
'Where am I?' asked a blue she-cat 'Emberstar! What are you doing here?'

She raced up to her former leader.

'Don't you worry about me, Echostar. I am safe now'

Echostar noticed that, like when they had last seen each other in Echostar's nine lives ceremony, that Emberstar no longer bared the scratches and wounds that she had received in the battle in which she had lost her final life. All signs of that fight had all disappeared.

'I have received a prophecy for you,' Emberstar mewed calmly.


Then the sky went red. Echostar couldn't see anything except for her own paws. Then a voice started to speak.

"Medicine cat and warrior-"

"Echostar! Echostar! Wake up!" But this time, it was a different voice. The voice of Sweetfur, her deputy.

'Huh?" Echostar mewed, yawning.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't know if I should wake you or not. Sorry. But Lilybreeze just gave birth! There are two new kits in the Clan!"

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