
(Raymond's Pov)

Once dad saw me he turned down the music and turned the chair so he was facing me. "What's up?" He asked. "Nothing just have a question." I said. "Ask away." said dad. I nodded, "I was uh...just wondering if Its alright if I started a youtube channel." I said with a nervous grin. "Of course Its alright! And theres a suprise in your room that might help you." Dad said. "What do you mean "Suprise"?" I asked. "Why don't you go look in your room." Dad said, I nodded and went to my room. 

(Raymond's room)

Once I was fully in my room I saw dad's suprise.

I was so happy I raced back down to were dad was and tackled him into a hug. "Thank you so much." I said. "No problem buddy I will do anything to make you happy." he said and returned the hug. The hug only lasted a couple of seconds, I went back upstairs and heard Ash crying softly through her door. So I knocked on it. "Ash...you alright?" I asked. She opened the door and I saw her puffy red eyes. I frowned and gave her a tight hug. "Whats wrong?" I asked her. "I-ts Amy....she's...its better if you see." She said and handed me her phone. I looked through her twitter and it was Amy saying how Evan doesnt love her and how he will never will. She also tweeted other post about how shes ugly, fat, gross etc..

I pulled Ash into a hug she hugged back and cried in my arms. "Don't listen to her Ash, she just wants attention, she's also jelouse." I said. She sniffled, "But what if its true....what if he doesnt love me...what if he just felt bad for me and just adopted me...what if everything that Amy is tweeting about true Raymond?!" She shouted. "It's not trust me..." Evan said. "Your lying....you just felt bad for me...you dont love me....no one did....no one." Ash said. "Trust me Ashley I do I knew you would be the perfect daughter for me...trust me I love you with all my heart. Im going to try and be the best dad I can be, we will figure this out together, were both new to this. I've never been a dad, but im glad to be your dad." Evan said and Ash hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry for being a mess...." She said. "Don't worry I'm a mess too." Evan said with a chuckle, Ash smiled.

"Oh shoot! I still need to pack!" I yelled and ran to my room to pack.

(Ashleys Pov)

"Oh yeah..were going to pax I forgot..." I said. "It's alright, I'll let you pack I will call you when dinner is ready." Evan said and kissed my forehead and walked out. I smiled knowing that I have a parent that cares for me. I washed my face since it was all stained with tears, and after I was done I started to pack.


Its short Im sorry....um...by the way I am uh....working on another book...but I dont think im going to publish it. I'll think about publishing it but I dont think I will I'll let you guys know. Anyways byeee
