Lesson #27: Make Him Jealous More Often

A/N: Hey guys! I just finished some exams this past week, so that's why I've been MIA. I hope you guys like this chapter! To make up for taking so long, I gave you guys some good smut :) enjoy!

I slipped outside quietly, spotting Brett sitting on the curb next to his car. I crossed my arms, walking across the lawn to get to him, still waking up as I reached him. "Hey, what's up?" I asked, sitting down next to him, keeping some distance between us. "Is everything okay?" 

He glanced over at me, his eyes red and wet from crying. He hugged his knees to his chest, shaking his head. "I'm an idiot," he mumbled. "I'm sorry I woke you up in the middle of the night. I shouldn't have even called you after what happened at the mall. I know Derek didn't like me talking to you, but I didn't know who else to call. No one else knows about Liam and I-"

"Brett, calm down," I cut him off, hoping the look I was giving him seemed comforting and not as annoyed as I felt, having just woke up. "What's going on?" I tried again.

He sighed, wiping his eyes with a small shrug. "I told him how I felt," he started, licking his lips anxiously. "He said. . . he said there was someone else. He doesn't feel the same, Stiles. This whole time, he was leading me on and I didn't even have a chance."

I had no idea what to say. Even I saw the way Liam was around Brett and I was convinced they were meant to be. I encouraged Brett to come clean about his feelings, so I felt like this was partially my fault. "I'm so sorry," I said finally, putting my hand on his shoulder to comfort him, hopefully. I wasn't sure what else to do. "I know this really sucks, but at least you know now. You can start the process of moving on."

"I guess," he whispered, new tears replacing the ones he had just wiped away. "I just wish I knew before I screwed everything up with Derek. I mean, of course I'm happy for the two of you, but I'd be stupid if I thought I didn't mess up by losing him." I understood what he meant, so I just smiled sadly, wishing there was more I could do to help him. If Derek had rejected me, I would be in Brett's shoes, so I was trying to be sympathetic. "I'm never going to find anybody as nice and caring as you, Stiles. Derek is so lucky to have you. I doubt you'd ever hurt him."

"I'm not perfect," I replied, face red from his compliments. I wasn't used to anyone talking about me like that. Derek was usually the only one to compliment me, so I didn't know how else to handle it. "You'll be graduating in like a month, right? When you go off to college, there's going to be so many guys there. You'll find someone for sure."

"I don't know," he doubted, stretching his legs out in front of him, leaning back on his hands as he stared at the ground. "With my luck, I'll never fall in love. Maybe I'm just an asshole." 

"You're not an asshole," I protested, bumping his shoulder. "You can be, I guess, but that goes for most people. But I know you, Brett, and you're a nice guy. You just have to have confidence in yourself. For now, though, why don't you just take some time for yourself?" I suggested, our eyes meeting as he chewed on his lip, his expression uncertain. 

"You mean, stop looking?" he wondered, pulling his knees back to his body to rest his arms on top of them. 

"Yeah," I nodded, hoping now that he was done crying, he would be okay enough to leave soon. As much as I felt bad for him, I wanted to go back to bed. I'd text him tomorrow to make sure he was okay, but I was still so tired. "Figure out who you are without boys," I explained further. "Maybe once you understand yourself more, you'll find it easier to talk to guys?" 

"Yeah, maybe," he sighed, staring off into space. I wanted to ask him if he felt like going home yet, but I didn't get the chance. 

I hadn't heard the front door open until Derek was right behind us, his fingers twisted into the back of my shirt as he tugged. "Let's go," he said, his expression unreadable. I started to defend myself, explaining what I was doing outside, but he didn't let me get a word out. "You," he growled, pointing his finger at Brett, who looked a little terrified. "Next time you want to talk to my boyfriend, it will be at normal hours, in a public place, and within my sight. Got it?"

"Sorry, Derek," Brett mumbled, getting up quickly to get in his car. I didn't blame him for wanting to get the hell out of there. Derek looked pretty scary right now. "I'll talk to you later, Stiles. During normal hours!" he promised, already half way into his car. As he drove away, Derek's grip on my shirt loosened, but he grabbed my wrist instead, dragging me back towards the house. 

