13 - 'Stupid, Sexy Laugh!'

                                                     Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

                                                                  Chapter Thirteen

                                                                        Sky's POV

I was sitting on the porch steps. My head resting on my hands as I tried to put some logic back into my confused and jumbled up thoughts. I knew that we needed to talk. I had been putting off confronting him about being his mate for what seemed like ages. I knew we needed to talk it out eventually - because as much as I would love to forget altogether about the fact that this beautiful man (who had just beat the crap out of my best friend) was my mate. I just couldn't do it, over the last week he had appeared in every one of my dreams. Yes, dreams. Not nightmares. I was in love with him. I felt protected and safe when I was around him - and then I would wake up and have to remind myself that he wasn't the perfect man who held me close every night. He was still very much the insensitive a**hole, who slept with Vicky after he found out I was his mate. He slept with Wesley's virgin, long-term girlfriend and above all, he had basically ignored me and the fact that I was his mate. I mean anyone would think he was ashamed to have me as a mate... bastard he probably was, that's why he hadn't told anyone and hadn't paid me any attention in school...

Urg, Sky! This is messed up.

Klaus didn't emerge from the house for another couple of minutes, but through the thoughts of the guys, I could tell that he wasn't causing any more trouble to Wesley. In fact, through the minds of Chase and Quinn I could tell that he had gone upstairs, I growled slightly. Was he going to leave me out here? Can he not bare me to even be in his house?

I was about to storm back into that house and let all hell break loose, and shout my annoyed and angry thoughts from the bottom of the stairs, not caring if the boys heard.

As I debated in my head exactly what I was going to bellow up to him, - but mainly just coming up with a jumbled mix of profanities based on just how much of an arrogant, a**hole, jerk (with a few F-words in-between) he was. The door finally opened behind me, and that weird high feeling swept over me again, telling me it was Klaus though I refused to look at him as he sat down beside me. He was smart enough not to touch me, - I wonder if he could see the amount of anger and hatred I was feeling right now... radiating around my body in a cloud of red smoke.

"Sky" he began, but I didn't even look to acknowledge his presence although my body was on hyper alert to the fact that he in all his hotness and glory was only a hands reach away. I showed no signs that his presence had any effect on me whatsoever as he carried on. "Sky, I'm sorry" he whispered, really?! He beats Wesley half-to-death, He ignores me, sleeps with someone else and carries on with his life without giving me a second glance? He expects me to fall at his feet because he says he's sorry!? I don't think so! Other girls may throw themselves at him and put up with all of his bull, but I was definitely not one of them.

"What do you want Klaus?" I snarled, harshly.

"We need to talk." Oh! Did you hear that Sky? He is actually going to schedule you into his busy life! Halleluiah!

"No sh*t!" I growled, getting up. I knew we were going to have to talk. I took faith in the fact that this day would come. He couldn't ignore me forever!

I walked towards the confines of the trees, not knowing, or caring, particularly where we were going to end up. I just needed to be away from the house, far enough away, so that the pack could not hear our 'talk.' Then even further away so that they wouldn't be able to listen to my thoughts. Something told me this was going to turn into one hell of a heated conversation and I couldn't promise myself that I would be able to keep my guard up.

I kept up the pace, knowing that Klaus was following silently behind. I wonder if he was as unsure of what to say just as much as I was? We had been walking for about half an hour until he finally spoke.

"Angel, I... I'm sorry you had to see that." he stuttered. I felt his hand enclose around my arm, pulling me to a stop.

"Let go of me," I whispered as an indescribable feeling ran through my body like a million lightning bolts Igniting within the very core of my body, it was undoubtedly the most amazing feeling I had ever had. It was also doubled as the worst, I didn't want to feel amazing whenever he touched me. I looked up to see his eyes burning into mine, as though he was trying to communicate something to me.

