Chapter 6: Gem of Desire

We hit 200 followers, I can't believe we manage to get this far. I can't do it all without your support so thanks. As a reward, I will be giving a little spoiler at the end for the book that I adopted from @Marseldagistani. Of course, it will not work until I finish the rotation of the book update schedule and when I have time. So thanks again for all the support and enjoy this chapter. 


Things to know:

Bold = Pov (Point of View), Time skip, Attacks, talking through speaker.

"bold" = Herrscher Personality.

Italic = Thoughts, Flashbacks, Talking through mind, Dreams.

*_* = actions

"Italic" = "thoughts in dream"

Bold Italic : herrscher personality in dream.


Y/n Pov

A couple of months have passed and things have happened. Like Kiana barely passing the valkyrie exam, Me and my sister with Miko destroying the entire horde of Honkai in one of our mission. It was bloodshed because it was Soukai city that got attacked.

Onee-san and Me also see the herrscher of the end again. I figure out that she is the previous-era Herrscher of The End. The current era of Herrscher of The End is still unknown. 

One time the will of Honkai told me the truth about our mother. She was the previous era Herrscher of Origin and it's passed down to Mei still dormant in her herrshcer core. I currently don't have any connection to Origin. 

It also told me that the previous Herrscher of The End's body was being controlled by the future Herrscher of The End meant that I will be the wife of the next Herrscher of The end since she is the one who marks me. 

Now right now I am sitting under a tree while reading a book. Mei and Miko are also with me she is sleeping on my lap right now, while Miko sleeps next to me in her fox form. I can feel the soft wind blowing by making it even more peaceful.  Currently, it's 5 AM we have kinda fallen asleep while star gazing in the night.

Me: Peace at last, not being disturbed by a tuna. 

I flip over to the next page of the book. I then heard someone talking from afar.

???: Hey, Kiana where is Mei and Y/n?

Kiana: Oh they are outside sitting under the tree trying to relax. 

???: I see, I will go talk to them now. 

I look up from my book to see Major Himeko. She is with Theresa looking at me and Mei's peaceful figure sleeping on my lap. 

Himeko: There you are Y/n, I was going to tell you that all of us will be going on another mission later.  

Me: I see, currently I can't do anything because I don't want to wake Mei up. 

Theresa: Then we will see you later. We have things to do like preparing for the mission. When Mei and Miko wake up, tell them to eat breakfast after that go to the schoolyard. 

Me: I understand principal. 

They then proceed to leave and do their things. I go back to reading my book while drinking a cup of tea I made before getting stuck in this position. 

Timeskip 1 hour ahead. 

I almost fell back asleep again but got woken up by Mei's sudden movement. She looks directly into my eyes and I can see her blue eyes. I just smile at her and she smiles back at me. 

Me: Morning onee-san, how's your sleep? 

Mei: It's fine, it's been a while since I got to sleep without being interrupted in my dream. 

Me: I see, I am glad you can get a good sleep.

Mei: Little sis, are you sleepy? I can see you are sleepy.

Me: Just a bit, I am still tired from that mission where we slaughter the entire horde of Honkai.  I will sleep during our transport to the location of the mission.

Mei: Wait we are going on another mission. 

Me: Yes, Major Himeko told me after you and Miko woke up to go eat after that change to your battle suit. 

Mei: I see, I will do that now. 

Onee-san gets up from my lap and then heads back into the house. I then proceed to wake this sleepy fox. 

Me: Wakes up Miko you sleep enough. 

She then proceeds to open her eyes and yawn. She stands up and starts walking toward the house. I just chuckle also walking back into the house. 

Timeskip to the schoolyard. 

Still Y/n Pov

Me, Mei, and Miko arrive at the schoolyard as we are asked. There we see Kiana and Bronya also waiting for instruction. Kiana then notices both of us she then rushes towards Mei and hugs her. 

Kiana: Mei-senpai, Y/n-senpai you finally arrive here. 

Me: Kiana, where is Major Himeko?

Before she could even speak we got teleported to the Hyperion briefing room. We look around the room because this caught us off guard.

Himeko: Took you all long enough. Let's get started then. 

We then pick a seat around the table and start listening to major Himeko and the principal. 

Himeko: I will explain this in detail and as soon as possible so you can rest. 

Theresa: Our new battleship Selene needs four different herrscher gems to be fully activated. The 4 herrscher gems are the Gem of Desire, Gem of Conquest, Gem of Serenity, and Gem of Haste.

After hearing that they need the gem of conquest which is the core of Herrscher of Thunder in onee-chan's body, I start thinking away to get myself and onee-chan away from these people. 

