
Kimora PoV:

"Oh my bad, sorry" he said as we walked into each other. All my books had fallen to the ground. Today just really wasn't going my way. He helped me pick up the books and handed them to me.

"Are you new? You look new"

"No, I'm not. But thanks for helping me with the books" I said before walking away from him.

"Hey wait!" He said running up behind me as I made my way to my locker. Simone was sick today, so I was alone. Me and Chris had a dumb argument, so I was basically alone.

"What?" I replied in a hostile tone.

"What's your name?" He asked, I rolled my eyes. What's he trying to do?

"Kimora" I stated as he nodded.

"Nice name, Kimono" he said which caused me to laugh a bit, I tried to hide the smile he gave me but I failed.

"I playing but, you seem like a nice girl. We should hang out sometime" he said pulling out his flip phone. He was so lucky. I didn't want to tell him that I didn't have one, that's embarrassing as fuck.

"Can I get your number and before you think I'm tryna hit on you, I ain't." He handed  me the phone as I laughed. I like this guy.


"Syd no baby!" I said taking the pen out of her hand.

"What she doing now?" He asked coming back into the lounge with snacks.

"She's being creative, all over you books" I said laughing at the last part.


"I'm sorry Michael." I said as he nodded his head not looking my way.

"It's okay. He's in a better now place right?" I nodded in agreement. I understand how he's feeling right now, it's awful when you lose a parent, I would know considering I lost both. I'm gonna be here for him every step of the way. His pops was a great man and I'll never forget him. We'll grow up and I'll see him in Michael every day.


"You're leaving me" I said all the tears that streamed down my face.

"I don't wanna go Kimora, but we need to. Ma says we need a new start. Virginia has too many memories of my dad and we just need to
Get away. We'll keep in touch and visit eachother, okay?" I nodded as he pulled me into a tight hug.


Oooo you know ion like surprises Chris" I smirked.

"Truss me, I think you gon like this one" he said looking behind me and smiling. I was confused as fuck at this point. I tuned around and I couldn't believe who I was seeing. It was Michael. He was my best friend other than Chris that I knew since I was 7. We were inseparable, until his dad died when we were 15 and he moved to New York. I couldn't believe he was actually here. I truly thought I would never see him again. But I guess I was wrong. I ran up to him and literally jumped on him. I didn't care if I was wearing a $300 dress. I just missed my Michael.

"Aight so ion get a hello or nothing. We goin' in straight for the hugs I guess" he smirked as he hugged me back. I missed his goofy ass. I didn't even realise I was crying until he pulled away.

"Aight, we'on need ta get my shirt wet. But how you been Kimono?"

"Kimono? Seriously? Thought you would forget about that stupid ass nickname" I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Nah, never. How you been though?"

"I've been good, living life really. I got a..."

"...son, I know. Chris here's told me all about lil man" he said as I looked around and smirked to Chris.

"Did you plan all of this?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest looking between Chris and Michael.


Mikey" I said rushing up and jumping on him.

"You good Kimono?" He asked as I let go of him and sat back down on the couch.

"I missed your yellow ass" I said cheesing.

"Girl you just as yellow as I am" He said sitting by me.

"You wanna watch something? Lets watch a horror film" I said not even letting him agree.


I used Michaels hands to cover my eyes as I jumped. Ion know why my baby ass even suggested this film. It's scary asf. How is this nigga juss watching it like its some Tom and Jerry shit.

"You such a scaredy cat mayn, how you suggest the films and you ain't even watchin' it" he said. I jumped again. Nah I've had enough of this shit, we ain't watching it no more. I got the remote and turned it off.

"Nope this ain't for me. Let's just talk. I've missed you." I said looking over at him.

He laughed. "How many times you gon say you missed me"

I smirked as I blushed a lil bit.

"Anyways, how long are you gonna be here for?" I said changing the topic.

"Well actually. I'm opening up a branch of my gym here, so I'm moving over here. I'll go back to New York just to visit family and everything, but imma get me a place here.

"OH MY GOD!!!" I yelled as I jumped on him and pulled him into a hug. I was already kinda upset  thinking he wouldn't stay for long, but my best friend is staying here!!!

"Aight you gotta stop the jumping shit. You thicker than you was when we was 15" he said as I rolled my eyes.

