( four )


"JUST admit you cried," John and Carly vacated the theatre into the cool February air. The air was brisk. Carly enjoyed the breeze on her skin. She always favoured winter over summer. She didn't like endlessly sweaty days and oily skin from mounds of sunscreen coating her skin.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Carly denied. She wasn't ashamed about crying. She was ashamed that John Ambrose was actually right. The story was beautiful. Nonetheless, it didn't change Carly's mind. No matter how many phenomenal movies she saw, nothing was different. Movies were a fabrication of what we hoped for in life. It proved nothing about reality. "So, what's next? When Harry Met Sally?"

John was euphoric. Just like in the movies, he had cracked the girl with the broken heart and made her love again. However, life was much more realistic. Carly rolled her eyes at the suggestion of yet another movies she had no fondness for. "You don't like When Harry Met Sally?"

Carly shrugged. "It's boring. The concept is alright but the delivery was bland."

John Ambrose was losing his mind. How could a girl disagree so much with the majority of the world? "Fine, what's your favourite movie, then?"

Carly smirked. She knew he'd despise her choice and suddenly couldn't wait to show him it. "Encino Man."

"That stupid caveman movie?" John grimaced.

"You're pretentious. Have you ever even seen it?" The answer was no. He didn't need to. The movie was not his type. That meant it hadn't won any Oscars, have a moving message, or have a Rotton Tomatoes score higher than 70%.

"Fine, but I don't think they're showing it anytime soon." He gave in despite not actually wanting to see it.

"It's fine, I have it on DVD" Of course she did. Carly had DVDs of all of her favourite movies and shows. Same went for all of her favourite albums. There was something about holding the case, that feeling. It was something she never got by staring at a screen.

"Who still buys DVD's?"

"Who still sends love letters?" She countered.

John Ambrose laughed. Once again, she was right. "Touche."

"I'm free tomorrow if you wanna come round." She offered. There was a lot of insecurity in her tone. John Ambrose felt hurt hearing it. He hoped she was comfortable enough not to feel anxious around him.

"Yeah, sure. Text me the address and I'll meet you there."

"Cool." The two stood in silence. Neither knew what to do. Carly kept questioning whether or not she had just made a date with John Ambrose McClaren. It was the same question Maisie had asked her that afternoon when she mentioned the arrangement. Carly didn't exactly know the answer. She was sure they were just friends and John had made it clear his heart belonged to another. But, as she sat in that dark theatre, his hand holding hers as she cried, she doubted the conditions of their relationship.

John Ambrose wanted to walk Carly all the way home. However, she was very adamant that he wouldn't go anywhere near her house. At least until the following day. When Carly told her mum that a boy was coming over, she was more than shocked. Carly never brought home any friends let alone a boy-friend. The next afternoon, Carly came home to masses of food scattered around the kitchen, her mother wanting to make a perfect impression her daughter's first house guest. She made herself inconspicuous in her bedroom as her daughter used the living room. Carly sat on the couch, nervously biting her nails as she awaited John Ambrose's arrival. When he did she straightened out her floral, purple dress, flattened her brown hair, and answered the door.

He had a strange look on his face. Carly feared it was her middle-class neighbourhood that had him spooked. "This is your house?"

Carly became excessively timid. "I know it's not much but..."

"Carly, you live nearly two miles from Nora's. Why didn't you say anything?" He voice was raised. He wasn't yelling but he wasn't speaking either.

"It's not a bother" Her voice was quiet. She felt like she was being scolded by a teacher.

"That's it, I'm driving you" He declared.

Carly shook her head. "John, that's really not necessary..."

"It's not necessary for you to cycle two miles every week just for me"

"It's not just for you, it's for me. I'm doing it because I want to pass English. I enjoy the cycle, it's one of the only times I get out during the week. I promise you, I'm not bothered."

"You promise?"

"I promise" She had her hands on his arm, looking deep into those chocolate eyes. John still felt guilty. He didn't want her to make the journey but he knew that winning an argument with Carly Roth was non-viable. "come on" she ushered him to the living room.

Carly's mother had laid a buffet on their small glass coffee table. Carly reached for the remote as she prepared the film. "Are you ready to watch the greatest movie of your entire life?"

