Chapter 8


Mondays sucked. Who the hell even invented Mondays in the first place. Whoever did is now added onto the list of enemies. But I wasn't sure if Kellin would be number one or the mystery inventor of the day Monday. I rolled over to get up before my alarm started blaring that annoying beeping sound again and fell onto my carpeted floor with a thump. Great way to start a Monday morning by falling onto my floor. It might've been carpeted but damn that hurt like hell. I groaned into the carpet and lifted my head up spitting out little fuzzies that made their way into my mouth from the carpet and opened the bedroom door crawling to the bathroom-literally crawling.

"Don't you think you're being just a wee bit over dramatic for a Monday morning?" I heard my dad ask as I saw him from the banister getting his coat on and buttoning it. I groaned in response and continued my crawling until I felt the cold tile of the bathroom floor getting up and looking at the rat's nest that has somehow become part of my hair. After I finished washing up I dried off my face getting the toothpaste off the corners of my mouth and walked out of the bathroom going back to my room.

I checked over my outfit, which again didn't contain pink and shrugged walking out of my room and towards the kitchen. I felt my stomach growling and grabbed an apple from the fruit dish biting into it. I only had one more week before spring break i'll be fine. I can survive. It was a short distance from my house to the school and I didn't want to make my mom drive me all the way there and then to Laila's school so I decided walking was the way to go. I grabbed my book bag and walked out the door into the crisp spring air breathing it in slowly. Spring was always my favorite season, I hated the bugs hands down no doubt, but I loved seeing the flowers bloom. I walked by one of those fuzzy flowers and picked it and twirled it between my fingers smiling. I blew it watching the little petals swirl in the wind. It was peaceful. At least that what I wanted it to be before I heard a voice behind me.

"Ray!" I lowered my head with a sigh. I've changed my mind. He's enemy number one. Monday guy doesn't seem so bad now. I didn't understand how he couldn't just leave me alone! I was already fucked up by the stupid kiss, the only interaction I had to have with him was tutoring and that was forced. I had to make it believable though so I turned around with a small smile on my face and waved.

"Hi Kellin." I greeted and turned back. He slowed next to me and started walking my pace with his hands in pockets whistling every once in a while.

"Well someone's chipper this morning." He said sarcastically nudging my arm. I held back my growl and shrugged.

"I guess I'm just tired." I whispered.

"Understandable, it is Monday. Who invented Mondays anyway?" He said and laughed. He was being strangely nice to me and I didn't quite know why.

"Why are you like, being nice to me?" I asked as we reached the school parking lot.

"Because I like you." He said with a shrug. My eyes widened and I started coughing a little bit while covering my mouth. He gave me a confused look and tilted his head to the side slightly before getting the idea.

"No no no no no," he said shaking his head really fast "as a friend! You're just a cool person and you got that feisty side. I like you as a friend!" He clarified with a nod. I nodded slowly and walked inside without another word said and made my way to my locker to get my chemistry book for first period and turned around and saw Kellin smiling and leaning against the neighboring locker. I slowly closed my locker and gave him a weird look.

"Shouldn't you, uh, be with Sam?" I asked making my way towards the chemistry room.

"She's not here yet so I thought I'd be a good friend and walk you there." He said with a shrug. I pursed my lips and shrugged my shoulders leading the way. This whole sudden burst of kindness was weird. I didn't know if it was getting on my nerves or strangely comforting. I didn't find myself wanting to know honestly. We reached Mr. Walker's room and I stopped and turned around.

"Well, this is it." I said. He nodded and smiled.

"I'll leave you to it." He said and started walking away. That was awkward. I took a deep breath before walking into chemistry with my eyes locked on the ground. I took my seat next to "Rocker Ryan" who was actually really nice, just misunderstood by everyone except his friends and me if I count as one. He sat there with his face hidden scribbling something on the paper with his tongue poked out in concentration as his right hand moved across the page. I sat down next to him which scared him and he looked up at me and smiled. I waved and he hid the paper with his hand.

"Whatcha got there Ry?" I asked trying to peek my head over. Sadly he was a giant string bean and I couldn't see over. He smirked and held up his index finger silently telling me to wait a minute. I squinted my eyes and nodded while he went back to drawing. The bell wouldn't ring for about ten more minutes so I started to take out my books and get ready for class. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked over at Ryan who had the paper clutched to his chest and a smile on his face. I smiled back and held out my hand for the paper which he slowly handed over. I snatched it from his hands with a smirk which he returned and looked at the paper.

It was an intricate beautiful drawing of a flower. It was a daffodil, I loved daffodils.

"Woah Ryan! I knew you could draw, but not this good where'd you learn this?" I whispered in excitement as I continued studying the drawing tracing an outline with my finger.

"I remember you telling me that you loved daffodils and thought 'eh what the hell'" I smiled and pecked his cheek and tucked the paper in a safe place and looked back to see him looking at the ground blushing. I looked down too my own blush forming on my cheeks. The bell rang signaling that classes have begun and I pulled my chair in towards the desk. A semi best folded paper landed itself on my desk and I unfolded it and read it.