"I did not invite him over at 3am, Derek, I promise. I don't even know how he knew my address. He just showed up and was crying about Liam and I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to wake you up because I know you get cranky when someone wakes you up, so I just let you sleep. I was only out there for a few minutes, anyways," I rambled, probably making it ten times worse. Derek didn't answer as he dragged me back to my room, closing the door behind us. When he let go of my wrist, I stood against the door, refusing to move until he talked to me. "Derek, can you please say something so I know you're not mad?"


Derek hesitated, his back to me, so I couldn't tell what he was thinking. Suddenly, he turned around, crowding me against the door, his hands on my hips, his lips hovering over mine. "Mad?" he repeated, his voice rough. "Why would I be mad? You're mine, aren't you?"

I felt chills run down my spine as he brushed his lips across my jawline, his fingers digging into my skin as he hiked my shirt up. "Y-Yours," I agreed, eyes fluttering closed as his lips roamed freely over my neck, marking my skin shamelessly. "Only yours," I whispered, grabbing his biceps as he kissed my neck recklessly.  

Derek smirked against my skin, lifting my shirt up over my head to discard across the room. "Is that right?" he whispered, his hand suddenly on the back of my neck, holding me hostage as my breath caught in my throat. "Why don't you prove it, Stiles?" There were no words to describe how hot he was in that moment. No words to explain what I was feeling as he stripped his shirt off, taking a step back so I could admire his body. 

"P-Prove it?" the words spilled out, my heart racing, eyes raking over his naked torso, every part of me wanting to touch him, kiss him, feel him on top of me. "How do I-" I faltered, meeting his eyes again. 

Derek chuckled, invading my space again, grabbing my wrists as he guided one of my hands to his hip, the other below his waist where I could feel how turned on he was. "I want you to show me what it means to be mine," he whispered, nibbling my earlobe as my legs nearly buckled underneath of me. 

"O-Oh," I realized, digging my fingers into his hip as he brushed his lips across my collar bone. "I can do that," I mumbled, my face red as Derek pulled back to look at me with a smirk. He was amused by my embarrassment. Why was I not surprised? Somehow, it made this even sexier. I started to sink to my knees, ready to taste him right there in the middle of my bedroom. Derek caught my arm, pulling me back to my feet. "But I thought-" 

"Come here," he cut me off, leading me over to the bed. I swallowed hard, letting him position me however he wanted. He gently pushed me towards the bed, waiting for me to sit before kissing me without warning, taking all the breath from my lungs. My heart pounded against my chest as his tongue dipped past my lips, his hand on the back of my head, fingers tugging at my hair. Something about having him tower over me like this as he did what he wanted with me really turned me on. I couldn't wait another second to touch him, so as his lips devoured mine, I worked my hands into the band of his underwear, slipping them down past his thighs until he kicked them to the side. I wrapped a hand around him as he pulled away with a small gasp. "Fuck, Stiles," he moaned, bracing his himself with a hand on my shoulder as his forehead rested against mine. 

I bit my lip at the sound of him moaning my name, my wrist moving in lazy circles, just teasing him. I could tell he was enjoying it, despite the slow movements, because his eyes closed while his head tilted back. I licked my lips, trying to gain the courage to taste him. I desperately wanted to, that wasn't the problem. I had never done this before though, and I didn't want to be bad at it. I didn't want to ruin the moment, Derek's dirty talk, or the atmosphere we had created by being bad at this. 

"Stiles," Derek swallowed, his fingers threading in my hair, guiding me but not forcing anything. He glanced down at me, his expression of lust fading as he looked slighting concerned for a moment. I could read his mind just from the look on his face. 

"I just don't want to disappoint you," I breathed, meeting his gaze despite not wanting to. He raised an eyebrow, as if challenging me. "I want to do this, Derek. I told you I'm yours. You're the only person I want to touch like this. The only person I want to see me this way," I admitted, my face hot as he moved my hand away, holding my wrists hostage so I couldn't move. "Please, let me touch you," I begged, his eyes going dark. 

