"God I'd just grab her neck and pull her in for a kiss by now" Koko says smirking. 

"She's not a toy Koko" Sanzu scoffed looking at Koko. 

"You heard me? Haha shit" Koko laughed embarrassed. 

"Not cool, that's disgusting" I roll my eyes at Koko in disgust. 

"I didn't mean it like that, your just smiling a lot. I'd love to make you smile more" Koko smiled at me trying to save himself with a story. 

"No your just creepy" I sighed. 

"Could you two go back to messing about? We had some great shots with that" the photographer smiled at me and Sanzu. 

Sanzu looked at me with a smile but I had enough. I jump out the pool and went to get changed. Once I was dressed and came back I go see my boss and he hands me my phone since I asked him to hold it for me. 

"Your parents called" boss informs me. 

I took the phone and quickly call my  mum to see what's wrong. 

"Hana, why haven't you been here to see us for a while?" my mum asked. 

"We were worried especially with your brother being out right now" I hear my dad speak too. 

"I've been busy, and I know he's out. I've seen him" I sighed. 

"Did you call the police? You know he's dangerous" mum gasped. 

"As equally as am I, if I call the police I get done for all the crimes have committed, and its probably the same amount as him, if not even more. Also the police wont do shit, there a bunch of idiots" I tolled my eyes. 

"Do you know where he is?" mum asked.

"He's at my house, I'm living with my boss at the moment, all good" I explained. 

"Your boss? The rich man?" mum asked with a lot of hope in her voice. 

"Yes, and to answer the questions I know you will ask is yes he has a son and no I will not date him for you to be so called happy" I sighed. 

"Its like you can read my mind" mum laughed. 

"No mum, your just predictable because that's all you ever want from me" I sighed. 

"Alright then, you stay safe. I will try not ask about guys in your life as much" my mum said. 

"alright thanks, bye both of you" I sighed. 

I end the call once they both say bye too. I turn to see my boss looking at me with a soft smile. 

"She wants you to date rich huh?" my boss laughed.

"Yes, she doesn't believe a woman can be powerful until she's married and has kids with a rich man" I sighed.

"Is your dad rich then since she has this belief?" boss asked me. 

We started walking out as the boys followed behind us. 

"No he's not, she really only expects that from me" I shrug. 

We all get into the car and we continue our conversation together. 

"She has such high standards for you" my boss laughed.

"I'm sure you have high standards for Sanzu, I guess every parent does" I smiled. 

Sanzu looked over at us as he heard his name being said. 

"I don't think they are high" boss shrugged. 

"Well what are your standards of him? I'm his age so id know if there too high for him or not" I smiled. 

"To be a role model, but not like any other role model. One who brings joy with his family, so I want him to be married and have kids before he takes over the business, just so he can bring happiness with his own family to different families who bring theirs to our hotels" my boss explained as he looked at his on. 

I now understand why Sanzu was so mad that day, he probably doesn't want to have a family he probably only wants to take over the company. 

"Okay they are not high for most people but Sanzu has trouble talking to people. I doubt he would easily fall in love and have a family, I'm saying this with respect!" I smiled. 

"Yes I know he does, he sleeps around but still cant find love. I just hope he can find the one before my days come to an end" boss sighed. 

"Don't say that. Sanzu will find the perfect girl for him, and of course they together will fulfil your standards for your son, honestly if I may say this but for Sanzu to love someone is already a big accomplishment, even if that person doesn't love him back" I smiled. 

"You talk highly of him, perhaps you may love my son, do you?" my boss questions me. 

"What no! No he isn't for me" I laugh. 

I didn't lie, I do not love Sanzu. I just didn't want to be disrespectful about him to my own boss. Truthfully I doubt Sanzu will ever find love if he doesn't fix up his lifestyle. 

"You don't want to be disrespectful in front of me do you?" my boss chuckled. 

"Yes, because no offence here I truly don't think he is capable of love whatsoever, or to even be loved by someone. His attitude throws you away almost instantly" I sighed. 

"Sanzu, son come here" boss called him over to us. 

He came over and sat next to us in the big spacious limo. He smiled at his farther and didn't even look at me. Why did the boss call him over? 

"As you were saying Hana, maybe you can fix his attitude" boss smiled at me. 

"Me? No he would have to do it on his own, I couldn't be able to do that" I chuckled. 

"My attitude? What's wrong with it?" Sanzu glared at me. 

"Exactly that, you glare at everyone... oh bringing up another thing, his ego is so high that it would be impossible to even sli-" I speak but got cut off. 

Sanzu put his hand over my mouth, shutting me up. I hate when he does that. 

"My ego? My attitude? Fixing me? What the fuck are you two talking about?!" Sanzu growled. 

"If you remove your hand she can explain it too you" his dad sighed. 

Sanzu took his hand off and sat back down as everyone in the car was now watching us three. 

"Me? Why me? He's your son" I sighed. 

"Hana please, its easier to hear from you then his own farther" boss sighed gently. 

I rolled my eyes as I turned to Sanzu who had his arms crossed and his glare staring straight into my soul. I took a deep breathe before I started to speak. 

"Your incapable to love someone or be loved by someone. Your ego is too high for someone to even compliment you or get your attention. Your attitude is appalling and pushes people away from you. Your anger makes people afraid of you. You think very highly of yourself, thinking you own the whole world so why should you care about anyone's opinion? And your very demanding, I mean when someone doesn't do what you asked of them, you yell, demand more, and just overall become a bad mood. So if you want to be able to love someone or someone to love you and meet your fathers expectations you should really fix up those negative sides of you, but not completely eliminate them because that takes away who you are as a person" I rush through what I was saying, hoping not to offend him. 

Sanzu's eyes softened as I said that all about him. It seemed I manged to crush his ego now. I turn to my boss, unsure what to do. I have no clue what to say or do, I didn't know he can be this sensitive and quiet, I've broken him!

He cleared his throat and was going to say something but paused. He looked down to the ground before looking up again, taking my hands into his own and speaking again...
