Chap 57 a plan

Yang: Salem can't be killed... you all heard her too, right?

Team RWBY and you all angrily glare at Ozpina, whose head is still down. She looks up, with tears streaming down her face. Quill just looks away.

Ozpina: I--

Yang: (enraged) There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay?!

Ozpina doesn't say anything, she just hangs her head back down in shame.

Ruby: Professor... (Ozpina looks up at her) What is your plan to defeat Salem?

Ozpina: I... don't have one...

Suddenly, Quill lunges at her ready to punch Ozpina in the face, but was held back by you

Quill: kid, what are you doing! Let go!

You: no.

Quill: recoils back clenching her wrist.

Quill: your just gonna defend her, after everything she did!?

You: she was trying to keep us away. I wanted to help her, but she just pushed us out.

Quill: No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good...

Ozpina: (tearfully) But, you are!

Quill: Meeting you... was the worst luck of my life...

Ozpina stares back in disbelief upon hearing Quill say that, before looking down dejected.

Ozpina: Maybe you're right...

You look to Ozpina the walk over to her.

You: I trusted you, Oz, you welcomed me in beacon with open arms, I thought I trusted you. But now, I don't even know who you are.

Ozpina widens her eyes tears going down. Ozpin's eyes glow as control is transferred back to Octavia. She feels her cheek seeing the tears.

Ruby: What happened?

Octavia: She's... gone.

Yang: That Bitch! Tell her we're not done yet!

Octavia: No, this is different. She's gone. It-- It's like she's locked herself deep inside my head. Our head? (grunts as she holds her head in pain) I hate this! I want it to stop!

Weiss: she just left us?

Blake: What are we gonna do now?

Yang growls in anger.

Maria: Enough! We need to get move on. It'll be dark before we know it, and every one of you is spewing negativity! 

Maria helps Ocatvia up 

Maria: There's a trail over there, trails usually lead somewhere.

Yang: Lady, I don't know who you think you are but--

Maria slams her weapon down making Quill look at it in shock

Maria: No buts! I understand that you're upset. Honestly, I'm still coming to terms with the fact that this is humanity's second time around. But, if we don't move, we die. And I'll be damned if I lived this long to just freeze here.

Ruby: She's right. Come on.

Everyone grabs their belongings and whatever Dust they can carry with them.

Maria walks next to you, in your hands was the lamp. Ruby walks over to Octavia and hands over the handle of her cane.

Octavia: (grabbing the cane) I'm just going to be another one of her lives, aren't I?

You put the lamp on your side and put a hand on Octavia's

You: Of course not. You're your own person.

Octavia slightly blushes at the comment and you walk next to her. Quill eyes Maria putting a few pieces in her head.

Quill: can't be can it.

She then looks at you and puts a hand on your shoulder Octavia continues on.

Quill: you did good I guess, and I'm sorry. 

You: I know and I'm sorry too.

Quill: your not bad I guess.

The two then walk of joining the group.


In the Land of Darkness, five Nevermores are perched on a rocky outcropping with large purple crystals. They fly away when an airship flies by them heading towards a large purple structure in the distance.

The airship lowers down to an outcropping that serves as a dock, and Hazel Rainart hops out alone.

Tyrian leaning against the entrance at the bottom of the stairs. His scorpion tail now has a spiked, metal tip covering it from where it was cut off.

Tyrian: (laughs) Welcome back, welcome back! I do hope you missed us as much as we missed you.

Hazel mearly walks forward ignoring the psycho, but did grab his face and through it down pulling the body as well. But immediately picks himself up. 

Tyrian: now where's our fall maiden and her followers

Hazel doesn't say but continued to walk

In the meeting room, Salem opens her eyes and glares at her subordinates. Tyrian and Arthur Watts are seen fearfully sitting at the table while Hazel is kneeling at the other end of the room.

Salem: I would like you to explain to me... how it is you failed so spectacularly?

Hazel: The Faunus Militia split our forces--

Salem: Stop.

Hazel remains silent with a fearful expression on his face.

Salem: Let me rephrase the question - who is responsible for your defeat?

Hazel stands up to give his answer. Salem listens intently.

Hazel: I take full responsibility.

Suddenly, Salem flips the table over, knocking Tyrian off his chair. Watts hastily stands up from his seat and backs away.

Salem: (angered) But that wouldn't be fair now, would it?! We all know who's truly to blame...

Salem walks forward and menacingly holds her hand out in front of her.

