The Hunt

"Come on. This is taking way too long. Where are they?" Sassy asked. "Please be patient. When they get here, the food will be worth it." Shadow replied. "But it's getting late, we should probably be getting back to the shelter we found." Sassy said. "I guess you're right. We can't stay for much longer. Let's head back." Shadow said.

They walk back to the shelter and settle in for the night. "Good night Shadow." Sassy said. Shadow looked at her. "Good night.

The Seavers woke up from their nap which was longer than they expected it to be. It was almost night time. Peter went to go check up on his pets and make sure they were doing okay. The room was empty.

"Dad, our pets. They are gone again. They can be anywhere now!" Peter said. "Where is Chance and Delilah? I miss them." Jamie said in tears. "Don't worry, we will find them again." Bob said hoping to cheer them up. "Let's try to enjoy the trip for now. We can look for them in the morning." Laura said. "I'll go contact the police and we can look for them first thing in the morning." Bob said. "You guys should go to bed. It's late." Laura said. "But we just woke up. I'm not tired." Hope said. "You guys can stay up I guess. See you in the morning." Bob said.

"Here we are, this is where I have lived for the past year or so. Ever since I was a little puppy, this is where I would sleep and eat." Magnus said. Chance and Delilah look around in shock of how poor quality the place was. It was a small, abandoned shed in the middle of the forest. There was moss growing on the walls and it looked like the place would fall over at any moment. "I can't believe you lived here at such a young age." Delilah said. "Yeah. You get used to it over time though. Anyway, time for bed." Magnus said. Chance and Delilah slept by each other. Magnus slept by the door not wanting to interfere. He was also keeping a vigilant eye over them. He needed to protect them. "Good night." He said. "Good night." Chance replied. Magnus looked outside for a bit. "I may have finally found some friends after living alone for so long. However, I'm not entirely sure they think of me as a friend, too." Magnus said to himself. He looked over at them sleeping. "But I have to get them home. I will do everything I can to get them home. I promise." He continued. He then rested his head down and went to sleep.

It was the next morning and Magnus was awake bright and early. "Good morning guys." Magnus said to Chance and Delilah. "I will go get food. You guys stay here." he said as he ran outside.

"Wow. Magnus is a nice guy. I hope he will take us to our owners quickly." Delilah said. "He is pretty nice but can we trust him?" Chance asked. "I don't know. The only person I knew that was like this was Riley." Delilah said. "It is possible that he is just looking for friends. He said that he lived alone for quite some time." Chance said. "Come on, we can trust him for now, he seems pretty friendly and I would feel bad if we just ditched him. Especially since he has lived alone and in such horrible conditions." Delilah said.

Magnus came back with some meat that he found somewhere. "Here, you guys can eat first. I'll just eat whatever's leftover." he said. "Alright, there may not be anything left over!" Chance said jokingly. Magnus and Delilah laughed.

After they finished eating, they decided to chat. "Hey wait. Didn't you say there was more of you guys missing out there?" Magnus asked. "Yeah. Our friends Shadow and Sassy." Chance answered. "So, what do they look like?" Magnus asked. "Well, Shadow is a golden retriever and Sassy, she is a Himalayan cat." Chance replied. "Alright then. Let's go look for them." Magnus said.

After some time of searching, they were unsuccessful in finding them. They continued walking hoping to find them. "Hey guys, I have something to say. I thought about it last night." Magnus said. "What is it?" Chance asked. "Okay. Here it goes. I promise that I will do everything I can to make sure you guys get back to your owners safely." Magnus said. "Really? You will!?" Chance asked. "Yep." Magnus answered. "Thank you Magnus. You're actually very kind. I've had a bad history with some stray dogs being untrustworthy and sometimes mean. You're great though!" Delilah said. "Thank you and no problem! Let's keep going." Magnus said.
