─ vingt neuf


harry's lack of judgement is concerning!

THE FIRST NIGHT went on like a dream. Gael, Pierre, Ginny and Harry all got along swimmingly. Lily knew that this holiday would, most likely, be one of the best ones she'd ever had. 

So, waking up the next morning, in France, to Pierre and Lily Luna excitedly cooking in the kitchen and Gael and James talking about god knows what while the birds chirped and the bees buzzed, Lily felt at peace. She felt happy. 

She, finally, allowed herself to be truly, completely happy. 

She was brought out of her thoughts by knocking on her bedroom door and Albus Potter inching his way around the door. He had a timid smile and more disheveled hair than usual ( if that was even a possibility ). Lily smiled softly back at him and sat up in bed, her sheets pooling on her legs and opened her arms wide.

He smiled and came in for the hug, snuggling into her stomach as she stroked his hair. They stayed like that, quietly, for quite some time. 

"I haven't seen everyone this happy in a while," Albus said muffled into her shirt.

"Well, I think everyone was pretty happy during Christmas holiday," Lily countered softly as she looked down at the Potter boy, who had turned over, lying down on her lap.

"May have seemed like that," Albus said as he exhaled. "But mum and dad were having problems. But you'd never really been around all of us, so you didn't really know what to look for. But if you knew, you would've felt it."

"Oh," Lily said softly. "I'm sorry."

"'t's alright," Albus said with a small laugh. "So far, this has been good for them."

"Really?" Lily asked, slightly mischievously.

"You know — you and James are so alike now," Albus said.

"I beg your pardon!" Lily scoffed.

"Your brain is turning because you're going to meddle!" Albus exclaimed as he sat up. "I just know it!" 

"Should I meddle?" Lily asked, pulling back a bit.

"Dunno," Albus shrugged. "Feel like you already have — dragging them all the way to France."

"All it took was a change of scenery?" Lily asked incredulously. 

"Well, if you think about it, they get to escape who they are back in England and pressures and everything. You know — " Albus explained.

"The chosen one and his wife," Lily finished for him.

"Yeah," Albus muttered. "The French don't really care, which I guess is good and also there's no one really around this house is there?"

"There's a reason for that," Lily said with a sad smile. 

"Figured as much," Albus muttered. 

"Well," Lily said as she took in a deep breath. "I'm glad I could help."

"I don't really think you did anything," Albus said with a playful smile.

"Feed my ego just this once?" Lily asked innocently.

Albus scrunched his nose and shook his head, causing Lily to launch herself and tackle him in a hug on the bed. James and Gael walked just in time to see the eruption of laughter from the two of them. 

"Ma cherie, you're finally awake!" Gael exclaimed.

Lily pushed herself off of Albus and looked at her father with an annoyed look. 

"What do you mean by finally?" Lily retorted. 

"You know what I mean, young lady," Gael retorted right back as he turned to leave the room. "Get dressed. You and James need to go to the market."

"D'accord," Lily muttered as she swung her legs to the side of the bed and stood up. 

She looked at James and Albus expectantly, but to find James looking at Albus expectantly.

"Go on Al," James said haughtily.

"That means you too," Lily countered to James with a raised eyebrow as she unbuttoned the sweater over her pajamas.

"Nothing I haven't seen before," James joked, causing Albus to choke and Lily to go bright red and chuck her sweater at him.

"Out. Both of you," she commanded, glaring at him slightly, but her cheeks still tinged. 

Lily got dressed in a short-sleeve, floral dress that had a lace overlay. The dress itself was creme colored and the little flowers on it, resembling those on fine china, were in grey and light blue. The neckline was quite wide and the sleeves puffed a little bit. She had a garden hat, tied with a navy blue bow and sandals. 

She jumped out of her room, grinning, to meet James in light wash jeans, a 'save the cornish pixies' shirt and a large, red sweater ( it was James, he always had to have red in his outfit ) paired with his classic white Vans. 

She jumped into his arms, in a bundle of joy, and he spun her around. Once he set her safely back on the floor, she grabbed his hand in one hand, holding the top of her hat with the other and bounded down the stairs.

"You have so much energy!" James exclaimed as she dragged him.

"I'm just so excited!" Lily exclaimed as they reached the bottom. 

