Chapter Thirteen


          I never saw the spear thrown so quick my way. I just blinked an eye and the next thing I know someone hit the bull's eye. I thought I forged my guard adamant enough to keep me protected from this shit yet all the while I was dead wrong. For how many days I felt unprecedentedly weak that it was strong enough to make me believe that the man inside me has just drifted away. Far far away to an unknown place where it doesn't even belong. Its funny but maybe part of the reason was because bone town just became a ghost town for weeks that it made me literally less than a man. All of that sexual shit aside, there's definitely something else that is keeping me off shore. I know my confidence is a juggernaut in every angle but right now I felt really unsure of myself anymore. My friends did notice my sudden toning down. They tried to talk to me about it but I just keep on denying it. Even during practice I keep on missing goals that should've been just a piece of cake for me.

I don't understand how I feel but I know that there's this weird boiling urge of wanting to approach Dominic inside me. I tried to talk to him for days now but all attempts were such a failure. I can't just simply walk to him like everybody else does. No matter how easy it is. Every time I had the clear shot chance I just keep on fucking it up. Maybe this time I can finally talk to him though. I swallowed my pride and fear to just set this shit up. Now we're both alone in this room for detention.

"Hey there, what are you reading?" I finally opened my mouth to set up the conversation from scratch as I quietly settled on the empty chair right next to him. The room was just a space of tables and chairs and just the two of us. The first thirty minutes circulated in an immaculate silence that made me cringe. That was probably the shittiest thirty minutes of my life.

He was so quiet for a moment, slowly flipping the page of the book he was reading until he started talking without looking away from the book. I can feel his somewhat pissed off aura resonating so loud but I can tell he's trying to calm himself down.

"Oh this? I swear, you don't want to know" He replied sounding a little bit lukewarm about my presence or maybe he clearly knows that I don't give a shit about what he is reading which is kinda true. I don't really find interest in reading books, they suck my energy and as an athletic person, I hate having such a pussy energy. In honest conviction, I just want to open the chat box for us, after all this was my plan the whole time.

"Why not?" I discourteously grabbed the book from his hands which he pulled back in a quick reaction. I thought maybe he's reading an erotic book but who cares anyway at least I'm sure I opened the floor of conversation as initially planned.

"What the fuck Valentine!" He gave me a black look and quickly closed the book before slipping it in inside his bag. "What do you want?" He asked in a very flippant gesture which I do understand from his point of reference. That's what I feel when I'm not in the mood and all these hoes kept on talking and talking about their shits that I don't give shit about. Like who cares if you just bought a new shade of expensive lipstick or if you just forgot to apply some lotion before going out of the house.

For obedient and responsible people like Dominic, detention is like a layered hell. To mark the point, school is just like the prison and detention is clearly a prison inside of a prison.

"I just want to talk with you, if that's okay with you" I uttered sincerely facing him. I know this is far from being Valentine but shit, Valentine is forcefully and unconsciously driven right across the silver lining. This is crazy, I think I'm palpitating for the first time. This is it we are talking as we should've done a few days ago.

"I'm alone in an empty room along with the last person I want to talk with how do you think I feel?" He replied in a sarcastic monotone hoping to shut me down instantly. He's clearly playing the role of hard to get when he was the one who instigated this shit in the first place. "I'm actually enjoying the pleasure of solitary silence here, so if you don't mind the room has plenty of empty chair"

Fuck. He's so adamant, but still I just want to kiss this fucking creature again. I can see how beautifully defined he is. His piercing gray eyes just struck me like a lightning in split seconds. I know I look fuckin' great absolutely more handsome than him but he's standing right on the edge here. If he was just another jerk like me then he would probably be my biggest competitor.

"Can we talk about us?" I don't know where the word 'us' came from but I just barfed it casually.

"What? Valentine are you out of your damn mind" Adding a fake laugh at the end, he tilted his head to face me with an expression of forcing me regret what I just said. He seemed a little bit shaken by the word us and he should be.

I have to admit that every time I see Dominic smile or laugh I feel terribly happy as if I just took a doze of illegal pill that took me up above the clouds. I hate the fact that these past few days Dominic kept messing around with my train of thought.

"I'm serious Nick," I looked at him dead straight in the eyes, no patch of regrets, as if I really want him to see all the words I want to convey straight through my eyes. This was the first time that I looked at him straight in the eyes at this parameter and it certainly felt good and weird at the same damn time.

"Serious about what?"

"Come on man don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about" I trailed as he stood and started walking away from me.

"I'm not gay dude, I already made that very clear to you, and even if I'm gay I won't date your selfish manipulative ass. So please I'm begging you, if you may just grab your blue balls and take it in a motel somewhere" He mouthed in a torrent of annoyance in which I don't necessarily condone without getting the answer straight from his eyes so I followed him before grabbing him tight in the arm. I dragged him a hundred eighty degrees to face me.

"Are you?" I said unaware that I was already pushing him against the wall.

"Fuck you" He cursed back.

Disregarding his pissed off curse, I pinned him using both of my toned arms and not giving a damn shit whether I hurt him or not. There was a stillness in the void as I madly stared at him until I locked my lips into his.