"Sky" he whispered his voice flowing with so much emotion, that I felt my chest tighten slightly. Damn, he can even make my name sound sexy with his American accent. He let go of my arm, but stepped closer to me, causing me to step away in an attempt to put some distance between us, but he wasn't having any of it. He continued to step towards me until my back hit something hard, which I later realized was a tree. I was trapped, and he continued to come closer until he pressed himself against me. His whole front rubbed against mine, causing a million more electric shots to race around my body. But the thing was, I wasn't trapped; I was pretty sure I could step to the side. My body just couldn't do it. I was too happy to just feel him touch me. It was something I had dreamed of. "I will never hurt you" he murmured. His breath tickled my neck, sending a whole new set of chills through my body.

"Bah... All...Sh*t" I whispered seductively. Surprising myself that my voice sounded controlled because inside I was totally freaking out. He thinks he can just come out with a load of empty words? Erm... I don't think so! He laughed, causing my heartbeat to increase slightly. Stupid, sexy laugh!

"What do you want to talk to me about?" I asked trying to think about anything other than the fact he had me backed against a tree which his rock hard abs pressing roughly against me.

"You're going to break up with Wesley." He murmured with no hint of amusement in his voice, as he brought his lips to my neck. I could feel my body melt slightly as his breath caressed my neck and trailed down my shoulder blade... Wait! Did he really just say...

"Break up with- Wesley?" I choked, horrified.

"I don't want him near you." He murmured, his lips pressing against my neck as he kissed it gently. Aww f**k! Klaus, what are you doing to me?! My brain was screaming at me as my stomach flipped. Urg! Stupid, teenage hormones getting in the way of being angry with him!

"Sorry, mate, that's not going to happen. You're just gonna have to deal with it!" I said, as my mind temporarily regained composure- before completely disappearing again as his lips latched onto a sensitive part of my neck, his gentle sucking sending shock waves of pleasure through my entire body. I couldn't move even if I wanted to. His arms snaked around my waist pulling me closer to him until I was pressed so hard against him that I could feel his racing heartbeat; Meaning he could feel mine, damn! Now he's going to see that as encouragement. Yet there was no way I could even contemplate telling him to stop, as his lips lightly trailed up my neck planting endless amounts of kisses.

"Sky." He mumbled against my neck before he tilted his head back up so he could rest his forehead to mine. He was breathing heavily, his breath caressing my face as I looked into his adoring eyes.

"We need to talk." I sighed, my voice wavering slightly as I tried to control my breathing. Stupid, stupid hormones! "You can't just do this, you can't just touch me and make me feel... I mean. I'm not one of your f**k buddies!" I seethed through clenched teeth, trying to forget about the feelings he was giving me from the fact his arms were still tightly wound around my back, and his forehead and front were still securely pressed against me.

"Angel, you're mine." He mumbled tilting his head slightly, but I turned my head quickly, so he kissed my cheek instead.

"No Klaus, I'm not yours. You don't own me. You don't even know me..."

"I know you're my mate." He mumbled, his lips trailing down my neck again.

"And I know you're an a**hole, but that doesn't change anything." I retorted frowning, but my stupid teenage body was rejoicing itself in his kisses.

"The fact your heart is hammering against your chest says that; because I'm your mate it changes a lot." he murmured, as his teeth grazed against my earlobe. Urg! He was right, and he knew it. The fact that he was my mate changes things more than I could imagine. I mean, if he weren't my mate, I would have pushed him away and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine for touching me, but the simple fact was, he was my mate, and that changes EVERYTHING!

"Klaus, stop!" I knew I had to stop him before my self-control disappeared along with my dignity. I knew that if he were to continue any longer, I wouldn't be able to resist wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling his wandering lips to mine and, in turn, forgetting my whole argument. He frowned slightly but did as I asked and pulled away from me.

As soon as his body was no longer touching mine and the small jolts of electricity had subsided, I was able to regain my composure along with my argument.

"I'm not going to break up with Wesley," I said, slightly confused. He said he wanted me to break up with Wes? We're not going out! Does he really want me to break up my friendship?!

"To hell you are! You're my mate! You can't f**k him when you're in love with me!"

