Martin's POV

"It has to be perfect Chris, I need you and Tessa to keep the kids. Bella and Anna, you guys are coming with me to arrange the penthouse. "I informed whispering.
" Why do we get to hold the kids? "Tessa asked
" Cause am punishing Chris here. "I replied giving Chris a cold glare. I got an earful from Antonia over the so called proposal.
"Not my fault you were taking too long...." He whispered under his breathe.
" Did you say something?" I asked daring him to repeat himself.
" Nothing." He faced Tessa " It's alright babe, we'll take the kids.
"Just make sure you don't fuck things up." Bella warned.
" I won't,I promise."Standing up,I grabbed my keys and faced them again. "Shall we?"
"We shall." Anna squealed happily.
"Nanny Sharon,bring the kids out,along with their overnight bag. Chris and Tessa are ready to leave."
The nanny walked into the room and brought the kids out in their conjoined cribs.
" I'll miss them tonight." She said giving the babies to Chris and the bag to Tessa.
"Am sure they'll miss you too. We'll all gather back here at 9am. Is that understood?" I asked.
They all nodded.
" Let's do this!!!".
I walked ahead as they followed behind.

Antonia's POV

"Honestly Lucas,you heard the guy. He said he could have done the delivery himself. Why make me go through all this all for a set of pictures." I said opening the envelope to reveal the photoshoot pictures we did for the kids during the weekend.

Those are really cute." Lucas commented sitting in the driver's side.

"Still can't believe they're mine." I said sniffing back tears.
"What I can't believe is how fast time flies. I cannot believe it's been a month." He corrected starting up the car.
" Yeah,still feels like yesterday." I smiled placing a kiss an their forehead.
We were both silent in the car untill he suddenly pulled up to a boutique.
"Why are you stopping,what's wrong?" I asked putting the pictures back into the envelope.
" I have a package to receive." He  simply said and got down from the car.
I was still debating whether to join him or not when he came back with a large box and flunked it on my lap.
"That's for you."
"Excuse me?" I asked....he didn't reply.
"You have a date." He said after a while smiling at me.
" Martin???" I asked, offcourse,he was the only guy that came to my mind.
"No dummy,it's me. Offcourse it's Martin." He drove us to an hotel.
" Am confused now,like really confused." I stated telling him my mind.
"It's nothing to be worried about. Just go in there,tell the receptionist you're from Martin Pierce." He opened the door of my side. " Antonia,trust me."
I stepped out,carrying the box,the envelope and my phone. I called Martin,he wasn't picking the phone. I decided to do as instructed.
The receptionist directed me to room 407. A man collected the box from me and walked ahead. I followed behind him.
"Welcome to hummys parlour, we'll give you a make over to remember." A man greeted as we walked in. I saw two ladies behind him. They waved,and I waved back.
"This way my lady." He ushered . I followed stepping into the huge room.

Tessa's POV

"Quit whyning okay,am the one that should be doing that. "I said for like the thousandth time under twenty minutes.
"Why won't they fall asleep?" Chris asked sounding frustrated,it was very funny to watch.
The kids laughed too.
" You can't just lie them down on a bed and expect them to fall asleep. It takes time." I explained.
He brought out a book from the bag the nanny packed. It was titled  'O' lil one'
"Your smile lights up the universe,your eyes brighten like the stars up ahead. You've got adults wrapped around your tiny little pink finger. O' lil one, what a special creature you are..... specially sent from ..............oh fuck it,why are they still awake." He exclaimed dropping the book .
I laughed out loud. " Language Chris,and like I said before,it takes time."
"Oh,you think this is funny,we should have been asleep hours ago. We're never doing this again. It's not a request,it's an order." He said walking out of the room.
I picked up the book and read it to them quietly like I used to see Antonia do it. I gently rocked the crib with my free hand. They fell asleep about fifteen minutes later. I placed a kiss on each of their forehead and left the room to go meet Mr grumpy.
He was deeply asleep when I got into the room. I showered,and put on my night wear before joining him on the bed.
He wrapped his arms around me as soon as he felt my presence.
"We're not having a baby any time soon." He whispered into my ear before falling back to sleep.
I smiled to myself, snuggling closer to him. He didn't want a baby,and he doesn't like using protection. If a baby wants to make an appearance,he or she was highly welcome.