"Touch me, Stiles," he commanded, still holding my wrists tight in his grip. I hesitated, unsure of what he wanted me to do with my hands still in his, until I realized what he meant. I licked my lips, the nerves starting to fade as I leaned closer, finally tasting him. The moment my lips closed around him, he made that same sexy sound, a small gasp followed by my name. I wanted to see what he looked like when he said it, so I glanced up at him as I moved my head slowly. He was watching me, his fingers digging into my wrists, his lip between his teeth to quite himself. "Fucking hell, you're anything but a disappointment, baby," he breathed, as if if melting from my touch. Gently, he loosened his hold on my wrists, ghosting his fingers over the bare skin as he touched every inch of my arms, stopping at the back of my neck, gripping handfuls of my hair. 

With my hands free, I let myself explore Derek's body, his skin warm to the touch. I let Derek's hands guide my rhythm, trailing curious hands across his lower back, blunt nails digging into his thighs, eventually stopping at his ass, squeezing hard as I took most of him into my mouth, trying my best not to choke. Not that I minded much, but when I looked the least bit uncomfortable, Derek slowed down, running his thumb over my cheek as my eyes watered. "You don't have to stop," I rasped, wiping my chin as he smoothed his hand through my hair, his eyes staring intensely into my own. "I really want to make you come," I blushed, watching him drag his teeth over his bottom lip again, his fingers pulling my hair again, rougher this time. I wasn't complaining. 

"God, I don't deserve you," he whispered, his voice low as I rolled my eyes, choosing to ignore that comment in the heat of the moment. I let his hands guide me again, wrapping my lips around him as he sucked in a sharp breath. I grabbed his hips hard, digging my fingers into his skin, only making him moan louder. I really hoped it wasn't as loud as I thought it was since our walls were so thin, but at the moment, I was too caught up in tasting every inch of Derek to stop him from being loud.  It was the middle of the night, after all, so I hoped that meant we couldn't be heard. 

I dragged my tongue across the length of him while he carefully moved his hips in time with my own movements, making his fingers tighten in my hair as he whispered my name, often followed by the phrase, "Oh my god" or "Just like that" which was incredibly hot when Derek's voice was so rough. A couple of times, he tried to pull away, but I grabbed his hips, pulling him closer until he was wrapping his arms around my shoulders, leaning over me as he buried his face in my neck, an incredibly uncomfortable position, I assumed. I felt his teeth graze my skin as he cried out, trying to muffle himself as he came, his arms tightening around my shoulders. 

"Wow," I mumbled, pulling away as Derek laughed, pushing me onto my back as he crawled over top of me. "I should make you jealous more often," I teased, chuckling as he fake glared at me.

"Me, jealous?" he denied, trailing kisses from my jawline to my neck. "I wouldn't call it jealousy."

I rolled my eyes, trailing my fingers across his hot skin, smirking when he jumped away from my grabby hands before I could grip his ass. "If you say so," I teased. "Whatever it was, I loved every minute of it."

"I'm not tired anymore," Derek said, ignoring me completely, his voice still low and sexy. It only reminded me that I was still incredibly turned on.

I almost caved and let him continue teasing me, to the point where we both knew it would turn into something more. However, the sound of my phone violently vibrating from the floor caught us both off guard. It was four in the morning, so I thought it might be important. "Will you check that?" I asked, playfully shoving him off of me. 

"It's probably your other boyfriend," he answered, jokingly. I stuck my tongue out mockingly, only making him chuckle as he dragged himself out of bed and grabbed my phone off the floor. I had no idea how it ended up there, but that was besides the point. He turned it on, staring at it for a moment before looking up at me, a guilty look on his face. 

"What?" I asked, now worried. "Who is it?" 

He laughed nervously. "Uh- well, your dad said we need to shut up," he replied, his face probably just as red as mine. 

I groaned, pulling the blanket up over my head as Derek fell into bed beside me, still laughing. It wasn't funny to me. After all the trouble I went through with my dad, telling him Derek and I weren't going to do anything, of course he had to hear everything. "I am so dead," I grumbled. 

Derek pulled the blanket away from my face with a small smirk. "I'll be at the funeral," he promised, pulling me against his chest. 

"No," I shook my head, sighing as he cuddled me close to him. "You'll be in the casket next to mine." Derek hummed in reply, apparently tired again all of the sudden. I couldn't really sleep after that horrifying text from my dad, so I listened to Derek snore softly for a few hours until the sun was peeking through the window, and then finally, I found myself drifting back to sleep. 
