Saturday (1)

-Saturday, 15:47, three hours since Molly and John met up in the local park-

Congrats! -M

? -SH

Greg made a move! Finally. -M

What? Greg made a move? On who? -SH

Don't play dumb. He made a move on YOU! -M

No, he didn't. -SH

What the hell? -M

What made you think he had? -SH

John sent him some screenshots... -M

Of? -SH

Our conversation.. -M

[Delayed] Molly.. -SH

Why the hell didn't he make a move if he knows you like him back?! -M

Oh my God... -SH

This explains last night. -SH

Last night? -M

He was acting odd. -SH

Odd how? -M

No cuddling. He was distracted, distant. He turned out the offer of staying over the night so I went home. -SH

He's probably in shock. It's not every day you doscbver the boy you are head over heels for likes you back. -M

He obviously doesn't like me back! -SH

I'll be cut out of his life by Monday! -SH

You won't. Don't be stupid. -M

This is all your fault. -SH

Sherlock, don't be like that. -M

[Long Delay] [Files attached] He does like you. Screenshots of John and Greg's conversation. -M

[Another long delay] But.. Why didn't he make a move or do something? Mention it, at least... -SH

He's worried. He thinks you'll still reject him despite the evidence. -M

You and John gossip like old women. -SH

Yeah... -M

He's an idiot. -SH

John? -M

Greg. -SH

You both kind of are... -M

Charming. -SH

Go get your man, Sherlock. -M

Hmm. -SH

What does that mean? -M

Sherlock?! -M


-Saturday, 16:18, ten minutes since Sherlock stopped replying to Molly-

So much for our plan. -M

I feel kinda bad for springing it on him. -J

.. I maybe just sort of kinda did the same with Sherlock. -M

Maybe just sort of kinda? -J

I did. -M

I'm pretty sure that we've crossed some kind of line... -J

Please say you're talking about my over use of words meaning maybe. -M

Nope, sadly not. I mean it's wrong of us to reveal those things. They trusted us. -J

It's the lesser of two evils. -M

The other evil being? -J

Letting those two go on hurting themselves by not crossing over that 'friends' line. -M

Okay, point. -J

So I wouldn't worry too much. They'll be happy, thanks to us. -M

Let's cross our fingers they're forgive us. -J

They won't. -M

You fill me with confidence. -J

They'll be too busy sucking face to forgive us. -M

Your sense of humour is the best, Mols. -J

*bows* -M


-Saturday, 19:08, after over an hour of Sherlock considering various things, mainly how to confront Greg-

Movie night? -SH

Sure. Your place?

Yes. -SH

[Delayed] Are you going to cuddle me this time? -SH

I always do. Want me not to tonight?

You didn't really cuddle much last night. You seemed off. -SH

But you do like the cuddling?

Of course I do. I'd say if I didn't. Why is this suddenly a problem? We've always cuddled. -SH

I guess I just worry that I sufferocate you a bit. You spend a lot of your free time with me, I'm stop of stopping you going and doing other stuff.

I started this conversation by asking to spend time together. -SH

Okay, fair point.

Now stop worrying over meaningless twaddle and come put the kettle on. -SH

See you in a few minutes, then. Gotta pack a bag.

Who said you were staying? -SH

I did :P

Good. -SH

See you soon. Xx

Stop texting and go back a bag. -SH xx


xxx I like the little ones. -SH

You're adorable.
