller?"

Traveller:"I mean.. I'd love to yeah, but I'm kind of looking for my sibling right now. I've been through 5 regions out of 7, met all the Archons in those regions, and not a single person has bothered helping. I just want to find my sibling"

Y/N:"I can help. Once I figure out who I am and this is all out of my mind, I'll do everything possible to help you find your sibling."

Traveller:"I don't know.. Everyone has said that. I do need to go to Natlan anyway to continue my search."

Y/N:"You've been to 5 out of 7? You're 2 stops away. I'll make sure that this Natlan stop will be game changing for you. I promise."

I put my hand on my chest to indicate that I'm willing to do anything possible to help them out. The Traveller agreed to help and I promised that I wouldn't let them down. I paused for a minute.

Y/N:"Who were the people in there?"

Traveller:"The tall ginger guy is Childe. The other one in the back was Scaramouche."

Scaramouche? Wait, the letter that I found in my room, 'SM', could that have been for Scaramouche?

Y/N:"Who's Scaramouche?"

No-one answered.

Paimon:"Shouldn't we started heading to Natlan? We know the Harbingers are involved in this, so we have to act fast."

We headed back to Liyue to grab supplies before heading off. Hu Tao informed Zhongli about the situation whilst I went to Chongyun and Xingqiu and told them that we can't do Domains together for a little while. I caught Ningguang up with everything that had happened in the past few weeks, and she told us that she'd have our backs if anything were to go wrong. I headed to Bubu Pharmacy to pick up any medicine they may have in case one of us gets hurt on the way, and let me tell you, Qiqi and Baizhu did not look impressed to see Hu Tao behind me whilst I was there. Before leaving, I said a quick goodbye and gave a fist bump to Katheryne for helping me out since I woke up in Liyue then Hu Tao, the Traveller, Paimon and I started heading for the western side of Liyue. We walked past the Chasm and into the southern part of Sumeru.

(at this point of writing, i know nothing about sumeru so im just going with sumeru west of liyue and natlan west of sumeru so its like

natlan - sumeru - chasm - liyue)

We walked through Sumeru.

We stopped once we were overlooking a field full of dandelions. We stood in the field and we could reach the top of the dandelions without needing to bend down. The flowers spread for miles in all directions. The sun was setting at the time, letting orange rays of sun skim every single dandelion. The view was beautiful.

(photo by Dmitry Doronin on Pinterest)

We all stopped to admire the view. Hu Tao's face was full of excitement; she immediately grabbed my wrist and started running through the dandelions. After about 10 seconds I stopped running and started walking slightly behind her. I swayed my hand through the dandelions, watching all the seeds fly off and trail after my hand. I looked over at Hu Tao who was running around in circles, watching all the seeds fly around her. She stopped and looked at me. When she looked at me I felt something spark, something in my heart. What is this feeling? I felt my cheeks warm up slightly when she smiled. Is this what love feels like? I gave her a smile back and then she grabbed my hand. We started running through the fields together, smiling and laughing.

Traveller POV:

I was walking right behind them, admiring the view. They started holding hands and laughing so I decided to stay back and watch them. Paimon had a smug look on her face. I nudged Paimon's shoulder and said:

Traveller:"So. Do you reckon, they're you know?"

Paimon:"Dating, if not then heavily crushing? Yup, Paimon can see it."

Hu Tao POV:

The dandelions are pretty, the sunset is pretty, but above it all, Y/N is the prettiest. When I grabbed her hand I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I love this girl, I really do. I can't express how much this girl means to me, I just hope that she feels the same about me.


If those sparks that I felt weren't love, then it doesn't matter, because sparks or not I love Hu Tao. I'm so grateful that she's in my life. 

We continued running through the fields, holding on to each others hand tightly and swaying our other arm through the flowers. I still don't know much about my past, and for all I know, I may never find out, but this experience has taught me something: even if my story stays as an infinite mystery I may never discover, or if I'm picking up the pieces one by one, this strange girl who jumpscared me out of nowhere is always going to be there for me, and I'm so thankful for that. Whether she's a friend, a best friend, heck, even my girlfriend, I will always love her and thank her for being there for me. 

We stopped towards the end of the field. Hu Tao looked deeply into my eyes and I looked deeply into hers. I hugged her and whispered into her ear "I love you" to which she replied "I love you too". Fire butterflies flew around us whilst we were hugging. I wish we were hugging forever.

Traveller POV:

Traveller:"Yup, definitely crushing."

Paimon:"Paimon agrees."


We got to the end of the field and overlooked a giant lake in-between us and the border of Natlan. The contrast between the field of dandelions and overlooking Natlan was insane. A large lush field of flowers, a clear blue flowing lake, then pure hell on the other side.

Paimon:"This is not what Paimon was expecting..."

Hu Tao:"Aiya.."

