
Ian was getting his stuff ready to go to lunch. Some kids ran past him and knocked him over, but he was so used to it, it didn't really shock him. The cafeteria was near by and he sat down and pulled out his lunch. It was the usual, chips, a sandwich, an apple, and water. the lunchroom started to fill up with students, gradually getting chaotic and loud.

Ian started to imagine what was going on at his old school, he smiled at the thought of him and his friends messing around and having fun. His thoughts were rudely cut off by another boy smacking his lunch tray down followed with "Hey, can I sit here?"

The boy had a thick Australian accent that cought Ian off guard. He just gave a quick nod and went back to eating, Ian looked over and saw the same outfit as the man he saw running this morning. The Australian teenager had the scent of cigarettes stuck to his clothing.

Ian rolled his eyes, he didn't like interacting with people like the one sitting next to him. He grunted before biting into his sandwich once again.

"Can you be any more obvious jeez, like I get I probably look trashy but you can be a little nicer about it." The boy had cought on to Ian's blatant rudeness. I guess this strange man is smarter than he looks, Ian could feel himself fluster from embarrassment.


This fellow teenage boy had prick written all over him, but Max wasn't one to judge too often. Seeing the boy's cheeks red with embarrassment made him feel like restarting things on a good note.

Max turned to the still nameless man and stook out his hand. "My name's Max," it took a second for the American to respond, but he awkwardly shook his hand. "Uh, I'm Ian."

Max nodded and bit into his pizza, inbetween bites he asked why he was sitting alone. "Oh, I moved from another town."

Ian looked down and seemed to mutter something under his breath. "Yeah, I know how that feels. I moved from Australia over the summer." Ian spun around to face Max, he seemed shocked at the boy's statement.

"Oh... Shit, that sucks." Ian now didn't seem as much as prick seeming to understand Max a bit more. But Max just shrugged and went back to eating.

They talked for the whole time at lunch and went their separate ways, Max liked Ian. He was a duesh at first, but once he warms up to you he's quit nice to be around.

Ian also attended the same 6th period as him. So they got to know each other even better by the end of the day, walking home together.

Max was glad that he had someone to hangout with.


Ian was really happy about having a friend he could relate to, and on the first day of school AND he lived right across the street! They exchanged phone numbers so after Ian did the little about of schoolwork and ate dinner, he tried texting Max. Ian still felt guilty over judging Max, so he tried his best not to offend him.

Hey, it's Ian

No response, So he just threw his phone on his bed and went to take a shower. Ian was pleasantly surprised of what was awaiting him...

Max: Hey what's going on

Ian: Talking to you, so nothing much

Max: Oh cool...

The two boys just rambled about bullshit over the phone. Ian looked at the time, 11:26pm.

Ian: Well, I gotta go to bed goodnight

Max: What really?? What does your mom make you go to bed or something

Ian: Uh, no I just like to get good rest. Usually I go to bed at around like 10:30

Max: Oh really, I thought all teenagers stayed up till 3am??

Ian: Please don't tell me that's what you do every night... No wonder you almost we're late jeez

Max: Whatever

Ian: Anyways I have to go to bed now, try to get to bed too. Goodnight

Max: Night

Ian smiled, he set his alarm and put the phone on his night stand and went to sleep.


Max looked at their conversation again. He thought maybe he should try to sleep, but ended up staying up anyways.  He wanted to text Ian more. Max just sent him a short I'm bored, and went back to scrolling. When he saw the notification...

Ian: Wtf man, it's 1am

Max: Jeez, sorry for waking you up Ian

Ian: It's fine rlly, I just forgot to turn my fucking ringer down ugh
Anyways, what do you want??

Max: Im just rlly fucking bored

Ian: Uhhhhh, do I need to come over there and make sure you go to sleep

Max: I don't think I would mind

Ian: my Lord, what do yo want me watching you in your sleep like santa

Max: Hell yeah, why not!

Ian: My fucking god Max
You drunk?? Go to bed

Max: I feel like getting drunk if it will cure this boredom

Ian: Shut up, you probably do get drunk and smoke cigarettes

Max: Wait, how'd you know I smoke??

Ian: It's like you wash your clothes in cig-detergent

Max: Fuck, now I wanna smoke... Look what you've done Ian!

Ian: Are you gonna seriously smoke at 1 in the morning?

Max: Yep

Max got out of his bed and dug through his bag finding a half empty pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He slowly opened up his bedroom window making sure not to wake anyone. He then tipped toed out and sat at the base of the house lighting the cigarette now in his mouth.

Max breathed out the smoke watching it float up and out of sight. He looked over and saw just through a street light Ian's house across from him. Max took his phone back out and took a short video zooming in on Ian's house and saying I found you.

