Chapter 1

It's been 97 years since a nuclear apocalypse that killed everyone on Earth, as the planet simmers in Radiation. There were survivors. 12 Nations had operational space stations at the time of the bombs. There is now only The Ark. One station forged from the many. We're told the earth needs another 100 years to become survivable again. 4 more Space-Locked generations, and man can go home. Back to the ground.


I sat in my prison cell sitting on the bed they have in each prison cell. I was stuck in here for the crime of assaulting a guard and knowing a very important secret about the ark. I'm only 17, once I turn 18 they'll float me... like they floated my mother. She was floated for knowing a dangerous flaw of The Ark with Jake Griffin. My dad's a guard which doesn't really help the fact he didn't really do anything when my mother was floated. He had to do his job. Just like the rest of them. I don't really know many people besides Clarke and Wells. I obviously hated Wells father for floating my mother but that doesn't mean that I should hate him just like everyone else does. Clarke, Wells and I were very close. Until Wells took the blame for telling his dad (The Chancellor of The Ark) that my mother and Clarke's father were trying to expose the flaw. So now Clarke hates Wells for "killing" her father. I don't hate Wells because he told me all he is trying to do is protect Clarke. He actually told me who really told The Chancellor. My eyes were begging me to close as I don't really get much sleep in this uncomfortable bed, but I refused. As time passes by, the prison cell opens and two guards walk in.

"Prisoner 321 face the wall." One of them says. I slowly get up and face the wall. What's happening? Is it my time to die? Something's not right.

"Hold out your right arm." he says sternly.

I hold out my right arm. "Am I dying?" I ask. They both stay silent as I heaved out a sigh. They take out a metal bracelet and put it on my arm. I wince as it pinches my skin, going through it. They grab my hands and put it behind my back. "Ow." I complain to them in a bratty manner. They should at least give me a warning. They take me out of my prison cell as I notice a whole bunch of commotion going on inside the Sky Box. Its to noisy as there are guards everywhere taking prisoners out of their cells. Some fighting for their life. My prison door shuts as I they start going in a direction.

"Wait!" I stiffen as I hear the voice call out to the guards that are holding me. "Guys, I got this." The voice says to the guards who let go of me. I turn around and look at the familiar voice. "Dad!" I yell as I go to him and hug him. I'm excited to see a familiar face through all this chaos.

"What-whats going on?" I say.

"Honey, you're finally being sent to the ground." he says.

"The ground?" I didn't volunteer for this. I'm so not prepared to go to the ground. I don't know what it's going to be like or who we are going to deal with. I'm honestly scared for my life.

"The Chancellor announced that they are sending 100 prisoners to the ground to see if Earth is survivable. And you are one of the 100." he says with excitement..

"But dad, I don't know how to survive on my own. What if I die?" I say

"Trust me. You won't die. I promise." he says with hope in his eyes. What if he's wrong. What if I do die? I'm not ready. Especially not now.

Tears start forming in my eyes. "Wait, what about you, I don't want to leave you." I honestly hate the idea of me leaving my dad. Since he's the only family I have.

"I'll be fine, I promise I will see you soon. Just be careful sweetheart. I love you so much." my dad says. He says it if I'm going to be okay and there won't be any worries or problem. Boy, I knew he was wrong.

"I love you too." I say hugging him as tight as I can. He tries to get out of the hug but I still hold on to him. I don't want to let go. This could be the last time I see him. I can't just leave. I feel numb as a needle shot through my back. I slowly let go of my dad and my eyes force close as I pass out.


Ouch. My neck hurts a lot. I open my eyes as I notice I'm leaning on my neck. I lift my head and notice I'm in a ship. The drop ship. I'm sitting down strapped in it like seat belts. I looked around and I was surrounded by teenagers like me on the drop ship as well. No adults. Well, this should be fun. I tried getting out of my straps but realized there was no getting out until we landed. I turn my head to the side. I sigh in relif as I know who is sitting next to me. Clarke.

I sigh in relief. "Thank God." She turns her head as she notices I'm awake. She gives me her hand and I lightly squeeze it smiling at her. Excited to finally see someone I know. I slowly let go of her hand as I notice the metal bracelet on my wrist. I try to take it off but its no use. I let go of the bracelet and start holding on to the straps. A few seconds later, I hear a little ring as the screens that are in the drop ship, turn on and The Chancellor is now speaking. I don't want to listen to him but I have no choice if I want to survive.

"Prisoners of The Ark, here me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as just not a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."

"Your dad's a dick Wells." someone calls out. Wells is here? In the drop ship? Why? He should be in the Ark, safe and sound with his father. He's not gonna last long with all these people in here that hate him.

"Your crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean. The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base build within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non perishables to sustain 300 people for up to two years."

I lose focus as someone gets out of their seats. Some people cheer for him. He lays down in the air and lands right in front of Wells and Clarke.

"Check it out. Your dad floated me, after all." he says. Some people laugh. Douche.

"You should strap in before the parachutes deploy." Wells says as I noticed two more getting out of there seats. Clarke notices as well.

"Hey, you two. Stay put if you want to live." she says as I continue to listen to the Chancellor.

"Mount Weather is life. You must locate those supplies immediately." I get distracted as the boy in front of us starts talking, again. He starts talking to Clarke, but I don't really care anymore. I continue to listen to Jaha.

