are first date-Chapter 5


it was the next day and I woke up from a bunch of text messages from Louis



U up


Do u wanna go on a tour today?



                                                                                   sry I was sleeping  like most people

                                                                                                                     I would love to go

                                                                                                              text me when u want to


do u wanna go in a hour 


                                                                                                                           ya sure see u then 

when I sell a message I was so excited I got butterflies right away I was so excited

" hey Mom I'm going out with Louis in an hour"

" who is Louis"

" the guy that I bumped into on the train"

" oh he seemed nice"

" yeah he's really nice"

" is it your first dateeeeeee"

" no Mom he's taking me on a tour to makeup for what he did"

" that's so nice"


it was really nice of him that was all usually people don't really do things like that he is a special one everything about him was just perfect but I know I don't want to fall for someone while I'm on vacation because I won't probably ever see them again.

After this conversation I went upstairs to go get changed I wanted to look presentable but I didn't want to look too fancy like I was getting ready for a date after all that's not what it is right at least I don't think so

The clothes u pick from

I called my best friend Julie to see which one she picked I told her about the whole entire situation and why I'm going out with Louis

"Y\N you definitely like him you can't even lie"

" no Julie I don't shut up"

but to be honest with you I don't really know if I like him or not but I think I kind of do 

" well I think you should ware (the option you and if you don't like any of them you can change it)

"ok that one it is thxxxx"

"np k I gtg I'll TTYL"

"k same byeeeee"



when I had looked at my phone Louis had texting me asking where i wanted to meet up

I replied asking him where he wanted to go since I don't really know anywhere and he said he would come by my hotel and we could go with to the cafe

all the sudden I heard a door knock on the door and I knew that it was Louis so I ran over to open the door

"Hi you look u......"
we just stood there in silence for a little bit
" You look amazing"

oh my God oh my God I can't do this anymore I had so much better flies in my stomach he literally just called me pretty he said I looked good

" Same goes for you hey Louis why don't I follow you on Instagram what is urs called"


" oh okay Mr partridge I'll follow"

louis laughs " ok I'll follow you back"

when I went to a follow him he had 100 thousand followers he had  quite a lot he must have been kind of famous or something or he just had a lot of friends

AUTHERS NOTE: sorry it took me so long to write the next part to the story I was really busy with school but thank you for all the Reeds and I'm going to read some of yours too