For your understanding, I have the real Herrscher of Thunder core that got merged with Herrscher of Illusion core turning me into Herrscher of Eternity and it can't be taken out from my body since I have already bonded with my herrscher personality and the core. Onee-chan becomes a herrscher because she has the Gem of Conquest in her body. 

Himeko then notices my expression after hearing that they need the gem of conquest. 

Himeko: Don't worry Y/n we won't take it directly from your sister. 

Me: That relieves me then.

Theresa: Anyways, right now we are heading for the Gem of Desire. But the bad news is that a honkai energy spike was detected in New Zealand yesterday, which means that the place is now overrun with honkai beasts and zombies. The Gem of Desire went missing after the Oceania Branch went out of commission. 

Himeko: The good news is that Hyperion is equipped with a sensor that is capable of detecting that gem. Any questions about the brief?

Kiana then raises her hand.  

Kiana: Uhm, what's the gem of desire?

Theresa: 13 years ago Schicksal got a hold of 3 different honkai cubes. One of them is the Gem of Desire. Research then is performed in the Oceania branch to make a weapon capable of killing a herrscher with this gem. But as you all expected, the gem got unstable and the research failed. The gem went missing from then until yesterday. 

Kiana: I see, then I will bring back the gem and help everyone!

Himeko and the principal concluded the briefing. Hyperion then starts flying and heading to the destination. She said that we would arrive at the destination in 3-5 hours. She then dismiss us and told us that we could do anything we want while waiting. Onee-chan and I decide to go to one of the sleeping quarters since I am tired. 

We enter the sleeping quarter to see a bed that is not that big or small, a table with a sofa, and some storage. I then walk toward the bed and lay down on the bed. Before closing my eyes, onee-chan decide to get on top of me while looking into my eyes with her blue. 

Mei: Little sis, you may rest now. "I will make sure no one touches you because you are mine to keep". 

Me: "Well, I appreciate that onee-san".

I then proceed to close my eye and head to sleep. I can feel onee-san snuggling on my chest while hugging me. 

Timeskip 3 hour later

Miko Pov

I have been wandering this ship for 3 hours. I have seen the sleeping quarters, the infirmary, the cafeteria, the hangar, and the ship deck.

Bronya: Subject Miko, the major wants us to be at the hangar. Can Subject Miko call Subject Y/n and Subject Mei?

Me: Sure thing Bronya. 

I then proceed to go to where Mei and Y/n are sleeping. When I arrive I see that they are snuggling each other in bed. I walk up towards them and wake them up.

Me: Mei, Y/n we almost arrive wake up you two. 

Mei: Hmmm, 5 more minutes mom...

Me: *sigh* I guess I will need to drag you two...

I then proceed to drag Mei and Y/n and forcefully wake them up. They keep groaning and complaining about waking them up forcefully. 

Y/n Pov

After getting awakened forcefully, onee-san and I walk with Miko toward the hangar. In onee-san and my dream, we see the cocoon of the end. We got close to it before touching the inside of it. As soon we touch it a surge of honkai energy flows through us and it kinda ends there because Miko woke us up. 

Himeko: It's about time you two arrive. I was about to wake you two myself.

Mei: Hehe... Sorry major, Y/n was the one who plan to sleep but I eventually also fall asleep. 

Himeko: *Sigh* What will I do with you... Please don't be Kiana 2.0...

Mei: Hey, I heard that!

Himeko: Kidding, alright go inside the airship. I will be monitoring you all from here.

Onee-san and I then enter the airship. We then proceed to take off and head to our destination. 

Mei Pov

After around 1 hour the airship finally lands on the streets of the downtown area. We then walk out of the airship and it proceeds to leave. I look over at my little sister and see that she is looking in a direction.

Me: Y/n are you okay?

Y/n: I am fine, I feel honkai energy coming from that direction.

Bronya: Subject Y/n is right. The sensor also pointed in the same direction Subject Y/n is looking.

Kiana: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go now. 

Kiana then proceed to run off in the pointed direction. We then run after her, she is really fast. But me, Y/n and Miko are much faster. The weird thing is that I can feel a herrscher consciousness from Miko. I shrug it off and continue running after Kiana. 

After 20 minutes of running, she finally stops because she got tired. Meanwhile, Y/n, Miko, and I didn't get tired at all. Well, Y/n and I kind of use a bit of our herrscher power to move faster. 

Me: Kiana please don't run off like that. 

Kiana: Sorry, Mei-senpai I got too excited. 

Me: Anyways why there is a civilian there?

