TD X DR3 | the tragedy (p1)


authors note - the quoted bold text is Zoey recapping everything.

The italic text? Referring to the person, I hope you can understand who I am referring to :)

ok bye, enjoy


Canada, Muskoka. 2007

The sky was the color of blood red. Cities of Canada were set ablaze. However, one person shouldn't cause this, but a whole terrorist group created by that one person.

"Not long ago, mankind was all but destroyed."

The setting transitioned to a Homeschool near a countryfield-like setting, holding out a pitchfork and leaning near a fence. A couple of bulls were by his side.

"Driven to the brick by the biggest, most atrocious despair-inducing incident in Human History."

Meanwhile, two Best Friends were busy recording themselves, motivating others that their loved ones are just manipulators by constantly guilt-tripping the viewers to kill their loved ones.

Also, an Animal Caretaker was shown in his own setting as well, with a bunch of animals along with his side. All the animals had the same glowing-red eyes like their master.

Notably, there was also an Adventurer near the former Future Foundation base, pulling tricks up her sleeve so the Future Foundation wouldn't capture the Remnants sooner.

"A terrorist grouped the Super Highschool-Level Despairs launched a coordinated attacks across the globe."

A Fashionista was on a porch talking about her motives in despair. Below were a group of shutterbugs with monochrome bear helmets taking pictures and filming her speeches, besides her on the porch were a Camper, which was seemingly her bodyguard, and a Socialite.

Then, transitioning to a concert stage themed with monochrome bears. There was a band which consisted of 4 despairs; a Guitarist playing an electric guitar, an Unlucky Student playing the drums, a Ninja Scout with the vocals beatboxing, and a Model playing a tambourine. Somewhat, the Model's eye was covered with a patch and only had one glowing eye, but that wasn't stopping anyone from enjoying the concert. The crowd was hypnotized by the chords and cheered on by pulling out neon pink and yellow glow sticks.

"They made no decloration. Issued no demance, True to its name. The organization's soul purpose was to show despair."

A Lawyer and a Delinquent were seen bowing down to another despair-inducing organization known as the Warriors of Hope. Due to the Ultimate Despair and the Warriors of Hope being allies, the members trusted them.

Then, in a library setting, which consisted of 3 despairs. A Bookworm was in a meeting with many officials showing off a presentation. The presentation was about despair and why everyone must fall into it, kill their loved ones, and make the whole world filled with despair. No official was against it as they were just listening to the high-IQ presenter.

Close by, in the cafeteria of the library. There was a Speedeater with a pile of food in the kitchen. While in the Library's art gallery, a Loner Artist promoted her drawings which represented only one thing, despair.

The scene transitioned to a Superfan with a person, creeping them out to death, and about to do something with them.

Another transition to the destroyed city of Canada which didn't have a sign of hope that it will be restored. The police are down and couldn't do anything about it.

"But like a phoneix from the ashes, Humanity's last hope rose to fight the Super High School Level Despairs, They were called the Future Foundation. Skilled warriors were recruited worldwide but foundation members consisted primarily Hope's Peak Academy graduates. It fought a desperate battle against the Super Highschool Level Despairs.

A logo attached on a building was transitioned then faded to a group of people. They were seen dueling with a Villian who was known to be a gentleman, had many tall bodyguards also with monochrome bear helmets on them. He snapped his fingers and a Liar appeared, sprinting to them with a sword in her hand, trying to slice one of the members but was clashed against by another sword from the member which summoned a big field of dust on each side. The Villain tipped above his dictator hat revealing a scar covering his right eye. What also shined was the signature glowing-red eye of a despair. The Liar jumped back to the side with despair in a fighting pose.

Before the Superfan could do anything to the poor victim, a girl who took an appearance of a fashion blogger from the Future Foundation luckily stopped her.

Back onto the flashback, Two more despairs showed up which appeared to be an Athlete carrying a baseball bat and a Fighter with her fists out. Both of the newly appeared despairs looked like they've committed homicide across the streets. To make it a fair fight, 2 other Future Foundation members came with their weapons trying their best to defeat the 4 despairs.

Zooming out on another despair-inducing setting.

"The battle raged on, but with the death of Scott Fletcher, the one who began it all, the battle reached a turning point."

Finally, a strange figure with blonde hair watching the apocalypse was seen. She was wearing a black suit. She also was wearing a hat strangely familiar. The hat appeared to be own by a departed loved one.

The battle continues for days, months and years even. Remaining alive citizens hoping there will be an end to this genocide.



I got some last names of the non-generation 1 contestants from Tumblr.

Guide if anyone needs it (In order:)

Homeschool = Ezekiel Miller

Best Friends = Katie Uratu and Sadie Unda

Animal Caretaker = Devon Joseph "DJ" Benson

Adventurer = Izzy Connelly

Fashionista = Lindsay Top

Camper = Beth Yentsten

Socialite = Leshawna Olongala

Guitarist = Trent Cooper

Unlucky Student = Cody EJ Anderson

Ninja Scout = Harold V

Model = Justin Batofel

Lawyer = Courtney Satella

Delinquent = Duncan Tarun

Bookworm = Noah Sterecra

Speedeater = Owen Waterflower

Loner Artist = Gwen Ingrid

Superfan = Sierra Skyze

Villain = Alejandro Burromuerto (Used Gentleman so you wouldn't be confused with Heather)

Liar = Heather Kasuga

Athlete = Tyler Kenard

Fighter = Eva Garren

Credit to @1974incident for this AU!
