Down Eyed Dragon

   Hiccup eyed his bola launcher over his shoulder turning fully "Hiccup I know what you're thinking" Anna turned untying her apron said before he could move.

    Anna walked to hang her apron hearing Hiccup walk towards it "this could be my chance Anna to kill that Night Fury and make my mark" he happily mentioned.

      She rubs her forearm knowing he's ready to make his mark with him staring at her with a pleading look "okay" Anna nod.

     He small grins "I knew I could count on you" as always he could say to her for being the first one to believe in him.

    Anna chuckled with him grabbing a hold of the cart with the automated catapult on it ready to roll it out with her taking few deep breaths before following behind him.

     They disobeyed Gobbers orderings exiting out of Blacksmiths running in the middle the way war.

   Angry Vikings spotting the two in sight "Hiccup what are you doing? come back here!" Harald called out "Anna get back here and stay out of sight" he shouted "I know we'll be right back!" Hiccup replied.

     Anna giggled looking back at Harald giving them the glare not saying a word facing back front.

      From a few feet away Nadders were circling around sheep ready to pick them up but before they could Stoick captured them with a net. 

    One of them tries to blast him with fire missing Stoick jumping into it wrestling with it "mind yourselves! The devils still have some juice in them!" he grunts managed to tackle it.

   The teens on the other hand found an empty hill looking out into the ocean setting Hiccup's bola catapult looking around.

    Anna slowed her pace catching her breath coming beside Hiccup who's ready make his mark.

    In the sky its blanket of stars that stretched to infinity as Anna observed it only to catch a sight of a shadow visibly blotting out the stars.

       Hiccup only focused on spotting the Night Fury "come on gmme something to shoot at, gimme something to shoot at" he muttered to himself.

   Anna regained herself swiftly moving her bangs out of the way spotting the shadow "Hiccup! it's right there" pointing up at it.

    He looks where she's pointing only to see the Night Fury in his sight firing an explosion illuminates it showing its visible shadow.

    Making his mark shooting up at it hearing a loud cry is as the shadow is seen plummeting down into a forest.

     Hiccup losing his balance jumped back landing on his backside quickly scrambling onto his feet.

    Anna jumps happily shifting her gaze at Hiccup "oh, I hit it!' hearing him say is disbelief "YES! I HIT IT!" exclaiming loudly.

    He smiled widely over at Anna "you made your mark Dragon Hunter" she excitingly jumped onto him hugging tightly.

    Hiccup hugs back for a moment hearing what she said "dragon hunter?" asking confusingly Anna pulled away meeting his gaze.

    Her arms crossed piercing lips together "you down eyed a dragon Hiccup and that makes you a Dragon Hunter" she explained.

   She breaks eye contact looking over her shoulder to see where the Night Fury landed "it landed right in Raven Point" looks back at him.

     Hiccup nodded parting his lips to speak spotting behind Anna is a Monstrous Nightmare showing up.

    Anna feels warmth on her back "a dragon is behind me?" trying not stay calm hearing it crushing Hiccup's bola launcher.

     Before the Monstrous Nightmare could fire Hiccup swiftly takes a hold of Anna's hand yanking her out of the beginning running down the hill.

   In the distance A shrill cry sounds from the hill that catches Stoick's attention turning to see the Monstrous Nightmare chasing the teens.

   Stoick gets up to go help them "DO NOT let them escape!" he demanded "right!' Spitelout responded in the distance.

   Agnarr heard the shrill cry from the distance viewing Stoick run releasing his grip from a net "go get your daughter" Spitelout said.

   Spitelous grunts keeping the dragon in place "I got it" the dragon whimpered "thank you" Agnarr took one last glance at him before leaving.

    Coming around the corner in front of the Great Hall the teens dodge the Monstrous Nightmare attack.

    Hiccup's grip tightened on Anna's hand quickly looking for cover panting spotting a shield in reach dodging another attack.