"Not that much more right?" I said as I got off him and stood up. I analysed my thighs and turned around to look at my ass. Okay so I got hips and an ass, but I wouldn't say I'm "thick".

"Umm... It ain't a bad thang. Shit it's a good thang. Girls be getting ass shots, but you'on need allat" he said causing me to roll my eyes.

"You slim thick aight, stop pouting. I ain't call you fat mayn" he said as I poked my bottom lip out.


"You staying over?" I asked as I sat on my bed beside Michael.

"Ion think so. I got practice tomorrow and Sydney's coming ta spend tha week wid me, so imma pick ha up from the airport.

"My baby Sydney's coming and it didn't occur to you to tell me!" I hit him. Sydney is Michael little sister. By my calculations she should be about 15 now. Awww she was born when I was 9 and I remember being obsessed with her. She was like a lil doll and she always wanted to spend the day with me when she got a little older. I occasionally babysat her with the help of Michael when Mr and Mrs Evans went out in the evenings.

"Chill and my bad I forgot" he said as I straight faced him.

"You have to bring her over to see me" I demanded.

"Yeah yeah, imma actually need ha ya stay wid you whilst I'm at practice"

"She's not a baby no more Michael, but yeah of course" I smirked. Is this how he's gonna be when he has his own.

"Is this how you gon be when you have a daughter?" I laughed.

"Be like what?" He asked obviously oblivious to his over protectiveness.

"Your really protective over Syd. You gonna be like that when you have your little girl?"

"Nah, imma be 10 times worse. Ever since my dad died I've always tried to be there for Sydney. It was hard cuz I moved around a lot and wasn't really in New York once I turned 18. She ain't really know my pops well, cuz she was young when he died, so I try ta be like that father figure in ha life. Even though I'm juss ha big brother, ya know?"

"Yeah, I understand what you mean Mikey. I think that's so sweet and I know your daddy would be so proud of you" I said wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him. Michael is really just a softie. He loves his family and does everything he can to provide for them and he takes care of his friends too. He's just a loving person in general.

"Thanks" he replied hugging me back. There was a moment of silence until I felt his lips on mine. I was very thrown off by this, I didn't even notice that I was kissing back. This is not right at all. He's my best friend.

"...Michael... We can't....your..." I said between kisses. He moved his lips from my mouth down to my neck leaving s trail of kisses. This felt so fucking good.

A moan escaped as he pulled me ontop of his lap. My legs were now wrapped around his waist. I didn't even try and stop it, I decided to take some control. I helped his take off his top and he assisted me in taking off my shorts and t shirt. We were now both in our underwear still making out. I felt something pocking my ass as I continued to kiss him back. I guess I was turning him on. I felt his hands make their way to my hips and slowly move to my cat area. I got a tingling feeling as he pushed my panties to the side and started running in a circular motion. Oh. My...

"Mi....ahhhh" I couldn't even get his name out, that's how good he was making me feel. We continued to make out now adding in tongues.
I gripped his hair as he squeezed one of my ass cheeks.

"Oh Dios mío. esto se siente tan bueno Michael" I didnt even realise I was speaking Spanish. Something that I rarely ever did.

I felt him smirk between the kiss as he flipped us over, he was now ontop.

"I love youuuuu" I said kissing Michael's cheek as I ate my ice cream. I been craving ice cream the whole day, so it was sweet of him to get us some.

"You still got feelings foe Chris don't you?" He asked as I shook my head quickly.

I began to laugh and he juss looked at my like I was crazy.

"You ain't fooling no one Kimono. It's aight, you don't gotta lie ta me. I know you" he said as I rolled my eyes and flicked him off.

"It's not that I still have feelings for him, cuz I most definitely don't, it's just weird seeing him with another female you know" I said as he nodded.

"So you gon be like that when I introduce you to my girl?" I quickly looked up when he said that.

"I'm playin', I ain't got a girl. For now" I rolled me eyes as we both laughed at what he said.

"But I think you still got some feelings, cuz did you feel like this when he was with that Karrueche chick?" That actually got me thinking. I didnt even care when Chris and Karrueche were together, but then again, that was before he said he was feeling me. Their relationship didn't bother me, so why does his and Leah's bother me?

"Michael, have you seen her? She's gorgeous" I said finally talking.