Y/n: That is not a civilian. She is a herrscher I can feel it if I got too close to another herrscher except you of course onee-san. Something might happen.

Me: I see I will go check.

Y/n: Right behind you. 

I start walking toward the girl that is in a wheelchair. 

Me: Hey, are you okay? What are you doing in this place?


Me: Hey, hey don't be hostile we are just trying to help you. 

???: I see... Sorry about earlier, I am Wendy. 

Me: I am Raiden Mei, older sister to Raiden Y/n.

Y/n Pov

The rest of the squad member then comes closer to us. This got Wendy confused, but at the same time, she looks cute. 

Wendy: Uhm, who are they, Mei?

Me: That one with the white hair is Kiana, the one who has pink hair and fox ears is Miko and lastly the one with gray hair that is floating is Bronya. 

Wendy: Miko, is that real fox ears?

Miko: Yes, it's real.

Wendy: Can I... Touch it...?

Miko: Fine... You can touch them.

Miko then gets to Wendy's height so she can touch her ears. 

Miko: Ah~ that feels good~

Me: Miko, not now. You can make that sound later when we are in a private area.

Wendy: So soft~ 

Wendy then stops petting Miko's ear and Miko stands up. She then looks at me and she smirks that only got noticed by me. 

Wendy: Can I talk with Y/n for a moment privately?

Mei: I guess...

I just sigh and start pushing her wheelchair until we got to a private spot. I don't know what is she trying to do because I can feel her honkai energy trying to connect with me. We then arrive at a private spot not too far from the others. 

Me: Now, tell me Wendy what are you planning?

Wendy: Oh, don't be like that Herrscher of Eternity.

Me: *on guard* How, do you know Herrscher of Wind?

Wendy: Oh it's just simple, Herrscher of The End has agreed for the other herrschers to share you. It's pretty simple to notice you due to the pupils in your eyes. Every Herrscher can see that pupil Y/n and feel the end's presence in you. So that makes it easier to find and determine that you are the one she told us about. 

Me: Tch, that sneaky herrscher. So what will you do now Herrscher of Wind?

As soon as I said that the others got alerted and start to back me up. They look at Wendy who is just staring at me smiling.

Me: Onee-san our secret has been revealed. 

Mei: How?! I thought only both of us know about our eyes.

Me: Herrscher of The End agrees to share me with the other herrschers. She also gives them the ability to see my pupils that's why. I need to stay out from the other herrschers because they also are going after me. 

Mei: I see, I won't let them take you from me. 

Wendy's eye starts to glow, and start to float in the air. 

Himeko: Girls, why there is a honkai energy spike detected?

Me: Major we didn't find the gem but we found someone named Wendy. 

Himeko: Wait what?! I see now, try to survive for now. I will explain later when you all are back here.

I then look at Wendy again who is floating in the air in her herrscher form. She's looking down at me. 

Wendy: "I don't care whatever it takes. You and Mei will be mine."

Bronya: Subject Y/n what is Subject Wendy talking about? 

Me: I will explain later. We need to get out of here now. 

Wendy then starts attacking us by sending a couple of wind blades to separate us. Before I could do anything she surround me using wind barriers that I can't get through. She also tied my hand and feet together by surrounding both of my hands and feet with a wind barrier. 

Wendy: Be a good girl and stay there while I deal with the rest of these insects. 

She then starts summoning tornadoes trying to get rid of Mei, Miko, Kiana, and Bronya. She also sends a couple of balls made out of wind toward them. 

Me: Onee-san gets out of here. I will be fine, tell them the truth we will meet again soon. 

Mei: I refuse to leave you here alone. I lost you once and I won't lose you again. 

Suddenly, chains out of nowhere appear and bind Wendy. Major Himeko attacks trying to knock her out. I want to help but I can't do anything in this wind barrier prison. I then suddenly felt weakened like a huge portion of my honkai energy is taken away. 

Me: W-what a-are you p-planning Wendy...?

Wendy just starts laughing, I then realize what is she planning. This entire time she was just stalling for time. She secretly connects herself to me and now she gains access to electro-infused attack. 

Wendy: Ha ha ha, you are too late. 

Himeko: What do you mean?

I then see her glowing again, but her eyes glow green with a purple hue. She then broke free from Oath of Judah's chains and starts sending a lot of electro-infused razor-sharp winds. Onee-san manages to get close to my prison. She starts attacking like crazy sending a lot of attacks everywhere. I look at her and smile because, without strong willpower, my herrscher personality will start hurting those that tried to connect with me without my permission. 