    Agnarr arrived where the teens were "Anna!" cupping his hands around his mouth catching her attention ducking down behind the stare case but the dragon spotted them with Hiccup yanking her.

   Anna turns in the direction of the voice spotting her father in the distance "Hiccup this way!" yanking him in the different direction "no behind the torch pole!" he points with his free hand.

    The Monstrous Nightmare following behind fired in between them losing each other's grip becoming loose.

    Hiccup balanced himself heavy breathing turning to see Anna landing on her backside near the shield she spotted.

    She shuffled away spotting the dragon coming her way panicking feeling the shield she spotted next to her.

     Monstrous Nightmare aimed at her gripping onto the shield tightly shielding in front of herself from the fire.

     Agnarr sprinting towards her after the dragon broke the shield wrapping his arms around his daughter from behind lifting her up dragging her behind a house.

    Anna wiggles out of Agnarr's grip before he could say anything removing herself from behind the house spotting Hiccup.

    He looks at Anna with her pointing at the torch pole head nodding at her sprinting to it hiding before the dragon could see him.

       The Monstrous Nightmare began to sniff the grass smelling Hiccup's scent ending up in front of the Torch Pole.

    Anna without thinking began making her away towards him until she felt a grip on her forearm yanking away looking to see it was her father.

     It reached Hiccup flaming each corner looking behind it and on the other side the Nightmare reaches to get Hiccup. 

    Stoick appears punching the beast jumping back to defend himself revealing.

     The dragon tries to breathe fire but coughs up only a few drops of flaming liquid instead using his last shot on Anna having exhausted its shots.

    Anna from afar watched the dragon have sadden eyes after it coughed flames "you're all out" Stoick promptly defeats the Nightmare which quickly flees. 

   The torch pole collapses revealing Hiccup watching it tumble down into the village leaving ruins in its wake.

   "oh, and there's one more thing you need to know..."

     The torch rolls onto the Nadders Stoick netted earlier freeing them. 

       Hiccup watches the Torch with the dragons managing to escape hauling off most of Berk's food and livestock.

    He apologized "sorry dad" with the village stood quietly circling around Hiccup and Stoick.

    Anna winced at her father's grip as he released hearing footsteps approaching them turning to see Iduna with a worried look.

   Iduna stood in front Anna cupping her face "honey are you okay?" Anna nods "I'm fine" whispery responds.

    Hiccup points behind him "but I hit a Night Fury" he announced "it's true!" removing her head from Iduna's hands looking at Stoick nodding.

   Stoick grabs Hiccup by the back of his shirt dragging him towards his house "it's not like the last few times, Dad! I mean, I really actually hit it!" trying to convince him.

    Hagrid and Gobber appeared beside Anna and her parents 

     Stoick blocking out Hiccup's words "you guys were busy and I had a very clear shot! ask Anna she was there seeing the whole thing went down!" twisting his head around at her.

    Anna clenched her fists tightly approaching them "Stoick it's true!" he stopped walking turning to face her coming over.

     She read anger and disappointment written on his face "Hiccup used his bola launcher off that hill catching the Night Fury and it landed in Raven Point" Stoick let Hiccup go.

     Hiccup appeared beside her "let's get a search party out there, before it--" Stoick talked over Hiccup angrily "STOP!" he shouted.

     Stoick collected himself before speaking "just... stop" furrowing his brows "every time you step outside, disaster follows" he stated.

     His hand points to Anna "do you realize you almost her killed?" Anna gulps "she's supposed to be with Hagrid in the first place" Anna rubs her forearm looking away frowning.

      Stoick breaths out "can you not see that I have bigger problems? winter's almost here and I and Anna's parents have an entire village to feed!" Stoick continued.

     His son hummed "between you and me, the village could do with a little less feeding, don't ya think?" a Viking at the back rubs his stomach as if to say "Are you calling me fat?" he asked.

     Stoick raises his voice "this isn't a joke Hiccup" sighing deeply "why can't you follow the simplest orders?" he asked. 