She already knew what they would need, her parents were creatures of habit and she knew that James would have some sense of what his family liked ( if not, she could discreetly send a patronus ). She yelled a quick goodbye to the house, hearing affirmations echoing back at her and then she pulled James out the door.

"So, where to first?" James joked as he stared at the very long dirt road ahead of them.

"Normally, I bike there, but since I can apparate now, let's do that!" Lily said with a sunny smile.

"But what about the scenery," James protested. "Surely there must be things to see."

"I'm sure there are, but I'm going to get beef and it's not great to transport it via bike," Lily explained. 

James nodded as she held out her hand, which he took. She focused and then apparated them behind the butcher's as to not attract any attention. When they came out from behind, most people paid no mind to the couple and kept on the buzzing street. The town was extremely picturesque. 

Both Lily's hair and James' curls blew in the slight breeze that floated through the streets.

"This feels familiar," James teased as he looked down at her with a dimple-y smile and playful eyes.

"I do fully intend on keeping my promise of going back. I did then — I just didn't know how," Lily explained as a blush painted itself lightly on her cheeks.

"So, in here?" James asked as he pointed to the shop that they had apparated behind.

"James!" Lily said sarcastically. "It's as if you've read my mind."

"No way!" James joked. 

James took Lily's hand as she led them into the chilly butcher's shop. Both of them were not prepared for how cold it was. Quickly, in French, Lily purchased the beef as James looked aimlessly around ( not understanding a word said ). 

Lily took his hand again, signaling that it was time to go and he was happy to get out of the cold shop. They both sighed when they were out in the warm sunshine again and Lily merrily walked to the general grocers ( that had a majority of what they would need ). 

Because it was a small town, the nearest big supermarket was probably a couple miles away, so the Edwards family and the other inhabitants of the town relied on local places. The benefit being that they knew their food was fresh and it supported the local community, but it meant that it was more expensive ( which, fortunately, was not a problem for the Edwards family ) and it required trips to more stores. 

James twirled Lily around as they walked up and down the small streets of the town, popping into various other shops to collect fruit, veg, baking materials and other items that Pierre Edwards would die without in the kitchen. 

Upon entering the boulangerie ( bakery ), James was overwhelmed by shouting French and surprisingly at him and Lily. However, when he looked over at Lily to see if she was ok, he saw her eyes were filled with joy and she started speaking quickly back ( not that he would've understood a word said ). 

After the volume lowered and he saw all of the hand motioning being directed at him, he smiled nervously and waved.

"Hello! I am Camille!" the woman said as she approached James and took his hand. 

"James," he replied back with a small smile. 

"And he is ...?" Camille asked as she turned to Lily. 

"Mon copain," Lily said with a smile. "My boyfriend."

"You are very nice!" Camille said with a smile. "You make Lily very ... bah- heureux."

"Happy," Lily translated. "And yes, he does, bah oui, il fait." 

"Uh- merci?" James replied ( with horrible pronunciation ), not really sure how to respond. 

He did beam, however, when Lily smiled at him and took his hand, squeezing it three times, signaling that he'd said something right. Lily talked excitedly again with the moment and they both looked periodically at him, so he assumed she was talking about their relationship. But then she said 'salut!' ( which he recognized as goodbye from his interactions with his Aunt Fleur ), he waved goodbye and took Lily's hand as she led them out of the shop.

"Sorry about that. I've known Camille for forever," Lily explained.

"'t's alright," James replied. "So you guys come here every spring holiday?"

"And during the summer as well," Lily said dreamily. "We moved around a lot when I was a kid, so it became more of home than anywhere in England." 

 "Oh," James muttered. He wanted to change that. "So what happens when you move out?"

"Don't know," Lily muttered. "I don't really have any people that I know other than those I went to Hogwarts with. I guess I'll just have to figure it out. What about you?"

"I'll probably go to London to start and then wherever the team I'm playing for is. So, hopefully, Montrose up in Scotland," James joked.

"Isn't Professor McGonagall a big fan of the Magpies?" Lily asked.

"Well, yeah! She is Scottish," James teased. "But yeah she is. She's hoping I get on the team. Probably for free tickets."

"Nah, that's Slughorn's shtick," Lily joked.

"Fair," James conceded. "By the way — how old do you think he is?"

