How to troubleshoot with WordPress Database Connection Issue?

One of the nightmares in the life of a  WordPress Website  owner is the database connection issue. But wait! You can deal with this. You just need to know what steps you have to take to get rid of these issues.

How to troubleshoot WordPress issues?

Here is what you need to do to tackle this type of issue:

· First, understand the root cause of the problem:

There can be many reasons due to which you will get WordPress errors. You may be entering incorrect login credentials that are needed to access the database. There are chances that the WordPress files may have got corrupted. There is also a possibility that the WordPress database itself has got corrupted. It might be that the web-server is down or there may be just too much traffic at a given point of time.

· Now take active measures to correct the issue:

Next thing that you have to do is when you get WordPress Connection issues is to contact your Webhosting service provider. Check with them if there is too much traffic. If you tell them about the error that you have received then their experts will be able to tell the exact reason due to which you are facing the problem.

If there is no problem with the server and if there is no issue of too much traffic then the next thing that you have to do is check if there is no issue with the plugin or theme files. If these are corrupted then too you can get WordPress Database issues. For this log into your FTP account and check, the WordPress root folder.

Next, you have to go to the wp-content folder. Next change the name of the plugins folder. Now check your website. If it is working fine, now then go back to FTP and rename the Plugins folder back to the plugin and next start renaming the folders of the individual plugin. Each time you rename a folder check the website. This way you will find the plugin folder that is causing the issue. That needs to be deleted.

If this step does not help then you have to check if the database has got corrupted. On the WordPress dashboard, you will see If you see the same error then you have to skip this step. If you read some other message then you need to check the instructions that are listed carefully.

The database needs to be repaired if you get the message One or more database tables are unavailable [...]. For this, you have to connect to the FTP, and then you have to go to the WordPress root. Now download on the desktop wp-config.php file. In notepad you need to edit the file and write That's all, stop editing. Now upload this new file through FTP and then check if you have got rid of trouble WordPress errors.

Sometimes checking the connection credentials of the database and the restoration of the default WordPress files can also be helpful.

WordPress is the most powerful CMS in the world that empowers most websites. Everything comes with its own significant number of advantages & disadvantages. So does WordPress. WP despite being rich in features, offers errors & issues to resolve. You may encounter white screen of death, maintenance mode error, internal server error, database connection error, etc. every now & then if you own a WordPress Website. You're suggested to consult the WordPress Experts   before experimenting anything as that may cost you your website.

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