     Hiccup responds "I can't stop myself. I see a dragon and I have to just... kill it, you know? it's who I am, Dad" Stoick rubs his forehead.

    Anna looks back at him "you are many things, Hiccup" removing the hand pointing at Hiccup "but a dragon killer is not one of them" speaking softly shaking his head.

     Gobber and Hagrid comes behind the teens "get back to the house" Stoick looks back up at Gobber "make sure he gets there" Gobber backside Hiccup's head walking away.

     Hagrid eyes down Anna with disappointment "you have to believe me" Anna pleaded up at him shifting her gaze at Stoick.

     Stoick stared at her with disappointment "you're supposed to be a Princess who knows better" he spoke calmly towards her.

   Anna overhears the group of teen Vikings picking on him "quite the performance" Tuff clapped "I've never seen anyone mess up that badly, that helped!" Snotlout gestures over.

    Hiccup who ignored the eye contact kept walking "thank you, thank you. I was trying" Gobber from behind takes a hold of Snotlout's helmet knocking him to the ground.

     She growls at Snotlout's saying looking back up at Stoick "being a Princess is who's loyal to her peers being there for them" Anna tries to hold in her attitude. 

    Anna's arms crossed "you know I'm not like my sister" who's queen of Arendelle "were young, aren't we supposed to learn from our mistakes as we get older?" she asked him.

     Stoick lowered his gaze meeting hers "I just don't anything bad happening to you" softly spoke with a frown.

  Agnarr and Iduna appeared next to him "take Anna back to the house Hagrid" Agnarr ordered folding his hands from behind.

    Hagrid places his hand on Anna's shoulder "let's go lass" he said "mom?" Anna pleaded up at her with sadden eyes.

   Iduna always believed in Anna wanting the best for her feeling a look coming from Agnarr looking at his wife.

    Stoick head shook "we've got a mess to clean up" staring at Iduna and Agnarr with all three of them leaving Anna's sight.

    They started walking heading in the direction of her hut frowning with sadden eyes passing the teen vikings.

    Fishlegs reached out but stopped himself while the twins laughed with Snotlout pretending to curtsy at her mockingly.

   Astrid perched on a rock with her ax in hand making eye contact with Anna who frowned at her.

    The Sky turned from nighttime to early morning with the sun not peeking out just yet

     Anna kept quiet on the walk to her hut slouching her shoulders reaching home 

    Hagrid looks at Anna like a daughter of his own after losing his wife at war with a baby on the way promising her parents to protect her.

    They reached home heading up the steps "Hagrid I want to apologize from earlier not listening to you" Anna turned with her heel facing him.

    He softly smiled "it's okay lass you don't need to apologize" Anna brow rose "Stoick and my parents are going to yell at you" she said flatly.

     Hagrid laughed "I delt with Stoick over the years and your parents want the best for you" looking into her eyes with sincere.

    Anna sighs "I know they do Hagrid but Hiccup did take down the Night Fury" she mentioned.

    She shifts her gaze looking into the distance of having good sight of Raven Point.

    Hagrid head shook "I know" catching Anna off guard "wait what?" asking confusingly raising her brow.

    A sigh escaped from his lips "after Stoick and your father left leaving Spitelout and I, I saw Hiccup's bola take the Night Fury" he remembered.

    Anna's lips turned into a smile "that means you can let me go and find Hiccup?" asking nicely "I'll say you head to bed when i dropped you off" Hagrid said.

   Her eyes lighten up happily jumping excitingly running into Hagrid's arms hugging him tightly.

   He laughed cheerfully hugging her back setting her down "before you go, let me ask you one thing" speaking firmly.

   Anna smoothed out her skirt "and that is?" sounding suspicious "would you want to kill a dragon?" he asked.

   She gulped fiddling with her thumbs "I don't know" she answered unsurly beginning too walk pass him.

     With folded arms against her chest staring at the pebbles reaching the last step "don't forget about the meet that's happening soon" Hagrid turns back at her.

    Anna perks up turning back at Hagrid heading nodding over before taking off.