"Well, I do know that wizards can live to like 120. So maybe around 90ish?" Lily guessed. 

They both burst out laughing at the thought of the age of their professor. 

"Lily!" someone called out from behind them.

James looked over Lily's shoulder and Lily turned to see a boy their age approaching them. 

"Gabriel!" Lily exclaimed as she ran and tackled him in a hug.

"Comment ca va?" Lily asked rapidly. 

"Bah, bien et toi?" he asked with starry eyes. 

"I'm good! Gabriel! This is James Potter," Lily said as she motioned to the other boy standing on the sidewalk. "James, this is Gabriel Monceaux."

"Bah, one of your English friends? No?" Gabriel asked, turning to her with humorous eyes. 

James became a little pissed, especially at how close Gabriel was standing to her and how he kept looking over at her and that look in his eyes. But, James, ever-cool, had a pleasant smile on his face. 

"James, Gabriel is one of my oldest friends!" Lily exclaimed.

"I think I'm the oldest! Remember when we were ... euh ... little is it?" Gabriel continued.

"Yes!" Lily replied. "Your English has gotten a lot better!" 

"Eh I've had a reason to learn," Gabriel said suavely. "So how did you and James meet?" 

"At Hog-" James started to say in a haughty tone.

"You know that fancy boarding school I got into?" Lily asked.

"Oh the one up in Scotland?" Gabriel asked. "I've been meaning to visit you there." 

"Yes. We know each other from there," Lily explained. "And it's probably best if you don't ... visit. The security there is very- uh- strict."

"And you two are ... friends?" Gabriel asked, looking intently at Lily. 

"Oh no! He's my boyfriend. So, I guess yes, in a way," Lily rambled. 

Gabriel backed up and sent an apologetic glance at James, who nodded curtly. 

"I should go. My mother is expecting me," Gabriel said with a sad smile. "It was nice to meet you James. I'll see you later, Lily." 

"Oh, alright," Lily said, with a hint of sadness in her tone. "A tout a l'heure!"

"Au revoir mes amis!" Gabriel yelled behind him as he turned and walked away. 

"I'm glad you could — what's wrong?" Lily asked as she turned towards James, noticing his energy.

"Nothing," James said with a forced smile. 

"It's not nothing," Lily insisted. 

"He's in love with you," James revealed. 

"What? No he's not," Lily scoffed. "The heat is getting to you. Let's head back to the house." 

"I'm telling you he is," James insisted. 

"Well-" Lily started. "It doesn't matter. Because I'm not in love with him, I'm in love with you." 

James smiled, truly, for the first time since meeting Gabriel. 

"Damn right," James grumbled. 

Lily rolled her eyes, but grabbed his hand, brought it up to her lips and kissed the back of it. A little ways away, Gabriel observed the couple with an aura of melancholy. He had finally mustered the courage. He did, finally, turn on his heel and head to his parent's house. 

"Before Will happened, I was really thinking about setting him up with Henry," Lily revealed as they walked towards the back of the bakery ( it smelled much better than the butcher's ). 

"Oh," James muttered. "Well, this sounds horrible, but Will might not be around ... forever." 

"My favorite thing is when my boyfriend plots the death of one of my best friend's boyfriends," Lily said sarcastically. 

"What the fuck? No!" James said with a laugh. "It's just — they might break up." 

"Henry would rather jump off a cliff than break up with someone. He gets so invested in people," Lily retorted. 

"Merlin, sorry," James muttered. "What about Will?" 

Lily shrugged as she took his hand and apparated them back to the house. 

"Honestly, don't know him that well," Lily replied. "He might." 

"And there we go," James said as he opened the door for the both of them. 

"Lily? James? Is that you?" Pierre called from the kitchen.

"Oui, papa," Lily called into the house. 

"I have lemonade that petite Lily and I have made in the kitchen! Give me the shopping!" Pierre exclaimed with joy as he bounded out of the kitchen.

"I've never seen him so excited about lemonade," Lily whispered to James, slightly weirded out.

"Lily!" Lily Luna exclaimed as she ran up to the two of them. "Pierre and I made lemonade. He's so nice!"  

"I'm so glad!" Lily said with excited eyes. "Where is it?"