"Wait! What?!" I stared at him in shock. He did not honestly just say that!

"I... I'm not having sex with him!" I gasped shocked, he thought I was f**king my best friend?! And did he really just say the 'L' word? I wasn't in love with him. I mean...NO Sky! You. Don't. Like. Him!

"Then why are you dating him then?" He growled, anger blazing through his eyes causing me to cringe slightly. I hated that look.

"I'm not dating him, Klaus, I never have and never will," I muttered, dropping my gaze. I can't believe he thought I was!

"You're not?" his voice held so much curiosity and... happiness that I couldn't stop myself from looking up at his grinning face, he looked like he'd just won the friggin lottery or something.

"No" I whispered unable to smile myself, the subject of sex brought back the other reason why I was angry with him. "You've been ignoring me all week." I reminded him frowning.

"I... I was angry" he sighed, and I could see in the corner of my eye him move to sit beside me, his back against the same tree. Geez, this is one hell of a big tree!


"Because I thought..." he trailed off before I cut him off.

"You thought! Well, at least you don't know!" I growled at him turning my head away from him.

"Angel, what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the fact you actually did f**k that Vicky slut!"

"Wait, no I didn't..."

"Klaus, have you or have you not f**ked Vicky?" I growled annoyed.

"Well yeah..." At least he came straight out with it! Even if it did make my tummy hurt, and my heart ache...

"I see," I whispered willing away the tears which were threatening to escape my tired eyes.

"Sky, If I could change my past, I would," he mumbled and then made the mistake of touching my arm, and then having the rejection of me hitting it away.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I cried, unable to stop the tears from falling down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry," he muttered.

"I don't want to hear it, Klaus. Don't you get it?! I know your past. I know you've probably slept with more girls than you can care to remember, but that was before... before you knew I was your mate! I mean geez, Klaus. Couldn't you keep it in your pants for one friggin' night?!" I shouted at him.

"Whoa, wait for a second Angel. I haven't f**ked anyone since I found you." He murmured, and I couldn't deny the sincerity in his eyes when he said this. He was actually telling the truth.

"B...but" I stuttered unable to find my voice "Vicky...you... I mean that night, I thought you went to hers?" I asked confused, I was confident that he had slept with her.

"I did," he shrugged, "but I didn't f**k her," he admitted.

"So, why go then?!" I asked exasperatedly.

"I... I went over there too..." he trailed off.

"So you did have sex with her!"

"NO!" he frowned, "I mean I was going to but..."

"WHAT!" I screamed, jumping to my feet. I cannot believe him! He was the a**hole I thought he was after all!

"SKY, WAIT!" he called but I was already running away from him, I never wanted to see him again. Deep down I realized I actually had some unearned faith in him, that he wouldn't be as much as a jerk as everyone said he was, but I was wrong. He wasn't as bad as they warned. He was worse!

"I didn't actually do her!" he shouted, and I could hear him running after me. "I couldn't get hard for her, so I couldn't physically do her!"

"Oh, GREAT..." I said with heavy sarcasm as I stopped running and spun round to look at him "Now that's all cleaned up! NO, Klaus, the fact is you went to her, you would have f**ked her if you could, and that makes it just as bad!" I screamed.

"Angel, I'm sorry, I thought..."

"No, Klaus! I don't want to hear it..." My voice trails off into a whisper for the last bit as I was suddenly feeling exhausted. "I don't want to see you again."

"SKY!" he bellowed after me, but nothing he could say would make me change my mind. Well, not today anyway. Right now I just needed some normality. I needed to go back to my friends, go to sleep and then think the whole Klaus situation over again in the morning with a clearer head.

There was one thing I was sure of. That was the fact that my last sentence to Klaus was a lie, I would want to see him again. Give it a few more days, and I'll be dying to see his sexy ass. Feel his comforting arms around me again and feel that amazing feeling runs through me when he touches me. As much as I hated it, I needed him. I couldn't just ignore him and never speak to him again. He was mine, and I am his, and there's nothing either of us can do to change it.