"I thought we were watching Encino Man, not Harry Potter" He joked but it only annoyed Carly.

With her voice monotone and sarcastic, she said, "Ha Ha."

"Oh my god, don't tell me you hate Harry Potter. If you do, I'm sorry but we'll have to end this friendship."

"Jesus, Ambrose. I may agree with the minority of the world but I'm not an idiot. Harry Potter is a cinematic masterpiece. Expect from Harry and Ginny's relationship but I can let it slide." She turned her attention back to the television.

"You don't like Harry and Ginny?" It sounded like someone had fired a bullet into his heart. The air in his lungs had evaporated, his soul had fled his body.

Carly rolled her eyes. "My god, Ambrose, I am not having another argument with you."

John Ambrose set down the slice of cheese pizza in his hand, ready to begin the biggest debate of his entire life. "No, no, I can accept Romeo and Juliet and When Harry Met Sally but don't you dare come after Harry and Ginny."

"Harry and Ginny had zero screen time. They interact about three times before they were off married with kids. Am I supposed to accept that everything happened behind closed doors? There was no development."

"I mean Harry was kinda busy saving the entire wizarding race from certain death"

"Then don't give him a love interest. If you don't have time to add in a romance then don't rush one."

"I think David Yates was trying to stay true to the books."

"I wouldn't have been mad if they left it out." Carly observed the heartbroken expression on his face. She released a deep breath, feeling guilty for breaking his spirit. "I'm just saying they didn't do Ginny and Harry justice"

John sighed. "I'll agree with you on that."

"Thank you." Carly almost yelled. She didn't want to have any more disagreements tonight.

"And you say I'm pretentious," John mumbled.

"Shut up and eat your pizza" And he did so. Carly pressed play, thrilled to watch her favourite movie. She was aware that it was an unpopular opinion to love this film but it held a special place in her heart. With this movie, she wasn't looking for perfection and that is definitely what she found. It was silly and she loved it.

John did indeed suffer. Carly had her eyes glued to the screen the entire time that she didn't see his expression the entire time. John struggled to stay awake for the majority of the time and found everything to be incredibly ridiculous. The movie finished and Carly looked at him with wide, excited eyes. He had never seen her like this before. He almost felt bad for hating it. "Well?"

John Ambrose couldn't hold it in. He couldn't lie to her. "That was so bad. I'm sorry but that was awful."

"You have no taste." She was staring daggers at him. John whelped as another one of her cats scratched his hand. "See even Donna doesn't agree with you."


"Yeah, and that's Kelso and that's Jackie." She pointed to each of the cats spread around different areas of the living room. Carly recognised the confused looks at her obscure choice of cat names. "That 70s Show?" he was still confused. "Let me guess, you're a friends type of guy."

"Friends is classic. Everybody loves friends." He looked at her. What did expect from the queen of unpopular opinions? "Except you, of course."

"That's it, next time you come over we're binge-watching That 70s Show." She declared as she walked him to the door.

"I thought we were binge-watching Harry Potter next hang out." The two had discussed their next meeting during the movie.

"That was until you chose friends over That 70s Show."

"Well by the laws of hanging out, it's my pick, and I say, Harry Potter."

Carly sighed. This time he won."Fine, next-next time."

"You got yourself a deal" He held out his hand and she shook it. "I hope you don't make me suffer as much as you did today"

"It wasn't that bad."

"The consensus disagrees with you." He held out his phone, the google search for Encino Man was open. "It got 15% on Rotton Tomatoes."

"Film critics are pretentious" She claimed.

"Or you have bad taste." He suggested.

"Or the rest of the world as bad taste."

"I'm not going to be able to leave if we keep having this argument."

"I guess you better give in then." She offered, trying to get him to cave.


"I'm closing the door on you now." Carly had enough of their debate. She slowly closed the door, seeing less and less of his face.

"This is not over." He proclaimed.

"Goodbye, Ambrose." Carly shut the door as he walked to his car. She pressed her bag against the door as she smiled. It had been a long time since she had fun. In some way, she had to thank Lara Jean for bringing them together. But, soon enough, she'd the reason to drive them apart.

( i like my dialogue in this but i hate my actual writing. also i am in no way blaming lara jean, it'll make more sense as the story progresses )
