Hope burrows get teased / Jake sick day

( Jake sick day )

Jake on the phone: I'm sorry Hope I'm just not feeling well caz I'm allergy to 🍆🥩 and don't even know it

Hope burrows twin sis of Troy on the phone: I understand Jake you should go get some rest caz your not feeling well

Jake on the phone: Hope it ok I'm lay down in bed on the phone Hope and we are friends don't worry I been fine in 4 or 5 day

Hope burrows twin sis of Troy on the phone: ok Jake

Jake on the phone: plus I know Troy going to be ok to my parents said Troy in go hands he will be home with you before you know it

Hope burrows twin sis of Troy on the phone: ok and Thank you Jake

Jake on the phone: your welcome but I should now get Sleep cause I'm feeling like I should

Hope burrows twin sis of Troy on the phone: ok I hope you feel better soon Jake

( Hope burrows get teased by her bully caz of her middle name in a school)

Bully: hey look is Dairy or should I say diary ( laugh 😂)

Hope burrows twin sis of Troy: ( in her mind) not funny

( Bully Trip her)

BernadetteWinder Mia Moran: are you ok

Hope burrows twin sis of Troy: yes I'm fine now thank Mia
