Words: 30,560
I finally edited it (mainly just grammar and spelling wise, by what my computer thinks sounded better), but there could still be mistakes, so, sorry if there are still some!


Brittany to Santana is the definition of pure and sunshine. She's absolutely everything. Ever since Santana met Brittany in elementary school, she vowed to protect the blonde till the end of time.

What she didn't know was that she was going to completely fall in love with the bubbly girl. She was utterly hopeless when it came to the dancer.

Brittany had Santana wrapped around her finger.

When the brunette finally got the guts to admit that she was in love with her, she felt like they were going to be together forever.

When she was with Brittany, it felt like she was on top of the world. She was home. Whenever she thought of the future, every single scenario, the blonde was there.

Santana has never felt this was about anybody before. Her heart pulsed and throbbed just thinking of the dancer. That's who she wanted till the end of time.

What she didn't think of, was what they would do after school. She didn't have any idea where she was wanted to go nor where Brittany wanted to go.

But then, Brittany practically got Santana a scholarship for Louisville. She thought that maybe Brittany would pick a school around there as well.

The biggest curveball thrown at Santana when Brittany told her she wasn't going to graduate.

That hit them both of them real hard, but Santana tried to push through and talk to her as much as she could while away at college.

It had started to get extremely tough on both of their ends, not being with each other.

So, when Santana broke up with Brittany, she felt like she had all the right intentions in mind.

She was puzzled at first when Brittany told her that it hurt when she left her behind and that it felt like Dottie in the moment when she was rocking back and forth, but then she started to think about it.

After she dropped Brittany off from that stupid Left Behind Club, who even makes that a club anyways? She then thought long and hard about what she should do. She started to think back on their relationship after she went to college.

Brittany was always so sad on their calls, they exchanged so many 'I miss you's. Santana's heart always felt so heavy when they had to say goodbye, she's sure Brittany felt the same, if not worse, since Santana was the one that left her.

She thought for a long time, even stayed up till around two in the morning to try and come up with a decision.

What decided her decision the most was that Brittany said she felt like Dottie. Dottie, who was hyperventilating, rocking back and forth, practically having a panic attack.

Santana knows panic attacks and it feels like the world is caving in on you.

That's what Brittany felt like?

That wouldn't do. It hurt the brunette's heart to even think about that.

So, she did what she thought she should - break up with her.

It was awful.

"You know this isn't working."

Santana made up some stupid reason of an energy exchange to help with her reasoning of why they should break up. Along with some other dumbass excuses, like it wasn't working. It was working fine. They just missed each other all the time, that was the only problem, but she also felt like she was holding her back, and knowing that Santana is hurting the blonde doesn't sit well with her.

Maybe if she broke up with Brittany then they would be able to find happiness without each other, right?

That's what she thought.

"You know I will always love you the most."

Santana does love Brittany the most, and she knows she always will, but she also didn't think it would be this hard without that blonde sunshine in her life. She gave her one last kiss, pulling the crying blonde into her chest. The Latina shut her eyes tight, taking a shaking breath.

"I love you, too."


Santana left the choir room, leaving her heart behind with the dancer.

Driving home, she pulled over to the side of the road, no longer able to see in front of her clearly with the tears clouding her vision. A sob ripped through her throat and she clutched at her heart, gasping for air while she leaned her forehead on the steering wheel.

This is for the best.



After the breakup, the first time Santana seen the blonde was when Finn called her to play Rizzo in their school production of Grease.

Santana only said yes so she could see Brittany, and she made sure Brittany knew that.

When she first got into town she met up with Mercedes and Mike who were also there, they went to the Lima Bean.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Mercedes asked as they sat down in the coffee shop.

"What do you mean?" Santana decided to play dumb. She kept her eyes down on her coffee while she stirred it. Mike just watched silently as he ate his muffin and panini. Mercedes sighed and shook her head at the Latina.

"Shouldn't you be giving yourself space? From here? From Brittany?" Mercedes hesitated on the last word, not sure about using her name, but decided last minute that it's fine. Though, her thoughts chose wrong when she saw the Latina noticeably wince, hearing about the blonde. "I'm not sure it will be good for you."

"I'm fine, Wheezy," she waved her off, even though deep down her heart was clenching at the mere thought of seeing her again so soon. Mercedes gave her a doubtful look and Santana gave her a tiny smile. "I won't do anything stupid." How wrong she was.

Mercedes sighed behind her cup as Santana stood up to leave. Stubborn ass.


When Santana felt hands on her arms while doing her makeup, she felt the same tingle she always felt with Brittany and knew it was her. She looked through the mirror to meet those ocean blue eyes that she loved so much, and a smile automatically came onto her face. Her heart felt like it was about to beat out of her chest.

Brittany made sure to drag her hands down a little lower, over the Latina's back as she was letting go, just to be able to feel her for a tiny bit longer.

"I miss you," Brittany said in her cute little sheepish voice as she glanced up at her now ex-girlfriend. Santana's chest constricted and she smiled softly at her.

When Brittany told Santana that she wasn't dating anybody new, it felt like Santana was able to breathe normally and she had to restrain from sighing in relief. Though, it made her heart clench once more when she had to tell her that it would be fine if she was dating somebody, but she made sure to add that she's glad that she's not.

The blonde girl brought up how Santana needs to think of something sad to be able to do the song, and then she started talking about our breakup and date night and her mood damped way down.

She swallowed thickly and pushed the tears down that were burning to escape. She couldn't cry now! She was about to go on stage. Brittany wished her a good luck, running her hand over her back as she walked away, and Santana watched her sadly.

Santana took a deep breath herself and stood up, straightening her clothes and headed to the side of the stage. She fanned her eyes a little bit and breathed out slowly, willing them to go away.

She channeled all her emotions with Brittany and the stupid ass break up into the song as she sang.

She could see the beautiful blonde standing in the wing to her left. She glanced over at her occasionally and had to force her eyes away.

She was gorgeous.

Brittany was always gorgeous, any time of the day, but her standing there, all dolled up for her part, looking at Santana with those eyes, it's like Santana fell in love all over again.

When the song ended, she walked off stage and Brittany pulled her into a warm hug, telling her that she did amazing. Santana held on a little longer than she should have, but it's not her fault. She stuck her head into the crook of the blonde's neck and inhaled softly, nuzzling her. Brittany's hands rubbed her back gently before starting to pull away.

Santana missed the warmth immediately and then the blonde gave her a kiss on the cheek before hopping away to Tina and the others to get ready for their next scene.

The Latina watched her carefully as she glided through everybody, making her rounds.

Mercedes showed up behind her and whispered so only Santana could hear.

"Bad idea," she practically sang. Santana rolled her eyes and turned to look at the diva beside her.

"It was just a hug and peck on the cheek," she muttered and turned to go to her little area with makeup to check herself.

"Whatever you say, Satan. Be careful." Santana turned around to look at her, walking backwards slowly so she won't trip over anything.

"I always am," she playfully winked and then turned back around while Mercedes shook her head and went back to the group to see if they needed any help.

The play was soon done and over with. They were all in the choir room listening to Artie read the review by the sophomore. Once they all celebrated, Brittany bounded over to Santana once more as everybody was leaving the room.

"You should come over and we can catch up," she said with a smile. Santana looked at her skeptically, should she? "Please?" Brittany pulled out the pout and puppy dog eyes and it made Santana melt, instantly making her mind up.

"Okay," she mumbled. "No funny business." She warned the blonde and Brittany held up her hands in surrender.

"No funny business," she repeated. Brittany had caught a ride with Tina earlier to get to the school, but she texted her saying she got a ride with somebody else. Brittany linked pinkies with the Latina as they walked out to Santana's car.

The Latina had to keep herself from unhooking their pinkies and linking their hands together instead.

When they got on the road, Brittany plugged in her phone to listen to some music and when she did, Santana recognized it as their playlist.

The two had made a playlist together of all the songs that remind them of each other. Santana bit her lip and her hands tightened around the steering wheel. This was not something she wanted to hear right now.

She had a plan; see Brittany, do the play, go home, and cry. Crying sounded great right now, it's what she's been holding in ever since she seen Brittany in the glee room as Finn told everybody that she would be playing Rizzo.

"Your place or mine?" Santana asked, her voice a little rough and forced. Brittany glanced at her before turning her attention back out the window.

"Yours." Santana sighed softly. She was hoping that she would have said Brittany's house. At Brittany's, her parents would be there and so would her sister. At Santana's, nobody would be home. She's not sure if she would be able to hold back. Brittany and Santana alone is practically asking for something to happen.

They drove silently, with the music playing in the background and the occasional soft singing of Brittany which made the Latina smile. Santana had to force her eyes to stay on the road the entire time and not glance over at the blonde when she would dance in her seat.

They pulled up to Santana's house, no cars in sight, both her parents were working. She took the keys out of the ignition and followed the blonde that was practically running to the house in excitement.

"Come on, San!" Santana just had to smile at girl. She was so cute, hopping excitedly by the front door, waiting for the Latina to catch up so she can unlock it for them.

"Are you hungry? I'm sure tonight made you work up an appetite," Santana said as they walked into the kitchen, and she started rummaging through her cupboards.

"Linguini and shrimp?" Brittany suggested. "Do you have gummy bears? Or dots?" She asked excitedly. Santana smiled and pointed over to the corner of the counter where they had a candy jar, mainly just for the blonde girl, though Santana's dad has been caught getting into it a few times.

Brittany clapped happily and bounded over to the jar, taking out some of the candy and popping it into her mouth. She watched Santana while she made their food. The Latina had asked the dancer a few times if she wanted to help, but Brittany had turned the offer down, just wanting to observe the girl.

She missed her. Usually this is how it went, she normally watched Santana when she cooked, but always helped out with dinner and if they were up early enough, breakfast. She helped the most with desserts though. Brittany loves sweets and Santana lets her taste test everything. She also loved to start little food fights with the Latina.

They would always get into a playful banter when Brittany would throw the first fist of flour at her. Santana would squeak and say, "You're so going to pay for that!" Then she would chase Brittany as she shrieked with laughter. Santana smiled brightly as she would catch the blonde by the waist, spinning her around and pinning her against the counter. They'd look into each other's eyes, breathing heavily before Santana would lean in, planting a kiss on her lips. It would start to turn into more and Santana would break the kiss, put the dessert into the oven before pulling Brittany to her room. "We don't have much time," she'd whisper as she attached her lips to the blonde's neck. Brittany would flip them over and she'd go from there.

Brittany broke out of her daydream, her cheeks tinted red and her core feeling hot. She cleared her throat a little, getting a glance from Santana.

"You alright, Britt-Britt?" Brittany smiled at the nickname and nodded.

"Amazing," she murmured. Now she was feeling some type of way. She got up from her spot at the counter where she had been watching and went over to the Latina, snaking her arms around her slim waist.

"What're you doing?" Santana whispered when Brittany moved the dark hair away from her neck and attached her lips to smooth olive skin. She took a sharp intake of breath when she felt Brittany lips around her earlobe. That was one of her weaknesses. "Mmm.. Britt," she sighed. "We can't."

"Who says?" Brittany mumbled and ran her hands up and down her sides. She moved them around the Latina's body once more and slid her hands down, just swiping near her core. She caressed her thighs slowly, sucking on her pulse point, eliciting a moan from the brunette. That was enough for Santana, she turned off the noodles that were now just about done and turned around in Brittany's arms, throwing them around her neck and kissing her. She didn't care anymore. She just needed the blonde.

It was like a breath of fresh air for her. Her lips were just how she remembered, soft and sweet, tasting like sugar and the blonde's favorite strawberry lip balm.

She knew this wasn't a good idea. It was a terrible idea, but it felt so good.

They both moaned when their tongues touched, exploring each other's mouths for the first time in what felt like forever, but was only a couple of months.

Brittany made sure to move them away from the stove before lifting Santana onto the counter, she stood between the Latina's legs while Santana's hand made their way to silky blonde hair, threading her fingers into it.

Santana's arousal heightened when Brittany's hands moved to her ass, pulling her closer so their bodies were almost flush against each other. She squeezed tenderly and Santana broke the kiss for a breather.

"My room," she gasped out and Brittany placed her lips back onto her favorite ones, lifting the Latina with ease. She keeps her hands firmly planted on her ass while she carried her to her room. A little struggle here and there since her eyes were closed, but she managed. She's spent countless times going into Santana's room, she practically knew the way like the back of her hand.

As soon as they got to her bed, their clothes were off in a matter of seconds.

They admired each other's bodies.

Santana looked up at the blonde who was straddling her hips. She admired her milky white skin. She started from her long neck, making her way down to her small, perky breasts, and tasty abs that she missed so much. She practically drooled going down her body. She could see her dripping wet core as well, making where she sat on Santana's own toned stomach, wet with delicious juices.

Brittany also admired everything about Santana. Her hands traveled all over her as she placed kisses down her body. She went back up, giving her a soft kiss.

"I missed you so much," she murmured against her lips.

"I missed you," Santana breathed and pulled her down onto her for one hell of a night.


When Santana woke up, she was wrapped up around the blonde. Her tanned arm was slung over the blonde's stomach and her head was resting on her chest, while Brittany's arm was wrapped around the brunette.

She slowly got herself out of her grip and sat at the edge of the bed. She rubbed her temples slowly and looked over at the girl she loves, sighing.

She got out of bed as quietly as possible and went to take a shower. Leaning her head against the shower wall, she closed her eyes tightly. Last night was a blur, but it's also very clear in her head. She can still feel Brittany's fingers, hands, and lips all over her body.

A tear escaped her eye, mixing into the water. She missed her loads, but that should not have happened.

She turned off the warm water and dried off before getting ready for the day. She peeked into her room and seen Brittany still sound asleep, her cute little snores in the air. Santana just had to smile at the blonde in her bed. She's absolutely adorable. She watched as her nose scrunched a little bit before straightening out and she hugged the stuffed animal she kept at Santana's. She wrote the blonde a note, telling her she was going out to talk to Mercedes.

She walked down the stairs, and her mom was in the kitchen. That's when she remembered the linguini and shrimp she left on the stove. All trace of that was gone.

Her mother looked up at her over her glasses and narrowed them slightly.

Santana took some hesitant steps over to the island and sat down. Maribel took her glasses off and set them on the counter, folding her hands.

"You think that was a good idea?" Santana groaned and put her head in her hands. Maribel raised an eyebrow and shook her head. She went to go check on Santana this morning, though when she opened the door, she saw her naked daughter and ex-girlfriend only being covered by a blanket.

"No," she grumbled. Maribel hummed and went back to reading her magazine. "If she wakes up tell her I'm meeting up with Cedes to talk about the play?" Maribel squinted at her daughter.

"You're not doing that are you?"

"I'm avoiding conversation," muttered Santana. Maribel sighed and tutted her daughter's antics.

"You need to face the music."

"Maybe next time," Santana growled and stood up, grabbing a granola bar and headed out the door.

Instead of going to see Mercedes, she texted her, telling her that it was indeed a bad idea.

She went and drove around Lima for a couple of hours, before her mom texted her telling her that she left and it's clear to come home.

Thank you, mom, Santana thought.

The next day of the show, she ignored Brittany as much as she could.

She fled the room when she was coming in or made conversation with the closest person next to her so Brittany wouldn't approach, and she ignored all the texts from the blonde, asking what happened.

When she left right after the show on Sunday to go back to living in the stupid dorm, she texted Brittany, I'm sorry.

Thanksgiving went by fast. She seen Brittany again, they may or may not have hooked up again.

Santana was frustrated with herself. She kept giving into the blonde. It's not her fault, Brittany is irresistible, but she has got to stop ending up in bed with her.

Santana has to remind herself that they broke up for a reason, but the more she sees Brittany, the more of a mistake she thinks she made.

She went back to the shit hole they call a college with a heavy heart, sending Brittany once again, another text saying, I'm sorry.


Things were going okay for Santana. Sure, she dropped out of college and now she was living off of an ex-cheerleader friend, but she was okay.
Sure, sometimes she cried at night because she missed Brittany, but it was getting better. Sort of.

Who is she kidding? She's not that happy at all.

When she got the phone call from Tina, it's like her whole world crashed down on her and her heart plummeted to her stomach.

Brittany was dating somebody...? Not only was she dating somebody, she was dating fucking Trouty!? Out of all people she could get with, she gets with stupid ass Sam.

She wiped her eyes and sniffled. Fucking Sam. Fucking dumbass Trouty Mouth. She gritted her teeth at the thought of them together.

Stupid Santana for breaking up with the love of her life. She doesn't deserve to cry because she's the one who caused this.

Though, Brittany didn't even tell her is what hurt the most. After she texted the blonde her 'I'm sorry' when she left, they ignored each other for about a week before they started texting one another again, completely ignoring what had happened during the weekend of Grease and Thanksgiving.

Did Brittany not trust Santana to tell her she moved on? Maybe she just didn't want to hurt the brunette's feelings. Pity. Santana almost scoffed out loud. She rolled her eyes to herself, wiping under them and held on to one of Brittany's t-shirts she had taken with her when she moved away. The smell was just about gone, but it was still there, faintly. The Latina took advantage of that and dug her head into it, smelling it slightly, before letting the sobs take over her body.

Elaine found her later in bed, crying. Elaine wasn't the nicest, but she didn't amount up to the Latina's bitchiness either, but when she found her in a sobbing mess, she hugged her tight and got her some ice cream.

She appreciated Elaine, she really did. She was like another Quinn, but not as great.

So, when Finn called her up, asking to make an appearance because he thinks that she's one of the biggest divas he knows, she cracked a smile and asked Elaine for a favor. She had scoffed and narrowed her eyes.

"What?" She sneered.