Antonia's POV

"Are you ready to see what hummy as turned you to?" He asked wiggling his brows.
" I don't have a choice,or do I?" I asked smiling at him as he put some finishing touches to my makeup. The other girls were doing my nails.
My feet was painted black and my fingers too. The end result was so satisfying.
"Careful with the heels Mandy." He instructed as one of the girls wore a pair of silver heels for me.

"Can you stand up and give me a quick spin." I did as instructed twirling around in my beautiful black gown.

"Someone is sure getting a hard on tonight..... Come on over to the mirror girl. " He said whistling.
I was speechless, this girl in the mirror was definitely not me. "This is soooo wow!!!!.... You really transformed me. I can't believe this is me! "
" It definitely is you darling, just a little magic from hummy." He said giving me a hug. " Now off you go,let's not keep Martin Pierce waiting."
I walked out of the room, walking out of the hotel to see a black Bentley parked outside the hotel. I immediately knew it was from Martin.
"Brand new ride from Mr Pierce ma'am." A man said giving me a set of keys and then disappearing into thin air.
My phone was Martin.
"My penthouse down at Lowry avenue,I'll be waiting." He said and hanged up. I wasted no time in driving to his destination.
I couldn't believe it was really happening. He was really going to propose!!!!!!!!!.
I called nanny Sharon while driving and she said Martin had given her the day off. The kids were with Tessa and Chris.
I got to the penthouse in 40 minutes.
I walked into a candlelit hallway. It was like a dream. I didn't know when I started crying.
"I thought this was going to make you laugh not cry....."Martin said appearing before me in a black suit holding a bouquet of flowers.
I chuckled "It's happy tears."
He walked towards me and handed me the flowers . " I got you a little something." He brought out a small box from his suit pocket.
"And now,you're really gonna propose while standing?" I mocked .
" You know what they say about the patient dog......" He opened the box revealing a silver bracelet it was so cute. He wore it on my right wrist.

"Dinner is served." He ushered me to the table in the garden.
I was about to seat when I noticed he wasn't following me . I turned back and saw that he was now on one knee holding up a ring.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed. This is it,no going back now.
"I wanted us to eat first,but then I noticed that I am nervous as I thought,why not get it over with first. Antonia,I wanna marry you because you’re the first person I wanna look at when I wake up in the morning and the only one I wanna kiss goodnight. Because the first time that I saw these hands, I couldn’t imagine not being able to hold them. But mainly when you love someone as much as I love you, getting married is the only thing left to do, let's make more kids, two more, two boys. "
I chuckled" two girls. "
" Whichever. I wanna give you and our kids my last name. I want to see you every day and tell everyone you're mine. So, will you do me the honor, of saying yes to becoming my wife? "
I moved closer to him and kissed him." Yes, I do. "
He slipped the ring in." I love you. "
" I love you more. "I replied examining my ring. It was too beautiful.
" What do you say, dinner now, or we start making those babies we mentioned earlier? "He asked carrying me  bridal style up the stairs.
" The doctor said six weeks." I reminded him.
"Well, I called our own doctor, and he told me it was safe, I can't wait to ravish you. "He said referring to my very special bald headed doctor.
"Just so you know,he's still very scared of you." He added.
I laughed." Well,I guess am the one who owe him an apology now. Cause if that hadn't happened,I wouldn't be here right now,and I can't trade this for anything in the world ." I yelled placing a heavy kiss on his cheeks.

Still can't believe I wrote this myself🤭
Am not the mushy mushy type 😭😭😥
I spent over four hours on this
Y'all are most welcome 🤞
About three more chapters to the end.
Let's do this💪👏🤝