'I'm glad you loved the drawing. So I was thinking, maybe we can go out this Friday?' I read. I smiled slightly and picked up my purple pen and started writing.

'I would love to.' I looked over at him and saw him smiling at the note and looked at me and then back down at the chemistry notes with a blush. I looked back at my own paper not wiping the stupid smile off my face for the rest of class.


Lunch rolled around and I found myself waiting for Sarah outside of pre-calc considering we both had that class together. We didn't even know it either but once we found out we sat next to each other.

"I swear Mrs. Thaddeus will be the death of me with all this homework." She said as she exited the room. I giggled and followed her to the cafeteria. On the way there I passed by Sam who looked confused and held up her hand.

"Ray! What are you doing?" She asked as Sarah stopped. I stopped and looked back and grabbed Sarah's forearm and pulled her towards the group.

"I'm sitting with Sarah today." I said simply. I wasn't asking her permission just showing her that I don't need her and never will.

"You're sitting with Scene Sarah?" She asked pointing towards the girl behind me. I squinted my eyes and nodded before looking at Tess. She smiled and walked over to me standing next to me.

"So am I." She said confidently. Sam had her mouth open in agape shock as I walked away Sarah and Tess followed.

"That was awesome!" Sarah yelled through the hall earning her fair share of looks as she did. I laughed as we entered the cafeteria and let Sarah lead the way to her table. She stopped in front of two other people and smiled.

"Guys I have two new editions." She said and sat down. Tess and I still stood behind her. I didn't know what Tess was thinking, but I knew that I was terrified to do anything in fear of something bad happening. It was like my first day all over again.

"This is Tessa Vixon." She said pointing to Tess who waved shyly "and Rayleigh Matthews." She said pointing to me. I smiled and sat down next to Sarah, while Tess sat on my other side.

"Tess, Ray, this is Kylie Orrin," she said and pointing to a girl with the brightest blonde hair ever that was actually natural with a blue strip running through it.

"And Pete Flores." She said pointing to a guy who had short black hair and a lip piercing.

"Ray! I heard you got asked out today!" Sarah said slapping my shoulder "Not even here three days and you snag a guy. Tell me your secret." I blushed and looked down. Tess slapped my shoulder and I looked to see her with her eyebrows furrowed and her mouth open in disbelief.

"And I didn't know about this why?!" She yelled

"It only happened today I was going to tell you now." I said laughing while she turned in her seat with her back facing me.

"How did you know anyway?" I asked turning to Sarah. She smirked and shrugged.

"I have my ways." She said smugly. She raised an eyebrow and burst out laughing "Dude Ryan Prescott is my twin brother. I know everything about him." I knew Ryan looked familiar but I couldn't quite connect the dots and figure it out. I know I'm stupid. No need to tell me.

Lunch eventually ended and I found myself making my way towards English trying to go as slow as possible and still get there before the late bell. I walked through the door and spotted my seat next to Kellin and Kellin smiling at me as I walked in. I immediately locked eyes with the floor making my way towards my seat with no trouble. I sat down and took out my books and laid my notebook and To Kill A Mockingbird on my desk with my purple pen next to it. Kellin was looking at me the whole time and I found that slightly creepy.

"Um, hi?" I questioned as I looked at him. He waved and turned back in his seat.

"Hi. How's your day so far?" He asked. I smiled and nodded holding up a thumb.

"Pretty good thanks, you?" He smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"It's been alright." He answered and looked at me. "I almost forgot, I have an away game Friday and I can't make tutoring." He said. I let out a sigh and nodded.

"That's totally fine I have plans anyway." I said waving my hand off. I covered my mouth and looked at him to see he had an eyebrow arched and a smug look on his face.

"What does miss Rayleigh have planned on this Friday night?" He asked still looking smug. Not only looking, but sounding and I found myself wanted to punch him in the face.

"I don't think that's any of your business Mr. Kellin." I snapped. Two can play at this game.

"Well I told you my plans, so you tell me." He said.

"The game schedule is public listing so there's really nothing special about it." I said with a shrug. My anger was just getting worse and I was thinking that I would snap any second.

"Oh c'mon!" He whined and started poking my shoulder "Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me." I felt my eye twitch and I turned towards him pushing my hair behind me with a scowl on my face.

"I have a date!" I whisper yelled. His face fell and he started playing with a loose thread on his shirt as I sat there fuming.

"With who?" He asked. I looked at him and his nice blue eyes and mentally punched myself for thinking such a thing.

"Ryan Prescott. Now pay attention." I snapped and turned back to my book. Every couple of minutes I would sneak side glances to see he hasn't done anything except zone out into the book. He hasn't turned pages or anything. Anything could be affecting him. He could be thinking about practice and what they'll be doing. He could be thinking about Sam and what she's doing right now. I wouldn't let it go as far as saying he was hurt by the fact I had a date. Because he isn't. Right?


AN: oooohhhhh Rayleigh's got a daaaattttteeeeee! How exciting!