"Come back to Ohio with me with a few other cheerleaders to do a performance?" She asked hesitantly and it caused Elaine to smirk.

"Hell yeah. I get to see your ex and get to hear you sing. I'm down." Santana had to laugh. She sung once in the shower when she thought nobody was around, but Elaine came home and has been wanting to hear her since again ever since. Which she has not done yet.

"One last thing?"

"What?" Elaine sighed.

"Pretend to be my girlfriend?" Santana pleaded. Elaine looked at her blankly for a hot minute.


"Come on! Please?"

"I said no. Why would I do that?"

"I'll buy you scratcher tickets!"

"And..?" Santana sighed.

"I'll get you the Ani DiFranco t-shirt that you've been wanting," she muttered.


"You're such an ass."

"Love you, babe," she teased. Santana gagged.

"We're not doing pet names." Elaine laughed loudly and headed to her room.

"Whatever, girlfriend." Santana groaned; this is probably a bad idea.

Well, here she comes Lima, once again. Let's try and get the girl back.

Her plan was to sort of rub it in Brittany's face a little bit that she had a girlfriend, to maybe show her that she's moved on as well, but the hurt look on the blonde's face when she pecked Elaine's lips almost broke her.

Maybe not the greatest idea either...


Santana met up with Sam, having that singing battle of She's Mine. He tried to convince her that the best thing for Brittany was to be with that big lipped blonde bitch.

No. It's definitely not the best thing for her. Anybody else could have been better for Brittany, but she doesn't think that anybody is good enough for the blonde, besides Santana herself.

Santana is what's good for Brittany.

She's not going to give up.


Now that Santana dropped out of college, which the other day, Sue Sylvester confronts her about, maybe Santana and Brittany can be together again. She just needs to tell her about it. Then, she can move back here to Lima, she can be closer to the bubbly blonde, and she'll break up with Trouty Mouth to be with her.

It was the perfect plan that she thought for sure would work.

"I knew you'd come around eventually..."
It was in the bag.

"I'm not breaking up with Sam. I really like him."

Santana had to keep her face neutral as she said that and keep the fact that it felt like her heart was breaking all over again, hidden.

"Why didn't you tell me you were dating him?" Brittany gave her a look and sighed.

"I was going to San. I wanted to, really, I did, but I never found the right time and I could never work up the nerve to pick up the phone to tell you. I didn't want to hurt you," she explains quietly.

"Yeah? Well, it hurt even worse to hear it from Tina. Tina, of all people. It sucked. Even Quinn had texted me, asking if I was okay. It was embarrassing, like I was the last to know." Brittany frowned sadly. She hadn't meant to hurt her. "Why Sam?" Santana asked quietly. Brittany furrowed her brow.

"What do you mean?"

"Sam? Seriously? Anybody else could've been better."

"Be nice, Santana." The Latina scoffed and crossed her arms when she defended him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but you don't get to insult him."

"Whatever," Santana muttered. Brittany shook her head sadly and turned the conversation onto Santana.

Of course, Brittany being a genius and all, found out that Elaine wasn't her girlfriend and that she dropped out. Speaking of Elaine, Santana is so going to chew her ass out for telling Brittany and selling her out.

She listened to what Brittany had to say though, how Santana should be somehow as big and as hot as she is and to have a real girlfriend.

Though she doesn't want anyone besides Brittany, she listened, because whatever Brittany wants, Brittany gets, because Santana can't say no to the blonde. Not anymore. No matter how heartbreaking the suggestion may be.

Brittany told her that it's okay to follow her dreams.

But what is her dream?

She doesn't have one. Her only dream is Brittany.

"...Not a best friend, because that parts already taken."

Santana had to crack a little smile at that, even if they don't talk as much as they'd like to. Brittany will always be her best friend.

When Brittany pulled her in for a hug, which was too short for her liking, she sighed lightly at the feeling of the blonde's arms wrapped around her. An all too familiar feeling. It felt like she was home, but she couldn't stay with this home, because Brittany didn't want her to. She leaned back, holding the dancer's hands with her own.

"And you're my best friend."

She leaned in and placed a quick, chaste kiss on her lips. They both know that it's fine, but Santana felt a nagging in the back of her head, telling her she shouldn't do that. It could start something if she leaves her lips on the blondes for a little longer. It could've turned into Artie once again, but she's not sure if Brittany would allow that again.

When Brittany asked if she wanted to come to Breadstix with her and Sam she felt like she was slapped in the face, again.

She turned her down once more and watched her walk out of the auditorium. She let out a long sigh, trying to stop the hurt in her heart as she left the school.

She said goodbye to her mom and went to pack up her stuff at Elaine's, not before bitching her out, into which she apologized sincerely and hugged her goodbye, telling her that she'll miss her.

Santana bought a ticket to New York and headed on her way. As she was on the train she got on her iPod, plugging in her earbuds and pressed shuffle, the song Songbird floated into her ears, causing her to close her eyes briefly. She had to hold in the sob trying to come out, but she let the tears flow as she got into her phone, her password as Brittany's birthday and went to her camera roll.

She started scrolling through her photo album labeled "Britt-Britt" with a heart and smiled sadly, tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked at them.

She stopped at one picture, one of her favorites of them. Santana's family was having a barbecue. The normal people were invited, Brittany's family and then some of her glee club friends. That being, Quinn, Puck, Kurt, Mercedes, Tina, and Mike.

They would all swim in the Latina's pool before they'd eat.

They all had just eaten and Santana was talking with her friends, Brittany snuck away to get one of the water guns and squirted her with it. Santana shrieked.

"You are so gonna get it!" She had yelled with a laugh and sprinted after her girlfriend who squealed.

Quinn got out her camera that she seemed to carry around often because she was getting into photography and took pictures of them. She got the most perfect picture one whenever Santana caught the dancer and pulled her into her.

The picture was of Santana holding the blonde by the waist and Brittany's hand was on one of the Latina's cheeks while the other rested on her neck. Their foreheads were pressed together and both of them were smiling really big as they gazed lovingly into each other's eyes.

Santana swiped right in her camera roll to the next picture that was taken right after the one before. They were in the same position but were now kissing. They were both smiling into it.
She remembers that day. She loved it, it was a few weeks after the Salazar ad ran and she felt happier that week. Everything had seemed to be falling into place.

Santana smiled; tears ran down her cheeks as she continued to go through the pictures.

And I love you, I love you, I love you, like never before.


Living with Rachel and Kurt is weird, to say the least. Berry still wakes up at five in the morning to do her normal routine. The absolute worst part about living with them is that there's no real food in the apartment. It's all just a bunch of vegan shit.

Kurt isn't as bad to live with. Santana and himself have to sneak in some real food, 'if they want to survive' in the Latina words. That can be fun.

It got better as it went on.

Now it was Mr. Shue's wedding.

Quinn had called Santana up a week prior and asked if she wanted to go with her. Santana of course said yes because she did not want to go with Hummelberry. She especially didn't want to go with Brittany because she knew that she would be with Sam.

When they got to the church, Quinn was on her phone, waiting for Santana to finish up the touches on her makeup.

Santana glanced up out of the windshield for just a second and spotted Brittany and Sam. She was wearing a ridiculous dress, but she looked amazing. Brittany could pull anything off.

Quinn followed her gaze and waved a hand in front of her face.

"Santana," she sung. "Stop staring. You need to forget about her for the night." Santana scoffed and reluctantly looked away to look at her lips in the mirror once more, before pushing the flap down after seeing that she looked fine.

"How am I supposed to do that when we're literally in the same room, dumbass." Quinn rolled her eyes at the Latina.

"We're going to drink the night away at the reception. Try to forget, okay?" Santana sighed with a nod. She was fine before that, but her mood dropped significantly. She went to get out of the car and slammed it shut, Quinn watched her with sympathy.

Quinn knew a lot more than other people; she had watched both of them fall in love with each other. She's seen Santana be whipped by the bubbly blonde and did whatever she wanted.

After the wedding, that didn't happen since Ms. Pillsbury left, which the Latina thinks the redhead deserves better anyways, they headed to the reception.

Santana seen too much of Brittany and Sam in her opinion. It felt like somebody was grabbing her heart inside of her chest and squeezing painfully hard every time she so much as looked at them together.

When Santana was trying to dance with Quinn and Mike and she turned around to Sam grinding against Brittany, she couldn't take it anymore and grabbed Quinn's hand, dragging her to the bar. She needed a drink, badly.

"I have to say, Rosario, you are killing it in that dress." Quinn even let her hand rest on Santana's forearm and slid down a little bit before turning back to watch everybody dance. Santana felt a little tingle run down to her core at the feeling and thought for a second.

Santana has been picking up on weird signs from Quinn all night, but she wasn't sure what it was.


She reluctantly tore her eyes away from Quinn and they once again landed on Brittany. She almost rolled her eyes, she looked happy.

They spent most of their night by the bar, drinking away, just like Quinn had said they would do.

Many drinks later, they were slow dancing on the floor.

"I've never slow danced with a girl before. I like it."
Quinn gave Santana a smile and Santana gave a suspicious one back, with squinted eyes.

She's not sure what happened, they were dancing and then Santana's hands sort of made their way down to her waist. She had dug her head into the blonde's neck and next thing she knew, they were laughing and stumbling their way up to a room.

Being with Quinn was different than being with Brittany. Besides the fact that Santana actually did most of the work with Quinn and Brittany was usually top, it was something new for Santana to take over almost the whole time.

With Brittany it was more passionate and felt so, so good. Sex with Brittany made her feel like she was on top of the world. Nothing could ever beat the feeling of being with the dancer.

With Quinn it was sloppy and fast, but nice.

Santana knew that it was just a one-night stand with Quinn, but she was really hoping that maybe she would feel at least a little bit of something. Some kind of want or spark because it still feels like somebody is puncturing her heart at the mere thought of Brittany. Seeing her with somebody else almost felt like she was dying.

She hated being apart from her.

The sex with Quinn was nice though. They even made it to round two, almost a round three, but they went to sleep instead.

Santana woke up before Quinn the next morning. She looked at the blonde beside her. Almost Deja vu all over again, besides with a different person.

She groaned quietly, both at the fact that she had a killer headache and she just slept with one of her best friends, and not the one that she was hoping.

She slipped out of bed and found her dress and all her shit.

After getting dressed she went down to the lobby to leave, but when she got outside, she realized that Quinn was her ride.

"Shit!" She hissed to herself and patted her forehead in stupidity. How dumb is she. Now she's going to have to go back upstairs and be awkward with Quinn when she wakes up.

"Hey," a quiet voice said to the left of Santana, making her jump. "Sorry," they apologized meekly. "I didn't mean to scare you." The Latina looked over and seen Brittany sitting on a stump in her dress.

"Oh... no, it's okay, I- Um, hey," Santana stumbled over her words, causing Brittany to crack a little smile. She leaned against the hotel wall and looked at the blonde who was playing with a stick. "What're you doing out here?"

"You know I like to sit outside in the mornings." Santana smirked a little.

"Yeah, I know. You'd always drag me out at the crack of dawn just because you like the feeling of the air."

"Nuh uh! You willingly came," she mumbled. Santana smiled even more.

"Yeah, I did," she admitted. Brittany looked over at her before looking back at the stick she was breaking.

"What are you doing out here?"

"I was going to leave, but realized Quinn is my ride."

"I could take you home?" She suggested.

"What about Sam?"

"We drove separately." Santana nodded in acknowledgement.


"Okay?" Santana nodded.

"Okay." The blonde smiled and hopped up. Brittany grabbed her purse and jacket that was beside her and led the way to her car. They both got in and Santana buckled up, leaning her head against the window.

Brittany furrowed her brows as she got on the road. She smelled the air a little bit and glanced at Santana.

"You smell like sex," she stated bluntly. From the corner of her eye, she seen Santana tense. The Latina squeezed her eyes shut tightly. She didn't shower. Stupid ass Santana. How does someone forget to shower? She guesses she was just trying to get out of there as fast as she could, not wanting to be there when Quinn woke up. It slipped her mind. "Did you have sex?" Brittany's voice was quiet, but stern. Santana cleared her throat and looked out the window, biting her lip slightly. "Who was it?" Broken voice. Santana swallowed thickly.


"Santana, come on. You can tell me." Brittany's eyes were filled with tears as they pulled up to Santana's driveway.

"You can't be mad, okay? You have no right." Brittany nodded and took her bottom lip in between her teeth. She looked at the wheel and waited for the Latina to speak. "It was..." she paused and cleared her throat again, taking a deep breath and releasing. "Quinn," she stated quietly. Brittany's eyes widened and her head turned so fast.

"Quinn? You slept with Quinn!?"

"She was there okay!? You don't have any right to say anything."

"Yes, I do." Santana's eyes hardened.

"Brittany, you've been dating Sam. We broke up, I can sleep with whoever I want." The blonde's lip trembled slightly, and she took a breath.

"I'll see you sometime, Santana."


"Yes, seriously." Santana closed her mouth into a tight line. She didn't want the conversation to end.

"It was just a one-time thing," Santana stated quietly.

"Okay. That's okay, that's good," she mumbled and wiped a tear that was rolling down her cheek. Santana watched sadly and sighed.

"Thanks for the ride, Britt." Santana wiped another tear from her cheek and then rubbed her thumb over the soft, damp apple of it. She then leaned over the console to press a kiss to her cheek, but at the last second Brittany turned so she caught her lips. It was only for a few seconds and Santana pulled back, resting her forehead against the blonde's. She kept her eyes shut and tried to calm her beating heart. She opened them and looked into the ocean blue that stared back. "Like I've said before, I will always love you the most," she whispered and pecked her lips again.

"I love you," Brittany whispered, letting her hand cup a tanned cheek and then she pressed her lips to the other, softly, savoring the feeling.

Santana sighed contently and hugged the blonde really quick.

"I'm sorry again. Keep in touch."

"I'm sorry too," Brittany whispered. Santana smiled lightly and closed the door, walking up to the house. She waved to the blonde and Brittany started to drive away as Santana went inside.

They both touched their lips, feeling the ghost of each other's mouths and sighed.

It was amazing and they wanted more, but they couldn't.


Later that night, Brittany decided to call Quinn. She was sitting on the roof, something she did often to think.

"Hey, Britt," Quinn answered hesitantly.

"Quinn," Brittany said softly. "I heard. Why'd you do it?" Quinn sighed on the other end.

"Brittany, we were drunk."


"It was one time, Britt. It's not going to happen again. I was just trying to help her."

"Help? You were trying to help her. Help her with what? Help her get an orgasm? She can do that herself." Quinn rolled her eyes but smirked a little imagining Santana probably denying ever masturbating.

"She was sad, okay? Because of you. I was just going to help her forget you for a night." Brittany's heart pulsed and squeezed painfully. She nodded lightly even though Quinn couldn't see her, and she sucked in her bottom lip.

"That didn't require having sex with her," Brittany mumbled into the phone, wiping her eye with the back of her hand, making it damp.

"Well, it just happened. I'm sorry about that, but it's really not your business, Britt," Quinn sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She's a little surprised that Santana even told Brittany what they did, but then again, Santana has never been great with keeping secrets from the dancer.

"She said that too, but it is my business. She's my-" Brittany stopped for a second and cleared her throat. "She's my person." Quinn softened a little and sat down on her bed, looking out the window.

"She's just been really sad, Britt. Let her do what she wants. In a few years or so, I bet you guys will get back together. For now, just let her be with who she wants." Brittany nodded and sniffled, clamping her eyes shut.

"Okay," she whispered. She wanted to talk to her more, maybe argue a little bit. She had so many angry and sad emotions pent up. She couldn't do it. "Goodnight, Quinn." She didn't wait for a response and hung up, letting a sob rip through her body. She crossed her arms over her knees and put her head down.

Quinn bit the bottom of her lip gently and sighed as she texted Santana.

You told her?


What? Then how'd she know?

I've told you all before, she's a genius. Me... not so much.

Quinn shook her head and put her phone down.


Santana got a text from Brittany one day when she was working at the diner. She was on break, having a smoke when her phone buzzed. She took it out, leaving the cigarette hanging in her lips.

I luv u and I'm going 2 miss u.

Her brow furrowed and she took the cigarette out from her lips, blowing at the smoke.

She read the text over and over again, her thumbs ghosting over the letters of her keyboard, before typing out a response.

R u okay?

Should she say more? She typed another response and pushed send.

Luv and miss u 2

She bit her lip and waited for a text back, but it didn't come. It didn't come the next few hours and she stopped checking her phone constantly.

Santana got off at one in the afternoon and she went back to the loft where Kurt and Rachel are.

She stayed on the couch with her journal, her song writing journal, something only Brittany knew she had. The others just thought it was some kind of dairy, but in a way, she supposes it is.

She tapped the pencil on her head in frustration, humming real softly to try and find a tune.

Somebody's phone rang, but she paid no attention to it or the hushed and frantic voices that came from somewhere in the kitchen.

It got quiet again for second, but then Kurt's voice rang out.

"Santana?" She hummed in acknowledgment, not taking her eyes off of her book. She had something in mind and the last thing she needed was a distraction. "Santana, this is important." She glanced up.

"I doubt it's that important, Hummel," she mumbled and wrote down another like of lyrics, smiling lightly to herself and nodding.

"Santana! There was a shooting at school." At that, Santana's head shot up and whipped around so fast she could have gotten whiplash.

"What?" She threw her song book down and stood up. Rachel was leaning against the kitchen counter, chewing on her thumb with her arms crossed and Kurt had his phone in hand, eyes watering. "Is everybody okay? Is Brittany okay?" Her heart stopped as she remembered the text message from earlier this morning, and she turned around quickly as she checked the couch. "Fuck! Where is my phone!?"


She threw one of the couch pillows behind her and then somebody's arms wrapped around her waist and arms, holding her still.