"In the kitchen!" Lily Luna exclaimed. "Oh! There's an owl!" 

They all turned to see an owl, Teddy Lupin's owl to be exact, approaching the house, clutching letters. He screeched and dropped the two of them into James's awaiting hand as James summoned treats. 

Lily transfigured the coat rack into an owl perch, so he could rest after his long journey. One was addressed to Harry and Ginny and the other to James, himself. 

"I've got to — " James said, looking at the letter.

"Don't worry about me," Lily said. "Go read your letter. Besides, there's lemonade in the kitchen!" 

James smiled fondly as he watched both Lily's walk into the kitchen and then rushed out to the back, where he found his parents and Gael to give them their letter. He then went up to his room, kicked off his shoes and broke the seal. 

He had to read it multiple times, just to make sure he was reading it right. When he was sure that he wasn't making things up, he bounded downstairs with a huge grin. He made his way into the kitchen where Lily, Lily Luna and Pierre were sitting and laughing at the table in the kitchen. 

"Is everything ok?" Lily asked, as she had noticed him first.

"Everything's ok. More than ok. Everything's fantastic," James said joyously. 

"Oh?" Lily asked curiously. 

"What did Ted say?" Lily Luna asked.

"He is your other brother, correct? But his parents died in the war?" Pierre asked.

"The very same!" Lily Luna exclaimed. "Well out with it!"

James sat down next to Lily as she slid a glass of lemonade in his direction.

"Vic's pregnant," James said with a huge smile.

"Vic's pregnant?" Lily Luna yelled.

"Victoire's pregnant?" Albus called from the other room, as he came rushing in.

"Who said Victoire's what?" Ginny yelled from outside.

"Pregnant!" Albus yelled back.

"Victoire's a lieutenant?" Ginny yelled back, confused.

"Pregnant!" all three Potter kids yelled back at the same time. 

Running footsteps were heard and Harry Potter, in all his glory, appeared at the door.

"Pregnant?" he asked excitedly. 

Lily Luna nodded excitedly. Harry took in a deep breath and smiled victoriously. 

"Why are you smiling like that? It had nothing to do with you," Albus commented. 

Harry shot his son a dirty look and motioned for James to continue. 

"They said they want to ask the healer to do a cake of some kind and then a sex reveal party," James said as he read directly from the letter.

"Like the ones that the muggles do?" Lily Luna asked. "I heard one in America started a huge fire." 

"Yeah, apparently Vic went to one for one of her muggle friends and wants to do one as well," James affirmed.

"Millennials," Albus grumbled. 

"And they've asked me to be the godfather," James said giddily. 

"But- you're 18?" Harry questioned. 

"Um- dad-" James protested. "Teddy was 11 when you made him Lunes' godfather."

"He-" Harry defended. "He was a very responsible 11 year old. Right on track to be Head Boy."

"And I am what? A fake Head Boy?" James questioned. 

"Don't pretend like it wasn't a surprise when we found out you were going to be Head Boy," Harry said with a raised eyebrow. 

"Ok- fair, but Teddy was still 11 when you made him a god father, so I think that at 18 I will be ok. Besides, my girlfriend is the most responsible person in the world," James said with a haughty smile.

"Your father's right, James," Ginny said as she stood next to Harry. "We really didn't expect it to be you. Like one of Hagrid's hippogriffs, sure, but you...?" 

"Love the confidence, mum," James deadpanned as Lily, Lily Luna and Albus struggled to hold it together. 

"I'm not really sorry, sweetheart, you aren't the most responsible," Ginny said with a shrug and a small laugh. "If anything, Albus is the most responsible out of the three of you." 

"Does this mean I can go to the Alps this summer alone with Scorpius?" Albus asked hopefully.

"No, if Astoria — not Draco — will chaperone you, then yes," Ginny replied. 

"Fine," Albus grumbled. 

"I remember my first time with — " James started to say with teasing eyes. 

Lily, knowing where that comment was headed, kicked his shin rather hard, causing him to yelp and stop.

"What was that for?" James asked, as he rubbed his leg under the table. 

Lily just gave him an annoyed look. Everyone else realized that his comment might not have been PG and an awkwardness settled over the table at the thought of the two teenagers doing more than holding hands and the occasional chaste kiss. 

