Don't Let Me Go

Devon's POV:

"I didn't know where else to go" kept repeating in my head when Jake first said it. I pulled him into a tight hug, he was wet and cold. But I didn't care about me getting wet as well. The I only thing I cared about right now was him.

At first he didn't hug me back. Then after a few seconds he brought his arms up around my waist and hugged me back pulling me closer to him. I don't know why but the inside of my stomach had this weird feeling when he did.

I felt him melt into the hug like he hasn't been hugged in years. I didn't want to let go, but he was freezing cold and he needed to get new warm clothes.

I let go but he didn't let go of me. "Jake we need to get you some new clothes that aren't soaked." I say quietly, he slowly pulls away and I notice he started to tear up.

I brought my hand up to his face and whipped away the tears. I then walked over to my closet and picked up a box and brought it over to my bed.

"I have this aunt I barely talk to, she always gets me clothes but they're too big for me. She probably thinks I'm growing up like my dad when he was younger or something." I say, I laugh at the thought of my aunt that barely knew me. But I only met her at my dad's funeral so we don't know each other at all.

"I think some of these are your size so you know... I can show you to the bathroom and you can change into warm clothes." I say, he's just looking at me and I think he wants to say something but he doesn't.

I show him over to the bathroom and I hand him the box of clothes. "Thank you Dev" he says, I then realize he just called me Dev. "Of course Jake" I say smiling. He closes the door and I head over to my room smiling like an idiot. I had to get into some new clothes too because of the hug. Which was fine I didn't care about getting into new clothes.

After a minute or two I heard a knock on my door. I walk over and open it to see Jake. He's just wearing black pajama pants and a ghost face shirt. The only thing my aunt knew about me was I like horror movies and that I have a "silly podcast" as she called it.

"Your aunt buys you a lot of interesting clothes." He says while slightly laughing. I laugh too, because it's true my aunt barely knows me but "tries" to make it up by getting me clothes. "Yeah she only knows that I like horror movies so she buys me stuff like that for my birthday and stuff" I say smiling at him.

We both walk over to my bed and sit down. I look over and him but he's been looking at me the whole time. The thought of that made my stomach feel weird again but in a good way. I put my hand on top of his hand. It's freezing cold but I think his hands are always freezing cold. Well from when I held his hand with the twenty dollar bill. Also that one time I asked for a pencil because I was "out of pencils."

"But do you want to tell me what happened? Because people don't knock on peoples windows in the rain without a reason" I say looking up at him. He starts avoiding eye contact. He also starts to seem nervous about me asking that question. He talks a deep breath and speaks.

"Well you know with the thing that happened in the car... from his angle it looked like we were kissing.. and then my dad showed up.. and he's um.. not really a big fan on the gays and I've never told him about me liking boys" he takes another deep breath and then told me everything.

"Then with today I ignored you because I didn't want to remember how much my dad hates me for liking boys. Then after school when I had dinner my dad let it all out. He yelled, called me the f-slur, reminded me of my dead mom, threw glass but he didn't throw it at me but broken glass still cut my skin. Then lastly he told me to get out and come back when I'm "normal" again."

I couldn't believe what I heard, I was shocked. I don't understand how Jake just deals with this. I'm also guessing Jake's dad was the reason Jake had that black eye. God Jake's dad makes me feel sick to my stomach. Jake didn't deserve any of that.

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't think of anything to say. So I hugged him. He hugged me back tightly and he was slightly shaking. I then hear him sniffing, he was crying. I moved my hand up to his hair and started moving my hands through his hair gently. I remember my mom used to mess with my hair before I went to bed and it always made me calm.

His breathing slowed down as he calmed down. I could also feel his heart beat go back to normal and not beating incredibly fast. But I just kept hugging him.

He hugged me tighter but I didn't care if it hurt. I just really didn't want to let him go. "Please don't let me go Dev" Jake whispers. "I don't want to let you go" I whisper back.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this Dev. I'm so sorry" he says while pulling away. I move my hand away from his hair and I cupped his jawline. I whip away his tears and I speak. "Jake it's not your fault that your father is an asshole, I promise"

I then bring my face up to his and I kiss his cheek. I then just look at him and he's looking at me. "So I'm guessing you need a place to sleep tonight?" I ask, he nods his head in response.

After a few minutes we decided that he's gonna sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the couch. I was about to leave until he lightly grabbed my hand. "Can you um... stay with me until I fall asleep?" He says, I look at him and I smile.

"Okay sure but don't get to comfortable" I say jokingly, I then lay down next to him and I hug him. I melt into the hug and I have my arms around him while he's very close to me. The weird feeling in my stomach happens once again. But then I feel my eyes shut and me and Jake both drift off to sleep together.

The name of the chapter is referencing to the song Don't let me go by cigarettes after sex. Also I hope you guys like this story so far :)