"Stop," Kurt whispered.

"I need to find my phone. I need to- I need to see if Britt is okay," Santana whimpered and wiggled in his grip more. "Let me go."

"Brittany is fine."

"How do you know?" She sniffled.

"We talked to Sam." At the sound of his name, Santana stopped squirming and gritted her teeth. Fucking Sam. "He told us that everybody is okay."

"I still need to talk to her, let me go, Hummel," she growled. He sighed and reluctantly let her go. Rachel and Kurt watched as she continuously searched for her phone, she sighed in relief when she found it in between one of the cushions. The two of her roommates gave each other a look as Santana whispered into the phone, "pick up, pick up, pick up."

They watched as the Latina closed her eyes tightly and her hand dropped before she climbs out onto the fire escape. She sits down on the cold metal floor outside and pulls her knees up to her chest. She lights another cigarette and tries calling the number again, and then again, and one last time.

The user finally picks up and Santana's head perks up.

"Britt...?" She asks tentatively.

"Hi." Santana sobbed in relief.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," she whispered. Santana tilts her head to the side, wiping her face with her shirt.

"I heard what happened. Are you sure?"

"Yeah. It was really scary, San," the blonde whimpered. "I was- I didn't- I was in the bathroom when it happened and I- I didn't have my phone on me. I couldn't go back to the choir room. I had to stand on the toilet for what seemed like ages. My legs and arms started to ache from holding myself up. I couldn't- I don't want to die, Sanny." Santana's heart got caught in her throat at the nickname. Brittany used it a lot, but at the same time, it was sort of rare. Only when drunk, tired, sad, scared, in a lovey mood, or when she really wants something.

Santana's heart broke and more tears came out of her eyes at hearing what her poor Brittany just went through today.

"Fuck, Britt. You're not going to die, honey," Santana whispered. "You're here right now. Are you at home?"

"Yeah," she murmured.

"Look at that, see, you're safe. Why don't you snuggle up with LT and that little rascal of a sister. Hm?"

"Lord Tubbington's mad at me right now, but he won't leave me side because he knows what happened." Santana smiled lightly at the blonde's tone of slight happiness that her cat is paying attention to her.

"I'm glad he's with you. I um.. I can come down there to be with you if you'd like?" Santana asked and shut one of her eyes in a wince. She really wanted to see the blonde after what happened.

"No, no. You stay in New York. You don't need to come down here for me." Santana's stomach dropped in disappointment and frowned.

"But I want to."

"You stay there, San. I'm fine, just a little shook up." Santana breathed in and then let go slowly. It was silent for a few moments.

"I could've lost you," she whimpered into the phone and sobbed lightly again. Brittany's lip trembled on the other line and sniffled herself, shaking her head. She didn't like that thought at all.

"Well, you didn't. I'm still here."

"When Kurt told me there was a shooting it was like my whole world just crashed, I thought maybe that's what your text was about earlier. Like maybe you were shot, and you were dying so you decided to send me one of your last text messages ever. It scared me so much," she cried.

Brittany's heart broke. Stupid dead ladybug at the end of her fake telescope.

"No, Sanny, I thought there was a meteor coming straight for Lima, so I was saying my goodbyes to everyone, but it was just a ladybug," Brittany explained, mumbled the last part. Santana relieved a sigh and cracked a smile because that's just something so Brittany and she loved it. She breathed out a laugh.

"As long as you're okay."

"Of course."

"Call me if you need anything okay? I'll be down in Lima in a heartbeat. Faster than you can say 'unicorns'." Santana smiled in triumph when she heard the cutest giggle on the other side of the phone. It was music to her ears.

Her words were a silent promise that she's still there for the dancer and Brittany knew that. She whispered a heartfelt 'bye' before disconnecting the line. Santana sighed and rested her head against the wall behind her, wiping the silent tears that ran down her face.


Santana finally felt like she was moving on from Brittany. She started this dance class the other week and one of the teachers (an off-Broadway choreographer... what can she say, she's into dancers), has been giving her sex eyes. They finally really talked, and she asked her out for drinks.

She went back to the loft to change when Sam called her. She was trying to hurry, but answered anyways when she thought it could have to do with Brittany, and she had been right.

"It's about Brittany. She broke up with me."

Santana's heart pounded in her chest, and she had to fight the smile off her face. She kept it neutral and played it off.


She knew they wouldn't last, but she thought it might have gone on for longer.

"She's been acting really weird since she went out with those people at MIT."

That caught her attention.

"She even dropped out of regionals."

That caught her attention even more. Brittany loves dancing and singing, and she loves Glee club. She couldn't picture her dropping out of it, especially regionals if there wasn't something wrong.

She went through her Brittany encyclopedia inside her head and went with the safest option and just to be sure.

"Are we sure that it's not just Britney 3.0 week in Glee club?"

She continued to pull the shirt on over her head as she listened to Sam's answer.

"Something... Something's wrong, and I'm asking you for help."

Santana looked back at the phone and stopped getting ready. She told Sam she'll help and hung up.

She texted her date and told her something came up and she had to cancel before going online to see if there were any trains to take to Lima.

There was one for the next day and she purchased a ticket right away. She didn't care about price.

She told Kurt and Rachel that she would be going to Lima for a few days, and they gave her a look. She completely ignored it, rolling her eyes and went to go pack.

When she got to Lima, after visiting her mom, she made her way to Brittany's house. She knocked on the door and waiting. An older blonde opened the door and her face lit up at the sight of the Latina.

"Santana dear! Come in, come in. It's been too long, how are you?" She pulled Santana into her arms for a hug.

"I'm good, Mrs. Pierce. How're you?"

"Stop with that Mrs. Pierce crap. It's Whitney, you know this," she scolded. Santana smiled in apology. She was going to say something else, but something squealing ran into her legs, arms circling her waist. Santana smiled and bent down to pick up the source.

"Hey, squirt," Santana smiled at the little girl and she squealed again, throwing her little arms around her neck.

"Tana! I've missed you!" Santana laughed and rubbed the girls back, setting her down to the ground.

"I missed you too."

"Why're you here?" The girl held onto the Latina's leg.

"To talk to your sister. Is she in her room?"

"She is, dear. You can head on up." Whitney pulled Brittany's little sister away from the brunette, after Santana promised that she would stay so she can braid her hair.

Santana walked the halls and stairs, knowing them like the back of her hand and ended up in front of the bedroom door she's been through more times than she could count. She knocked and heard the blonde's voice, 'come in'.

She opened the door slowly and seen the dancer on her computer, her cameras were set around and she cringed, wondering if somebody was going to be over and she just crashed it. She didn't exactly want anybody to know that she's here.

"Hey, Britt. Are you busy?" The blonde turned around with wide eyes.

"San, what're you doing here?" She furrowed her brows but went over and hugged her tightly.

"Sam called." At that, Brittany pulled away, rolling her eyes.

"Of course," she muttered. "Come on, San. You can be my guest for Fondue for Two!" Santana tried to protest, but it was too late. She already had Santana pulled down in a chair, counting down from three as the camera started.

She played along for the first question until she turned the camera off herself.

"You're acting like a completely different person and it's making me sad."

Santana frowned and looked down.

"Well get over, sadness it stupid."

That's what threw Santana off, and she knew then that something was seriously bothering the dancer. She opened her mouth, closing it once more, before going to speak.

"Britt, I still care about you... This just isn't you."

It made Brittany smile a tiny smile because Santana knew her. That's why Brittany trusted Santana to tell her what's going on.

"I got early admission to MIT," Brittany said and toyed with her hands. Santana looked at her, blinking, a growing smile on her face.

"Britt! That's amazing!" Santana exclaimed proudly and stood up to pull her in for a hug. She dug her head into her neck, inhaling. "I am so, so, so proud of you." Brittany smiled over the brunette's shoulder and laid her head against the brunettes.

"Thanks. I guess that's why I went all crazy... They want me to leave immediately, and Lima is all I know and that's scary. I haven't even... I haven't even seen the school. I don't know what it looks like and what they have there. They just told me when they want me to start school and that's it. I've been too bugged out to look cause I don't- I don't want to leave, but I do. I never thought that I would make it this far, San." Santana tightened her grip on the blonde and massaged her head lightly. "This is a huge opportunity, and I don't know if I can do it."

Santana shook her head at the dancer's words and pulled back slightly so she could look into the crystal blue.

"Yes, you can, Britt. Are you kidding? You're the bravest person I know. If anybody can get early admission to such a good school and completely own it, it's you. You're a genius, Brittany. You're going to do so amazing." Brittany smiled with glassy eyes and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks, San," she murmured. Santana's heart thudded in her chest, and she nodded, running her hands down the blonde's back.

"Of course. Now, you're going to join the Glee club again, you're going to kick ass at regionals, and I'm going to be there the whole time. Just for you," she poked Brittany's nose, eliciting a giggle that made the brunettes heart ache in all the right ways.

Brittany sighed contently and pulled her back in for a hug.

That night, Santana stayed over at the blonde's house, but she made sure to sleep on the couch. She watched Disney movies with Brittany and her little sister, and she braided the rascal's hair. She also braided Brittany's- ten times because she loves how it feels and kept asking her to do it over again.

Santana can't say no to her. Plus, she got to touch her. So, it's a win-win situation.

She finally felt home again.


The day of regionals, Brittany told everybody why she was leaving. She gave everyone a little speech about who they were to her and that she'd miss everybody.

When she got to Sam, she had to look down at the ground. Mike sensed her discomfort and placed a comforting hand on her lower back.

She listened to the words she told him.

"Who I fake married."

She married him...?

"I love you so much."

Santana's heart broke all over again.

She married him.

Told him she loved him in front of everybody.

It was over.

For good this time.

She couldn't keep the tears at bay when Brittany turned to her.

"And then there's Santana..."

She didn't want her to say anything about her. No matter how badly she wanted to hear what she did have to say.

It wouldn't amount to what she told Sam, and she didn't want her heart to break all. Over. Again. She wouldn't be able to handle it.

She savored the hug she gave her one last time.

It was time to let go.

And she did.

Sort of.


After regionals Santana went back to New York. She barely even told Brittany a goodbye.

She spent almost all of her hours working at the Spotlight Diner. When working, sometimes you don't even meet all your co-workers for a while. Everybody has different shifts at different times and some people never cross paths.

That's what happened to Santana.

A new girl she hadn't seen before was working the same shift as her one day.

She was pretty.

She had met her eyes when she was refilling the saltshakers. Santana had to look away and she faltered for a second when she had felt the tingle in her spine.

She didn't have any interaction with the girl until later when they were refilling the salt, pepper, and ketchup.

Santana tried making conversation when she seen her name was Dani and obviously made a fool out of herself.

"Do you think your parents knew that you were going to grow up to be a lesbian giving you a boy name?"

What a stupid question.

"I'm not a lesbian."

Her eyes widened and her hands made their way up to her neck as a nervous tick.

"You just wear so much eyeliner-"

Eyeliner? Seriously? That's the best excuse she could come up with for asking such a dumb question.

"I'm totally kidding. I love lady parts."

When she said that, Santana's heart skipped a beat and it fluttered. She hadn't felt it flutter since going to see Brittany a few months ago at regionals.

Dani then went into about how her parents suck and that when they found her and a girl making out and she left with nothing but her guitar. When she asked about Santana, she told her.

"I had a girlfriend, and she was bi."

The 'had' felt sour on her tongue.

"Any chance of you guys getting back together?"

Santana wanted to say 'yes, of course', but she couldn't.

"I love her, but, um, it's over."

Santana's heart clenched when she said it, but she pushed through. When Dani flirted with her, it brought her spirits back up and she started to feel really nervous.

Nerves is something she hates dealing with, so she does the first thing that comes to mind. She stared at her for a second.

"Um... I think I'm gonna go get the salt- the salt sh-shakers."

She struggled getting up and then corrected herself, barely looking at the blonde.


She ran into Rachel on the way as she butted in. Santana has grown a liking to Rachel, but she would never say it out loud yet. So, she laid out her feelings to the Jewish girl.

"I think that I might like her, and it is terrifying."

She's really only ever liked Brittany. Sure, she's had crushes on celebrities and this one other girl back in like seventh grade, but she never knew that it was a crush. She would have never pursued it anyways; it was seventh grade. She also liked Brittany at that time too, but she didn't know that those were feeling feelings. Crush feelings.

She's not sure how she feels about that.


Later that night, the graveyard shift was almost over.

Rachel started to pack up her things, but Santana stopped her because she had to caddy the sugars.

"See, I thought that that was something you and Dani could do alone," Rachel told her happily.

"You are not playing Yente the lesbian matchmaker."

Santana sighed internally, plotting Rachel's death in her head as she walked away.

So, Santana just went along with it for now and asked Dani if she was heading out too.

"No not yet. I like to watch the sunrise over that building."

Then she said some poetically cheesy thing about how it lights up the building.

"I've never seen it."

She hopes she can.

"Stick around, we'll watch it together."

The blonde took her bottom lip in between her teeth and smiled at the brunette.

Santana turned bashful and looked at the ground in front of Dani, not able to look her in the eyes when she said an, "Okay," trying to hold in her smile.

Santana thought her voice was gorgeous when she started singing.

Santana watched her and when Dani smiled at her it made her heart beat harder.

She watched her carefully; they had some stare offs here and there.

She walked Dani home which wasn't that far away from the Diner and the blonde leaned in, pecking her lips.

When she walked up to her stop, Santana smiled thoughtfully. It wasn't a spark like Brittany gave her, but it was something.


Dani and Santana went out together and they started dating. It felt like Santana was starting to get somewhere, but the feelings aren't as strong as they are with Brittany.

She found herself comparing Dani to Brittany a lot.

Dani's hair wasn't as long and silky as Brittany's.

Dani didn't have ocean blue eyes that captured her.

Dani's laugh didn't make her heart swell with so much love that it felt like she might burst.

Dani didn't make Santana feel like she might go crazy the second they leave each other.

Santana doesn't wish her and Dani were together all the time like she did with Brittany.

Dani was just a rebound.

But Santana felt the need to tell Brittany that she was dating somebody, because she knew that it hurt finding out from somebody else and Santana wanted to be the person to tell her.

So, one night after hanging out with Dani, Santana went home and faltered when she went into the loft. It was quiet, it wasn't that late. She was either home alone or they were already asleep, oldies.

Just in case they were asleep, she went out to the fire escape after changing into something comfy and called the blonde.

She waited a few rings till she answered.

"San?" Brittany was confused.

"Hey, Britt," Santana breathed out. She played with the string of the hoodie she had on and looked down at her feet.

"You okay?"

"I just wanted to tell you something."

"Okay..." The dancer whispered. "What is it?" Santana took a deep breath.

"I'm dating someone," she rushed out.

"You are?" Brittany sounded a little surprised, but not all that mad.

"Yeah, I just- I wanted to tell you because I know sometimes it hurts hearing it from somebody else," Santana whispered, reminding her how she found out about Sam from Tina.

"Well, thank you for telling me," Brittany said softly. It hurt a little bit, but she was glad that Santana was finally moving on and starting a life in New York. "I really hope she makes you happy."

"Yeah, she's- um, she's great," Santana said. She cleared her throat. "I just wanted to tell you, so, I'll let you go."

"Don't be a stranger anymore, San." Santana cracked a smile.

"I won't be," she murmured. They said their goodbyes and Santana sighed in relief while Brittany frowned on the other side, clearing her throat and trying to focus on her work again.
That went better than expected.


Finn died and Santana didn't know how to feel.

He did a shitty thing to her and sure she's still kind of mad, but now he's gone, and she can't tell him that she forgives him.

Dani was over at the loft, and they were watching movies when Rachel and Kurt got the call. Rachel had tears running down her cheeks and Kurt looked like he was in shock.

"Santana..." Kurt murmured. She turned her head to look at them, worry consuming her.

"What's wrong?" Santana asked and sat up a little more. Dani took her hand into hers for support. Santana didn't know what to expect.

"Finn died," he whispered.

"What? No, you're lying," Santana said and shook her head. There's no way.

"Carol just called me. The funeral is next week and then the Glee club is having a memorial for him." Rachel sobbed in the back and Kurt left the room. Santana sat with her mouth open, and Dani pulled her in for a hug, whispering comforting things in her ear while she rubbed her back soothingly.

"I don't- I don't know what to feel," Santana whispered.

"That's okay," Dani whispered back and kissed the side of her head.

"I, um, I have to go," Santana stuttered. Dani pulled back a little bit and searched the brunette's eyes.

"Where to?"

"Out." Santana stood up mindlessly and put her shoes on.

"Let me come with you," Dani said, finding her shoes as she kept a worried eye on the Latina who was shaking her head.

"No, no," she murmured and grabbed her phone. "Alone."

Santana headed out the door with a slam and Dani sighed. Kurt came out of his curtained room with a sad smile and glassy eyes.

"Leave her be for a little bit, she doesn't do well with change and feelings." Dani nodded sadly.

"Well, I'm gonna head out then. Text me if anything happens?" Kurt nodded and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry for your loss," she whispered before pulling back, giving him a tiny smile and left.


Santana walked the streets aimlessly. She went to a bar and ordered a few drinks before making her way back outside, a little tipsy and fumbled her phone out of her pocket, calling a number.


"Britt-Britt!" Santana said happily as she leant on a post by the street.

"Santana..." Brittany said seriously. "Are you drunk?" Santana frowned and put her hands in front of her as far as she could. She could see them clear and fine.

"No." Brittany sighed into a chuckle.

"Yes, you are. What's up?"

"Did you hear?" Santana asked as her voice for thick of sadness.

"About?" Brittany asked as she continued to type on her computer. She had a lot of work to do.