Gael, who had come in with Ginny, cleared his throat, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

"Uh- Ginny, you expressed an interest in painting?" he asked.

"Yes, I do love to when I find the time," she said with a dreamy smile.

"Well, we have excellent views to paint and lots of supplies, if you'd like me to show you? Perhaps you as well Harry?" Gael suggested.

"Would love to, but can't paint to save my life," Harry joked. "Not really good with the ... fineness of it all."

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to try," Gael said, waving it off as he led them to a large closet that held shelves of paints and canvases. Albus hummed and turned, not particularly wanting to be in the kitchen anymore and found the piano that was situated in the front hall and started to play. 

At the melody of Schubert wafting through the house, they all relaxed again, reminded that they were there to be free, not to talk about their children's sex lives. James watched, in awe, as Gael Edwards got the man who swore he couldn't paint ( and never would ) at an easel in a field of lavender. 

"Hey- how about we go outside?" James asked, turning to Lily. 

"Oh- sounds good," she replied with a smile.  

He took her hand and led her outside as the sun was high in the sky, reflecting off of everything. The brilliant sunlight kissed the purple lavender, making them become vibrant. They walked dreamily through the fields of lavender, hand in hand, until they settled on a spot. 

James lied down in the lavender, feeling the smell overwhelm him. He looked up and saw that he couldn't see his parents from how tall the lavender was. He looked to his side to see Lily on her back as well with her eyes closed with a pleasant smile on her face. He kept staring at her and a smile found its place, naturally, on his face. 

The breeze made both of their hair dance, Lily laughed a little with a breeze, the sensation of her hair flying being weird. James intertwined his fingers with hers, causing her to look over at him with soft eyes. James still felt like he was dreaming. 

"I don't want to wake up," he murmured. 

"What?" Lily asked with a small laugh at how strange his comment was.

"This feels like a dream," he said with a sad smile. "There's no way that this is happening." 

"Well you better believe it," Lily whispered. 

She turned on her side and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. At the action, James's hand found her face and they both smiled into the kiss. This, however, caused it to break and Lily collapsed in a fit of laughter onto James's chest. 

He smiled as the odd sensation of her laughing on his chest hit, causing him to giggle a little bit too. He looked at her adoringly and ran his hands through her hair, causing her to sigh in content. She wrapped her arms around his torso and buried her head in it as he wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed the top of her head as he felt her breathing slow. 

Of course she fell asleep. If there was one thing that he learned about Lily Edwards, it's that she could fall asleep anytime, any place. And if he was being honest, nothing made his heart burst more than a girl sleeping on his lap. Especially this girl. 

He felt the breeze as well as he rubbed his hands up and down her back, needing to do something, but not wanting to move as it would wake her up. He felt his eyes get heavier as well, the excitement of the day having tired him out. 

Pierre, Gael, Harry and Ginny were wondering where their kids were, it was almost dinner time. They had called in practically every direction and checked their rooms and the town. Harry, in the nick of time, remembered that he had seen them in the lavender fields when he was painting ( something, he might consider to be his new talent, who would've thought? ).

So, all of the adults trudged out in the fields, to see the dip where they must be. When they reached the pair, they found them fast asleep. 

"Why does she always do this?" Gael asked. "Everywhere, she is just asleep."

"Let her be ma cherie," Pierre coaxed. "She is growing." 

"Should we wake them up?" Ginny asked, turning to the men with her arms crossed over her chest. 

"Lily will kill me if she misses beef bourguignon, so yes," Pierre said. 

Ginny reached down and gently shook both of them awake, but it still startled the pair. James sat up quickly, alert, causing Lily to tumble off of him, groaning. 

"James what the fuck," she grumbled into the ground as she sat up and immediately went red. "I mean ... James what the heck." 

James burst out laughing at how proper she still was with his parents ( even though they cursed on a daily basis ). But, this made Lily send him a dirty look, so he tried to muffle it. 

"Beef bourguignon," Gael said in a melodic voice.

"Merlin, really?" Lily asked excitedly. 

"Merlin?" Pierre asked.

"Wizard's slang," Ginny clarified. 

James helped Lily up and the group set off back towards the house. Harry, however, lagged behind. In the golden light of the setting sun, he could've sworn he saw Lily's hair flash red. 
