Rude awakening

Shara height- 112ft

*Timeskip 3 days*

*3rd pov*

     It was now dark as Hookfang arrived with Gothi and Gobber and the riders escort them to where they layed Y/n as Gothi immediately notices the size of the dragon as she taps the end of his face with her staff

Hiccup: Well can you wake him up?

Gothi then scribbles on the floor as Gobber translates

Gobber: "Are you sure you want them to be woken up?"

Astrid: Yes even though they dont show it im sure they care for us

Tuffnut: Yes deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, down and then another layer I'm sure they would care to kill us

Gothi then scribbles again

Gobber: "Alright but you might want to back up and maybe clear out of their path before I wake them up"

The riders dont back up as Gothi approaches Y/n before sticking her hand inside a pouch on her side as she pulls out a handful of white powder before holding it up to Y/n's nostrils and then running out of the way

Fishlegs: I think we should move now!

Y/n's eyes flare open as they leaps onto their hind legs before letting out a recognisable roar that shakes the entire island as cracks form around Y/n's feet

The dragons quickly grab their riders as Y/n slams down back onto his legs as he then bolts forward with no intent to stop as he runs down at the riders as they jump out of the way just before Y/n could chomp on them

Stormfly: Guys I dont think Y/n is themself right now!


Meatlug: I dont know trying to kill us is pretty norm-

She is cut off as she has to jump back as Y/n swipes at her as they continues to roar furiously


Gothi again scribbles

Gobber: she says "I did ask if your sure you want them to wake up?"

All the dragons take to the sky with their riders except Hiccup who is picked up by Stormfly as Gothi and Gobber are picked up by Hookfang leaving the only moving target on the ground Y/n can see is.............. Toothless

Toothless: Oh for the love of-

Hiccup: TOOTHLESS!!!

Y/n stampedes at Toothess as the small dragon runs at Y/n

Toothless: Please any god that can hear me let this work!

As Y/n lifts up their front arms to slam them on the dragon. Toothless quickly slides underneath Y/n all the way to the other side. As Y/n slams their arms down causing cracks to form as they look for their target as Toothless backs up before charging up multiple plasma blast as Y/n sees Toothless

Fishlegs: Guy's we have to help Toothless he'll die!

Snotlout: And what do you suggest huh? Us throw ourselves at them to give them something to eat on before killing Toothless!

They dont get to make a plan as Y/n charges to Toothless as he fires plasma blast after plasma blast to try and stop Y/n. Y/n comes closer and closer the shots only slightly moving their head as Y/n rears back to bite down on the dragon Toothless jumps out of the way but Y/n only stammers a bit before barraging Toothless with attacks making him back up more and more


The dragons start to then shoot at Y/n as they tough it out and continue to attack Toothless until Toothless is backed up to a rock wall as Y/n pins him against it before finally biting down on the dragons head

Hiccup: NO!

Time slows as the riders and dragons are all suprised to see their friend get killed right before their eyes by another dragon they considered a friend
Until Y/n's eyes lower slightly as he opens their mouth and takes it away from the dragon as Toothless is seen still intact just breathing VERY heavily and spit all over his face as Y/n lets go of Toothless but he still stays frozen on his hind as he leans on the wall before slowly sliding down as he continues to pant

Y/n: Ugh where am I? Toothless why was I about to eat you aswell!?

Toothless:....... Am... I-I dead?

Y/n looks at Toothless for awhile before looking at the riders in the sky as they come down seeing Y/n is now calm as Hiccup runs and hugs Toothless

Y/n: I think I messed up? Ok someone tell me what happened!

Hookfang: Gothi made you breath in some sort of powder that woke you up but in return you went ballistic and tried to kill all of us. Which would be funny if it wasn't so scary?

Stormfly: You almost killed Toothless 1 more second and he would have had his head gone

Y/n:............. I don't remember any of this... I just remember someone saying something?

Y/n turns to Toothless to see him still against the wall as Y/n approaches the dragon before looking down at him

Y/n: Toothless are you alright.......

Toothless only looks up at Y/n before going back on his legs as he looks up

Y/n: It seems I wasn't in my right mind for awhi-

Y/n is cut off as 5 plasma shots go straight into their face as they look down at Toothless

Toothless: 1 for shooting me out of the sky. 1 for worrying us to death thinking you might not ever wake up AND 3 For nearly killing ME!!!

Y/n: It seems I do indeed deserve that...... I will be in the arena

Y/n starts to walk away making their way back and besides them literally just waking up they felt tired again as they lay down and close their eyes and goes to sleep

Y/n: I.... I am going to make this mistake up to them... My own mistakes lead to anothers downfall I will repay that debt... Maybe heh
