Chapter 12


I walked across the silent hall. Of course, everyone's in their class, bowed, tortured already. Yes, I was late for my second exam of the week. It's supposed to be 9:30. But I was late by, you know, almost an hour.

I knocked the door.

"Clearly unacceptable." My professor gave his hand palm at me before I could even open my mouth.

"Sir, please-"

"No. You know only fifteen minutes is tolerable."

"But I just got an accident-"

I finally got his attention. He walked to the door where I was standing by. He saw that I almost lost my breath rhythm.

"You got an accident?"

"My neighbor, actually. I was driving by when I saw him got hit. I couldn't leave him alone Sir, so I drove to the hospital first..."

He studied my way of explaining, guess to make sure I didn't make the reason up. "Okay. But only thirty minutes additional time for you."

"Thank you."

I quickly took a place next to Scarlett. She only glimpsed at me because busy calculating numbers on her paper. I didn't mind either. The professor dropped me a paper full of problems to solve too anyway. So the war's begun.

"Who got an accident again?" Scarlett whispered.


"Holy shit." She suddenly threw her sight at me all of sudden, which called for the professor's attention as he thought we were discussing the exam.

"Chill, girl." I groaned silently.

"No chill! Is he alright?" Scarlett kept asking.

"Hope so. I left him with Connor and Toby. He should be alright then."

This girl still had so much to ask, but her sudden reaction on Riley's accident really took the professor's attention. He's now standing by our side. He probably thought I was the one asking for an answer from Scarlett. So we kept it low. And back to business.

"This thing is damn hard." Scarlett wrapped the paper and rolled her eyes before collected it to the professor at the front.

I followed her silently with bag on my shoulders, and walked to the corridor right after.

"So, about the accident." She turned around. "How did it happen?"

"Not sure. I was driving by and saw a guy fell off to the ground. I didn't know it was him at first."

"And you decided to take him to the hospital; how?"

"He could walk, but barely."

"So he knew you're helping?"

"Scarl." I rolled my eyes letting her know I disliked wherever this topic might be going to.

"No, I said nothing." She smirked.

"Alright then. See you tomorrow. Be prepared." I waved away in sass.

"Yeah? Say it to yourself. Don't be late." She mocked me.

I shared an awkward laugh then walked to the car. Torn. It's not even lunch time yet. I would be bored to death if I just spent my time in my room to the following morning. So I decided to check on him at the hospital. Connor and Toby must still be there. Because yes, I still cared.

"Riley McDonough?" I asked the information table.

"He's in the room now, 2nd floor, first door on your right." The lady nicely answered.

"Thank you so much."

I took the stairs instead. Only to get a farther route to clear my mind on how I should react to him when I got there. It must be awkward. It already was, this morning.

"Hey guys." I slowly walked in.

Toby was the one reacted. "Thank you! We didn't get the chance to meet you."

"Oh I'm sorry I had exam." I chuckled. "Not a problem."

"Come here little cookie." Connor pulled me into his hug. "That was very nice of you."

"It's really just hospital, c'mon." I struggled inside his arms because he meant to break my bones apparently.

"Hi." Riley softly spoke.

"Alright, here we go." Toby bowed playfully to let me know they're leaving.

"Don't!" I scolded in whisper but of course they walked out anyway.

Nice. When the awkward moment started. He stared at me from head to toe in smiley reaction.

"Thanks for doing it."

"Oh that's nothing. You guys should stop thanking me. How was the stitches?"

"Painful, but I can handle."


"Hey, uhm... I need to talk to you about something."

"Carry on." I sat on the couch.

"I've been lately feeling negative about everything. I don't even know why. I'm sorry for tagging you along."

"Hmm." I shook my head. "Never mind."

"Thank you for still being positive though, when nothing else in my life is-"

"When will you be released, doctor said?"

Riley was taken aback by my quick topic changing. He didn't see it coming. Neither did I. But I just didn't feel like talking heavy. Because I knew it would be full of apologies over things he said he couldn't fix, when he actually could - like the way he acted to me, for instance. Hence, that's very normative but I couldn't hear it more.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Mad of you why?"

"For being such a jerk?"

"You're not a jerk."

"But you're different now."

He whispered; but swallowed it to himself right away. Because he knew it was him who changed. I forced a smile. Didn't say anything, but gave a soft touch on his shoulder to wish him a quick recovery. Then I walked out of the door.

"Whoa, that's fast." Toby, as the first face popped up when I opened the door.

"Yeah he needs rest. And I need to go home." I giggled. "See you around, guys."

Connor grabbed my hand and gave that meaningful glare that I didn't want to deal with. He's my best friend. Of course he noticed my plain reactions on everything.

"You need to talk."


"Hey that's not a question. You need to talk to me."

"Later, okay? I have exam. You know I need to focus. In case you're wondering, I'm just tired because it's math and I was late."

He slowly loosened the grip. "You should've explained."

"I know. I'm sorry. So, catch you guys later." I waved away.

I knew Connor burned a hole on my back with his stare, because I could still feel it. He didn't buy my reason. But I should make up one for them to let me go. That I didn't belong in the pact anymore.

Maybe later, when I finally can assure myself to stop hoping for Riley and let him go.