"Your one responsibility is stay alive." he says as the drop ships starts shaking and I can feel the drop ship going down with speed. I start looking around, wires sparking as well. I hear Clarke tell Wells she hates him. Poor Wells, always getting hate for something that's not really his fault. I close my eyes as we go down full speed and I can hear people start screaming. We came to a sudden crash. I open my eyes as I look around, then the seats unbuckle. I get out of my seat and look around, finding the two boys that got out of their seats on the floor. Clarke goes to one and I go to the other.

"Pipe are they breathing." she says as I lightly shake my head. Great. We just got on the ground and already two people dead.

"The outer door is on the lower level, lets go." someone says as Clarke's objects that we don't go outside. She climbs down the ladder as I still look at the two boys in shock. The boy that originally got out of their seat is looking at them as well, with guilt in his eyes.

"Great Job, space walker." I say as I shake my head to the boy.

"Its Finn, and you are?" he says with a snappy attitude.

"Piper." I snap back at him. I hear a whole bunch of commotion on the lower level. As I climb down the stairs the door opens sending in a bunch of fresh air. I suck in the air as it gives my nose a different smell. I look outside and I finally see everything I was hoping to see. Trees, flowers, grass. Even dirt. A girl jumps onto the ground.

"We're back bitches!" she yells and everyone runs out of the drop ship in excitement. I jump out of the drop ship and look around. Everything is so beautiful. Everyone is so happy. Hopefully this happiness can last for long. I walk around and start touching the trees and the leaves. I bend down as I finally touch dirt. It's so soft. I put it to my nose but I quickly blow out my nose as some dirt got in it. I make a face trying to get dirt out of my nose. I look around and I see Clarke and Wells talking. Wells! I start running towards Wells, and mid way there he notices says me running and holds out his arms. I run in to his body as I attach my arms around his back and he does the same.

"Glad you can join us Pipe." Wells says hugging me. Honestly, I'm the nicest one to Wells. Since everyone dislikes him for no reason. He literally deserves kindness as he is always looking out of other people. I let go of the hug as I give him a big smile. He instantly returns the favor.

"Look, this is us. This is where we need to get to if we want to survive." Clarke says interrupting. She draws a line to where we're suppose to go. Mount Weather, I believe.

Clarke, Wells, and I turn around as someone clearly interrupts us "Ah, cool, a map. They got a bar in this town? I'll buy you a beer." The boy says. A smile instantly appears. There's something about him. I don't know what it is but he instantly got my attention the second he said a word. Wells interrupts my train of thought as he softly pushes the boy. What is he doing?

"He's with us." Someone says as they defend the boy with the goggles. Uh oh.

"Relax, we're just trying to figure out where we are." Wells says.

"We're on the ground. That not good enough for you?" someone with a guard suit says.

"We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father's message. That has to be our first priority." Wells says.

"Screw your father. What, you think you're in charge here. You and your little princesses." a girl says. Someone's on her period...

"Do you think we care who's in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather. Not because the chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait. The hungrier we'll get and the harder this'll be. How long do you think we'll last without those supplies? We're looking at a 20-mile trek, okay? So if we wanna get there before dark, we need to leave now." Clarke says as I nod in agreement. She's right.

"I have a better idea, you three go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change." the guy with the guard suit says. Some agree with him. I roll my eyes. Honestly, who does he think he is. Trying to run things here.

"You guys are not listening. We all need to go." Wells says. The boy defending the other boy with goggle pushes Wells.

"Look at this, everybody, the Chancellor of Earth." the boy who was defending the kid in the goggle starts.

"Think that's funny?" Wells says defending himself. The boy kicks Wells. I was about to go at him but someone holds Clarke and I back. I hit the kid that's holding me in the arm and he lets me go. Wells get up. Before they do anything I run in front of the kid and push him hard.

"Try something now." I strongly tell him, defending Wells. Some people starting oohing. The boy gets his balance back and starts walking towards me but stops as Finn jumps down and lands in front of the boy. Everyone looks shocked.

"That's a girl and the kid's got one leg. How about you wait until it's a fair fight?" Finn says.

"Hey, Space walker, rescue me next." The girl who was talking says. Everyone leaves. I turn around to Wells.

"Hey you okay." I say to Wells.

"You didn't have to do that." he says. Obviously I had to. I know Wells can defend himself but that right there was just bullying. That boy was a bully. I hate bully's.

"I wanted to. Besides it wasn't even a fair fight. I was giving him one. Well, trying to." I say as Clarke sets him down and checks on his leg.

"So when do we leave to Mount Weather." Finn says as he walks toward us.

"Right now." Clarke says.

"We'll be back tomorrow with food." She says to Wells.

"How are the three of you gonna carry enough food for 100?" Wells says. Finn turns around and grabs two boys and turns them around towards us, one of them being the kid with the goggles.

"Five of us. Can we go now?" Finn says.

"Sounds like a party. Make it six." Octavia says.The boy with the guard suit comes behind her and starts talking to her. I turn to Wells.

"Be safe okay? Don't let them get to you." I say as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about me okay?" Wells says.

"I have to. Your like the most hated here. I'll be back okay." I say to him. He nods.

"Okay. Now lets go."

LONG CHAPTER BUT I WANTED TO GET THIS OUT OF THE WAY. FORGIVE ME. New story woot woot. I've been obsessed with The 100 lately and I noticed not many Jasper fan-fictions. And Jasper is so cute and ugh, i decided to make one. If you don't know what the 100 is, its on Netflix! So go watch it. :D Thank you for more than 100+ reads in this part.

I don't own The 100 or most of the dialogue, I only own Piper.