Hazel: I don't--

Salem motions her hand, and a glyph with her symbol appears underneath Hazel. Multiple Grimm arms come out from it and grab Hazel, forcing him down on all fours and suffocating him.

Salem: it was Cinder Fall, she has finally broken her facade and has escaped with the maiden from my grasp. But even strenger I can't seem to find her.

Arthur: I-I thought she had a Grimm on her

Salem: she did but I can't seem to feel it.

Tyrian: I think the dagger might have done something.

Arthur: yes the boy might have healed her impossible injuries.

Salem: this is what worries me, about this boy.

Salem releases Hazel from her grasp and walks back to the other side of the room. Hazel catches his breath.

Salem: This isn't a threat. This is simply the truth. The path to your desires is only found... through me. (turns her head to glare back at them)

Hazel stands back up, Tyrian lets out a small chuckles, and Watts straightens his coat. Salem glances outside, where several Nevermores are flying, before looking down and closing her eyes.

Salem: And so we must... press on. (turns around to face her subjects) The Sword under Vacuo's academy, Shade--

Hazel: Ma'am.

Everyone in the room looks at him, Tyrian glaring.

 Hazel: I have more to report

Salem's eyes narrow, and she spreads her hands, causing the Grimm arms to appear around Hazel's feet again. Hazel looks down at them nervously before explaining himself.

Hazel: Quill and the children are taking the Lamp to Atlas.

Tyrian: (laughs) Not if I can help it.

Hazel: And they're being led... by Ozpina.

At this, everyone slowly looks toward Salem with fearful expressions on their faces, Arthur notices the windows starting to crack.

Tyrian: So soon?!

Watts: She's the only woman with a chance of getting through to Ironwood. If that happens...

Watts stops and everyone else notice the windows cracking. They then look at Salem, and dark smoke emanates from her.

Salem: (furious) Leave...

Tyrian: Your Grace, I can...

Salem glares at Tyrian, causing him to reel back. Everyone backs away slowly 

Everyone quickly proceeds to exit the room as the windows start to crack even more. Tyrian takes one last look behind, as the doors close. Salem, left alone, seethes with anger before calming herself down. Everything is seemingly quiet, but then all of a sudden, Salem yells out in rage and the windows shatter violently.


Back in the snow, Team RWBY, Quill, Octavia and Maria proceed on the trail. The snow starts to pick up even more.

Quill: (sighs) Doesn't look like this is gonna let up.

Blake: Just wanna get this stupid Relic to Atlas.

Weiss: Let's hope we don't have to walk all the way there.

Yang: (to Maria, sarcastically) I thought trails led somewhere.

Maria: Do you have nothing better to do than to harass a trained Huntress?

Ruby: Everyone, quiet. Do you hear that?

Everyone stops in their tracks. A metallic squeaking can be heard. A large farm can be seen, one of the front gates swings back and forth with the wind. A large sign above the entrance reads "BRUNSWICK FARMS". Everyone arrives at the gate you look up at the sign a slightly confused look.

Your mind: hmm, that name sounds like Torchwick 

Blake: Well, at least one good thing happened today.

Weiss: It looks abandoned.

Ruby: It's still better than this.

Quill: Come on, I think we could all use some rest.

You: let's set up camp here

Everyone proceeds through the farm's gates, with Quill being the last to enter. The snow starts to pick up even more as the gate is heard closing with a metallic clang.


In the land of darkness Salem was breathing in and out venting out her anger. Then a knock goes through. She breaths in one last time before answering

Salem: yes

Hazel enters the room slightly afraid but kept a strong demeanor.

Hazel: Ma'am, if it's alright with me to speak.

Salem waves and hand for him to speak.

Hazel: apart from what I gathered, I was also given a message by the boy, he said he could help, with your condition.

She widens her eyes and looks at her pale Blake vain hand.

Salem: help, with what. This "condition" is a gods curse how can he take it away.

Hazel: I do not know, but he sounded he could do it.

Salem chuckles a little.

Salem: apart from being powerful and strong, he's also delusional.

Hazel mearly looks but clenched his hand. Before another word a knock is heard but lighter.

Salem: yes.

This time Watts came through with a scroll typing in a few things before speaking.

Watts: your grace. They're ready for you 

She smiles sinisterly. We then see her facing four separate tanks of Grimm liquid with a shimmer of Red, white, gray and yellow. Then four saprate hands strike out. Then a sinister growl goes through

"We live"