Onee-san is connected and bound to me. She is fine because she told me to do so. Besides she is my older sister, so I will eventually follow her orders. The requirements to be bound are they must be relatives, to be connected to me to beat my herrscher personality in a duel, be a herrscher and have strong willpower.

I can see the others trying dodge Wendy's relentless attack of winds. Major Himeko got thrown away by Wendy's attack. Theresa got several cuts while trying to dodge her attacks. Kiana got into the same prison made of wind barriers. 

Mei: Y/n how are we going to break you out of this prison?

Y/n: I tried and I can't free myself you need to beat her. 

Mei: How do we beat her then? Her attacks are too fast.

Y/n: *sigh* I don't know...

I look at Bronya who is suddenly acting strangely. She suddenly attacks Major Himeko by sending missiles toward her. 


 Suddenly a lot of Anti-Entropy mechs appear. Holograms appear in the sky it seems a communication. Bronya's battlesuit then changes into something else. 

???: By the highest level of authority, Bronya my daughter seize 3rd herrschers and the 4th herrscher.

Bronya: Yes, mother I will seize them now.

Theresa: Damn it, we know what Bronya is capable of. We need to free Y/n now.

Kiana: I have an idea how about we try making Bronya knock Wendy? Then Y/n should be free right?

Himeko: That, could work. When did you get smart Kiana?

Kiana: HEY?!

3rd person Pov

Bronya then starts shooting missiles at Wendy knocking her out. She then starts to get distracted by Kiana, Miko, Theresa, and Himeko. Y/n got freed from her prison, summons her weapon, and start destroying the mechs with Mei. 

Y/n then summons chains to hold Bronya in place. Theresa then went to Bronya and keep shaking her.


Project bunny then appears behind her, and it doesn't look happy. It punches Theresa away toward Himeko.

Y/n: Hurry up, I can't hold her much longer. 

Bronya then breaks free from the chains and is about to attack Y/n. But before she could attack Y/n she got sent away by a wind attack sent by Wendy. 

Wendy: "I hate it when someone is trying to hurt my lover. NOW DIE."

Wendy starts attacking Bronya with barrages of razor-sharp wind. All of those attacks left Bronya hurt. But before she retreats she shot a missile at Y/n that exploded directly at her leaving Y/n hurt. 

After Mei and Wendy see this both of them got enraged and start going on a massacre of the mechs. The person who sent the mech sees this and decides to pull out all of the troops including Bronya. But sadly Mei and Wendy show no mercy and destroyed all of the mechs. Bronya manage to escape before she got killed by both of them. 

Himeko: *sigh* We will need to track Bronya later. 

Mei and Wendy stare into each other, a spark can be seen between their eyes. 

Mei: I don't like the fact that someone like my sister without my permission. 

Wendy: And I don't like the fact that someone is close to her.

Mei: Do you forget that you are talking to her older sister?

Theresa: Hey you two cut it out. 

Mei: *sigh* Fine but I will deal with you later. 

Mei then walks up to Y/n before picking her up. Mei then walks back toward the group. 

Theresa: Is Y/n okay? I saw her get hit by a missile.

Mei: She is fine just bruised and low on energy because someone decides to take them. 

Mei said that while glaring at Wendy. Wendy just rolls her eyes, in response. She then goes to her wheelchair before sitting on it. 

Wendy: Let's just go, I am tired. I want to sleep with Y/n. 

Theresa: Alright then, follow me to the transport airship. 

Kiana then proceeds to push Wendy's wheelchair while Mei carries unconscious Y/n. Soon enough they arrive at the transport airship, and they board the ship. The transport ship then takes off and heads back to Hyperion. 


That's all for this chapter, I tried to not go crazy long when writing this. Even if I want to the herrscher of wind arc is a bit short. I was planning to add until the Wotan arc but I decided to not do it.  

I am going to start working on the preview of the book that I adopted a while ago. It will be a remake of the previous version. There is a change of plan tho, though instead of one there will be two. 

The second book will be either 

Unknown god reader x Azur lane 


Fatui Harbinger reader x Date a Live.

I am still thinking about it since it's the second and third most-voted book during the new book poll, and the preview of those books will be released after the adopted book is updated. Don't mind having a lot of books to update since I enjoy writing. If you are worried that your favorite book that I write will be not updated, go check the book update rotation to see which books are going to get updated next. I will be following those orders.

Word: 3653
















Wait why are you still here? Ah, right that little spoiler for that adopted book well here it is enjoy. 

???: [...], Why do you hate humanity so much?!

???: Humanity took everything from me [...]! Now I will take back what's mine. 