"Finn died." Brittany stopped typing.


"Finn's gone," Santana spluttered, the alcohol definitely kicking in as tears came to her eyes. "I didn't get to forgive him," she murmured. Brittany herself had tears in her eyes and she deflated, sinking further in the chair she was sitting in.

"Sanny..." Brittany whispered brokenly as she listened to Santana's murmurings. She was never good at dealing with death. "Do you need me to come to you?"

"No, Britt," Santana murmured and swayed as she completely forgot what she was just talking about and instead went on and talked about Brittany, putting the brunette in a better mood. "You stay at MIT, they need your genius there." Brittany smiled slightly and wiped her face. "Britt-Britt is a genius," she slurred.

"Where are you at?"

"Um..." Santana looked around as best as she could, squinting. "A road."

"If you're in the road, get out. Can I Skype you, hm?" Brittany said gently.

"Yeah! I wanna see your gorgeous face. I miss you." Brittany smiled as she logged onto her Skype on her laptop.

"I miss you too, answer the Skype call, San." Brittany clicked the call button with her cursor and waited. Santana hung up the phone and she picked up the Skype. It was nighttime, but with the lights of the city, the blonde could see her clearly.

Santana's eyes were glazed over, red with tears tracks on her cheeks, and she had a dopey smile on her face when she seen Brittany.

"Britt-Britt!" She smiled, but then it dropped again, and tears came to her eyes. "You're so beautiful! I wish you were here. You should be here. I miss you and- and- and you're supposed to be with me," she whined as she started to cry. Brittany bit her lip and shook her head. She ignored what the Latina said and continued the conversation.

"Can you let me see where you're at?" Santana sniffled and complied, showing the blonde her surroundings. Brittany took pictures with her phone and sent it to Kurt, telling him that she's drunk. "Can you walk home alone, honey?" Santana shrugged and sat down on the ground.

Kurt texted the blonde and said he's on her way to get her and she sighed in relief.

"Britty," Santana mumbled and her head bobbed slightly. "I'm sleepy." Brittany tilted her head with a smile as she watched Santana lean against the pole she was by.

"I know. Stay awake a little longer, okay? Kurt is coming." Santana whined again.

"Kurt's gonna parent me."

"He's going to parent you?" Brittany furrowed her eyebrows and Santana nodded frantically.

"He's gonna scold me." Brittany laughed lightly. Of course he would. "Britt-Britt?" She mumbled. Brittany hummed as she watched the Latina. "You'll never leave me, right?" Blue eyes softened when she seen more tears come to those chocolate brown eyes.

"Never." Brittany assured her. Santana smiled dopily and mumbled a 'good'.


"Kurty," she murmured and glanced up.

"Hi, Britt," Kurt said tiredly to the phone, waving at the blonde as her tried to get Santana to stand up. Brittany could see his blond shot eyes and even paler than normal face.

"Hi, Kurt. I'm sorry." 

'I'm sorry,' said a few things.

'I'm sorry your stepbrother just died.'

'I'm sorry I made you leave to come get Santana.'

'I'm sorry you're going to have to deal with her now.'

"Call me if you need anything, my precious unicorn," Brittany said to Kurt, winking at him to try and get a smile out of him, which worked like a charm when he cracked a small one.

"I appreciate it." He turned to Santana, taking the phone out of her hand. "Say bye to Britt."

"Bye, Sanny. Get some rest," Brittany cooed at the brunette.

"Bye, Britt-Britt, love and miss you," she murmured as her eyelids closed for a second.

Brittany didn't answer and Kurt mouthed a 'bye' as he hung up.

Right after the call ended, the blonde started to cry for Finn, no matter how shitty he was.

"Kurty." Kurt hummed. He held his arm around Santana's waist, resting her head on his shoulder as they walked slowly back to their loft. "I miss her."

Kurt sighed and shook his head.

"You shouldn't."

"But she's my Britt-Britt," she mumbled.

"Not anymore, Santana." Santana's bottom lip trembled at his words and started to cry once more. "No, Santana don't cry, come on. You have a new girlfriend now. You can't be all sad about Britt."

"Dani is just- just rebound," she mumbled, and Kurt's eyes widened.

"I thought you liked her."

"I do! She's awesome," she smiled. "And so pretty and good in bed." That made Kurt cringe. "But she's not my Britty." Kurt sighed and patted her hip. He understood. "She's my home. I don't care how many girls I come across; she will always be the one." Kurt listened closely as the brunette started a long love rant about the blonde dancer.

She's hopeless.


It was the day of the memorial. Santana decided to sing If I Die Young by the Band Perry.

It seemed fitting and it was a song she has always held dear to her heart.

She was sad, yes, but she thought she would be able to get through this. It was hard without Brittany there. She told Santana that she wasn't going to be able to make it. MIT's massive workload wouldn't allow her. She felt terrible, but Santana reassured her that it's okay.

When singing the song, she started off really good, but then it started getting hard to breathe.

She ended up sobbing and then screamed, running out of the room. Embarrassing...

She ended up at her car. She climbed in and grabbed her phone, but the space was too little, making her feel claustrophobic. She stepped out of the car, running a shaky hand through her hair as her other hand fumbled to call her favorite blonde.

"Hey, San! Thought you were at McKinley?" Brittany said as she leaned back in her chair in her dorm. She was doing a load of math problems. She happily welcomed the distraction from the Latina.

"B-" Brittany sat up, quickly becoming alert at Santana's fast breathing.

"What's wrong? San, are you okay?" Brittany furrowed her brows and

"Can't- can't breathe," she coughed.

"Close your eyes, Sanny," Brittany said softly. "Can you do that?" Santana wheezed again, nodding and closed her eyes tightly. She hummed a tiny response, but it was enough for the blonde. "Now, focus, okay? Just take a deep breath in." Santana did what she was told, her chest shaking a bit, making her breathing odd. "Let it out slowly." Brittany did the exercise with her. "Keep doing that, San. Slow breaths, in and out."

Brittany remembered when Santana had her first panic attack. At least that she was present for. It was right after she found out about Salazar's ad. Santana had texted her, telling her to meet her in the locker room asap. She found the Latina pacing, holding her chest, trying to get out of her cheerios uniform, but struggling. She had coughed, hitting her chest a few times, but Brittany grabbed her hands, pulling her into her arms, laying her head right above her chest. She told the brunette to listen to her heartbeat and to slow her breathing down. It took nearly twenty-five minutes to get her calmed down.

The blonde did it though. Thankfully, she somehow managed to stay calm during it. Her little sister had a few panic attacks in her life. She was nervous when leaving her parents, no matter if she'd get to stay with Brittany or Santana. The blonde learned how to calm her down and she was never more grateful than in that situation.

She dealt with one more panic attack from Santana after she came out to her abuela. She did the same thing, but hummed a little tune as they laid in the blonde's bed. Brittany's little sister ended up joining them which seemed to help Santana even more.

This time, though, Brittany isn't there and she's a little scared. She doesn't know how to deal with a panic attack through the phone. Hopefully the slow breathing will work. While she listened to Santana's ragged breaths, she started to hum, trying not to cry herself.

Santana listened closely while her heart rate started to slow. She continued taking slow, deep breaths, until her breathing was fine.

"Thanks," Santana mumbled quietly. She opened her eyes, wincing at the sudden harshness of the sun and lifted her hand up to block it.

"You wanna talk about what happened?" Brittany asked gently. Santana shook her head lightly at the foolishness she had today, to break down in front of everybody. Pathetic.

"It was too much... I couldn't do it," Santana stated and started to get into her car. Brittany hummed sadly.

"That's okay, San. You're allowed to cry."

"It was in front of everybody."

"That's okay, San," she said again. "You have feelings and emotions, too. Glee club knows that. You just don't show it to them." Santana sighed quietly. Brittany was right, of course. Santana thinks Glee club has only ever seen her cry once, maybe twice.

She hated being vulnerable in front of people. Unless it was the dancer.

"Okay..." she mumbled quietly. Brittany cracked a smile and twirled her pencil around her fingers.

"You gonna be okay? You want to talk longer?"

"That's okay... I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing." Brittany licked her lips thoughtfully as Santana rested her head on the stirring wheel.

"You sure?"

"Positive, Britt," she whispered. Brittany hesitated, but nodded to herself nonetheless.

"I'm here for you, okay? You can call me anytime you need." Santana smiled at the reassuring words, tears almost springing to her eyes once more. Brittany was the sweetest.

"Thank you, Britt-Britt." Brittany smiled as her heart fluttered.

"Anything for you," she murmured. Santana felt the butterflies swarm in her stomach and sighed.

"I'll talk to you soon. Thank you, again."

"Of course, Sanny." She hung up.

Santana sighed tiredly as the butterflies slowly started to disappear.

She checked herself in the mirror, wiping the mascara away from under her eyes and on her cheeks and fixing her hair and dress before going back into the school. Though, she didn't go back to the choir room, instead the auditorium.

She got a little closure for Finn when she sat with her jacket. She inhaled it softly and chuckled lightly. It smelt mostly of food and body axe spray, but she liked it. She sighed sadly, but felt good as it felt like a big of weight was lifted off her shoulders.

Though, she could still feel a little bit of weight in her stomach.

She wasn't sure if it was because of Finn or because of the blonde she just talked to.


When Santana heard that Glee club was ending, she didn't really know how to take it.

It was sad. That's something she knew.

Glee club was a place where she could sort of be herself. It was a place that she's felt safe in.
It always felt like her third home, after Brittany's own house, back in Lima.

It felt surreal coming back to the choir room when she told herself and Mr. Shue that she wasn't going to come back for a long time.

"You ready to see a certain blonde," Kurt asked. Santana continued packing and playing dumb.

"Trouty?" Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Brittany." Santana sighed.

"I suppose," she mumbled.

Later that day they were at the airport, herself and Kurt. Rachel couldn't get out of bed and wanted to give it a few days before she came.

Dani hugged and kissed Santana goodbye.

"I'm going to miss you," Dani mumbled into Santana's hair and Santana had to pause, hesitating.

"Me too," she muttered back, but she didn't mean it. Kurt watched her carefully and shook his head when she started coming towards him. "Not a word." He rolled his eyes but obliged.

When they had their first meeting of the week, Santana sat in the back. Her and Kurt were one of the first ones there, along with Quinn and the newbies. Santana caught up with Quinn a little bit before taking their seats and waited for the others to come. Brittany walked through the door and Santana's breath hitched. She was gorgeous, as usual. She thought that maybe the blonde wouldn't go near her, but instead she plopped down right in the seat next to her. Kurt glanced at the brunette and gave her the eyes and she rolled her own at him, looking away.

She won't do anything stupid.


She found Brittany at lunch in the math room. The brunette looked at all of the complicated math problems and the stress on Brittany's face.

"What're you doing?"

"I'm trying to prove the Reimann hypothesis."

The what? Santana shook her head.

"Who's forcing you to do this?"

Santana can tell by the look on her face that she doesn't want to do this.

"I just wish that I could have my old life back, where I wasn't a mathematical genius and all I wanted to do was to scissor you and to talk to my cat."

Santana had to ignore the flutter in her stomach and core when the blonde said all she wanted to do was scissor her.

Instead of talking about the topic, Santana voiced an idea to hopefully get the dancer back to herself.

"Well, what do you say, you and I reunite a little threesome called the Unholy Trinity?"

Quinn was all for the idea. They even got their old Cheerios uniforms which thankfully still fit them.

Santana had a hard time keeping her eyes off of Brittany the entire performance.

She still had the moves and the agility. She was absolutely stunning.

"You were amazing as usual." Santana smiled at the blonde, maybe even flirty.

Somehow, Brittany didn't think so. Being out of sync 'one sixteenth of a seventh step'. What does that even mean? That's practically nothing.

"What're you talking about? You're the most amazing dancer I've ever met."

That's the truth.

"No, I need to focus on what I'm good at. Quantitative algorithms."

Santana frowned as she watched her go. Brittany does not belong in some college being a math rat. She sighed and went to go home. She was meeting up with Puck, Artie, and Mike to go to Breadstix later that night. She wanted to spend time with her mom before she went.

Back up, back up.

Santana's head shot up as she was changing into a dress.


That's just it. Santana smiled to herself.

She just needs to get Brittany to dance to something that she knows she won't be able to resist.

Whenever Valerie came on, if they weren't in a car, she would get up and start doing the moves, pulling Santana along with her. She even taught her the dance since they listened to it so much.
That's the song she's going to sing.


She knows the moves, it's one of her favorites. She can recreate it where she's the one dancing with Mike and hopefully Brittany will come and join her.

All she needs to do is ask the Asian dancer.

Speaking of...

"Hey, Mike," Santana smiled as she walked up to Breadstix.

"Santana!" He beamed and gave her a short hug. "Puck and Artie are late." Santana rolled her eyes.

"Of course they are. I have a question." He nodded for her to continue. "I want to sing Valerie for Mr. Shue's recreate lesson, will you be my dance partner?"

"Really? Do you know the choreo?" She nodded.

"I do. Besides that extreme stuff you and Britt did, all the over the head stuff." Mike chuckled and nodded.

"That's awesome. I'd love to."

"Thanks, we'll do it tomorrow?"

"You got it." He high fived the girl just as Puck pulled up with Artie.

"What's up losers?" Santana rolled her eyes as Puck yelled out the window.


The next day, Santana found Brittany outside in the courtyard, making the chess club play pieces in a giant chess game.

"This is not you. You love to dance. And I know you think that you're a little rusty right now, but you'll get it back." Santana stressed to the blonde. "I'll prove it to you... Let's do a number together."

Santana expected it when she said 'no' to her proposition. She allowed it; she knew she'd crack her shell.

And she did. Later that day, she interrupted Puckerman.

"I want to do a dance duet with Brittany."

Brittany looked at her in disbelief and Santana swallowed thickly at those blue eyes and the open mouth that was in front of her.

"Hit it."

She tried to get the blonde into it, and just as she predicted, the blonde couldn't contain herself.

It took a little convincing, she started off singing a line with the brunette, but then stopped. By the time the second verse came along, she was shredding her little fluffy sweater.

Santana stepped back by the chairs as she sang the song and watched Brittany dance for a second. Amazing, as always. When she went over to the blonde, twirling her around and pulling her into her body, they looked into each other's eyes, and it felt like time slowed down.

Santana missed her.

Those electric blue eyes were hypnotizing.

They didn't even realize they got stuck staring at each other, even if it was only for a split second, it felt like minutes for them. They got pulled apart by Jake and Mike.

It felt really good to dance with Brittany again.

Santana took her hand again at the end and pulled the blonde's body close to her. Her hand rested on the small of her back and her other in Brittany's as the dancer placed her other hand on Santana's forearm and she dipped her around.

"See this is who you are. This is what happens when you don't think about it."

Brittany was about to say something when Mr. Shue interrupted them.

Damn Mr. Schuester.


The next day, Brittany came to the brunette.

"Come on!" She pulled at the smooth hand.

"What's up, Britt?" Santana laughed as she got pulled along. They went into the choir room and sat on the little couch they had in there.

"I brought churros." The blonde revealed two cinnamon sugary treats and handed one to the Latina.

"Thanks, Britt. I love these, haven't had one in forever." Brittany smiled happily and they started to eat quietly, but then Santana brought up MIT.

"They can't just chain you to a calculator and keep you as their math monkey... You need to be having a life. You need to be out in the world, going to restaurants and concerts and..." The Latina hesitated a second, "and dating."

She glanced at the blonde who looked at her, she looked like she was debating something, but she decided quickly. Scooting closer, she cupped the smooth jaw and planted her lips on Santana's.

It felt like Santana got hit with a bolt of electricity when she felt Brittany's kiss. It's been too long. She started to kiss back, but when Brittany went to deepen it, she pulled back reluctantly.

"Um... it's a bad idea."

Brittany and Santana both looked at each other in silence, but the blonde broke the silence as she stood up.

"It feels really good to be around you. You make me feel like a girl again. Like, my body wakes up."

Santana's heart skipped a beat, but she kept her guard up, shaking her head as she looked ahead of her.

"Please don't do this, okay? I have worked my ass off to get over you."

Which is sort of true. She's tried her absolute hardest to have feelings for Dani and she does, but they're barely there. She even stopped texting Brittany after her drunken phone call the night Finn died. She focused all her attention on her new girlfriend, trying to forget about the blonde dancer.

Brittany stood up, tucking a stray of her behind her ear.

"I really want to be with you, Santana." The brunettes heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest, but she listened intently to what the dancer had to say. "I've seen the world and I'm sure now more than ever that I belong with you. And I'm sure your girlfriends great, but you can't recreate what you and I have."

Santana's breath hitched and she looked down at the ground as Brittany started to lean down, her hands on either side of her and kissed the tanned cheek. Santana glanced at the blue eyes and then down to her lips, but she kept still.

"If you want me, I'm here."

Santana looked ahead and swallowed hard as Brittany turned to leave the room, taking a deep breath.


She wants Brittany.

She knows she does, but what about Dani?

Fuck it. Brittany was finally picking her. Finally picking Santana. After Artie and Sam, she couldn't take any more chances. She wanted to have the blonde for good.

Santana swallowed again and watched as Brittany turned out of the classroom. She dropped the churro and went after her. The halls were still a little crowded, but she grabbed the blonde's hand and drug her to the locker room. She sighed in relief, inwardly that it was unlocked. As soon as she pulled the blonde in who kept asking questions, she pinned her to the door and attacked her lips, causing an automatic moan from the dancer. Santana felt her pulse thump as she heard it. Music to her ears.

"I want you," Santana whispered against her lips as she went to the blonde's neck. Brittany panted slightly and nodded with a slight smile.

"You can have all of me."