He sent the video

Ian: Heh, stalker

Max: I'm gonna be watching you in your sleep so ya better watch out

Ian: Omfg your so weird

Max: Like you aren't??

Ian: True... Jeez I rlly should be sleeping but I also wanna talk to you!!

Max: Maybe I should come over?

Ian: What?! At this time of night??

Max: Your literally right across the street...


Ian did want Max to come over, have a face to face conversation. But it was 1:13am and he had school tomorrow...

Ian: Yeah but still!!

No response

Ian: Max...

Still nothing

Ian: MAX!

Just as he pressed send he heard a tapping on his window. He jumped up dropping his phone into the sea of blankets. Ian peered through the curtains seeing his friend standing outside covering him self up with a blanket.

Ian quickly but quietly opened the window and let Max in. He was wearing a black baggy shirt and was in his boxers. "You didn't think of putting on some pants?" Ian commented looking back up to Max's head.

He stared at Ian for a second before replying. "Ok I have several questions, for one we're both guys. For two these are my PJ's and for three look at you." Max pointed a hand out to Ian.

He was confused for second and then realized he was shirtless, and wearing boxers too. "Oh uh, shit." Ian said frantically trying to find a shirt. Max looked at him chuckling and planted his face into his hands.

"You're fine Ian." Max said. Ian still felt embarrassed but  stopped looking for a shirt and instead sat on his bed. Max laid down next to him, his cigarettes was still lit and smoke drifted over to Ian's nose. He coughed a bit, "Can we go outside if your gonna smoke?" Max shrugged and jumped out of the window, Ian followed.

"Ian, it's cold outside," Max sighed looking at him. "We got blankets though." Max chuckled and pulled one of the blankets infront of Ian. "Two measly thin ass blankets is not gonna keep up is warm."

Ian grumbled and tried warming up as much as possible. It was obvious he was cold, shaking like a mad man. "Oh my God Ian, come here," Max giggled looking at the shivering boy.

Ian was going to object when he felt himself being pulled over and wrapped in a warm embrace. "Here, now we both aren't freezing." Max calmly said in his thick Australian accent before puffing out another cloud of smoke.

Ian couldn't help but fluster at Max's warmth and his accent seemed oddly calming. With out warning Ian pulled Max closer wrapping his arms around the lean man's back and resting Ian's head on his shoulder.

They both sat there, sharing each other's warmth and enjoying their company. Rambling on and on about the weirdest things imaginable. Ian felt like he could spend decades talking and sharing moments like these with his new friend.

He even dared thought of them as best friends, even though they met that day. Ian couldn't help feel someway about Max's presence. From his bright green eyes, to his outward personality.

It was almost 2:30am when Max yawned. Ian had already felt him self doze off several time that night, but stayed up to spend more time with Max.

This was the first indication of tiredness from the night owl boy. "Are you finally getting tired?" Ian chuckled lazily. Max yawned again, "Yeah. How about I just spend the night here?"

Ian blushed, his thoughts started going towards cuddling up in his bed but were replaced with anxiety. "Uh, b—but what about your clothes, and school bag?" He fumbled around the words and he felt like it was getting hotter under the blanket.

"Oh my god Ian, I live right across the street! I can get them in the morning," Max said, way calmer than Ian. "Here and ill send her a text saying I slept over at a friend's house. There happy?"

Ian was happy, he was so happy. It felt odd, like he always was happy staying at friend's house and stuff but it never was this hunger like happiness. They crawled back inside his room and laid in Ian's bed. They both talked for a second before attempting to go to bed.

Ian and Max were both as far away from each other as possible. Before Max broke the ice, his teeth chattering, "Why the hell is it colder in here than outside?!"

"My mom likes the ac way down when she sleeps." Ian shrugged answering Max's. "Ok well come here and cuddle me so I'm not a fucking ice cube!" He was starting to get loud and Ian had to shush him.

"Sorry, but seriously Ian. I'm gonna die from hypothermia." He hesitated before turning on his other side facing Max, and slowly scooted over to him. He gently laid his hand on Max's chest. He then wrapped an arm around Ian. He couldn't lie, it defentaily felt nicer than to be freezing cold all through the night even though it was his guy friend.

"God this seems gay," Ian whispered, Max nodded his head laughing. "I think god left a long time ago my friend," He said through chuckles. Max seemed to stiffen, "Will your mom be ok with me being over?"

Ian nuzzled his head into Max's side and replied. "She won't even know your here, her new job requires her to come before I wake up." "Oh," He nodded before hugging Ian closer. "Goodnight," Ian smiled at the closeness. "Night." 

Well that was gayy, anyways xD uh I rlly am enjoying how this is coming out, and I rlly have quite a plot sooooooooo yeah!! Hope ya guys are enjoying this gay shit too
