The party

Liza pov

I wake up to the sound of my alarm, i turn it off and got up reamembering that i had a party today.

(Lm = lizas mum and L= liza)

Lm: liza hurry and get dressed you have to meet mr fitzs about your detenion.
L: whatever mom
I went downstairs and said bye to mum then i went outside and walked to school.

G: Sup girly
L: are you going to that party tonight
G: heck yea
L: do you think there will be cute boys there
G: i dont know maybe
L: i cant wait
G: i will pick you up at 7
L: yasss
G: what are you wearing tonight
L: omg i dont have anything to wear
G: meet me at forever 21 at 3
L: thanks i am lucky to have a bff like you
G: ya welcome

~~~~~~ time lapse~~~~~~

Gabbie pov

I pull up to forever 21 and see liza outside the store talking to a guy, i have never seen this guy before but lizas 18 so i roll wi th it.

L: hey gabs
G: hay liza who you talking to
L: this is alex
A: hi nice to meet you
G: what school do you go to
A: LA hights boarding school ( i live in Australia so i dont know if this is a real place)
L&G: same
A: today was my second day there
L: cool do you like it
A: i like it more now that i know you go there. He said while getting closer to me
L: um i have to go, i said walking away
G: wow that boy is wierd
L: can we just go and buy clothes please
G: ok

~~~~~~ time laspe~~~~ to party~~~
Lizas pov

Gabbie and i pull up to this guys house aka gabbies boyfreind zane, i hop out of the car at walk in the smell of acahol and cigarettes hits me in the face. This is gonna be wild i thought to myself as we walked to the centre of the house.

L: this party is wicked i yell over the music so gabbie can hear me
G: i know right
L: im gonna go have some fun as i walk to the drinks and got some coke and walked around.. all of a sudden i see a boy wearing all black with a cap on walk towards me

Guy: hey girl
L: hey
Guy: has anyone told you you look sexy tonight
L: no
Guy: wel i guess there blind
I blush
L: so whats your name cutie.
Omg did i just say that i think in my head. Guy: david
L: thats a cute name
D: thanks whats yours
L: Elizabeth but i perfer liza
D: well liza do you wanna come to my place not like that

I blush again
L: sure
D: i dont have a car but i live only 10 minutes away so do you wanna walk
L: sure i would love to
~~~~~ time laspe back to davids place~~~

I walk in and see that he lives alone
L: woe your house is pretty
D: thanks but you know who else is even prettier
L: who?
D: you
David is now right in front of me
L: thanks your cu- david cuts me of with a passionate kiss

Davids pov

Omg im kissing liza, i grab her by the waist and pull her onto the couch not breaking the kiss. Shes on top and her hair is in her face i pull her hair out of her face and she looks at me smiling. I smile back then she starts kissing my neck oh so gently. It really turned me on. I grab her shirt and take it off revealing her bra i start massaging her breast and she moans softly. I love it when she makes that sound i go to the back of her bra and unhook it. Now showing her breast i start massaging them again she pulls away and takes of my shirt and kisses my chest and abs. I can feel her getting steamy, i grabbad her skirt and reached underneath and started feeling her area she moans and i take of her underwear to the point were she only has her skirt on i move my hand back and forth across her area and she moans again this time louder i put my finger in her and keep doing that for a while. She keeps of moaning and saying dont stop and stuft i carry her to the bedroom and take of my pants she takes off her skirt and she is now naked i and i hop on top of her and she says L: you make me feel so good please dont stop she says that and i put my finger to her lips and say D: i can make you feel the best if you let me do it L: do anything you want just dont stop. She moans but im not doing anything. She reaches for my underwear and pulls them of. She says L: i love you
D: i love you to i say as i grab my d and look at her and  smile
D: are you ready
L: yes
I enter her but i go slow she moans are my addiction L: oh yea ahhh faster faster
I go faster and faster everytime she moans she reaches her stop point and i stop  and exit her L: will you go out with me i lick her area passionately she moans for like the 50th time i slap her v and say yes L: that was great she says while panting D: round 2
L: we could go all night
i enter her but rougher and faster

The rest of the night we continued this until liza fell asleep.

Wow i cant belive i just wrote that
Ok next chapter will be cleaner