"Please," she murmured and sucked on her earlobe, eliciting another moan from the blonde.

"We don't have much longer till we have to meet everyone in the auditorium," the blonde gasped out. Santana pulled away to look at her.

"Then we better be quick," she smirked. Brittany just maneuvered Santana's face back towards hers, pulling her in for another mind-blowing kiss.


Santana paced in her bedroom at her parents' house. She had her phone in hand, and she was biting her nails.

"Just call her," she mumbled to herself. She needs to get this over with. She took one last breath as she thought about why she's doing this.

It's Brittany. The love of her life. She is not going to risk throwing this away again.

She hurried up and clicked the call button and waited.

"Hey babe!" Dani answered. "How's home?"

Santana swallowed at the happy sound of her girlfriend, soon to be ex-girlfriend's voice.

"No, yeah, it's good," Santana said softly.

"You okay?" Santana heard some rustling in the background and assumed she was in her apartment, probably playing her music and making another song.

"Um, yeah. It's just- Dani, I'm so sorry," Santana choked and bit her lip. She really did like Dani. The girl was super sweet and funny, and she just had an amazing energy and vibe to her. She just didn't love her. Especially not like the dancing blonde she truly wants to be with. Dani was more of a friend to the brunette.

Dani took in a sharp breath, because she felt this was coming. She knew about the girlfriend from back home who Santana was deeply in love with. She heard about her from Kurt, Rachel, and even a little bit from Santana herself. She's heard all about how an amazing dancer she is, and how sweet she is. There was no way the blonde wasn't in love with her as well. Dani knew that Santana going back to Ohio, where she would be seeing this ex, just wasn't the greatest for their relationship. That's why Dani has been preparing herself the last few days. This is inevitable.

"Is this about your ex?" Dani asked softly and chewed on her lip. Santana closed her eyes slightly and nodded even though Dani couldn't see her.

"Yes..." Santana whispered. "I think- I think we should break up." Dani nodded on the other end as tears weld up in her eyes.

"Okay... That's okay," Dani willed herself to stay calm and collected for the girl. She didn't want her to think she was mad, cause she wasn't. She knew they wouldn't last. She was just hoping that it would go on for longer.

"You're a really great girl, Dani. I really did like you. You're amazing."

"I'm just not... her."

"I'm sorry. You deserve somebody so amazing, and you will. I've had a great time with you, D." Dani smiled and laughed softly as a tear ran down her cheek.

"Go get the girl, Santana. Thank you for everything." Santana smiled, saying her goodbyes. Dani was amazing. She sighed and wiped the tears that had come to her own eyes.

Aside from Brittany, Dani was practically the only other real relationship she had. Hurting Brittany's feelings was absolutely awful, and since she really actually did care for Dani, hurting her feelings was almost just as bad.

She took another deep breath and smiled. Now it's the time to get her girl.


The next day was weird. Some chaotic things happened, but everything turned alright.

Santana had gotten a text near the end of the day from Brittany.

Come to the choir room.

She furrowed her brows and started her way there. They haven't exactly talked about what happened yesterday, but Santana was getting there.

After having a quickie in the locker room, they said their goodbyes, but not before Santana promised Brittany that she was going to figure some things out. Aka, breaking up with Dani. The brunette is also thinking what she's going to do when Brittany goes back to MIT, but she doesn't want her to go back there. She can see in the blonde's eyes that she doesn't like it there. Santana needs to persuade her to do her own thing, dancing.

Going into the choir room she was hit with the smell of flowers. There were lilies everywhere.

"They're the lesbian of flowers."

Santana smiled softly at the blonde as she came to greet her, handing Santana two slips of paper.

"Two tickets to Lesbos Island? But these are both one-way."

Hint number one to not wanting to go back to MIT.

"Yeah, I figured, once we arrived at the girl-on-girl paradise that is Lesbos, that we'd never want to leave."

Yup. So, Santana told her, pulling her to sit down at the little bench.

"You just don't want to go back to MIT. And you shouldn't. Just because your amazing mathematical mind can solve all the world's problems doesn't mean it has to."

She had to let her know that.

"It's not your dream, and neither is being with me."

Brittany took that as her chance to turn it onto the brunette.

"You're one to talk. Since when is becoming a Broadway star your goal in life?"

She had a point.

She listened to Brittany's explanation and Santana had to laugh silently. Brittany is an absolute genius. The smartest person she knows. She scooted over to the blonde who opened her arm for her and snuggled in close, enjoying the found warmth that she loves.

"I spend months tangled up in knots, and in five minutes, you straighten me out. You really are a genius."

Maybe even less than five minutes.

Santana ignored the tingles her arm felt as she blonde's fingers moved up and down it. It felt great.

"I'm just the world's foremost expert in the field of Santana Lopez."

The brunette laughed at the wording and her little accent at the end. The cutest thing ever.

"So, what do you want to do?"

Santana thought for a moment.

"I'm going to quit the show." Brittany smiled and kissed the side of her head.

"There you go! When?"

"Soon, I guess I have to tell Berry and do the mature thing," she mumbled, and Brittany chuckled.

"Remember, this is you winning." Santana hummed and buried her head into the dancer's neck, placing a light kiss there.

"Wanna go back to my place?" The brunette started to get up, pulling Brittany with her.

"Wait! What about the flowers?" Santana grabbed two vases.

"I'll take a few? I can't take all these with me, Britt-Britt. That's a lot." Brittany nodded and grabbed two of her own.

"For the houses!" She said happily and started headed out the door. Santana laughed and followed the skipping blonde.

She loves this girl.


It was graduation day.

Santana had a plan. Brittany never got to graduate, and she'd be damned to not do anything about that. So, she did something.

"Sandbags... Shouldn't you be running a taco truck? What do you want?" Santana ignored the weird insult and focused on what she was here for.

"I need a favor."

"What makes you think I owe you a favor?" Sue laughed. Santana kept her posture up and a straight face.

"Remember when you set a tone for a campaign?" Santana mocked. "I feel like you owe me something for that shit show."

"Fair enough. Good play. What do you need?" Sue took off her glasses and folded her hands.

"I want you to graduate Brittany."


"She's not dumb," Santana growled. "She never got to graduate, and I think she should be allowed to do so." Sue squinted at the brunette and thought about it. She's always had a soft spot for her top three cheerleaders, and nobody could ever replace them. Everybody deserves the chance to graduate.

"Fine. One condition," she said before Santana could get excited. "Don't come back here for a while."

"Don't wanna see me?" Santana rolled her eyes.

"You need to do something with your life, and coming back here all the time is not it," Sue told the girl and Santana nodded.

"Will do, Coach Sue. Thank you so much." Santana gave her a smile and headed out of the office.

"Don't come back here for a while."

Santana thought. Where would she go? She can't leave Brittany.

That's when an idea popped into her head. Going home quickly, she got the tickets that Brittany got them for Lesbos and looked it up. Seeing the results of these, she made a new plan and did something even better.

A way better idea.


"And, finally... Brittany S. Pierce."

Brittany's mouth dropped and Santana smiled sweetly as they stood up and the brunette took out the cap and gown she had hidden under her chair.

"I called in some favors with Sue. Everybody deserves a high school graduation, even if it's a year late."

Santana helped her put on the cap and pulled her in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek as she started clapping.

Brittany thought she couldn't be any more in love, but the Latina keeps proving her wrong.

Santana knew it was definitely worth it when she saw the dancers smile and bright eyes up on that stage, especially when she threw the cap. The pure joy she saw was absolutely everything to her.

While they were all talking with their friends, Brittany snuck away to the bathroom to take some pictures of herself in the mirror because she couldn't believe she just graduated.

Santana followed her after getting the papers she had out of her purse.

After reassuring the blonde that she in fact did want to run away with her, she placed her hands on her waist, admiring her smile for a second before announcing her thoughts.

"I was doing some research on Lesbo's Island, it turns out it's not a chock-full of lesbians. It's full of German tourists."

Brittany rolled her eyes a little with a smile at her stupidity but kept listening to the Latina as she ran her fingers up and down her arms that were still planted on her waist.

"I bought us our return tickets. I think that we should go to Lesbos first, and then Hawaii for a couple of weeks, and then come home."

Brittany frowned a little at the 'home' part.

"Well, I don't want to go back to MIT and I can't return to Lima."

Here comes Santana's idea.

"I want you to come to New York with me," she said sheepishly. Brittany bit her lip into a smile. "Is that a yes?"

Santana's head tilted down a little to meet her eyes, melting at the smile on the dancer's face.


Santana laughed softly and pulled the blonde into her, placing a kiss on her lips, and then pulling her in for a hug.

"I can't wait," Santana breathed.

"Me either! When do we leave?"

"In a few days. Is that okay?" Santana cringed because now she feels like that's too soon and there's not enough time to pack.

"It's perfect," Brittany whispered against Santana's lips. Santana breathed in at the feel of the blonde's soft lips. "Let's go pack!" Brittany squealed and started pulling at tan hands.

Santana followed after her with a smile.

Hopes to the best vacation ever.


So far it was really good.

Lesbos was actually really pretty. Though it was pretty hard to do anything since nobody knew how to speak English there.

They had fun anyways. Eating new foods, going to the beach, and having loads of sex, which was their favorite part.

Actually... Brittany's might have been the food.

They were only there for a few days before they boarded a plane to head to Hawaii.

The absolutely awful thing about the flight is that it's twenty-six hours. That was the worst flight in the history of flights, besides when they joined the mile high club... a few times.

When they got to Hawaii, Brittany had squealed and hugged the brunette beside her because Santana's idea to go there was awesome.

Not being able to check in to their hotel yet, they took a cab to get a rental car, leaving their stuff in it after changing into bathing suits and heading to the beach.

"San, this is amazing. Thank you." Brittany told the Latina as they got to the beach.

"Are you kidding? I should be thanking you. I got the idea off you after all." Santana shrugged and laid the blanket down. "Come here, let me put sunscreen on you." Brittany almost rolled her eyes playfully at her words.

"How did I make you think of this?"

"You gave me tickets to Lesbos, making me look it up, and add another trip to the list." Brittany shook her head as she turned around to allow the Latina to spray her front, but she just sprayed her arms before getting the bottle and squirting some on her hands, going to rub it into her back. Santana massaged her a little and then switched places, going in front of Brittany. She met her eyes quickly, putting more sunscreen in her hands and then placing them on the blonde's chest and stomach.

"Really? Is that necessary?" Santana smirked at the dancer as she rubbed the lotion in slowly, massaging here and there.

"Very necessary." Santana scooted closer and kissed her softly. As she did so, she teasingly let her hands run into her bikini top, swiping the nipples, causing the blonde to moan quietly, before taking them out and rubbing the cream down onto her stomach. Santana pulled away and smiled at the dancer.

"Tease," she mumbled. Santana chuckled as she finished rubbing the lotion onto her stomach.

"Can I do your legs?" Brittany shook her head and stood up.

"Nope. I'm gonna spray them myself." Santana pouted and watched as she walked away a few steps so she wouldn't hit the Latina with any sunscreen, and she sprayed it. Santana watched as she bent down to make sure she got her whole leg. Santana watched her ass and the toned muscles in her legs, flexing as she moved.

Brittany glanced at her and smirked. She put the sunscreen away in their bag and then straddled the brunette on the blanket. She wrapped her arms around her neck and pulled at her. Santana's arms made their way around her waist and she laid her head down on the blonde's chest.

"I love you," Santana breathed. Brittany kissed her head and laid her cheek on it, her heart fluttering at the girl's words.

"I love you."

"You're sticky," Santana mumbled after a few minutes of holding each other. Brittany chuckled lightly and pulled back.

"Sorry about that. Somebody wanted me to put on sunscreen. She put on way more around my chest because she wanted to feel me up," Brittany teased and Santana scoffed.

"Nuh uh. I'm allowed to feel up my girlfriend." Brittany's eyes softened and she smiled big.

"Girlfriend huh?" Santana's eyes widened slightly. They never exactly made it official.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I thought you'd never ask," Brittany teased again with a smile. She brought her hand to the back of the blonde's neck and leaned down for a deep kiss.

Santana sighed as it broke and she leaned her forehead against the blonde's, tapping her thighs.

"Want to go into the ocean?" Blue eyes met brown, and her cheeks bunched up into a smile, hopping off the brunette and pulling her up.

"Last one in is Lord Tubbington's ecstasy addiction!" Brittany started running towards the water and Santana laughed at her wording, following after her. She doesn't even think that made any sense, but she's adorable nonetheless.

When Brittany heard the phrase 'last one in is a rotten egg' she thought the ending was supposed to be something bad, like a rotten egg. So, whatever she thinks is bad will be put at the end of the sentence. There's been quite a few different ones that never fail to make the Latina laugh.

When they got into the water, Brittany splashed her, making Santana grumble.

"I beat you!"

"You didn't give me a heads up!"

"That's not what you're supposed to do, San." Santana huffed and her lip jutted out slightly. Brittany giggled, kissing her softly and carefully pulling her further in the water, hoping she won't notice. Santana doesn't like getting in the water, she's scared of the creatures in the ocean. "You sore loser," Brittany mumbled against her lips. 

When they pulled apart, Santana then realized how far out they were. The water was just under her boobs, and she shrieked, trying to get back to shore, but Brittany pulled her back. "And a big baby," she giggled.

"Brittany, let me go. There are sharks in these waters." Brittany pulled her further into her and shook her head.

"Farther out, yes. They won't come close to the people."

"You don't know that."

"I'll protect you," Brittany mumbled and placed two kisses on her cheeks, making them warm.

"You can't protect me from a shark, Britt. If you did, it would eat you too." Brittany chuckled and started pulling her out further. Santana shrieked again and wrapped her legs around the blonde's waist and held on tight to her neck. Brittany held on and smiled.

"They're not around. You don't need to worry. Just don't pee in the water or splash a lot." Santana leaned back, wide eyed as she glanced at the people about twenty feet away who were splashing.

"They're attracted to that?" Santana whispered and Brittany cringed when she followed her like of sight. Maybe she should have just led with pee? Maybe nothing at all. The blonde stayed quiet and just kissed her chin. "Britt, they are splashing like lunatics, and I bet that old ass man over there and some child are going to be peeing all over." Brittany smiled softly at the brunette and spun around, jumping a little to avoid a wave.

"Honey, it's okay, she cooed. "If you really don't like it, we can go back in." Brittany pretended to look sad, and Santana faltered, placing her hands on the dancers' cheeks and tilted her head up.

"No, I'm sorry. We can stay out here." Brittany's face lit up. "One condition." Brittany nodded, expecting something crazy that she wouldn't be able to do, making them have to go back to the shore. "Hold me?" Brittany squealed happily and tightened her hold.

"Always," she mumbled, placing a kiss on the Latina's pouty lips. She jumped again at a wave. "Doesn't this feel nice though?"

"I guess," Santana mumbled and jumped when the lifeguard blew his whistle. "Is there a shark!?" Brittany looked around and then towards the lifeguard to see what he was doing and then looked over in the direction he was facing and waving.

"No, baby. Somebody is just out too far," the blonde reassured Santana, who sighed in relief.

"Thank god."

"You need to relax," Brittany smiled softly at the brunette and rubbed her back slowly, walking back towards the shore a few steps as it got deeper.

"I can't relax out here." Brittany sighed and nuzzled her head between Santana's boobs causing the Latina to giggle. "Stop that." Brittany looked around before placing open mouth kisses around her chest, wanting so bad to be able to pull down her top.

"I have to get you to relax," Brittany mumbled and then kissed the Latina. Santana kissed her back eagerly, relaxing into the kiss when the blonde slipped her tongue in. Santana moaned softly when Brittany's hands made their way down to her ass to hold her up, squeezing occasionally. Brittany pulled back and smirked. "Okay, we can go back to shore. I think our room will be ready." Santana pecked her lips a couple of times as Brittany started to wade back to shore, letting Santana down when it got to their boobs.

"Let's go!" Santana shrieked, happy to get out of the water. Brittany followed after, watching the Latina's figure.


"This room is amazing," Brittany gushed. "I can't believe you did this." Santana went over to the blonde, placing her hands on her waist and pulling her into her.

"Anything for you, my love." Brittany smiled at Santana's words and kissed her softly.

"You didn't have to do all this, but I appreciate it. I appreciate you." Santana's cheeks bunched up and she pecked Brittany's lips once more just as somebody knocked on the door. Brittany has been raving about the room ever since they got here hours ago. As soon as they got to the room, they took a nice long shower, washing off the ocean. It was now seven at night and she's still loving the room, which Santana is super grateful about.

"Oh! It better be my champagne and dinner. It feels like we've been waiting for forever," Santana snapped as she walked towards the door.

"San, it's only been fifteen minutes. They had to make the food you know."

"No excuse." Brittany rolled her eyes with a smile as Santana opened the door. Brittany turned on the television and surfed the very few channels until she found a Disney movie, Nemo. She got all snuggled up against the backboard as Santana wheeled over a tray, filled with their food and a bottle of champagne with two flutes. "I got the goods," Santana teased and started pouring them a glass of champagne.

"Gimme, gimme." Brittany grabbed her plate of food. "I hope this is good," she mumbled and took a bite, moaning at the taste. "Definitely good." Santana smirked and took her own bite.

"Damn that is good."

"Of course Hawaii has good food. Everywhere has good food besides Ohio."

"That's straight facts, Britt-Britt. Everybody has fancy shit besides bum fuck Ohio." Brittany laughed at the scowl on Santana's face and fed her a bite of her food.

"At least we have Breadstix."

"True. Still the best restaurant ever, but we are going to New York. You're still for that right?" Santana asked hesitantly, suddenly coming down with the thought that the blonde won't want to go anymore.