"And have you seen yourself? you beautiful. Ion see why you wanna compare yourself to her, she has nothing on you Kimora" he said as I shook my head disagreeing.

"I freaking love you Michael" I said as I kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arms around me as I rested my head in his chest.


You wanna hang out or you tired?" Michael asked as we got to outside my suite. I looked up at him and yawned.

"I guess you sleepy" he smirked.

"Yeah, sorry boo. I'll come to your suite tomorrow morning" I said as he nodded.

"Aight night" he said kissing my forehead.

I was about to go through he door until he stopped me.


I looked back at him and he grabbed my hand.

"You beautiful aight, don't ever compare yourself to Leah" a small smile formed on my mouth when he said those words, how does he always find a way to make me smile.

I smiled again and looked in his eyes. They were so brown, if that's possible.

"Why you staring?"

I got on my tippy toes and pushed my lips on his, they were so soft. Yeah I know what y'all are thinking. Didn't they just wanna stay friend? Well I'm in the moment and his lips were just looking right.

He kissed back once he realised what I was doing and I felt his hands wrap around my waist, we were kind of oblivious. Nothin really mattered at this moment.


Y'all can't tell me he's dead. I don't believe it and I won't believe it. He can't be. He's not. It's all a big joke and I'm just waiting for the punchline. This shit ain't funny though, so they all need to hurry up and tell me they were joking and Michael needs to come and reassure me that he's fine and we all need to go home and sleep.

"How are you feeling Kimora?" The doctor asked as she checked my blood pressure and wrote stuff down onto her board.

I ignored what she said.

"Can I see Michael. Please"

"Kimora, Michael didn't make it sweetie, we've told you this" she said as I shook my head.

"I heard what you said, okay if I can't see him can you tell him to come see me. I need to make sure he's okay"

The doctor shook her head.

"Look dear, I understand that you are traumatised and in a sense you are in denial, but you can have visitors, however Michael cannot come and see you because he's dead dear" I shook my head again.

"Whatever. Tell him when he's ready he should come to my room. He didn't finish telling me what he wanted to say" I said as I rested my back onto the bed again. This hospital was really annoying, it's like they don't understand proper English.


Chris PoV:

Everyone got a turn to see Kimora. I was kinda putting it off so I kept letting people see her before I did. It got to the point where everyone had seen her and I was the only one left. Everyone said that she asked them the same question. "Is Michael alright? Tell him to come see me" I du no if I can do this now. Dre hadn't seen her and I don't want him to until she's in the right frame of mind.

I held in the tear that I wanted to come out, we all did, well most of us. Simone was balling it out, she didn't care and so was Mel and Maya. We called his mama to tell her the news and she was also crying. Her and Sydney are getting the first flight out tomorrow and I can't imagine how thy must be feeling now.

"Chris it's your turn" Drake said as he came up to me.

I stood up and Maleah stood after me. She was about to follow me in until I stopped her.

"Um, I think I should go in alone" she had a confused facial expression, but she just nodded her head.

I slowly walked to the door, knocked three times then opened the door.

When she heard the door open she looked up, but then sighed and looks back down at her nails.

"Hey" I said walking and sitting down on the chair by her bed.

"Hi Chris, please tell Michael to come, no ones passed on the message for me, I trust you" she said said I shook my head sighing.

"Kimora baby he's dead" I forced those words out. Even I still can't believe it.

"No he's really not Chris. I know he's not. He didn't finish telling me what he was going to say and I really wanna know. Can you ask him for me?" She asked with a smile.

"Okay can you call my brother then, he'll get Michael for me"

"Kimora you don't have a brother"

"Yes I fucking DO Chris!! His names Kye and he's my half brother!!" She yelled. She talking shit now.

"No...you know what, fuck this"

I can't fucking do this. I walked outta the room. This shit is hard as fuck. I think she's going crazy now if I'm honest. She's refusing to believe that he's dead and its fucking up my mind even more.

I ignored everyone's confused facial expressions as to why I left the room and made my way outta the hospital. I needed fresh air. This shit was way to much.


Simone PoV:

This is ALL my fault. Why did I even think about having that stupid, pointless dinner party? What was the point of even having it! If I didn't suggest to Aug that we do it Michael would have been alive now. I'm gonna have to live with this guilt for the rest of my life. I am the cause. It was me. Why? Why Simone?!

"Baby stop blaming yourself"