I looked around. I saw a town in those pictures in that one dream, so there must be a town here, right?

Y/N:"Hu Tao, there was a town here, right?"

Hu Tao:"Hm? Oh yeah, the town we met in. Should be on the right of this volcano."

I squinted my eyes to try and see a bit further into the distance. I couldn't see much but then suddenly saw a firework go up into the sky.

Y/N:"Firework. There should be people there."

I pointed towards a small town beside the volcano that had a few fireworks shoot out of it. We headed down to the edge of the lake. It seemed about 10 metres wide, and looked bottomless.

Hu Tao:"Aiya that's deep, and it looks like I didn't bring a swim suit, eheh.. how are we getting across?"



We looked around to try and find where the sound came from. 

???:"Just make a bridge across."

The sound was coming from the other side of the lake. A teenage boy in a suit with white hair and glasses. He summoned a sphere of ice and threw it onto the lake, making a bridge. We didn't ask questions and just walked across.

???:"You're welcome."

He ran off.

We looked at each other.

Y/N:"Who was that?"

Everyone shrugged.

We decided to walk to the town and figure out who the person was later.


A while later, we reached the outskirts of the town. The buildings were cheap, unorganised and painted in random colours, there was wires exposed everywhere, the paths were made of stone and dirt, the people looked poor yet still living life to the fullest. Children would be playing football (soccer) with old, torn footballs or playing games that didn't involve much thinking like snap or snakes and ladders. The teenagers would be skateboarding or gossiping about the little gossip in the town. It was clear that this place didn't have the best living conditions. We looked around more and saw people surrounded around a tap, all begging for water. This place isn't landlocked, so why are people struggling for water? We kept walking past all the people and the few markets that were almost empty until we reached a statue. The statue looked familiar, I don't know where from though.

We continued on to a more developed part of the town. It was past a giant border, guarded with soldiers. There was still the problem with wires exposed everywhere, but the houses looked more sturdy. We headed up to the border but we were stopped by the guards. 

Guard:"Let me see your ID's"


Guard:"Once you sign up to a civilian here with one of the council members, then you will be granted an ID and allowed in this part of town. If you've got permission from a Rank 3 Civilian or higher to enter, then they must escort you in personally."

???:"Take a chill pill, here's my ID, these four are with me."


The stranger bent down and lent on the Travellers shoulder.

Guard:"Granted. Please make your way through."

We walked through alongside the stranger.

???:"Sorry about them, the names Filho, Kassim Filho, Lord of the General Warfare Army here in Natlan. You must be the Traveller right? Slayer of monsters, healer of Archons, Celebrity of Teyvat."

Paimon:"Yup! That's us!"

Kassim:"I didn't as you, fairy."

Paimon:"I- Rude!"

Traveller:"Yes, that's me."

Kassim:"I heard you were arriving here. What brings you here?"

Traveller:"I'm looking for my sibling."

Kassim looked at the Traveller confused.

Kassim:"You're coming here, of all places, to look for some lost person? Go look in the lost and found area, outcast adventurers are left there."

Sheesh this man ain't nice. The Traveller looked sad once hearing that.

Y/N:"What's your problem? We're just looking for help."

Kassim:"*sigh..* Natlan doesn't work like most regions you've been to. We aren't fond of Adventurers. Once our 'oh so great Archon' became a sloth, this place has became anything but one that relies on Visions and the God's will to guide us. Vision holders past this gate are full of evil in our eyes."

He said it right in my face with his eyes half closed. He had his eyesight focused on the fear in my eyes. I put my finger on his forehead and pushed him back. I looked at his outfit and noticed something on his belt.

Y/N:"You literally have a Vision right there on your belt."

His eyes went wide open in embarrassment.

Kassim:"I-I-Uh. It- I didn't- I d-I don't want it. It's a mocking from the God's. I don't use it."

Town People:"Yo! Lord Filho! Your moves in yesterdays battle were awesome! Especially when you used that Vision of yours!"

Kassim froze in embarrassment. Us four in unison gave him a 'bruh' look as his face quickly started turning red.

Kassim:"Ok ok, I use it sometimes. Other than that, it's there for looks."

There was a firework going off behind some buildings.

Kassim:"It appears that the show has just started, I have to dip. Don't bother looking for your sibling here, you won't find them, just give up."

He walked off without saying another word. The Traveller was clearly upset because of him.

Y/N:"Hey, Traveller, ignore him. I promise that we will find your sibling, okay?"

They nodded.

We continued walking through the more advanced part of town, but then we heard someone say:

???:"Please, Murata, our Lord, we beg, please help the slums."

I nudged the Travellers shoulder, indicating that we should go there. We quickly walked over to the building and looked inside. Inside was a woman, mid 40's, long red hair, slouching on the sofa watching a buggy TV screen. I got a shiver up my spine when seeing her. Is this Murata? The great God of War?

<2539 words>