"Of course we're still moving to New York." Santana beamed and grabbed her laptop as she took a few more bites of her food.

"Great! I've been looking at apartments, because there is absolutely no way that I am living with Berry and Porcelain again, especially after I heard Blaine was moving in with them." Brittany laughed and looked at the screen. "I have a few I think would be good and is in my price range. You can have a look, if you don't like any then I'll keep searching."

"You don't have to do all this, Sanny," the dancer said softly as she looked through all the tabs of apartments. "I can pay as well too. So, it's not just you paying."

"I can pay, Britts." Brittany side eyed her and shook her head.

"I'm paying as well. I'll get a job." Santana sighed and nodded.

"Whatever you want, mi amor." Santana kissed the side of her head and took their now empty plates and set them on the tray beside the bed. She grabbed the flutes that were on the tray and handed one to Brittany.

"To the best vacation ever, with the love of my life, and to a life with you in New York." Brittany smiled lovingly, taking her hand to cup the Latina's jaw.

"To the best vacation ever, with my person, and to New York, hopefully not to get robbed." Santana snorted and grinned cheekily as they each took a sip and Santana leaned in to kiss her lips.

"We are never going to leave this bed," she mumbled against her lips.

"But San, the beach!" Brittany mumbled with a pout as Santana's lips moved down to the milky neck.

"Sex on the beach! You're a genius Britt-Britt," Santana pulled away with a smile and leaned back down towards the blonde's chest, where she pulled down her tank top to get access to a perky breast. Her mouth connected to a nipple, and she sucked gently. Brittany's breath caught and she put her hand on the back of her head, pushing her closer. Santana got the message and sucks harder, making Brittany moan.

"That's not what I meant," Brittany breathed. Santana pulled back and started taking off the blonde's tank.

"We can go out at like three in the morning. It'll be great. We can check it off our bucket list." Santana also took her shirt off and kissed the blonde once more.

"Okay," Brittany mumbled as Santana went back down to her twins. Then she kissed her way down her body, wet, open-mouthed kisses. She helped Brittany shimmy her way out of her underwear and looked back up into her eyes.

"This is definitely going to be the best vacation ever," Santana husked as she dove right into Brittany for a long, long night.


The couple hasn't gotten the chance to move to New York yet. Santana went to a different state to shoot yet another Yeast-i-Stat commercial and Brittany went back to Lima to pack for New York. Though, she wasn't exactly sure where to go because Santana and her haven't gotten an apartment yet.

That's when she got the idea to just show up at Rachel and Kurt's. Everybody seems to do that so why can't she?

It sucks not talking to Santana since she threw away her phone, Kiki, but she's hoping to get one soon.

The good thing about New York is that practically everybody is there.

Rachel, Kurt, Blaine, Artie, Sam, and Mercedes. It's perfect. She could just ask Sam or Mercedes to borrow their phone to call her brunette.

Then, Mercedes happened.

"Britt, I was wondering... Would you like to go on tour with me?" Brittany looked up from the couch she was sitting on.


"Yeah! I'm leaving in a week. I talked to my manager, and he said he'd be happy to have you join." Brittany smiled brightly.


"Yeah! Of course. It'll only be for six months." Brittany started to nod her head, but then stopped.

"What about San?" She frowned at the brunette.

"I already talked to her, and she said she's in if you are."

"Really!?" She exclaimed excitedly again.

"Hell yeah! You'll get to see your girl in a couple of days when she meets up with us." Brittany squealed and pulled Mercedes into a hug before pulling away quickly.

"I need to go buy a phone!" Mercedes watched as she bubbly blonde ran out of the house and chuckled, pulling out her phone to text Santana.

She's in. Ur girl is hella excited to see u. She's going to buy a phone right now.


Tour was fun. Brittany loved it. She loved all the dancing and learning new routines. She really missed it.

What she also missed was Santana. When they were on the bus, Brittany was practically counting down the hours till she got to see her.

When they got to the hotel they were staying at, Santana was waiting outside, flowers in hand, and a big smile as soon as she seen the blonde.

Brittany bounded down the stairs and practically jumped into her arms.

"San!" She yelled into her ear and squeezed the life out of her. Santana laughed and swayed them slightly.

"Hi, baby," she murmured. "God, I missed you so much."

"I missed you! Now look, we get to be together every day!" Santana pulled back and cheesed again, pressing her lips to the blonde's.

"Finally." Brittany pulled at her Latina's shoulders to bring her in for another quick hug and Santana pulled away to hand her the flowers. "For you." Brittany blushed and smelled them shyly.

"Thank you," she murmured and kissed a tan cheek. "I love them. You're so sweet."

"Wow, Santana, sweet? Who would've thought?" They heard Mercedes and it made Santana scowl.

"San is the sweetest!" Brittany defended her girlfriend and wrapped her arm around her waist. "Don't be jealous, Mercedes," she teased jokingly. Mercedes laughed loudly.

"Girl, I am not jealous. I love it being me, myself, and I." Mercedes headed into the hotel to get checked in and Brittany squealed once more.

"We're going on tour, Sanny! Tour!" Santana watched lovingly at the dancer's excitement.

"Yeah, baby. We are," Santana mumbled and pulled her in for another kiss, overwhelm by the happiness she felt with the blonde.

It was something that triggered Santana's want to make it official and be with her forever. She could hardly stand being away from her just to do that stupid commercial. It sucked even more that the blonde didn't even have a phone during the time.

"San, there's only one more stop till tour is over. We need to find an apartment," Brittany told the brunette as she started getting dressed, having just got out of the shower. Santana wrapped her arms around her naked waist and placed a kiss on her shoulder.

"We will, baby. We can start looking soon, okay? Don't worry about it." Brittany nodded and leaned back into Santana as her hands started to wander.

A loud pounding on their room door made Santana's hands pause and a groan escaped her lips.

"You guys better not be having sex cause I'm coming in!" Mercedes yelled. Brittany quickly grabbed her clothes and ran to the bathroom just as Mercedes opened the door.

"How the fuck do you even have a key to our room?" Santana complained.

"I have one to everybody's." Santana rolled her eyes and Brittany came out of the bathroom.

"Hey Cedes!" Brittany smiled at the girl and went to push Santana down on the hotel couch, sitting on her lap. Santana's hands made their way around her to hold her up and leaned her head on the blonde.

"Alright, bitches. So, Rachel called." Santana rolled her eyes.

"What does hobbit want and what does that have to do with us?"

"She's going to get the Glee club back up and she wants everybody to come back home to help." Santana started to shake her head, but Brittany clapped happily.

"Really!? San! That'll be so fun."

"No, it won't! I don't want to deal with all of them."

"Please?" Brittany pouted. Santana's eyes softened and she looked away.

"We're going, Satan. Whether you like it or not." Santana groaned and Brittany squealed.

"This is gonna be so fun! And we can go home and see Lord Tubbington. I miss him!" Brittany grabbed Santana's phone, unlocking it and went to her camera roll where Brittany made sure Santana had a folder for her cat and she started looking through the photos, showing Santana and talking about what they're going to do when they get back home. Santana watched her intently with a small smile on her face.

Brittany is absolutely adorable.

Mercedes watched Santana knowingly before excusing herself to leave.

"Tomorrow is the last show. We're going to be up early for practice to run through it one more time. So, get some sleep, no sex." Mercedes pointed at them with a look as Santana grumbled and complained. Brittany nodded at the diva and waved as she left.

"Let's go to sleep, Sanny." Brittany pulled at her hand after getting up and Santana followed the blonde aimlessly.

"Seriously? No sex?" Brittany gave her a pointed look as she got under the covers and opened her arms for Santana.

"No sex."

"Unfair," Santana mumbled as she laid her head on the blonde's chest.

"Not. Go to sleep." The brunette sighed and closed her eyes as she snuggled deeper into the blonde. After a few minutes her hands started to dance around the blonde's waist and down further. Brittany cleared her throat. "Stop that. Go to sleep, San. We can have all the sex you want when we get back home, okay?"

"Promise?" Brittany giggled and nodded her head, leaning her head down to capture Santana's lips.

"I promise." Santana took it and laid her head back down, allowing herself to relax.

One last thing was on her mind, and she started her plan for when they got back to Lima. One more thing to get before they leave.

She let a smile grace her face as she fell asleep.


"Hey Mrs. Pierce!" Santana greeted the woman with a hug. They had just gotten back from the bonfire.

"Santana! It's been so long." Santana smiled at the older blonde and Brittany also greeted her.

"Hey, mom. Where's dad?"

"Oh, you know him. Always going to bed so early." Whitney waved off her daughter as she went back to her magazine. "You'll have to greet him tomorrow."

"Okay, I'm going to shower," Brittany kissed the brunette's cheek before heading out of the room.

"It's so good seeing you, dear!" Whitney called out to her daughter and Brittany yelled back the same.

Santana waited until she heard the shower running and cleared her throat.

"Mrs. Pierce?" Whitney looked up and smiled.

"You need to stop calling me that, you're like my third daughter. It's Whitney." Santana nodded, mumbling a 'right.'

"I wanted to ask you something." Whitney nodded, setting down the magazine and gave the brunette all of her attention. Santana rubbed her clammy hands together and then wiped them on her dress.

"Um... I love Brittany. I love her more than anything else in this world and I want to spend the rest of my life with her," Santana started, her voices wavered at the beginning, but got more confident as she went on. "I wanted to get your permission... to ask her to marry me." Whitney had a hand over her mouth, smiling with tears in her eyes and pulled Santana in for another hug.

"Oh! Of course you can! You have my blessing. I wouldn't want anyone else for my baby." Santana sighed in relief and closed her eyes as her own tears sprung up.

"Thank you so much," Santana mumbled against the older blonde. Whitney pulled back and wiped her tears. "Should I ask Pierce tomorrow for permission too?"

"No, no," she shook her head. "He would say yes as well. Do you have the ring?" Santana nodded with a smile.

"I do. I found the perfect one for her." Santana had looked through six different stores, trying to find the perfect ring that just screamed Brittany.

After searching for so long, she finally found one and bought it immediately. Mercedes, Brittany, and Santana were supposed to go for manicures and massages that day, but Santana played sick so she could go out and ring shop. Brittany tried to stay at the hotel with her, but after half an hour of trying to convince her to go, she reluctantly did. Kissing her goodbye and making sure to leave a bottle of water, Advil, and a sandwich on the nightstand.

Perfect plan, even if she did have to give up a very relaxing day. She didn't care because hopefully she will be spending the rest of her life with her true love. She'd give up anything just for that.

"You know when you're going to do it?" Santana thought about the question the woman asked.

"I'm still working on it," Santana smiled at the blonde and they heard the shower turn off. Whitney waved her off to go to Brittany's room and Santana gave her one last hug and a kiss on the cheek, thanking her once more before leaving to change quickly and lay in bed.

"Hey, San," Brittany smiled at the brunette who was in her bed. Santana swallowed thickly at the blonde in front of her, clad in just a towel, water droplets along her body.

"Hello," Santana whistled. Brittany giggled and dropped the towel. Santana groaned and started to get out of bed, but Brittany shook her head.

"Nope," she popped the 'p'.

"What?" Santana whined. "Again? No sex?"

"San! My parents and sister are in the house, not to mention, my mom is still awake." Santana sighed and nodded, just watching the dancer get dressed.

Brittany made her way over to the bed and Santana pulled her down on top of her, kissing her softly.

"I love you," Santana murmured against her lips. Brittany smiled and twirled a piece of dark locks around her finger.

"I love you so much more." Santana scoffed but smiled sweetly at her.

"Definitely not." Brittany raised her eyebrows and smirked, leaning down to kiss her again.

Yeah, hopefully she'll say yes.


The next morning, after Brittany's parents and sister left, they had sex that lasted a couple of hours. Santana was on a high after they got a shower and dressed, and they laid back down in bed. Santana poured them some champagne and they started talking about the Glee club assignment they had gotten yesterday. Santana listened to Brittany's idea, but wanted to make sure it was clear to be a mash-up.

"Aren't we here to help the Glee club get back on top? And don't you think that teaching the power of a mash-up would totally contribute to that?"

Mashups were always Santana's favorite thing to do in the club.

"I may be a genius, but... how can I argue with the logic of your giant, generous heart?"

Santana smiled bashfully, looking down.

"Come here," Brittany mumbled and leaned in to kiss the brunette softly.

"Ugh, we are so awesomely in love. I would totally hate us if I didn't know us."

Santana's heart soared at the words and more hope set in her.

Santana took this as a sign to go onto the New York topic again. Sure, they talked about moving in together, but she brought up the idea of going to school.

"How much fun would it be to be back in school together again?"

"It'd be amazing!"

Thank God she thinks the same.

"I love you, Britt."

Brittany's heart melted.

"I love you, too," she said softly.

Santana crawled over to the blonde who opened her arms so she could crawl back into them.

"I'm serious. I mean, living my life with you is one of the few things that's actually as good in real life as it is in my imagination." Santana's arm wound away the slim waist and her head rested at the top of Brittany's breasts. "You make me so happy." Brittany's fingers danced up and down her arm and she locked eyes with the brunette.

"And I'm never going to stop doing just that. As a math genius, I am one of the few people who understands the concept of infinity, and I will love you until infinity, Santana Lopez." Santana heart felt like it might burst at the happiness she felt when she heard those words.

"And I will love you until infinity, too, Britt." Santana looked off with a smile as it hit her at how she should propose. Santana snuggled deeper into Brittany and inhaled. "You're my favorite person ever."

Brittany smiled goofily.

"Ditto." Santana chuckled and started to sit up.

"We need to work on our mash-up." Brittany jumped up and squealed.

"Okay! This is going to be so fun." Santana watched with loving eyes as she got her phone and iPod. "Come on!"


The next day, Santana went into the Glee club before anybody else. She went up to the guitar player.

"Hey, can I ask for a favor?" The girl looked up and nodded. "After Britt and I are done with the song, I'm going to ask her to marry me. Can you hand me this ring?" She held the box out and the girl picked it up.

"You got it," she smiled.

"Thank you." Santana waved to the band as she left and went to go find everybody else. She took a deep breath on the way and tried to calm her shaky hands.

She's going to say yes, right?


They finished the song and Santana had to smile because Brittany's voice has gotten so much better, and she sounds good. Santana's always loved her voice, but it's definitely improved.

"And that is how a mash-up is done, everyone," Rachel stated after clapping.

"No, actually this is." She turned to the blonde, asking her to take a seat, softly. Brittany did as told and watched the brunette carefully. "So, I figured that this place is as good a place as any to ask you this question."

Santana figured that she would do this in the Glee club room. It's where everything major happened.

"I want to mash up with you forever, Britt. I mean, some people love someone because they make them a better person, and that's not why I love you because you've always just wanted me to be myself. You're my favorite person in the whole world, and we're a big deal, you know?" Brittany smiled and the brunette, listening carefully. "No matter how many times we've tried to put our thing down and walk away from it, we can't because I don't want to live my life without my one true love. And... I normally use a lot of words when I'm saying something negative, so since this is the most positive thing I'm ever gonna do, I'm gonna keep it simple." The guitar girl handed Santana the box, she understood the assignment. Santana got down on her knee and Brittany's mouth dropped as she looked at the other glee members. "Brittany S. Pierce... will you marry me?" She opened the box, Brittany place her hands over her mouth. Brittany nodded as her eyes watered. She took the ring and started placing it on her ringer.

"Oh my god, I would love to." Santana's eyes widened as they started to stand up.


Brittany opened her arms at her.

"I would love to."

Santana broke into one of the biggest smiles she thinks she's ever managed as she hugged the blonde back, tightly and everybody around them clapped.

Of course Kurt had to ruin it with big mouth, but thankfully nobody agreed with him, and Tina turned it back to the happily newly engaged couple as everybody got up to congratulate them and look at the ring.

Quinn came up to them and went to hug the couple.

"See, I told you. You guys would find each other again," she winked at them and then looked at the ring. "Good job, Satan. It's beautiful."

"Thanks, Q," Santana smiled. Brittany squealed happily again and hugged Quinn.

"Thank you." Quinn chuckled and patted the bubbly blonde's back. Brittany turned back to Santana, planting a kiss on her lips and murmured in her ear, "Let's go have some sweet, sweet lady sex." Santana's eyes widened as a tingle ran down her spine. Santana grabbed the blonde's hand, not even saying goodbye to Quinn making Brittany laugh. "San! Bye Quinn!" Brittany yelled back at the other blonde who just shook her head at the two.


"How do you want the wedding?" Santana asked the blonde as they cuddled in the brunette's bed, naked. A few days after the proposal, they've been altering between houses. Some nights they were at the Pierce's, other nights they were at the Lopez's.

Their parents took the news very well. Of course Pierce forgot who Santana was for a second. Maybe they should've announced they were getting married together, but it was kind of an in the moment type thing for Brittany. Then she called Santana to tell her about it, because they were spending the day with their parents before meeting up with each other at one of their houses again.

Santana's parents were good. Kind of. Maribel was great of course. She was very excited. Her dad on the other hand, she's not sure, he was okay, but not thrilled. He always said how he was fine with her being gay, but she knew that wasn't much of the case. He's just like her abuela, also known as his mother. They were very alike; he just wasn't intense, and he actually dealt with it.

"Mami, papi, I have something to tell you," Santana stated at dinner. The gave her all their attention immediately.

"What's wrong, mija? Did something happen?" Her mother asked with concerned eyes. Santana smiled.

"No, actually, this is something good. Really good." They nodded at her to continue. "Um, I proposed to Brittany... she said yes." Santana beamed happily. Maribel broke into a smile and ran over to hug her daughter.

"Oh, mija! That's fantastic. I'm so happy for you two. We have to talk wedding plans." Santana chuckled at her mother. She was glad she was excited. They both looked at Santana's father who had his brows furrowed and hands folded in front of him.

