
sometimes you don't know the true meaning of emptiness until you find yourself sitting on your bathroom floor crying your heart out wishing someone could be by your side to hold you, and tell you things would get better.

willow never did consider herself normal. girls her age were hanging out over summer getting their nails done, hanging at the beach and mall, and having sleepovers with their best friends. willow had one friend, harry. who she had to push away.

if you meet a girl like willow, you have to pick up her broken pieces. you'll find her intriguing, and she'll overwhelm your thoughts and take over your mind and while you know what your getting yourself into, you don't mind because it is her. the one that breaks you yet mends you at the same time.

maybe thats why harry and willow were perfectly imperfect. one person is like broken glass shattered all over the floor while the other person wouldn't mind getting cut and hurt fixing the other person up. someone so fragile, beautiful, and painful putting wounds into a treasured mind can hold a spot in another's heart. the thing is rather or not that person wants you to be the one to hurt it, because then they'll think you'll be the one to fix it after.

for days willow found herself staring at the ceiling thinking about absolutely nothing or writing in her journal about how you don't have to be in a serious relationship to be hurt by someone, or yourself. she wondered how harry was and what he was doing. she wanted to visit him at work and sit while he gave her free refills even though he wasn't supposed to, she wanted to sit and watch harry laugh and smile while conversing with a customer, she wanted to see harry and feel his hands on her back or feel his hands stroking her arms up and down telling her that she will be okay and she will be happy and she will go far because he was by her side and because she was strong enough to do so. for once willow thought she might have been in love. but it all lead up to two lovers that loved out of love.

finally willow's thoughts came crashing down and once her eyes became too weak to cry anymore, she decided to go out. with no destination, she decided just to drive on a long road until she realized she should start heading back home before her parents come from work.

so she drove. and drove. and drove. her sight became blurry and for once she couldn't handle who she was starting to become.

"some sensitive girl." she called herself.

"who cries over a boy you've only known for a couple months? you don't know anything willow you need to go to college and get yourself together." she talked as if someone was in the passenger seat of the car.

"i'm so alone." she lightly laughed.

"god i'm so alone." she hit her hand against the steering wheel and rested her head against it.

she sighed and wiped her tears away, wishing all the way in the back of her mind that harry would've been the one to do so.

she drove back home, maybe going over the speed limit and maybe blasting her music a little too loud so people around her gave her bad looks, but she didn't care. when would she ever see them again?

the air was warm, the summer air was blowing through her hair and it left a nice aroma.

before willow decided to go back home, she had one more destination that she wanted to go to, the park.

tree's were surrounding the park and the fountain in the middle was calming. she sat on one of the benches and closed her eyes, relaxing herself and getting rid of all her tensions.

"i hope you don't plan on sleeping out here. it's not fun, i've been there." she heard a hoarse voice say from beside her.

when she realized who that voice belonged too, her heart shattered and she felt a wave of emotions. his voice was slow, faint, and broken. she missed it, she missed him.

"harry.." willow said. "what are you doing here?"

"funny story actually. i was walking home from work and saw this mama duck with her baby ducklings. this little girl and her mom were sitting on the bench where you are right now and the girl asked her mom, "remember when i had that many siblings, mommy? do you think the ducks will all separate like my brothers and sisters did?" she had to be around eight, and it shocked me. and the mom said, "all families are different sweetie, everyone in this world is different." it made me think.. what did that girl go through? what was her mom thinking? but i didn't say a word and walked home, yeah, home. i bought a small apartment. anyways, i decided to come back out here after the sun set and everyone went home. sometimes my thoughts can just be too overwhelming just like that little girls. i just wanted to reflect on everything that lead up to this moment now."

willow laughed an actual laugh. not a forced one she had to do around her parents, but the laugh only harry got her to do.

"you think too much." willow told harry. "you didn't have to make what that little girl said all sentimental."

"i know." harry said. "she just reminded me of someone."

willow didn't say anything, she just looked straight ahead and listened to the sound of the fountain.

"what are we, willow?" harry asked her.

"i don't know, harry. i have to go." willow said as she stood up.

she tried to walk away but harry was too quick. he grabbed willow's wrist and turned her body around so it came crashing into his. her head was on harry's chest, and she was listening to his heartbeat. harry's head was on the crook of her neck, his hand on her hair and for once, he felt as though they were whole.

"you can't go." harry whispered.

"i don't want to. i never wanted to."

"then don't."

"i'm only trying to keep you safe. i want you to be happy, to live your life and figure things out. you bought an apartment harry. look at you! you're going somewhere, i'm not."

"i'm only happy when i'm with you." he said as he pulled away.

"i signed that lease and thought, "wow maybe one day willow and i can live together." do you see what you've done to me? you're on my mind all the time and you control my thoughts, you drive me off the wall but my god willow, you give me some rush, some thrill. and i don't know what i'd be without you. before you came into my life, or without you in my life i would still be out on the streets begging people for money. you've impacted my life in such a huge way.. you can't just.. you can't just leave. i know this isn't right but i love you willow. i love you. i love when you come into the cafe and watch me work and make fun of my drinks and i love watching you write in your journal or talk about your favorite movie and i love it when you cry and laugh and talk and i love the way your nose crinkles and i love the way you raise your eyebrows when you can't decide on which waffle you want and i love when you mess with your hair when you can't decide how to part it when i know you'll look beautiful no matter what you do. because guess what, willow? i love you."

willow was crying, she was mad and sad and shocked and broken. her hands slapped harry's chest and it was such an unexpected move that it made harry stumble back.

"i hate you, harry. i hate you and i hate myself because you drive me mad. and maybe i'm only mad and maybe i've just been bottled up these past few days because this wasn't supposed to happen. my dad wasn't supposed to push us away from each other and i wasn't supposed to let him and after i gave you my stupid pillow that was supposed to be it! but you know what? maybe the things that all happened, happened for a reason. the only thing that i learned and reflected on throughout those situations is that i love you too. "

he laughed and smiled and even in the darkest of the night you could see that one twinkle in his eye.

"ever since that day i saw you outside my window drinking your dumb vodka while banging your hand against the dumpster i was infatuated with you. because i knew you were different, i knew you could be someone else. and i love who you have become. i love how you are so precise when it comes to folding silverware in napkins and i love how you run your hand through your hair when you're frustrated and i love your dimples and your laugh and the crease between your eyebrows and i love how when we are together my broken pieces become fixed because of you. i love you, harry styles."

words couldn't describe how both of them were feeling, and both of them knew that.

the whole scene looked like a painting. with the trees and fountain in the back, while the moon reflected on the water, it was all beautiful.

especially when harry walked back up to where willow was and put her face in between both of his hands and kissed her. it was hard yet so smooth. his lips were cold and he tasted like cigarettes and willow's lips were soft and they tasted like tears. it was like all their thoughts about each other were being exchanged throughout their lips moving in sync.

he kissed her and willow kissed back and they felt as if there were no worries and problems throughout their life, and maybe that was true, because all their worries and problems go away when they are with each other.

and maybe that's all that really mattered.
