How She Unfurled Her Wings

On Being Born of the Stars in the Sky 1-7

How to Clip a Birds Wings 8-12

A Wicked Lie and Repeat 13-19

Seeping Death and it's Empty Elixir 20-26

The Courage of Being Me 27-32


To my daughter Galilee, who saved me. Mommy loves you forever and always.


There’s a light glowing,

Follow it.


I held you in the palm of my hand

before you were born

and I wove the stars through your eyes,

You were curious without ceasing

and I watched with amazement and wonder

at that which I had created, and it was good.


Moon baby wanders through eyes of beaming mercury

seeing only good and thoughtful things,

delicately floating above love

above faith and in warmth,

Her heart grew

she was ready.


The universe bestowed a gift that echoed in the heart of the world,

It was the tiniest light, yet had the biggest glow,

A fire that spread through atoms,

Taking its space one rain drop at a time

filling the seas with storming abundance.


She was made of white pearls and fancy feathers

sewn together with lace and honey,

Her skin smelled of that just rained scent

mixes of pomegranate seeds and lemon oil,

Smiling radiance, 

firefly's in her eyes and dreams already on her tongue.


Where innocence once prevailed

A shroud began to cover her,

So young,

The dreams began to shine a little less bright,

Falling away as dandelion seeds drifting away.


She had a dream about a faceless mask,

It only knew destruction and chaos,

It gorged itself on distinct tastes and quirky habits,

Becoming a fearsome foe that grew and grew,

Was this a thing that was to come? 

A premonition.


Sometimes she gets mistaken for a helix nebula

with wisps of dust pouring from her mouth,

Butterfly wings sprout from her back.

She is lust, with honey overflowing,

Bleeding mushrooms are her depths,

She speaks with magic and smells of new book,

A hyperbole wrapped in seaweed

harvesting worms from the earth,

and solace as her lover.


She knows nothing of the desires of the hearts of men,

Her companions are the words that flow through her veins,

The sparks of magic that fly off her tongue

Enticing and electric to lone wolves that chased. 


A sleeping beauty

That neither consented nor agreed to apparent desires,

These wolves, always hungry,

Their appetite like those of humans who’ve tasted the flesh of faerie fruits,

She fought bravely many times but succumbed to attacks that left her wounded.


She had fallen into a deep sleep,

Where the wisp mother told her tales,

She takes her to faraway places where the dew never dries,

It’s warm and safe inside this dream-

Yet something foul here grew.



There was a crate with no name,

It made her uncomfortable,

It made her sick,

Was that sniffle just a cold?

Outside the box was room to grow Flora, 

The window was but a tiny keyhole in a room with little light.


Was this what her soul ached for?

It felt real, 

Like midsummers rain, cool and calm on tearing faces,

A light flickered, long awaited.


She tore the paper masks from her face like the wings from a moth,

they revealed her secrets, her desires,

She felt raw and visible

as a sheer lining flowing in the wind,

But she didn’t mind-

if these butterflies would just leave.

No not butterflies, wasps.


Genuine fire and soul,

Clasped over her mouth is said to be love.


Happiness bloomed at a point,

But the rain ceased, and the sun stopped singing its voice,

Nothing grows but disdain and drought from dirt with no love.



So many words that hit like a rock to the face,

They clung to her soul and lay there, dormant,

Waiting for the opportunity to strike when least expected.


The duty of sacred life,

Capture and shove it into the box again,

That frightful box that now has pins and needles sticking inside,

That box that makes the switch turn off, invisible,

There is nothing of life blooming within,

The flowers outside have all but withered and died.


Flares of cruel mischief,


It was normal, things were fine,

Those tears to be wiped behind the ever-closing doors,

Shuttered away.


It had seeped into her heart making home,


The ooze was becoming normalized,

She was tired again, nothing new,

The ooze made her feel almost safe.

And so, it grew again.


Baa, says the black sheep.


The cosmos once again stirred

And with a mighty roar the sky opened with a surprise,

A gift bestowed,

Not unwanted but needed in times of turmoil and grief,

A welcomed treasure.


Her name is sweet nothings

and she hides behind rosy cheeks, honeysuckle and cool nights.



Finally needed, 

Qualm my soul that latches to hope,

Cool spring water to a parched mouth of bile.


Oh, my lonesome sigh

whisper on clouds of quiet

let them carry you far away,

She tasted the fallen words

Tart and bitter on her tongue

Hitting the dirt with little remorse,

A growing distaste to her core.


She falls once again into a deep sleep and the wisp mother tells her more tales,

She takes her to faraway places where the dew never dries,

This is where she would like to stay, to sleep for good 

she decides.



Not confined to a box of needles and discourse,

But open to feel the sun once again,

To eat cake freely and feel the constraints that bind

break off.


A spark,

The single flicker that did not come quietly like a gentle breeze,

But like a storm at sea, rocking the ship off course,

Down a path that differed from the one planned originally.


She felt a warmth like never before,

Oh, the putrid disease tried, it tried so very hard,

Failing most days, somedays a struggle,

But with newfound grace

A single thread to tie and keep.


Be still my flower, root yourself deep into the ground-

among the tallest of trees,

Let the rain wash upon yourself,

let my sun make you strong,

The weeds may sting but I will pluck them from the dirt,

I send bees as messengers-

overflowing with honey,

Do not weep as petals fall, for you may wither but another season is in the distance,

Be patient for the rising star,

Hear the voice of the wind flicker,

It seems bleak as snow is white and cleanses,

but a lone bud signals a new beginning.


Leap into the stars

To swim amongst the creator’s visions,

The fear that cursed have broken within, 

Worry be still now,

Courage take root.


And then she unfurled her wings.