"Papi?" Santana asked tentatively. "What do you think?" he cleared his throat lightly.

"Why?" Santana frowned and pursed her lips.

"Why what?"

"I thought you would've changed by now."


"Out of this phase," he explained. Santana's eyebrows furrowed even more.

"Antonio!" Maribel scolded.

"Maribel, this has gone too far! She's supposed to marry a man."

"You said that you were fine with me being gay..." Santana said quietly as she thought back, looking for any signs that could have told her he wasn't okay with it, but he was barely even home to tell.

"Cause I thought it would be a phase." Santana cleared her throat, ignoring his comment.

"You'll still be coming to the wedding though, right?" Antonio paused and just looked at his daughter before glancing away.

"I'm afraid not."

Santana was sad about that, of course, but her father wasn't very present in her life in the first place. He spent more time at work than he did at his own home. Brittany made sure to cheer her up after that and she did.

"How do you want it?"

"I want whatever you want," Santana replied and pressed a kiss to her cheek, rubbing her nose against the dancers. "We could get married in a swamp and wear trash bags for all I care, as long as I get to marry you." Brittany smiled sweetly and kissed her lips.

"I love you so much," she murmured. Santana smiled against her and wrapped her arms around her waist, laying down on top of Brittany.

"I love you." Santana laid her head on her chest and Brittany's fingers went up and down her back and arms. "Seriously though, we can do whatever you want, I'll help, but if you don't like one of my ideas you have to tell me, okay? Because I want to make sure you actually like our wedding." Brittany laughed lightly.

"I'll love whatever it is, too, you know?"

"You have any ideas?" Brittany pursed her lips in thought as Santana traced her collarbone with her finger.

"The underworld?" Santana chuckled at the suggestion but nodded anyways.

"If that's what you want."


"Yeah, of course, baby."

"Sanny, you're so sweet, but I was joking," Brittany laughed at Santana and kissed her head a couple of times. "I was thinking about asking Artie to help." Santana's eyebrows furrowed. She's civil with him, sure. Though, deep down she's still not a fan of him.

"Why him?" Brittany shook her head with a small smile at Santana's tone. She knew that tone. The jealous one. Brittany continued to trace hearts all along Santana's back as she listened to Santana have her little rant. "For what? What could wheels possibly help with? He can't do shit," Santana grumbled.

"Don't be mean, San. He's a director, he can help our visions come to life!" Brittany thought her idea was brilliant.

"I suppose... I just don't like him."

"And why's that? Hm?" Brittany knew the answer. She still felt bad about it, but she liked teasing the Latina about it now.

"He took you away from me," she mumbled sadly, and Brittany let a sad smile cross her face as she pet Santana's hair, letting her hand glide over to the brunette's chin and lifted it to look at her.

"Well, guess what now? I'm marrying you. You, not him, okay? Nobody is going to take me from you ever again, you hear? I love you so much and you're going to be stuck with me for however long you'll have me," she said sternly, but softly.

"Can I keep you forever?"

"That's the plan, baby. I'll be yours for forever and ever." Santana smiled back at the blonde and leaned down for a deep kiss, slipping her tongue in.

Santana flipped them over and went down to show Brittany just how much she loves and wants her.


Santana and Brittany were sitting on the floor of Brittany's bedroom. The blonde specifically wanted to make her own list of people she wanted to invite to the wedding and of course, Santana let her.

Santana was going through all the names, giving Brittany her opinion and then she saw her grandmothers name.

"Uh, why are you inviting my abuela?"

Brittany wanted to make sure that she has the opportunity to come. She knows how much Santana's abuela means to her.

"Because you won't, and she should be there," Brittany stated matter-of-factly.

"Having her at my wedding means not marrying you. And I'd choose you over everyone."

That's a fact.

"I'd choose you, too." Brittany leaned over, her hand making its way to Santana's cheek. She ran her thumb over it and kissed her lightly.

That night, Brittany told Santana she was going to make an errand. Santana didn't question it, she told Brittany that she was going to go visit her parents.

Brittany put on the closest thing to a nurse's outfit she had and made her way over to Santana's abuela's to try and earn her trust so she could come onto her internet talk show, Fondue for Two.

She knew Santana would see it. Brittany made sure to tell her to watch it.

Brittany set abuela up a little bit, talking about how wedding planning is stressful and how she and her fiancée should just elope.

"Planning a wedding can be so much work. Maybe my fiancée and I should just elope."

It was perfect.

"When two souls unite as one, it is a day of celebration. You should be surrounded by your loved ones, especially tu familia. Friends come and go, but family is your blood. And they need to share in your joy."

Brittany got just the answer she wanted and needed.

Santana let the blonde convince her that her abuela might change and that it's their job to educate older people that they're normal.

"Have I ever told you that I love?"

"Tell me again."

"I love you."

Being in Brittany's arms felt like a dream come true and she felt on top of the world. They felt like a puzzle piece, fitting together perfectly.

Nuzzling her face into Brittany's neck, Santana knew this was where she wanted to be for the absolute rest of her life. If she couldn't convince her abuela that they're normal, she wouldn't give a flying fuck anymore. She would rather be with Brittany, happy and content being able to be with her, than practically never being allowed to be herself or happy, just for the sake of her grandmother's feelings. Santana already knew that if she gave up Brittany just so she could have her grandmother in her life, she would never be happy, nor would she ever be able to be herself.

Santana has learned to love herself, and she's learned that being with a woman is okay, and if her grandma doesn't support that? Then it's her grandma's loss.

After the Glee club sang to Santana and Brittany, telling her all the love that she has within them, she felt in better spirits. So, she didn't have one person's love? So what? She had all these amazing people in her life that would gladly fill that hole and over pour it with love. And there's never too much love in the world.


Wedding dress shopping was a little odd. Santana knew that Brittany didn't want to be seen, but why couldn't she just see one dress? It's not like it would be the one.

Guess she was wrong.

"Wow. Wow, Brittany, you look so beautiful."

She was.

"Oh my god, what are you doing!?"

Brittany looked so freaked out.

"I was going crazy back there, but you know what? Everybody's right. You look incredible."

She was stunning.

"No, no, no. You're not supposed to see the dress before the wedding."

Brittany really started to freak out and Tina actually had salt in her purse? Just randomly in there. Santana's concerned gaze was on the blonde as she freaked out.

"It's okay, Britt. Calm down. It's gonna be okay."

The blonde was practically hyperventilating. All Santana wanted to do was take her into her arms and calm her down, but everybody was yelling at her to go back into the room, so she did.

She felt really bad. She knew how Brittany believed in all myths and things like that, so why would she do something like that? Later when they were driving home after picking out their dresses, she felt the need to apologize. Brittany was being a little quiet and was on her phone looking up things to counteract the bad luck.

"Britt?" Santana asked softly, glancing at her as they drove. Brittany hummed in response. "I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"I didn't think when I came out that it would be the dress you picked... I just really wanted to see you and I couldn't wait any longer, everybody was complimenting you and I wanted to see," she explained meekly. Brittany cracked a small smile.

"I understand, but now we're gonna have bad luck. We need to do some rituals tonight so nothing goes wrong at the wedding or for the rest of our lives." Santana sighed sadly and nodded.

"Whatever you want," she whispered. Yeah, she felt bad and now she had to do stupid rituals.


The barn was pretty big. There were other rooms that were used for things such as tools or an office when the barn was still being used and not abandoned. So, those rooms were used as the rooms that Santana and Brittany got ready in.

After Brittany sent everybody away to do some more rituals and to get some things to counteract the bad luck, Santana came in and once again, Brittany freaked out.

"This was all adorable, but now I'm putting my foot down."

She should have done it sooner.

She explained to Brittany how it was something having to do way back when, when it was arranged marriages. If the people arranged to marry each other seen the other person, they might back out of the marriage. That wasn't allowed to happen back then, it would probably make hell turn lose.

"That's not us, okay? Because you love me, and I love you. And no silly superstitions are gonna change that." Brittany still looked a little upset, so she continued on. "Hey, I'm really sorry that I can't go an hour without seeing you, cause I'll just miss you too much. And me and you? The rules don't apply to us." Santana explained to the blonde that they make their own rules and continued to go on about how Santana says it's good luck to kiss the bride before the wedding because then they can have the kiss they can't have in front of all their friends and family.

Santana proceeded to pull the blonde into her and kiss her deeply. So, so, so worth it.

"I love you so much," Brittany said softly, running her hands down tan arms.

"I love you."

Sue Sylvester ended up coming into the room bearing gifts, her abuela. That seemed to make the day even better.

After her abuela left the room, Brittany decided to throw in her idea.

"Sanny?" Brittany asked softly as they cuddled up in the chair that was in the room. Santana hummed as she stroked down silky blonde locks, making sure not to mess anything up. "Can we invite Blaine and Kurt to get married with us?" Santana's hands froze and she sat up to look at the blonde.

"Excuse me?" Brittany looked down and joined their hands together.

"Please? They've been a big part of our lives too. They- They made me feel safe at our school, knowing there were other people like us that would always defend us. I've always looked up to them. It would be so great if we helped them got married and even better if they got married with us." Santana sighed exasperated.


"So serious. Please, San? I'll do anything you want," Brittany pleaded. Santana's eyes got a sparkle in them at hearing Brittany would do anything she wanted if she said yes.

"Anything I want?" Brittany nodded eagerly.

"Anything." Santana smirked before it turned into a sweet smile at the blonde.

"Fine," she mumbled and went to kiss Brittany. "I'll get Sue." Brittany clapped happily.

"Thank you so much! You're the best, San!" Santana sighed and nodded at the blonde, pecking her lips before going to get Sue.

She wasn't the happiest that they got married with Blaine and Kurt, especially after Kurt interrupted and ruined Santana's proposal to the blonde, saying how they won't work out and blah blah blah. What a load of shit. The last thing she wanted was to get married with them, but that's what Brittany wanted, and she could never say 'no' to the blonde.

Whatever Brittany wanted, that's what Brittany got.


The wedding was absolutely beautiful. Santana thought it was gorgeous, and she loved that it was in the barn that Brittany was born in. That's something unique in her eyes and it just makes the day much more special.

A barn is actually very aesthetically pleasing when it's all decorated pretty. Santana made sure to hire a photographer to get tons of pictures of both how the barn looked and of the whole ceremony. She wanted to be able to remember this day for the rest of her life.

This was Santana's happiest and most amazing  day ever. She now has Brittany for forever and ever.

Their parents pitched together to let them have a hotel for the night before going on their honeymoon. So, their parents wouldn't have to hear them all night...

That was very nice of them too.

Santana was kissing down the blonde's body, sucking and biting here and there.

"First fuck as a married couple," she sang and Brittany rolled her eyes playfully, scoffing as she pulled the Latina's head up to her breast.

"Making love," she corrected and then moaned as Santana paid attention to her nipple.

"Making love," Santana nodded in agreement and made her way back up to Brittany's lips, placing a couple kisses there. "I love you so much, wifey." Brittany smiled happily as her hands ran up and down smooth, tan sides.

"I love you, Mrs. Lopez-Pierce." Santana hummed happily as she leaned back down to connect their lips.

Definitely the happiest day of their lives.


It was a little weird to get called to the auditorium by Sue, but it was intriguing, so they went. Blaine and Kurt were also there.

"Well, I have one last gift for both of you, my legacy couples, and I wanted to give them to you myself."

All four of them went onto the stage and Sue handed a very golden sparkly envelope to each couple.

"Inside each of your envelopes you will find your very own honeymoon showcase showdown."

Even more intriguing. Blaine and Kurt opened theirs first, reading it aloud. After hearing how cool there's was, Santana looked at Brittany and started opening theirs, shocked that Sue was actually giving them something nice and it wasn't a scam. Unless it was...

"A month long, all-expense-paid trip to the Atlantic Resort on Paradise Island in the Bahamas."

They got very excited.

"Oh my gosh! No way!" Santana said happily as she started to jump up and down slightly. Brittany was excited in another way.

"That's where Wonder Woman was born!" She exclaimed.

"Lassos of Truth included!" Santana, Brittany, and Sue all said as the two girls went to hug their old cheerleading coach, thanking her.

Brittany and Santana hugged each other, staying in each other's arms, still jumping excitedly as Sue walked away.

"You're the best!" Santana called after her as Brittany kept saying, "the Bahamas," over and over, super excited. Santana was secretly laughing in her head that her and Brittany got a whole month in the Bahamas for their honeymoon and the other two only got a weekend in some place that doesn't even seem that great. She thinks it's hilarious.

They got over it quickly as Blaine and Kurt started talking about how they couldn't believe they did all this.

"Oh my gosh... I can't believe we have the same anniversary now." Brittany exclaimed and Santana faltered.

"I can't... Wait, hold up. What was that?" Brittany ignored her confusion.

"Yeah, you guys, we're in this together now. Okay? You can count on us. And I think we should make a pact, to, um, celebrate our anniversary together every year for the rest of our lives." Santana's eyebrows were still furrowed, trying to figure out what the hell she just got herself into by allowing Blaine and Kurt to get married with them.

"Or maybe like every fifth year?" Kurt suggested. Santana relaxed a little bit at every fifth year and not having to do it every year. She would rather poke her eyeballs out with forks than to do that.

But whatever Brittany wanted...


"Holy shit," Santana exclaimed as they got to the Atlantic Resort. Brittany squealed and clasped onto Santana's hand.

"This place is so big!"

"Wanky," Santana mumbled as they looked around. Brittany tapped her hand and the Latina winked at her.

"It's so pretty," Brittany said happily as they headed inside the hotel. "This is gonna be so exciting!" Brittany dragged the Latina over towards the desk to check-in.

"Hi, we have a reservation for Lopez-Pierce," Santana told the man at the counter, smiling widely. The two girls were still getting used to their last names put together, but they absolutely loved it.

The man gave them their key cards, smiling with a 'have a nice stay,' his eyes lingering on the blonde. Brittany pulled her away quickly, excited to see their room.

"He totally wants you," Santana grumbled as they got to the elevator and Brittany pushed their floor, along with all the buttons above them, causing the Latina to crack a smile.

"So?" Brittany asked and leaned into Santana.

"I didn't like the way he was looking at you," she frowned. Brittany smiled and pecked her cheek.

"Good thing I'm married and madly in love with you, huh?" Brittany smirked and they got to their floor, the eleventh one.

"Still," Santana furrowed her brows, "I should've taught him a lesson."

"San," she dragged as they got to the door and Brittany excitedly ripped one of the key cards out of Santana's hand. "Let him look. I only want you." She walked into the room and squealed. "Look at this place!" She set her luggage down and belly flopped onto the bed, making Santana laugh. "This is awesome! Come join." Santana set her things down and then plopped down next to the blonde, wrapping her arm around her waist and pulling her into her body. Brittany welcomed it happily, wiggling closer.

"I can't believe we're married," Santana whispered into her hair. She pulled back to look into her favorite pair of eyes. "It's a dream come true."

"Oh really? How long has this been a dream of yours?" Brittany asked with a smile and rubbed her nose against Santana's.

"Ever since we were kids." Brittany quirked an eyebrow at that, wanting more explanation. "I've always loved you. Looking back on everything, I always have, even if I didn't know it yet, and when I was denying it especially. It's always been you." Brittany's eyes softened and she placed a light, lingering kiss on the Latina's lips.

"It's always been you for me too," she whispered and placed her hand on the back of Santana's neck, placing her lips back on her wife's.

"Now I get to keep you forever," Santana murmured and started placing kisses along the dancer's milky neck.

"That sounds like the best deal ever," Brittany breathed. "I love you so much."

"I love you." Santana stated and pulled her body into her again, hugging her close.


It was after three years they had been married when Brittany brought up the idea of kids. Santana wasn't fond of it at first, but she told Brittany she would think about it. She didn't take it seriously at first, but then they started running into kids all the time and it started to feel like a sign.

The first time, they were in the store.

"This is so much candy, Britt-Britt," Santana stated as they started to check out.

"San, it's Easter. I told our parents that I would buy the candy this year," Brittany said and scanned another bag.

Santana handed her another bag.

"Yeah, well I don't think they need this much."

"Well, now we have extras," Brittany winked playfully at the brunette and Santana chuckled. Of course she would buy way more than needed just so it's a guarantee that she would get some.

"You know, I like don't even like any of this candy. Why didn't you get anything I like?" Santana frowned as she looked at the plain Hershey bars she handed to the blonde.

Brittany smiled sheepishly.

"My bad. More for me, I guess." Santana scoffed, but the laughed.

"Rude," she mumbled playfully. "Can I go get some?"

"Of course, honey." Brittany continued to scan the items as Santana went to look at the shelves a little behind them. She looked around until she spotted them. Caramello's. The best candy out there, and there was only three left. She grabbed them all and rushed back to her wife, dropping them in front of her. Brittany chuckled and started scanning them. "This isn't even Easter candy, San. You never even eat normal candy. So, of course I didn't get anything you like."

"Hey, I'll have you know that I eat normal candy-" She stopped when she felt a tug on her pants, looking down slightly she seen a little boy. "Um, hello there." The little boy smiled, missing one front tooth.

"Miss? You took that last Caramello." Santana looked at Brittany who was smiling at the boy.

"I'm sorry. What do you want me to do about it?" Brittany nudged her and the boy faltered.

"Um, mommy says if I ask nice, you might give it to me. So, hi miss, could I please have one of your Caramello's? Mommy even gave me monies to give you!" He showed them the two one-dollar bills in his hand, proudly. Santana cracked a smile at the kid, he was cute. She reluctantly took one out of the bag Brittany put it in and gave it to the boy.

"Keep the money."

"Thank you, miss!" He said happily and held out his hand for her to shake, causing her to giggle. She shook his little hand anyways and he ran back over to his mom who smiled gratefully at her.

Brittany hugged the brunette's waist and kissed her cheek.

"You're so sweet," she murmured. "You'd be a good mom." Santana cleared her throat, ignoring the statement, kissed the blonde's cheek, and started to finish scanning the items.

The second time they ran into a child was near the park. Santana and Brittany were walking back to their apartment after having lunch together. They heard a little girl crying. Santana was going to let it go, but Brittany being her caring self, pulled Santana towards the sound and found a little girl sitting beside a bush.

"Hey," Brittany said softly, trying to meet the girl's eyes. She was probably around four. "What's the matter?" The little girl looked up, a little frightened until she seen the caring smile on the blonde's face.

"Where are your parents?" Santana asked with a tilt of her head. She looked around, trying to find anybody around, but there was a lot of people out today. No wonder she was scared.

Once the little girl opened up to them, she said her name was Katie. She held onto Brittany's hand as they walked through the park trying to find her parents. Santana stated back a little and just watched. Brittany was talking with Katie, trying to get her spirits up and trying to get her to talk more. She was adorable with her.

Once they found Katie's parents, Katie hugged both of their legs, squeaking a little 'thank you'.

After that, they walked back home and Santana thought. They met one more little boy a few days later when they were taking another daily walk.

He was playing soccer with his dad, around eight years old. He accidentally kicked the soccer ball in front of them, it scraped against Santana's leg.

"I'm sorry!" He said and grabbed the ball with his hands. "I didn't make it in the net," he frowned. The two girls looked over at the makeshift net and the dad waved to them in apology.

"You'll get it in next time!" Brittany encouraged.

"Totally," Santana said along with her. "Practice makes perfect," she winked playfully. He smiled at the two, saying bye before running back over to his dad.

"That's cute," Brittany said as she watched them play.

Santana watched her once more and something filled inside of her. It almost felt like when she first realized that she was in love with the blonde. It would be absolutely adorable to have mini-Brittany's running around.

She was going to tell her.

Santana was laying on her side in bed, head propped up on her hand as she waited for Brittany to get in with her. She was in the bathroom getting ready for bed. Santana could hear her humming and it brought a smile to her face as she listened carefully.

"San!" She called. "Can you get some more toilet paper?" The Latina chuckled and got up. She went into the bathroom where the blonde was sitting on the toilet.

"You need to learn to look at the roll before you sit."

"You need to learn how to put more on the roll. You just use the rest of it and leave it there!" She grumbled with a scoff that then turned into a pout. Santana got into the linen closet and handed her a roll.

"Sorry, baby. I'll do better," she smiled. She left the bathroom, Brittany yelling a 'thanks' after her and the blonde soon joined her a few minutes later, snuggling into her.

"You smell good," Brittany hummed and Santana chuckled, running her hands absentmindedly down the blonde's arm.

"Let's have a baby," she blurted out. Brittany froze and Santana internally scolded herself. She couldn't have like brought up a conversation to lead up to that first? Brittany sat up to look at her wife more clearly and Santana sat up as well.

"You want a baby?" She asked, wide eyes and her brows a little furrowed. Santana nodded. "Not joking?"

"Let's have a baby, baby." Brittany giggled at that. "For real."

"I'm serious, San. You're not joking?"

"I'm one hundred percent serious, with no doubt in my mind. I want to start a family with you." Brittany squealed and pounced on the Latina, her arms wrapping around her neck and her legs going around the waist. Santana smiled happily into Brittany's shoulder.

"You're amazing. So, so, so amazing," Brittany murmured.

Santana honestly couldn't wait to start a family with the love of her life.


When Santana told Brittany she was finally ready to start a family, they started talking about it the next day. They had a lot to do. Though, Brittany had been looking up and researching the procedures and what they would have to do and who they could go to. The procedure and where they would go, they had it down.

Now they needed to figure out who was going to carry the baby, and they needed a donor.

After talking a lot about it. They finally decided that Santana was going to carry the baby, even though she wasn't exactly thrilled at the thought at first.

Though, Brittany was a beginner in her dancing career, just getting started and if she had the baby that would take a whole year or more off of her career and then it would take even a little longer to get back into it and get her body back to the right shape.

Santana was just in school to be a lawyer. All she did was sit around and do paperwork all day, so far.

It made the most logical sense for Santana to carry it. Brittany tried to tell the Latina that they could wait longer if Santana wasn't ready and didn't want to carry it, but Santana said no. She wanted to do this. She wanted a baby. She can deal with it for nine months, right?

She did.

It was both awful for Santana and Brittany.

Pregnant Santana was like drunk Santana. She cried a lot, over everything, and about five times worse than if she was drunk.

She cried over cereal commercials, about how mean it is for the Cinnamon Toast Crunch to eat each other. "That's cannibalism!" She had cried.

She cried over Brittany leaving for work. Brittany had to make sure it was almost an hour before she actually had to leave for work to tell Santana she was leaving, because it would take about an hour just to consult her and make sure to give her all the love and reassuring words that she would be back.

She cried when she was finishing up her food, saying how she wanted more. She didn't want to be finished yet. So, Brittany would make sure to always go get her some more food.

Speaking of food, she had the weirdest cravings.

Mashed potatoes with hot sauce and caramel for breakfast.

Pickles and ice-cream.

Avocado toast with bananas on top as well.

She was pregnant during Christmas time and when they were watching The Elf, she wanted to try Buddy's breakfast pasta. Santana even made Brittany try it. She wasn't a fan, but she smiled and nodded after she took a bite just to make her wife happy - which it did.

Her biggest craving was breadsticks. Breadsticks with anything on it. She tried it with peanut butter, ice-cream, mustard, avocado, and even Jell-O.

Apart from the crying and the weird food. Her sex drive skyrocketed even more than it already was.

She constantly wanted sex from Brittany, which the blonde didn't mind all that much, but it was tiring and sometimes she wasn't in the mood after a long day and then she'd upset her wife. She didn't mean or want to, but it wouldn't be long until Santana was fine again and just cuddled up with the blonde and tried to make her feel better with massages and her sweet words.

Brittany also had to deal with Santana's many mood swings, waking up in the middle of the night because Santana wanted some kind of food, and they wouldn't have it. She'd spend her days at work very tired because she would be up with Santana, rubbing her swollen belly, trying to soothe her wife of the pain the babies were causing.

During the pregnancy, the biggest surprise they got, was that they were having twins.


When they heard the news, both of their mouths dropped.

"You've got to be shitting me," Santana said. Brittany tapped her arm and shook her head.

"This is so great!" Brittany squealed.

"Britt, that's another baby. Two! We have to go buy another of everything now! We're not ever going to sleep until we're thirty."

"That's only a little over five years away."

"I take it back; we won't be sleeping ever again."

"You're so dramatic, honey. This is going to be so fun, and a good experience!"

"Experience my ass," she grumbled. Brittany just shook her head, smiling slightly and placed a kiss on the back of the Latina's hand that was in her own.

It was only later that day that Santana got excited about twins. She couldn't wait.

When the due date for their babies got closer, the more scared the Latina was. Brittany reassured her multiple times that it would be okay, and that the blonde would be right there with her the whole entire time.

And she was.

Then, on April twenty-seventh, at three in the morning, their babies were born.

One boy and one girl.

There was lots of yelling from the Latina's end and tears in Brittany's end, from both seeing her wife's pain and also feeling the pain in her hand where Santana had a fierce grip on. She ended up only bruising the blonde's hand and thankfully did not break anything.

After they figured that Santana would carry their child, or in this case, children, they found a man with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, just like Brittany.

No, they did not use Trouty. Brittany suggested, which was a bad idea on her part. It just turned into a hard shut down of the idea and an argument that took two days for Santana to even acknowledge any of her ideas again. Brittany understood.

Daniel Ashton Lopez-Pierce was born first. His skin tone was close to Brittany's, a tiny bit darker. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, with Santana's smile and little ears.

Then there was Valerie Quinn Lopez-Pierce. She was almost an exact replica of Santana. Their skin complexion was closer except Valerie's was a tiny bit lighter, she had her nose, lips, ears, and dimples. Almost everything besides the blue eyes underneath her eye lids.

The parents were completely in awe of their creations. Santana got to hold them both first. She just stared at them at they laid on her bare chest. She rubbed their backs gently and she felt Danny's hair, it was so soft. She was in love with them already. Tears fell down her cheeks as she kissed both of their heads. Brittany just watched from beside them. It made her heart pulse with love as she watched them together.

Once Santana started to get tired, she handed one of them to Brittany. It happened to be Valerie.

She supported the head and butt as she held her in front of her.

"You're so precious," she mumbled and maneuvered her so she was cradling her in her arms. Her finger ran down the side of her face, starting from the hairline until it reached her little chubby cheek. She giggled when Valerie opened her eyes slightly and made a tiny baby noise, not liking that. "She's so going to have your attitude, San," she told the brunette and glanced at her. Santana was watching them with loving eyes as she held Danny.

She couldn't believe this is going to be her life now.

She's not complaining about it, though.

Now it's two years later and she still hasn't complained.

Santana loves being a mom. Every day she wakes up and is so excited for the day. Sometimes she'll wake up with the two of them in her and Brittany's bed because Brittany put them in there. They'll crawl all over her body and poke at her face with big smiles, calling "mama" over and over again. She'll smile and start to tickle them, hearing their shrieks of laughter and then Brittany will come in to join, before they're kissing all over their faces and getting ready for the day.

It's always a surprise with them and it's worth every second.

Santana and Brittany brought their kids back to Lima, alternating between their parents' houses because at their old high school, they were naming the auditorium after Finn.

It's bittersweet. He definitely deserves it and it's even greater that Sue has changed over the years and is the one announcing it.

Of course they had to do a number. It was so fun seeing everyone again.

After the performance they all met up at Santana's house, her parents working tonight. Well, all the original New Directions; Puck, Quinn, Rachel, Artie, Tina, Mike, Sugar, Mercedes, Sam, Kurt, and Blaine.
Blaine and Kurt had a son, Rachel being a surrogate.

Quinn and Puck had another daughter a little after Santana and Brittany had their twins, so they were close in age.

Still a little weird to Santana that Tina and Artie got back together... They were never cute. They're still hoping Mike and Tina will get back together.
Sam and Mercedes were doing well together, engaged now.

Mike and Sugar are single, but they're fine that way.

Valerie and Danny were running around the house, Jacqueline behind them.

Jacqueline, or Jackie, is Puck and Quinn's daughter. Guess Puck got the name he wanted the first time anyways.

Kurt and Blaine's son, James, is only almost one, so he's watching them with laughs, crawling around here and there.

They were all catching up.

Santana was talking with Puck and Blaine at the kitchen table. Everybody else was off in their own little groups.

Kurt, Sugar, Tina, and Rachel were talking with each other on the couch. Mike, Sam, and Artie were standing, besides Artie, at the counter.

And Mercedes, Quinn, and Brittany were off in a corner whispering to each other.

The three in the corner kept stealing glances at Santana and it was weirding her out, so she made her way to them. She snaked her arms around her wife's waist and kissed her cheek, pulling her into her.

"You guys are being creepy," she murmured. Brittany's hands made their way to Santana's arms, taking a hand in her own to lace their fingers together. "What're you guys talking about?" Quinn glanced at Brittany and smiled a little.

"Just planning on doing something special for Puck," she shrugged. The Latina smirked at the shorter blonde.

"Are Britt and I gonna have to watch Jackie?" Mercedes laughed at that, nudging Quinn. "Actually, you should let Mercedes watch her, give her a little push to have one with Sam." Santana winked at the diva whose smile dropped and she was glaring at the girl. Brittany let her elbow move backwards to poke Santana. "Ow," she mumbled. "I'm just telling the truth; they totally need to have one!"

"San," Brittany warned. "She can have a kid whenever she wants and if she ever wants some. Leave her be." Santana quieted and nodded, nuzzling her nose into Brittany's neck.

"Whipped bitch," Quinn mumbled. Santana's head shot up.

"I'll have you know-"


"I'm so after you when Britt's isn't here, Tubbers," she warned, Mercedes and Quinn practically cackling as Brittany just looked back to give a look at the Latina.

"Mama!" They heard a shriek. Danny was yelling for the Latina over by the couch, with Valerie.

"Duty calls. You're totally missing out, Cedes," she gave a quick kiss on Brittany's lips before heading off to her son. She scooped him up and he giggled happily, wrapping his little arms around her neck.

"Me, mama, me!" Valerie called, jumping up and down. Santana scooped her up as well, so she had one in each arm.

"Daddy!" Jackie called out to Puck, wanting to be held as well. He chuckled and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder and she laughed.

The three girls watched them as they swung their kids around playfully. Brittany's eyes were filled with love as she seen her three favorite smiles lighting up the room.

She couldn't think of a life without them.


"I'm pregnant." Santana's fork froze midair, and she looked up from her plate.

"What?" She asked dumbly.

"San, I'm pregnant."

"It worked?" She gaped. Brittany nodded with tears in her eyes.

"It finally worked."

When the twins got to four years old, Brittany brought up the idea of having another baby. Santana almost immediately agreed. She loved the idea of another baby around the house. The twist was that Brittany wanted to carry it this time. Santana was completely fine with it. She knows that Brittany has always wanted to carry a child. She wanted to be the one to do it at first if it wasn't for her career. Though, they were at a stable place now. Brittany has a stable, nice job where if she were to get pregnant, they wouldn't mind, as long as she came back.

They started the procedures, and it took a lot longer than it did Santana. For their luck, Santana got pregnant the first try. For Brittany, that wasn't the case. They tried four times. It was costing a lot of money and they were going to attempt one more time before they gave up and waited another few years. Though, it seems as though their prayers have been answered.

"No way," Santana gasped and shot up from her seat to go over to the blonde. She pulled her up and took her into a bone crushing hug. "Oh shit! I don't want to hurt it." Brittany giggled as Santana pulled away, but the blonde placed her hands on tanned cheeks and smoothed her thumb over the apple of it.

"We're having another baby." They smiled shit eating grins at each other, and Brittany kissed her hard. Her tongue making its way into her lover's mouth. She couldn't believe it. It took almost a whole year to get the blonde pregnant, she was going to do everything in her power to make sure that nothings goes wrong. Santana pulled away slowly, lingering on her lips for a second more.

"I can't wait," she whispered as she laid her forehead against Brittany's. They closed their eyes and Santana pulled her tighter into her.

"Me either," she sighed happily.

"I want to tell the twins." Brittany shook her head.

"Not yet, love. Let's wait another month or two, okay?"

"Okay, whatever you want," Santana murmured and pecked her lips once more. "Speaking of twins, where are those little hooligans? It's bedtime!" She yelled the last part out loud after she pulled away from Brittany. They heard a giggle and shriek throughout the house and Santana smiled at the blonde. "I'll get them to bed, why don't you pick a movie for us to watch?" Santana placed another kiss on her lips, laying her hand on Brittany's flat stomach, before going to get the twins.

Surprisingly, Danny is the one who is hard to get to bed. Valerie is no trouble at all when it has to do with going to bed, though, when it comes to other stuff, she becomes a handful.

Maybe Valerie just likes to sleep like Santana and Danny is more active like Brittany, but Danny can be a little mystery. He's a lot like Brittany in more ways than someone can count, but he's also a lot like Santana. He gets angry quickly and has the signature Lopez smirk.

Santana couldn't be any prouder of that.

After half an hour of chasing and persuading, Santana finally got Danny to bed and she plopped down in the bed with her wife who was laying down, scrolling through movies. Santana laid her head on the blonde's stomach, her hand coming to rest just below her face and she rubbed it slowly.

"I'm so happy."

"Yeah? Me too, honey." Santana smiled at the endearment and continued her rubbing and listening to the sounds of her wife's stomach. The blonde of course picked the movie, The Lion King, and they were about an hour and a half into it when there was a tiny knock on the door. Santana looked up at the dancer and smirked, she could hear the thunder outside. It was a rainy night and if there was one thing the twins hated, it was storms.

"Come in, babes," Santana called out. Their door creaked open, and they sat up a little bit to look at it. Danny and Valerie were standing there, a stuffed animal in both of their little hands.

"Mama, mommy, we sleep in here with you guys?"

"Of course, come here," Brittany ushered them. They scampered to the bed and Santana helped them up. Valerie cuddled up against Brittany and Danny cuddled against Santana. The twins were in between the two of them and Santana reached over the two so she could touch Brittany's leg.

"I love you guys," she stated, and her heart throbbed happily at how her life has become as she heard all three of them say that they love her back.

Santana never would have thought back in high school when she was sixteen, that she would be a successful lawyer, married to her girl best friend who is a successful dancer, have two kids, and one on the way. She sure as hell never thought that she would be curled up in bed with three human beings and be so completely happy about it and mesmerized that she wants to just stay there forever. She never thought that she would or even could be this happy. She never thought that she would ever be so happy and filled with so much love that it felt like she could burst at any second. She doesn't think that it could get any better than this.

She's home. They are her home.


Hey guys! I posted this on FanFic.net a long time ago and finally decided to post it on here.

I only made slight changes, like taking out a word or two, or fixing some things here and there, but I didn't go through and edit it fully. But I somehow ended up with 1k less words than I started out with and I know that I didn't delete that much. So if anything looks weird, like I'm missing a gap or something... Let me know cause I may have deleted a chunk by accident, but I do not feel like going through this whole thing again😂

Why I made a 31k one shot is beyond me. I should have split it into parts. Oh well.

I have an Epilogue in the making for this with their kids, but who knows if it will ever get posted.

I hope you guys enjoyed!!!

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